Non preppers BTFO

Non preppers BTFO

Hows it going non preppers. I'm eating chicken, rice and beans for dinner tonight, for desert I'm having chocolate brownie cake, Tomorrow I'm gonna have a shit and wipe my ass with one of my 140 rolls of toilet paper. What you eating for dinner and what are you gonna use to wipe your ass?

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BTW, Enjoy fighting against another 1000 shoppers most of them who probably have covid 19 by now for the last tin of gone off Anchovies

>what you eating for dinner
Roast rat and sawdust
>what are you gonna use to wipe your ass?
Get the dog to lick it

Based. Fuck poors

I prepped today user, boxes of pasta rice. Jars of sauce and can food like you wouldn’t believe. Sitting on about 9 cases of water, I’m proud my family listened, my local Walmart had nothing and people were confused and upset, clearly they weren’t paying attention.

For the first time moving to the ghetto paid off. Blacks think their immune so my store shelves are still full. I've already prepped and I still buy fresh food daily. They're running a must-buy-4 sale on water cases here lol

You are right user, I prepped too, sadly not as gourmett as you. That doesn't change the fact that you are a faggot as your ID says. Stay safe

I'm gonna sluice my ass out with the garden hose (like your frog neighbors to the North do) and use only 2 squares for the final clean-up.
I'm gonna take 30 of my 190+ rolls and sell them for 10$ a roll-----or trade for bottles of liquor, boxes of candles, etc.
Then I will give my energy for all those mentally-ill demented shit-holes like L.A. San FranPsycho, Portland, Seattle and N.Y. ----to have their Democrat-voting populace drop dead.
I wanna see those fraudulent traitors (who survive) work VERY hard in November trying to bring back their 'comrades' back from the dead to vote Democrat

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Gonna go eat taco bell and play vidya. I live in a major city and store shelves are full, no ones panicking. Got a nice snow falling and a few days off ahead. Already bought a few weeks of supplies a month ago.
It's a nithingburger, sorry user

Based Spanish Marico poster.

check out some reddit salt for it

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My coworkers were talking about buying some sanitizer and toilet paper on the way home from work today LOL that shit's been gone for months. I have to admit I do feel smug sitting on top of my hoard knowing I have all the shit others want but can't get, brb gonna go squirt some sanitizer on myself just because i can

>. I live in a major city and store shelves are full, no ones panicking.
You are only one and a week behind spain. Check out what's happening here. Time is on your side. Act fast, Theres nothing left here

You know the stores all restocked by the next day. It's good to be an amerilard

Wont prep. Will just take from virgins.

>what are you gonna use to wipe your ass?
If you dig your finger into your anus and just sort of squish the poop out of you with a hook-like motion and then wash your hands with basic soap it's just the same as using toilet paper. It's time to act like adults, people.

140 rolls of toilet paper for fuck sake how much you shit

I have 12 rolls and it would last for 2 months for me, you need special technique* to use as less as possible.

>*things you learn when you live in communism

I got 5 kg rice, 2 kg of pasta, multiple cans with vegetables, meat

I guess I would last more than 2 months with it on 1600 kcal.

My group is going to roam the streets and kill Raiders. we don't need much in the way of preps as we will feast off of their meat, drink their blood, tan their hides for clothing, the organs for soup, stuff our pillows with their hair, soap from their fat, their teeth on a necklace, and grind their bones for calcium. The Virgin Raider is a perfect all in one supply for Nomad Chad.

just started today and got there before the normies regardless.
i got 2 weeks worth of stuff
havent prepped yet since i have pretty big storage house next door, and no niggers or police nearby.
and yes i know whats in there

same, besides the water.
we have a river running through here

Literally have three rolls of TP

None at Walmart and I'm getting worried. I'm in the middle of Appalachia it's stupid.

my local store still has stacked shelves
what kind of shit places do you live

>we have a future open sewer running through here

America isn’t a shithole like Spain.

>Walmart there was no TP
>Go to Polish supermarket
>Tons of TP nobody feels like buying
The lesson here is don't prep at huge stores.

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Imagine continuing to post after Yas Forums assigns you with the ID FAG.

Just go to taco Bell and grab the whole stack of napkins

You could shit in that for weeks

>spring is like 10km away
>there is nothing inbetween me and the spring, its city outskirts and more or less the first house the River comes across

im gonna piss in there to fuck normies in downtown lmao
thx for the idea

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At what point do you consoom the stuff you bought? I was thinking once quarantine actually hits

Q fag

when you run out of other stuff dumbfuck

What ghetto? I live in Detroit and all the stores around here were full of shoulder to shoulder shoppers when I went at 9:00am. There was one fat black woman saying "If anyone here got that corona virus I gonna whoop ya ass!" There were a lot of empty shelves.

Also, I already got about 3-4 weeks worth of toilet paper. If that runs out I have about 8 boxes of Kleenex I guess I could start using and if that runs out I have I think 10 rolls of paper towels that I can use. So I'm good for ass wiping for a few months.

For food I have about 80lbs of dried beans and 60lbs of rice. Thats not including all the food I already have in my pantry. At the store this morning I bought 24 quart jars of spaghetti sauce and 24 boxes of noodles along with a bunch of other random stuff.

Absolute state of Europoors. Nigga we eating lobster up in this bitch.

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imagine living in a country where you can just go the supermarket and get everything you need

>checks flag
>not Canadian
>world view shattered

Everyone buying seeds and starting garden

Big brain

5 by 2 feet last year got me 50lbs of tomatoes...

Thanks for picking all that stuff up for us bro.
Im gonna train my raider band from my military experience and manuals, hope you know how to conduct counter-surviellance and CQB bro.
Good luck.
Kek have fun dying from veteranchads, guess not being a little pussy hiding behind politics paid off in the end.

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US = CANistan the land of preppers

IM FUCKED...if corona fks crops or some shit idk

You just got to get there early. Wagie have to get to their job. I scored an extra big ass pack off tp this morning

sorry prole faggot, i live in a rich upper class enclave outside of dc. my safeway gets no traffic from "undesirable" backwater trash like you so its always stocked.

Shhh it’s okay we all know you were a pog

I stocked up on absolutely nothing and will happily continue to buy fast food, pizza, Chipotle, Chinese food and Trader Joes through all this, because it's a massive nothing burger that all you spergs are biting the Jew bait on.

Boys...peas grow in 2 months just saying

imagine feeling smug but you live in spain. hahahahahahaha. kill yourself you irrelevant vestigial remnant of history

>going to have to wipe my but with snow from the balcony if we don't get more tp

Weird, I didn't prep at all and I still have enough supplies to last me over a month of normal life without visiting a store

Pack of seeds like 2$

What time did you go

I'll be digging up 100 garlic plants in May.
grows like a weed. broad spectrum insecticide, tasty, healthy, keeps the vampires away, anti fungal and anti bacterial, make a tea and spray on crops to keep rabbits and deer out of your garden, the stinky flower is worth growing every year virus or no virus.

Look at those confused boomers.
>w-whats going on?
>t-this is odd..I’ve always been able to get things I need.

Imagine being a woman and having to wipe every time. I bought a 36 pack form Costco last summer and am not even 1/3 of the way through it.

>What you eating for dinner and what are you gonna use to wipe your ass?

My gf for dinner, and TP for me bunghole. Should I wear a mask when eating her out?

8:30ish? It was the last big one out there though. I went to the same store last night and the shelves were bear. Glad too was down to the final roll.

>lives insoldated homestead

You realize people will leave the city when it gets too bad right?

You know people will see a lonely house and easy pickings and will think since you were so far away you must be fine and probably have supplies.

Remember those videos going around of migrants ransacking houses and farm while on their way to germany?

You are fucked dude.


sounds about right.

the locust plague is coming to the west soon. just like the rotation of the Earth carried the airborne virus across all our lands, so will it the voracious eater flying fucking cockroach grasshopper motherfucker.



It'll soothe your ass from all the dog dick you've been taking

This. Potatos are fuck easy to grow and the amount you get is retarded.

Last year I practicky just threw them on the ground and I had so many some ended up going bad even after I gave them away

at zero calories per pee, you'll starve in no time
vegetables are basically not even food