Yas Forums humor thread

spread em

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Lmao you pathetic racists never fail to make me laugh with your "pol humor" threads

Face it, most poc will be infinitely more successful than any of you sad virgins ever will be. You are on the wrong side of history, get over it losers

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Fresh OC from N.Z.

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Don't tell him to kill himself, you spanish fucking nigger.


Why are left memes so shit

go get boomer remover memeflag faggot

They try to be wholesome and don't rely on edgelord tactics

at this point its not even about the left/right

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m.youtube.com/watch?v=XXzh3d5A2rM One is black the other is Jewish and can change colors from orange to black

The comic isn't even readable. Fucking retards.

Ok, Jani Toivola, time to leave

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You CAN'T insult the God emperor, it's treason!
You're just spreading fake news lies anyway, trump said it's these evil new led lightbulbs that just make him SEEM orange. The media does it on purpose to try to take him down a notch!

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anti semites cant meme

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low effort and no compromise with the Truth.

Some of it's kind of funny but most of it is cringe MSM-level garbage. Yas Forums 2020 is getting shilled harder than ever now that there's a chance the candidate we memed into office might get a second term.

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Only leafs are allowed to post this. Use a VPN if you have to.

Something bad happens
>DRUMPF DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!

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"Politically incorrect" refers to an idea or opinion that is not considered "correct" by the mainstream. Making jokes about Trump is pretty much all anyone on TV and social media does; it wouldn't really be considered politically incorrect because the presumed notion that "orange man bad!" is considered "correct." This is why the left cant meme; their jokes fall flat because there's nothing particularly witty or clever about them. They just reinforce their own collective worldview. It's the same thing as Jon Stewart making smug comment about Republicans, and then smirking to the audience, reassuring them that their opinions are the "correct" ones.

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People are dying but my stockmarket we need to stimulate it with money. Socialism for the rich.

Butthurt maga

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I’ll bump

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Fuck off retard

So this is the infamous Pol.

I look around and all I see are sad, lonely young men that are angry because girls won't talk to you. Ever pause to wonder why that is?

Even as a woman of color, I am not the least bit offended, but morbidly dismayed by your lack of self-reflection and basic humility toward yourself and peoplekind. Pathetic, really.

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Its crazy because they've spent so much time demonizing him, the democrat voters have no idea who the democrat candidates are. There's a correlation between only showing Trump 90% on CNN and how only 100 peope showed up to the first democrat candidates debate without a single person interviewed there to support a specific person.

this one never ceases to make me laugh for some reason


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You have COMPLETELY misunderstood the idea of Yas Forums. Yas Forums is not "hey guys take a look at this funny link ha ha." Yas Forums is not Facebook's whiteknighting. Yas Forums is not Reddit, Tumblr or 9gag.com. Yas Forums is a place for people to be monsters. Disturbing, cold, heedless monsters that they really are. Tsunami kills people in Asia and we laugh. Psychotic emo fulfills her sick desires with her cat and we laugh. A man rapes his grandchildren, we laugh and demand more. Suicide, foul play, genocide- we laugh. Racism, sexism, discrimination, xenophobia, rape and unfounded wrath- we laugh.

We are cruel; we do not forgive; we do not forget; we are the real face of the internet.

seething Soi-boi

I would never stick my penis in that orangutan

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you just went full trudaeu


i'm not a trump supporter/hater but this IS good
so fuck off

kaaaangz and shieeet
also czeched

Shit stain

I just want hook up, please don’t threaten my mom

Kys cunt

Any news on St. Brenton The Remover?

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