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Other urls found in this thread:


>proud of being stupid

>Eats a book
That’s not how you learn

>All the smart people are nazis
>"Why being smart is bad."


i think i'm in love bros

Mensa is a bunch of autists this has been known for a while.
What's the use in being intelligent if all you do is circlejerk with other autists?

This site needs to fix their fucking font.

Attached: my eyes.png (847x748, 158.23K)

That Jewish smile.

>these people are smarter than me and also hold different opinions
>lol that means they're dumb and also virgins

Women, don't ever change.

She's a woman. She's not capable of learning.

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What's wrong with her chest, lads?

>organization of high IQ people is alt-right
Really activates my almonds

> infiltrates club based on a having a large IQ

> finds it worthy to report they're obsessed with their IQ

Tell us more

180 IQ neet here, should I join Mensa? I fucking hate Jews and all they stand for.

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lol no, sweety

okay smoothbrains

lol @ idiots making fun of smart people

Wait... (((secrit club)))... “IQ obsessed”... probably Zioniggers then, never mind

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Getting on stage and ranting your sick delusions means you're a comedian now

She is supposed to have boobs

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That's your font rendering, not the website

Bad tooth to gum ratio.

>mfw Yas Forumsacks actually do have high IQ
shit, I thought I just had been brainwashed by neets

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You know nothing

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Your obsession with IQ doesn't make you smart. That's the thing. You're nowhere as smart as you believe yourselves to be.
Your very worldview is nothing but a product of a crude, primitive mind.

I'm using Chrome on Windows 10 with a 1080p monitor, about as common as it gets outside of mobile, it should render correctly.

100% sure I’m smarter than a memeflag

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Wow, what a truly thoughtful intellectual response.
You amaze me with your intelligence.

I used to think bragging about IQ was just a dumb autistic flex by people who have failed to achieve anything noteworthy in life, but this makes me interested in looking into it.

Right, IQ just happens to correlate anywhere from weakly to strongly with positive life outcomes, pure coincidence.

Taking the flag bait. Kys newfag

lol you fuck men


>infiltrate Mensa
>Find out it's all >130IQ retards
Surprise, Surprise
Should have read the label.

mensa is a scam for retards, that fact you need to pay to be part of the club is evidence that high IQ people are just simply stupid and gullible as anyone else. A smart scam for stupid people.


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Literally improving the world.

Not really.

It's not a bait, they're legit handicapped.

Jesus more of that article is dedicated to shilling her garbage then whatever trash propaganda they're trying to publish.

really? Cuz i was worried about mensa being too leftwing. Maybe i'll rethink joining it

I have a phd in chemistry. You simply cannot accept the logical conclusions of physical laws. Your kind particularly has difficulty with the second law of thermodynamics.

Or get fucked by them. Whatever homo.

only a retard would call it that lmao

>Your obsession with IQ doesn't make you smart.

Your refusal to accept the existence of differences in cognitive ability doesn't smake you smart either. It just makes a pitiful fuck who's desperately looking for ways to avoid reality.

BTW, if the story said that Mensa members were more likely to be Bernie supporters, you'd be turning fucking cartwheels and shrieking about the superior intelligence of liberals.

Now fucking neck yourself.

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I tried to dig up where those numbers came from. They were supposedly done by a jewish american psychologist. I can't find an original source for the data. At most this is just make belief.

>alt right dorks
I’d rather be a dork than a dumbass. And frankly, it seems like I’m in good company.

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Her stand-up:

Tell me she isn't funny!

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show bussy

Anyone can click any flag they want to while posting, and people who are trolled by this are the newest of newfags.

Source is as credible as hitler being a gay nazi.

Bro they’re still lefties, they’re probably Zionist niggers or Google “coffee beans” globohomo types

>Woman Copes
>Here's Why It's So Brave
how is it that this is SO MANY headlines nowadays

how is eating a book comedy? i can't think of a single situation where this'd be funny

Fuck Jews

>shocking news smart people are smart
can someone please nuke America

Literally who?

I would never know. I used my superior IQ to rewire my browser to hide all memeflags and comments.

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>missing the point this hard
confirmed low IQ cope

I knew a girl who was upset at my iq in high school. So I invited her out and fucked her. My observations of the world led me to conclude that she would not acknowledge me if she didn't care.
That tsuntsun pussy was great too, the afterglow was like watching the stars while hippyflipping.

All stand up is unfunny to me, so I can't tell if this is funny to normies or not.

isn't Mensa the place people go when the score a high IQ? Why is is weird they would be "obsessed" with IQ? Do people think that I'm "obsessed" when I'm talking about workout shit when I'm working out?

Im really confused here.

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Women with gummy smiles need to be taken to a ditch and shot in the back of the head. Whatever gene causes that shit needs to be eradicated.

Haha yes. I was plesantly surprised when I joined Mensa Norway last year and found out that many of the message boards and facebook groups was just like Yas Forums



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Khazar Milkers: Deactivated.

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>Comedian goes into intellectual group and finds out they care about important things instead of debauchery and menial shit

Can't wait for the second half where Seth Rogan comes in and teaches them how to party and le funny weed jokes come in!

Stop giving attention to females that are not your wife. Ignore their opinions. Do not go see their concerts. Do not hire them. Give them nothing.
It's time to bring them to heel.

It's cope for insecurity. You'll find weak people flex yet try to silence others.

Kys dumb fag.

High IQ people are smart, yes, but also autistic. Nothing really wrong with being autistic, doesn’t make you less intelligent, just means you have difficulty articulating your thoughts to people.

She's be a lot funnier with a cock in her mouth and tears in her eyes.

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normies will laugh at ANYTHING
Try watching any of popular sitcoms
It's the most unfunny "humor" imaginable but normalfags love it

Node intellects. If we had a labor surplus in high-IQ domains, a lot of them would be satisfied being node intellects, and a well-managed node intellect population keeps information flowing in an accurate, empathetic manner without need of recourse to horrid manipulations.

America's node intellects trended right consequent to psychological abuses inflicted on them; I believe this.

You learn not to eat books

>Your very worldview is nothing but a product of a crude, primitive mind.
Brainwashing yourself into believing you're some sort of post-human android isn't indicative of intelligence.
I am a PhD candidate.
You're a meme flag faggot who thinks being realistic about human nature makes one stupid.
Who's more intelligent?