Why are "conservatives" so fucking useless and traitorously cuck on whites and the European ways?
/CHT/ Conservative Hate Thread
Because they always give the opposition a line and then they don't stop.
They're a stepping stone while we gather the silent majority
The dead?
So why are so many on here shilling against the far right on here in favour for Civic Cuck "Nationalism" and MIGAtardism?
2016 was a mistake.
No that's the left, our silent majority is alive
oh yes, this place was far better when everyone was a dipshit Paulbot, right? I'm so bummed it's not 5000 threads about rEVOLution
Which right-wing voices do you recommend? I've been looking for some listening material
A stepping stone which broke how ankle and ruined the board/ the far right
That's a neat opinion you have but it's not unique, spending a whole thread to just piss and moan about something is a waste of time. Help guide those you see as lost back on to the path.
Who should Yas Forums be pushing more of?
>a supposedly right winger supports (((democracy))) in the current (((establishment))) in a red team vs blue team or Tories vs Labour false dichotomy.
You are a cuck to allow yourself to be subjected to demoralization and still be further demoralized by one of the best demoralizing agents available (Yas Forums)
Who's an actual right-winger according to you? You've been avoiding this question, bong.
*Yas Forums WAS the best anti Demoralizer, but is now a Demoralizing agent
Good point, who are some voices we can throw support behind?
This fella right here is attempting to persuade you to return to the mainstream church by insisting that Yas Forums is somehow an anti-white board. We all know that this is a very typical trick.
Yas Forums is a board of peace and free markets. Folks who lose in the market are very upset by this. They want free shit, they want you dependent on free shit, they want to control you by means of this dependency.
The best thing you can do is liberty post.
Find, on your own, liberty-minded writers, read their works, come to Yas Forums and we will all discuss.
>acknowledges Hierarchy and social order (whether the state or in a stateless world)
>Appeals to Nature/Social Darwinism
>Collective identity but acknowledges the individual rather than being purely individual or adopting class struggle
All you need to do to beat these demoralizing shills is ask them who we should support. They don't know anything beyond their script
That's not a name, bong. Cmon m8 give a name, queen got ur tongue?
The bagel bro faggot is here, you are not free under you current system you dumb boomer
>pinning everyone under one arbitrary label
Pathetic I answered your question
Anyone from a fascist to a Ancap adheres to this.
The "conservative" doesnt
>you are not free under you current system
This is the prime sign of a simp who cannot find his own bootstraps and will absolutely never achieve his own freedom.
none, think for yourself
I'm probably voting for the orange miga pedo. Which pedo are you voting for?
a shill post is a post that doesn't offer a solution for the user's problems, only talks shit about their positions, their ideologies and their institutions. for example, op offers no solution to for the 'conservative' dilemma they are talking about, it's just shit talking.
how does this help them change the oil in their car? well, then, the real reason they are here must be to talk shit then. that's the only way they could be based in agency.
>pro white
>every NSG or ethnonationalists gets called a wignat or disinfoed by "conservative" cucks
Then you will lose and regress further, playing the establishment will always fail, that stupid spic Nick tried to be as optical as possible and it back fired and now he is dying out on a run down streaming site
>much markets
Didn't mention or suggest abolishing markets you disingenuous prick
So you're nothing but a demoralizing agent caught with his pants down. I hope someone isn't paying you to be this ineffective at shilling
You can't abolish markets so long as individuals wish to trade. As far as any sociologist is concerned the market ought to be considered a cultural constant by which all other morals of any involved society are mediated. You free the market of all regulation. Then you simply sit back and let people trade.
Cowards cannot handle what happens next.
The system just runs without the need for government intervention. This simple fact causes useless government functionaries to shit themselves and post the most amazing illogical bullshit. They expose themselves out of fear and impending submission.
>don't talk about your rights being stripped away unless you have a solution
If it quacks like a shill and never offers up anything but demoralization attempts like a shill, don't cry when you get dismissed as a shill
Roastie-posting your cuck rage is not advised.
You forgot to offer an solution. Please stop saying negative things on Yas Forums.
I didn't make a thread bitching about whole swathes of the political spectrum, dummy
Just trust the plan guys
>using your shitty individualist (traitorous) ideas to justify conservacucks
They can't be converted as they are demoralized but think they are 'redpilled' and have a circle jerk to solidify their cucked beliefs and just regurgitate Zion Dons messages. I would normal suggest raiding r/ptg until they fuck off but the jannies support them as they are 'moderate'. There isn't really a solution apart from brining to attention how pathetic their ways are.
How am I shilling? I am advocating for "conservatives" to become more radical as their current position is always doomed to fail
>muh infinite growth
yeah we arent in space right now, nice competitive growth there
>free markets mediate culture
Then you shove that up your arse, you cunts would allow the world to burn for a few shekels in social and moral decay, irony being that you cunts lost to the free market of ideas on here.
No wonder why it's kikes that promote your meme ideology, every think why?
Which pedo are you voting for?
Hey look it's another attempt at demoralization, yawn
none of you have even bothered to define what conservatives are. what is conservation? what is conservation in the context of politics?
conservation is a fairly simple word with fairly simple meanings. in regards to politics for instance it's obvious that liberals are interested in conserving the environment. so you naturally ask, what the hell are the actual 'conservatives' conserving? the answer is going to be singular, but before we get there i will tell you a greater truth: many things are being conserved by american conservatives. it depends on their inclination. it could be gun rights, the nuclear family, their religion, their history, their culture. it's sad when people say that whites have no culture, when history shows they excel at creating extremely high quality processes of acculturation. to look at what conservatives are trying to protect, let's first break down the way they see the nation. just as before, we will start with the left. to the left, the individual is the smallest unit of a nation. the individual is so important that it can kill it's own babies, or other adult americans a la antifa, or sexually abuse and mutilate children a la transgenderism. the individual is all that matters, nothing else can even be considered. this all makes sense to them since they have rights and it's a free country.
to conservatives, the smallest unit of a nation is a family. it's still a group of separate and different people that are all related and all rely on each other. they raise each other, work for each other, build for each other. they grow each other. they sing to each other, teach each other, read to each other, make art for each other. a family is the smallest unit of a nation that can still hold all of the culture and the acculturation process of a nation. once you break that then there is nothing.
Based Anglo.
therefore the direct answer to your question is that american conservatives aim to protect the nuclear family, and the process of enabling everyone's rights as an individual by taking collective responsibility for them. it's the right thing to do, it is incredibly noble, and when people don't see any of this it's nearly all for naught. what's the point of helping you raise a family if your kids bully conservative kids? if your art destroys conservative romanticism? if your music destroys conservative culture? things that do not generate more meaning by taking responsibility are, by category, degenerative because they replace a movement that could have been phenomenal. every degenerate act is a lost good deed.
so you'll see conservatives start to quality people this way, instead of calling people niggers they will call them degenerate. it's accurate.
>cure cancer
>get attacked by niggers
so why cure cancer? eventually conservation fails, even if it's after a million years of a nation, and it has to saddle up and attack it's opponents. this final position, of confronting and attacking people who do evil deeds and do not follow the process, is what conservatives do after they have raised their family.
you mean has more kids than you, wannabe white supremacist. that's how silly that retort is
>ha ha im pretending to be a nazi but also shaming my elders! do i look cool guys?
>okay boomer
yeah my white parents are just a can i kick down the road ... not. conservative fight for their ancestors and their future family. they will fight against all odds, for all time, to secure their family. they will go to war with england and write their own trippy human rights based laws and call them constitutional rights. if the family people can't survive, they will band together and leave to go somewhere else and build even higher. they have the ultimate moral high ground, the pure innocence of infinite generations of children.
>tfw I'm a right-winger
Conservatives hold to
>Human rights ideology
>Some sort of liberalism
>Don't believe in transcendental ordernor tribalism
Ditch this garbage and maybe we'll get somewhere.
an individual can't sing funeral songs with a family, it can't teach any culture to another person without another person. the smallest unit of something is a thing that retains all the attributes of the whole, which the individual does not. the family does. it even contains birth and death. there is no one to vote for with 1 individual, you could never break any democracy down into that even if you could conceivable deflect from the nuclear family. the family is the smallest unit of civilization, and when globalism destroys the family with transgenderism, brainwashing and poison then people will fight back against an empire sized opponent, and they will win.
constitutional law is the only law based on human rights. white people did it best, and they did it first. the rest of you can stand up for yourselves. this angelic and noble thing that is now hundreds of years old is what's being conserved. there is no point in lying, you will be confronted.
>Why are "conservatives" so fucking useless and traitorously cuck on whites and the European ways?
Because they are cut from the same cloth as liberals. Their whole reason to be is "liberals, but less extreme". Nobody ever won anything by being a watered down version of something else.
The problem is human rights in the first place, it's an anthropocentric idea.
Conservatives are not one the right, they are centrists
Kek, no doubt shittt ancap kike but estrogen in the water supply if it earned him an extra shekel
>preserving the American nuclear family
Where is it now? Seems like this kikes free market culture and liberalism tore that up. You do realise you can do all of that but NOT KEK OUT on your beliefs, you may not back down from it but the establishment will and make sure GenZ and GenA are taken with it too and what ever the liberal has planned for them.
Congratulations, we agree with each other. Problem occur when the average stock Republican occurs and does a pic related.
Are there any right-wingers in the UK who you support? Your attempts at demoralization are shareblue tier
*that ancap kike would put estrogen...
The view from the UK must be foggy and retarded lmao.
Have you ever even been to an all white American town?
Conservatism is about sometimes having to roll up your sleeves and compromise to the lesser of two evils. Conservatism is about not complaining about foreign allegiances from our elected officials.
only if you're a uniformitarian materialist. to the rest of the world, god is man and the animals. you're schizophrenic if you think any different. that's the post enlightenment position in every single religion in the orient, and of 3 in the occident (satanism, judaism, gnosticism). it's the dominant worldview and dominant mindset and dominant religion of over 4 billion people.
only to a small population of some 500 million atheists and uniformitarian materialists does that definition fit. it's like saying new zealand invented aeroplanes, it's only true based on a different definition from the wright brothers (one needed a launch assist, but could steer on it's own, the other could launch but couldn't steer).
can you take the separateness between god and man, this boundary, and show it to me? can you hold it in your hand?
>Congratulations, we agree with each other. Problem occur when the average stock Republican occurs and does a pic related.
this infuriates me about republicans.
>The free market is good for the Volk goy, trust me goy vote conservative
wow is that quote real? that guy basically summed up everything that came to pass in the 20th century
Remember, you can't own pic related.
Now cope, you muhammed pedo groomer.
Here the cultural subversion by marxists and women is pretty much complete.
Boris Johnson for example is for open borders and consistently argues for amnesty for illegal immigrants.
The "Conservative Party" has been allowing an average of 5 million legal immigrants per decade. They, as a sop to their supporters, made a van wth a sign that drove around saying "if you're an illegal please go home". This was condemned as "far right" and "disgusting" by almost all the politicians.
You'll see Nicola Sturgeon, Jess Phillips and the rest rant and rave about Nigel Farage having a poster showing migrants coming into Europe. Yet the feminsits were very keen to look the other way for years when stories about mass rape of English girls were coming out.
We are fucked I fear, just as bad as Canada and Australia.
I don't ascribe to that distinction nor am I a monist or nominalist materialist. Being man created in the image of God the divine monarchy is to be reproduced on Earth as well, traditionalists unlike conservatives hold to transcendental order and the role of the Autocrat as representative of God, in his hands lie all the rights and duties of man and no secular law can replace that. Moreover, constitutional still puts the individual at the center of social life and not collective identity. For a traditionalist his identity is the church, the folk and the Autocrat.
The British should just admit they are united states citizens and storm the status quo by force.
Real conservatives would reinstate the death penalty, because that's a thing that's been around for as long as humans have been around.
This is such a stupid meme. Republicans have been pro immigration since Richard Nixon. Nothing has changed since then until Trump got elected and took actions causing legal and illegal immigration to plummet
it was clearly defined that the individual is responsible for the rights of the collective and vise versa, there is no dichotomy.
well it's by classification of the citizen now. for example war criminals are de facto enemies of the state, and as such they no longer enjoy the right to due process. that's federal law over here.
so you don't 'sentence' that class to die, because they don't have a right to a trial. you just hang them, which i suppose is similar to a trial, made out of 20 feet of rope and a CCTV lamp post.