This is what 1.5 trillion dollars looks like

This is what 1.5 trillion dollars looks like

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didn't it increase to 6T


Catch the falling knife Neocon edition

That's not true retard
Leftists don't understand economics.

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based Fed
solving the pumping problem
by pumping

2% increase from $1.5 trillion. We’re gonna need a bigger boat.

just keep pumping bro
you can't pump yourself out

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I'm amazed how you guys think repos are literally buying stock
It's not
Their job is not to make your portfolios happy, they care about real economic variables

>they care about real economic variables
such as?


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Job openings and labor turnover, inflation, liquidity and the availability of credit. These things that are highly codependent and have serious effects on the economy.
The entire point of the repos is to expand available credit. They are literally just short term debt. Nothing will wreck an economy faster than a credit freeze.


Liquidity you stupid fuck. These threads are showing how ignorant of economics the average Yas Forumsack is.

Cool. 3x shorted the market for the last 3 weeks and made 50k. Stupid student loan fag lol

Ah, yes, money changing hands among ten Jews. So liquid.

Oh look another stupid fuck that doesn’t know what a bond is.

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> how to out yourself as an idiot for all to see in 1 post.

Speaking of debt, if you haven't been watching yields, they're pricing for a recovery in 2-3 months, improved from 1 year last friday and 3 years the friday before that.

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Fucking KEK

just you wait for the shitshow next monday

$1,500,000,000,000 / $50,000 = 30,000,000

With that 1.5 trillion the US government could have helped 30 million poor families by giving them $50,000 each in accounts to be used to improve their entire families lives. Instead the 1.5 trillion was immediately wasted on the banks and stock market

Imagine the overwhelming response by giving 30 million poor families aid rather than a few banks and corporations all the money

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It’s amazing how easy the government can pull 1.5 trillion out of its ass. I wonder what they’ll cut to pay for the bloated deficit? Military budget? Fuck no, since they’re intent on starting shit with Iran.

That's not how the market works, if all of those poor families had $50000 all of the stores would just increase the price of a gallon of milk and bread to $25000 and then they'd be poor again
you don't seem to comprehend how supply and demand works. Yes, the 1.5 trillion was totally and utterly wasted, but just giving people money is possibly the only worse way of spending that.

The $1.5 trillion is in loans you retard, it's not money just being handed out that the fed doesn't expect to get back.

>1.5 trillion dollars
>Student debt crisis is 1.4 trillion
>Govt has a hearing on allotted sick leave subsidized by taxes because of all the potential sick leave people
>Gets unanimously shot down
>Some banker makes a phone call
>US dollar gets even more inflated
>The decision was unanimously for
>A split second decision could have ended student debt but was chosen to line the pockets of oligarchs

USA, for the bankers by the bankers.
Remember, when coronavirus takes hold a good idea would be to march to a politicians house.

>student debt
>1.5 trillion dollars
>the 1.5 trillion would be what the US government owes the (((bankers)))
>shift the student debt from the students to every single taxpayer instead
>make everybody else pay for their college
nice try you filthy fucking communist

I hope ford hits a dollar

>That's not how the markets work goyim. You have to give the money to the banks and corporations
First and foremost KYS and your entire family. You are arguing against giving a massive portion of the US population who needs help and that $50,000 could have been managed in accounts but rather you would give it to the goddamn banks and corporation

KYS immediately

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nigger, paying off gender studies degrees doesn't do anything - nothing for the pandemic, nothing for the economy.

>strawmanning me
you are jewish.

Then the money is never recovered after the markets take yet another goddamn nosedive and worthless goddamn niggers like yourself disappear never to shill that goddamn bullshit ever again

Theire is nothing rong with being Jewish.

>he's shilling the US government not taking more loans
>he's shilling for people to pay less taxes
>he's shilling for people to have more
you're truly a gem

You are arguing against changing the lives of tens or hundreds of millions of Americans. you goddamn niggers would rather the money be dumped into banks and the stock market

KYS and your worthless goddamn family immediately

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Also if you want to get technical it's not even really money, it doesn't actually exist it's just 1s and 0s in a computer system. By all accounts QE seemed to work pretty well during the 2008 crash, so not surprising it's become one of the commonly used tools since for the Federal Reserve. Despite all the doom and gloom from some on the right it didn't result in excessive inflation or cause any of the other issues people were worried about.

You're joking right?
It would be the the US's largest stimulus package ever. Most of those people with degrees (not just the frivolous shit) pay a good portion of that money into the student debt system. If that was alleviated they would be able to spend it on things that would actually kick start the economy. Some people, such as doctors and other Ph.D scientists, spend upwards of $500-$2000 a month on their debt they can make it but imagine what they'd actually be able to spend money on (goods and services wise) if it wasn't all being funneled into a goddamn bank.

>rather the money be dumped into banks and the stock market
But that's not what I said, which is a strawman argument fallacy.

You goddamn niggers are actively arguing that the money is better wasted on banks and corporations than on the people

KYS right goddamn now

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Well it's better than 10k isnt it?

You are arguing against what I proposed versus what happened which is the money was dumped into banks and the stock market

That is exactly what you have goddamn done you goddamn stupid nigger

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>Didn't increase inflation
No, we're just all poorer for no reason.

So, instead, we're STILL going to force them to pay off their student loans, except everybody else is also going to be paying them off, and taxes for everybody are going to be even higher because that's how national debt works, which is where the loans are coming from.
You do realize that loans get paid back every single year in the United States via interest, right? We lose exponentially more money by taking the loans. Then by not taking them. You do know how loans work, right?

Same number as the number of Jews killed in the holocaust....weird

>if all of those poor families had $50000 all of the stores would just increase the price of a gallon of milk and bread to $25000
Other than Zimbabwe, where has this happened?

>The money is dumped into the banks and stock markets
>Your argue it should be put into education instead
>I tell you that it would be better if the money was not put into either, because more loans are bad
>WhY dO yOu WaNt To GiVe ThE MoNeY tO ThE BaNks AnD sTok MaRkEt
That's called strawmanning. You are commiting a strawman argument fallacy.

They're trying to stabilize, not pump.

Venezuela too. Pretty much everywhere the government just started handing out huge sums of money to people.


Isn't that kind of a big 'fuck you' to the people who paid their debts though?

They not buying index. They buying stock. What are those stocks?

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t. Kike

Venezuela had a shortage of goods, not a surplus of money.

Me too cause I got lots o’ puts on F

Cant. The FBI cashed out of BTC from the silk road seizure and dumped it all into the stock market. Start printing more money.

Kek, well if it hits a dollar im buying like crazy

you have no idea how money works. If you're going to just give people sums of money, sending the whole US like $30 would be a far better way of doing it, because it's a one time thing, and grocery stores can't be expected to raise their prices for people who won't be able to afford the price increases in the future.
Either way, taking more loans than we already do in the United States isn't really economically viable.

“$1.5 trillion dollars”
Except it’s literally just fiat numbers on a board injected by the federal reserve to encourage trade with low interest rates, none of it is physical.
It’s not like they’re showing up with freightloads of $100’s to the NYSE giving away cash. It’s basically just another big I.O.U in a long line if I.O.U’s, but it’s something that will “benefit” the feds and conglomerates in the long run.
Good luck trying to make the federal reserve cough up that much physical liquid cash for student loan ”forgiveness” you fucking bernouts.

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>surplus of money
But none of these cases really have a surplus of money. And it does cost millions upon millions of venezuelan dollars to buy some bread there now.

I'm guessing they dont realise the 1.5t in one go. They probably put a Billy in everytime the market starts to drop abit.

Lol stll green

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It's literally nothing.

This house of smoke is crumbling before our very eyes and I can't help but rejoice.

all transaction electronically between banks for people with debit and credit and transfers are backed up by real money is this any different?

they just printed this shit oit of thin air.
It's called QE.

This is how hyperinflation starts

Found the jew

retarded nigger
they're mostly in debt to the US government. the public money was either wasted on shit degrees (these don't deserve debt forgiveness), or they used it to get education from the country that has the best higher education in the world by far - and it would be REGRESSIVE to have the government give money to the elites.

there are far better ways to spend money during a pandemic. keep crying, bernie hoe, no student debt forgiveness is coming any time soon. forget about climate change "action" for a while too.

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“Real money” is just a gentleman’s agreement at this point.
Fiat currency means its value is established on a promise for valuable physical asset. But it’s all been lost in translation since the 70’s and now worldwide markets are just playing telephone with Monopoly money.

most ppl here have no idea how inflation works but and this will happen regardless, this amout of QE is unprecedented expect prices to rise and interest to fall this will kill any savings you might have

t. kike

>lol just take loans to give people money
>then make those people pay more in taxes every year for never expiring loans
Found the braindead retard who doesn't know how money works

Way better for everybody to just keep pushing a rotten wagon, the same that's coming appart since 2008.

Why help the population of the United States of Advertisement when you can help the rich consolidate their excess.

kek 10/10

No, you're just retarded and brainwashed by the kikes.

Do you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior ?

>Hop on a new proxy once his arguments are refuted
>start calling him a jew over and over
last one you're getting today, 0.02 shekels have been deposited into your account.

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Are you posting a screenshot of the DJIA thinking its somehow related to action in the bond market? This is an honest question. Really? You're doing that?

if you have more of something, it is worth less.
if you have less of something, it is worth more.
you dont have to be a kike to get this.
but you do have to be a faggot to be a leaf poster.

That plan doesn't make any sense. Why would we just keep trying to keep a shitty debt based economy alive, when we could start paying back the debt and revitalize the country? That's extremely defeatist rhetoric that makes no sense, except from a blackpill perspective. And even if it was, why would trying make it so that people can survive paying less taxes, benefit jews in any way?