Christians are NOT allowed to eat meat today!

Weekly reminder that Christians are NOT allowed to eat meat today, or on any Friday of the year except during a festivity.

Fish, seafood, dairy and eggs are allowed.

This is not a dietary restriction based on the Old Law, but a penitence and a fast, practiced even by Our Lord Jesus Christ.

If you have already eaten meat today, try to abstain for the remainder of the day and keep that in mind for next Friday.

>Can. 1250 The penitential days and times in the universal Church are every Friday of the whole year and the season of Lent.

>Can. 1251 Abstinence from meat, or from some other food as determined by the Episcopal Conference, is to be observed on all Fridays, unless a solemnity should fall on a Friday. Abstinence and fasting are to be observed on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday.

God bless us, everyone!

>inb4 fish is meat
We don't consider seafood to be meat because they are cold-blooded and have a different type of reproductive system.

>inb4 I Tim 4

To be honest, Christians must abstain from meats throughout the 40 days of Lent (the period wherein we are now), but...

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WHo cares

>We don't consider seafood to be meat because they are cold-blooded and have a different type of reproductive system
Lol christfags are retarded

Fish is meat though.

You should try it. You might lose some weight, fatties.

Americans don't. That's why they are obese today.

You certianly cant in your polluted shithole of a nation

I think you have bigger problems to worry about

I love fish but I know it's meat.

Stop making this thread you heretic
2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;
3 Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.
4 For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving:
5 For it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer.

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Not eating meat is a catholic tradition, not Christian

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Catholics are the original Christians.

If I'm following a catholic tradition then I should diddle some children

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No you retard

Hi, the prohibition comes because the definition of what is prohibited is not really "meat," as we understand it. It's a translation issue, basically.
It is a Catholic prohibition, with Latin as the ecclesiastical language. In latin, the prohibited food is "carnis" which means flesh from a land animal. Fish is not "carnis" in latin. Therefore it is exempt.

It's fish retard. The net effect of eating fish on Fridays is more developed brains and healthier immune systems. Universal law as defined before time dictates this separation and the benefits of sometimes eating fish. In other words God commands it.
end of discussion

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Bless you

note that the Orthodox, whose ecclesiastical language is greek, also have a prohibition. I'm not Orthodox so I don't know what the word is, but I am certain the prohibition is the same kind of thing: a word which means "land animal flesh" in Greek. Both the Catholic and Orthodox prohibitions ultimately derive from greek. Orthobros can back me up, I know your lenten fast is much more intense than ours!

Saint Paul was talking about heretical sects that have forbade the consumption of all meats all the time, and some that were asking for adherence to the Mosaic food laws (no pork, etc)

One of the main reasons why I know Protestantism to be false and demonic is the amount of lies and slander it is based on.

>what is the Gospel of Jesus Christ?
This is a basic preaching of the Gospel for your convenience. To start off, Jesus Christ came in the flesh.
>1 John 4:2 "Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God:"
Coming as the last Adam(1 Corinthians 15:45-47; Romans 5:12-15)
Giving redemption through his blood(Ephesians 1:7)
>Hebrews 10:7-10 "Then said I, Lo, I come (in the volume of the book it is written of me,) to do thy will, O God.
> Above when he said, Sacrifice and offering and burnt offerings and offering for sin thou wouldest not, neither hadst pleasure therein; which are offered by the law;
> Then said he, Lo, I come to do thy will, O God. He taketh away the first, that he may establish the second.
> By the which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all."
As was prophesied by Isaiah of the Messiah that was to be rejected of his own people(Isaiah 53:3-5)
And in Psalms
>Psalm 22:16 "For dogs have compassed me: the assembly of the wicked have inclosed me: they pierced my hands and my feet."
So, Jesus Christ of Nazareth did fulfill scripture and did die and rose again. So that we can be saved through his blood by being baptized for the remission of sins through his name.
>Acts 2:38 "Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost."
>John 3:5 "Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God."

>What is the difference between a Catholic and a Christian?
>How can I say that Trinitarians are NOT Christians???
>How to be saved, according to the Bible

>In latin, the prohibited food is "carnis" which means flesh from a land animal
Same in English, actually
Fish is not meat

>One of the main reasons why I know Protestantism to be false and demonic is the amount of lies and slander it is based on.
What about the trinity, idol worship, praying to mary and saints and calling a cult leader father aka pope?

Lol stupid christcucks

if your sect is not trinitarian you are just not a christian, I'm sorry. Trinitarianism is not an exclusively catholic belief, but it is a core christian belief.

The Orthodox also abstain on Wednesday, if I remember correctly, as we, Catholics, used to, also, but it fell out of Canon Law.

To be honest, few Catholics even know about the Friday rule because our Catechism has become so watered down.

After Lent, when I resume eating meat, I'm gonna do the Orthodox fast and include Wednesdays, so it'll be 2 days of fish for me.

Yeah basically no land meat including birds. Fish is okay.

>We don't consider seafood to be meat because they are cold-blooded and have a different type of reproductive system.
This is fucking stupid, just like how Japanese monks consider rabbits to be birds to get around some no meat eating shit.

In the US, the Church literally has a dispensation for not eating meat on Fridays outside of lent. You can either not eat meat, or do some other kind of penance. I don't really like that, it's kind of a modernism to assimilate with the culture, so I try not to eat meat Fridays year round.

I believe the orthodox have to do the Ash Wednesday-style fast throughout Lent, and more. I know they have to abstain from oils, cheeses, and certain things on Wed/Friday too

The belief in the Holy Trinity is essential to the understanding and acceptance of Christianity itself.

We don't worship any idols, we don't pray TO Mary (we ask HER prayser... "ora pro nobis") and the Pope is the successor of Saint Peter, who received the keys of salvation from Christ

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Blessed thread.

>the trinity isn't real
Judaizer detected

What did you guys give up for lent?
I gave up twitter, which rots my brain, and fried/junk foods/sweets. I am healthy but those are my guilty pleasure so I thought it would be appropriate.

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imagine believing this nonsense

nice digits. are you going to the procession you posted?

too bad

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I gave up sugar, which means no desserts or sodas or things like that. It was tough in the beginning, but I'm even losing a bit of weight.

I lost a little weight too. I'm getting married in the church in the fall so I want to look nice but I don't want to lose so much that my tuxedo doesn't fit anymore!

I was almost certain this was going to be an american post but Brazil is close enough in terms of Christian shenanigans

>tfw eating pork today
Not only do I piss off the christcucks, but also Jews and Muslims. AND vegans and vegetarians.
I hesitate to say it, but is pork the most red-pilled meat a man can eat?

I wish. I'm a long way from there. All we have here are cowards and guitar priests.

Pick your side

Protestant Anglo Masonic Jew

Or One True Church Catholic

Stupid Catholics

You can eat whatever you want. Read the Epistles.

Christianity is defined by the bible, not a Roman heretic "canon".

I don't remotely care what a non-catholic (let alone a nonchristian) eats on Friday, that's not how it works. Muslims and Jews also don't care if you eat pork since you're not a muslim or a jew.

bummer. we have a nice (if a bit normie) parish with a good organist and choir. Our monsignor is pretty Novus Ordo but he is conservative and brilliant. There is a latin mass parish in the city nearby, but I don't go there frequently. I wish we could do latin masses in my parish but theres just not interest. Maybe for my wedding mass, I have to talk to monsignor

You know what’s stupid about this? Fucking south and Central Americans are eating red footed tortoises because the church said it counts as seafood, causing them to become endangered.


By that logic a cow is a land manatee and seafood, so eat up on those burgers.

Listening to Jew "laws" is stupid. The New Covenant makes this quite clear.

the Catholics literally compiled the Bible. Their councils, inspired by the holy spirit, decided what gospels to include and which were apocrypha. The catholic church is the reason you quote Mark to call me a heretic and not The Gospel of Thomas. Read church history, friend

>We don't consider seafood to be meat because they are cold-blooded and have a different type of reproductive system.
What about amphibians and reptiles?

Actually, reptiles and amphibians are not categorized as "carnis" in latin, therefore they are permissible! Alligator is popular among Creole catholics in Louisiana.

Based lmao. Holy shit. The final solution to the (((new world))) problem is pork. Just cook it well.
>Our monsignor is pretty Novus Ordo but he is conservative and brilliant.
Christcuck. Final form.

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More catholic lies. Never proposed in the bible, but we will make it up anyway lies.

There's a reference in Jude to the book of Enoch as scripture. But the catholics decided not to include Enoch in their book.
Either they fucked up and forgot at least one divine writing or they fucked up and included at least one non-divine writing.
Which is it?

nobody claims that the Lenten fast is commanded by Bible. It is derived from Christ's 40 days in the desert, and is attested to from the earliest practices of the earliest recorded Christians. It is referred to as early as the Didache, written a few decades after Christ's resurrection

Beaver and muskrat are also acceptable
And we're widely consumed in Canada and the northeast us by the early settlers
Good beaver from non muddy waters tastes kinda like fatty pork

So what about reptiles? Is alligator ok?

>Catholics literally compiled the Bible.
Then why don't they follow it?

>the Catholics literally compiled the Bible
Right. And the Roman heretics ignore the bible and choose to follow nonsense made up centuries later like the canon instead.

there is indeed, but protestant groups do not include Enoch as inspired either.
The OT contains plenty of references to other works which are not considered Canonical and are not in the bible: the book of Jasher, the Annals of King David, etc. Just because a book is mentioned does not mean it is an inspired work, or even that the author is saying it was an inspired work

Where did Jesus say this?

I just had fish
It was dead
It was a dead fish
Are you happy now?

yeah, see:

Yes they are. In the 80's the Catholic church passed a doctrine allowing practitioners of the faith to eat meat if they confessed and offered prayers and alms instead as their sacrifice for Lent. Stop spreading false info ya fake news cuck.

>Papists are NOT allowed to eat meat today!

>We don't consider seafood to be meat because they are cold-blooded and have a different type of reproductive system.
lmao what bullshit arbitrary definition. shut the fuck up, macaco

Organized religion is a meme because things like this

1) that's only in the USA, and 2) that's only for outside of Lent. During Lent, the friday fast remains in effect even in the USA

I just believe in Jesus
I don't really care of what the church, the bible or fucking old man in white robe tell me what to do