Take the bidet pill

Just try to imagine the water gently dripping of her freshly cleaned tight girl anus.

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thank god she posted a picture of herself otherwise I would’ve had no context for her post

I want to drink her ass water so badly bros

Are you supposed to wipe first, or do then wash your ass or go straight to the bidet after shitting?

I can send you a sample of mine, fellow Bernd.

A-are you female?

Me too German-bro, we in North America have to get into the bidet, it’s why u euros get to have more anal sex, cleaner assholes

I be honest with you leaf. I never heard of a bidet before the Europeans started talking about it here.

based crazy goofball libertarian lady


do you mean female (female) or female (male)?

A literally filthy kike.

Bidets are legit superior as they make you wipe less and keep your ass fresh.

I tried to install one once and it was simply incompatible with my toilet, however. Big sad.


Idk, I had one in one of my bathrooms when I lived in France, this was quite a while ago too

How is it?

Yea and what happens when the electricity gets cut off which shuts off water pressure and in turn denies you water. What happens if the water just stops flowing all together even with electricity. Then your bidet doesn't work. If you have no TP for your outhouse or hole in the ground you've dug, You'll have to wipe your ass with leaves.

She’s not Jewish you brainlet, she has addressed this many times

>talking about butts and other filth

How original.

What do you do about your wet asshole?

I don't wipe before or after the bidet. If you're really fat, you might have to eipe afterward to prevent the water from being trapped.

It seems so barbaric to use my fingers and a tissue to smear poop off my anus now.

Why do redditors and big bidet want to scam the west into spraying water on our asses?

>Wiping ass with leaves

Come on now user, you’re just fucking with me

ummm.... she is most likely polish.

Fucking bidet shills trying to copy big paper now. Will never work. There's no lulz to be had in Home depot running out of garden hoses.

You're barbaric and probably have a shit-stained ass.

Wipe in the beginning & at the end for best results.

I like to wet my toliet paper a little. Sometimes I even a a drop of soap.
I think this process is superior to dry wiping, or just using water. I also only shit once a day, after I get home from work, usually around my shower time anyway.

A lot of them come with a blow dryer. No need to touch your anus like some kind of degenerate.

How does her poo water not traverse her perineum into her vagoo?

Surprised it's not scamowski.

>Talking about your butthole is civilized.
>But when she's out in public, she uses toilet paper.
This chick is crazy.

I never used it much, but it wasn’t bad

>more environmentally friendly
yeah, sure, and made in china and shipped thousands of miles. buying chink-made anything contributes to the problem

No one has a good answer for this.

I do the same because I don't have a bidet. But those times I've had access to one made post-shitting clean-up that much cleaner and easier.

Wtf is she taking a picture of? Oh its a woman, the photo is of herself.

>squirt water on asshole
>dry it with air
>assume it's clean
sounds like you watered-down your shit and then caked it to yourself.

Just wipe at the end, dummy.
You shouldn't EXCLUSIVELY use a bidet anyway, you still need some final wiping device.

>muh bidet
As a person with a bidet, I ask you, stupid whore, what the fuck are you gonna do when the water stops magically flowing? Huh?
I hope you don't waste precious water on ass cleaning you subhuman bastards

More and more I am convinced that Coronavirus was an elaborate ruse by the Jews to have you mart-sharters talk non stop about shitting, someone with a large nose is laughing at you guys right now

Fucking dumb cunt

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After living in Asia for two years and experiencing all the dumb things there and backwards culture. These ass washers are definitely one thing we should adopt. My ass doesn't feel clean since I'm back


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Yeah, as opposed to what conversational topic?

Nigger ball, duh goy

Stop posting this before I get one. I only know one store that sells bidets. Please God do not cause a run on the bidets. They only have so many. My asshole is so raw.

So fucking retarded are you mutt that actually believe the second character is hands, it’s not, it’s the character for ‘people’ (ren)

Kys immediately nigger

Haha based leaf

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What's the bidet rule for cleaning my ass that makes it not gay? How do I know im enjoying it too much?

Counting sheckles from the ramp up in paper sales, I'm sure.

Bidets are for washing your feet, you subhuman faggots.

For your feet, like Jesus? No way! It’s for your dirty asshole goy.

Please take all your relatives back and out of Central Florida, they all act like apes here it's unreal.

Seriously, Americans are fucking savages smearing shit around with dry paper. Disgusting. They think they are clean too.

Check your bidet privilege.

Jesus. What happened? Is this a symptom of coronavirus?

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That's why i put a little iso alcohol on there. Cleans and disinfects.

>Wipe in the beginning & at the end for best results.
how is that saving tp paper

>into scat
>also a germ

What a surprise.

Not an argument

Don’t do that user, that can’t be good for your turd cutter

You guys know you still have to use toilet paper with a bidet, right?

Mmmm I'd drink her bidet water.

She is NOT doing the e-girl pose right and it is FUCKING ME UP bros

Yes; this is certainly political

Bidet? Toilet water up you're ass? No thanks, im good.

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i can't belive you guys live without a bidet, don't you feel the shit in your asshole all day?

-t eisenhower -t trump
and then it continues unabated for 80 years
Lmao you brough it on yourself retard

You mean the Biden pill?

It's certainly an experience. A Test Of The Will.

and then she puts her wet ass back into her Jeans, where this shit can fester and make mold in her asscrack, until her braps smell like mustard gas and melt your Skin like napalm

Only after I eat street shitter food, sometimes Mexican

> wipe ass with paper
> spray ass with regular old water

Neither of these are sanitary. You wouldn't handle raw chicken then run your hands under some water from the sink and call it good.

Take a shower with antibacterial soap after you shit.

> b-but what if I have to take a heckin shit in public!

Plan your life to where that doesn't happen. Nasty fuckers like you are the reason this coronavirus and umpteen other diseases spreads like wildfire

in what way is that a defense of your nigger-tier behavior? portable ricans are the lowliest form of spic I've come across, and yes, you've ruined central Florida

Washing your ass with water after going to the bathroom is a Muslim practice. You're not tricking us, jaffar

For me I'm a simple rustic man. I don't mind wearing my shoes indoors and having some dirt on my floor and some poo poo on my butthole. It's honestly pretty /comfy/.

She has nothing to worry about, I will be eating the farts right out of her asshole

It does but you keep using more water. Its no different than a shower. I dont have a bidet (had one at my parents house) and just use a cup of water that i refill multiple times. There is usually a lot of clean water on the toilet seat afterwards, the shit water all falls in.

Just buy a Japanese toilet. You get an ass-dryer as a bonus.

the Nation thanks you for your heroic service

With the amount of toilet paper I use, it saves most of it.

Not squirt. Just leave the stream on for a minute while rubbing with your fingers. Its similar to washing your hands, you dont just wet your hands.

>while rubbing with your fingers
WTF ??? so i gotta finger my dirty fucking ass to make it clean ?

What was your Problem with Toilet paper again ?

>rnviromentally friendly
yeah wasting drinkeable water to wash your asshole is totaly enviromentally friendly

You dry with toilet paper but even if you dont its just clean water. Not shit water at all. It will dry on its own.

A couple of squares to dry at the most. I have one on each toilet. Better panic buy as bidet prices have doubled. Got this on Amazon for 25 or 30 not even 2 years ago. amazon.com/Luxe-Bidet-Neo-120-Non-Electric/dp/B00A0RHSJO

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Running some water on your hands does not equate to "washing your hands."

Holy fuck is everyone seriously running around thinking making their hands wet gets rid of the germs? Use antibacterial soap and hand sanitizer like wtf

Making paper of any sort takes large amounts of water and energy.

I shower after I shit. the showerhead has a beam mode that I spray directly onto my asshole, it feels nice