Would you defend your community?

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>would you defend a community that doesn't care about you?
user I...

Not anymore. No one in it is worth defending

community? yes
Country? no

In the context of the Troubles, certainly. Although the PIRA are more or less the only faction who can be attributed to doing so. Other IRA factions just chimped out, Loyalist Groups did absolutely nothing to combat the IRA and the British Troops just fumbled around and cleaned up after Loyalist chimpouts.

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I live near niggerville of my town - I can't defend my community against itself.
I can only flee

my "community" is filled to the brim with ragheads, poos and chinks
It can burn.


>your country

I only fight for Israel.

I'd defend my family and my brothers in Christ. Nobody else. Everyone else can go fuck themselves... Jew lovers reap what they sow

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what community

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you better have an idea where to go, or learn how to larp.

I would defend my family.

There is no community left. Everyone's a selfish asshole.

No. I would only defend hard line right wing whites. I live in a "diverse" city for work. If society breaks down from coronachan, it is literally open season on niggers as far as I'm concerned. I'll get them before they even think of getting to me.

The problem with the PIRA was they became bloated with too many people. Their structure wasn't capable of efficiently organising the new entires without risking further infiltration, and so the new blood started ramping up civilian casualties. However I do find it funny how little attention the Troubles gets on Yas Forums. It was essentially a nationalist uprising in western Europe that lasted several years, but people kick it under the rug because it hurts the feelings of British anons.

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Sure but PIRA attacked their own community and caused more death in it than any other faction, to prosecute that defense, so pretty bad example.

>Aryan Jesus
Tell me Bong, why do you Christians worship a brown eyed, dark haired Semitic ex Jew? If Jesus would come back today he would be called a shitskin by 99% of Yas Forumstards.

This nigga in pic related is making me nervous. The way he’s gripping the gun, pointing it at eye-level with an open bolt. That Uzi is ready to go and he looks like he has no idea what he is doing.


Looks like a right chav

I have a rural property just perfect for a bug out, i only live among this filth because of work, but i'll be jetting if it gets much worse.

>attacked their own community
anglo officers are not irish
anglo government buildings are not irish either

This. I'd defend my childhood neighborhood. But not my current one, filled with Turks, nafris and niggers. If anything, I'd have to defend my white arse against my own neighbors.

>PIRA attacked their own community and caused more death in it than any other faction

see. Also later in the conflict the bloated PIRA targeted informers, and rival paramilitaries. Catholic =/= Civilian.

I meant seeThe biggest threat to innocent life in the Troubles was the same group who started it; Loyalists.

with what?
a spork?

This is true, the whole reason for the IRA initially getting involved was to protect the defenseless Catholic communities from Loyalist/Police chimpouts

Picture of a young Irish girl making fun of a British soldier for his height. He attacked her and her friend with a hammer in anger. Nobody was hurt.

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I'd love to see you tards in front of the judgement seat
>Depart from me, ye worker of iniquity, for I have never known you

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The IRA's involvement in the Troubles came 3 years after the violence against civilians started in NI in 1966. They were busy deciding if communism was cool or not. The biggest faction (PIRA) decided it wasn't.

My neighborhood is filled with niggers , poos , and chinks. At least with the later two I can wait until society collapses to worry about them, niggers on the other hand will chimp out regardless and start displaying their nigger ways before society collapses. They will be the biggest looters and raiders .

>'Oolster Scoots' immigrants and buccaneers sent to wipe out indigenous culture, throw locals off their land. Do it with relentless brutality and relish, remain squatted in Ireland for 400+ years, don't integrate, pretend their are a lost tribe of Israel, cry like a baby when locals stand up and repay the brutality they've suffered
same shit /Britpol/ sees 'Asian' immigrants doing: declaring parts of Britain, 'Muslim lands', through immigration and displacement of locals. So yes, its is hilarious to see this double standard.


Yes I would, I live in a cul de sac of large white families with not a yellow nigger or shitskin sandnigger/ poo insight which is quite rare as these cunts are everywhere.

But that wasn't what the Troubles was about, at all. This narrative that it was some grand comeuppance for something else is delusional.

The last campaign the IRA attempted ended over a decade prior to the Troubles and had almost destroyed the organisation due to what a total failure it was. Between the 1940s-1950s the IRA lost almost all support even in the most hardline parts of Ireland, and their useless border campaign and their campaign in Britain during WW2 collapsed in a pitiful heap. The Troubles occurred directly because Loyalists in Northern Ireland started attacking civilians to strongarm their way into government. Between 1966 and 1969, they were shooting and bombing people both on their own behalf and as false-flag attacks, trying to bring an end to the civil rights movement. Had the Civil Rights movement been successful (which it more than likely would have been as Unionist politicians were preparing reforms), the Troubles could have easily been avoided and any notion of NI leaving the UK would be moot.

The IRA's decision to begin a campaign in the north came as a result of the IRA imploding in 1969 over ideological differences and the failure of the Army Council to take action to defend the Irish in NI. It isn't really comparable at all.

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what the fuck is that?

fuck no, I wanna set fire to mine and raid!

My own community? Yes, we’ll turn the Sierras into Afghanistan

the only thing worth defending is Greater Israel and its allies. i have spoken

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Retribution and irredentism *is* what its about and it will not go away until retribution is had. Support for it ebbs and flows but its always there and its a deep aspect of Irish psyche.
The wallowing in whataboutery and tit-for-tat minutiae in norn iron psyche arises because many are too gutless to accept they are just like any other colonial outpost Britain has operated (and lost) over the centuries.

They have fallen for the Jewish lies and harbor this idea of hippie Christianity to justify their heathen ways, Jesus hated evil and acted against it with righteous anger. I will do the same, against Jewish and Homosexual subversion and against Pagan LARPers until they are saved from themselves or can no longer pose a threat to the Faith.

Yes, especially the Boomers with the Trump flags. The liberals down the street can get fucked though.

L2CAIN nigga

depends if the internet goes down or not, if it does then yes, if not then no, i am too comfy.

CAIN sources are exactly what show that:
>Loyalists killed more civilians than Republicans
>A majority of the PIRA's targets were British Security forces

Nobody denies the PIRA killed innocent people.
But again, the Troubles was not something the IRA started nor had any part in until 3 years after the violence began. Even the Irish Revolution itself was lead by people who sought good relations with the UK by its conclusion. Trying to claim the Troubles is part of some wider grand campaign is ludicrous.

Absolutely based and Christpilled
Amen my friend

Is navy blue provo colors?

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>>Loyalists killed more civilians than Republicans
>>A majority of the PIRA's targets were British Security forces
And PIRA killed more of their own community than other factions, which was my original point.

>the Troubles
>unironically using that dismissive label
Are you going to tell me its an ethno-religious war next user?
We agree then because my point was that indigenous resistance to British rule in Ireland, which was/is the military objective of PIRA, is not a recent phenomena. Its far larger than the pigeonhole of 'troubles'. The 'violence' as you put it, began a lot longer ago than that.

>provo colours
Uniforms weren't something all members of the PIRA wore. Particularly after a few years once their ranks had swelled with new people. Also, uniforms aren't always necessary for that sort of conflict. A lot of the time uniforms were only used in "official" capacity, such as for funerals/photos etc.

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Where are you getting your numbers? Because from what I see, the "IRA" (grouping together all republican groups) killed less Catholics than Loyalists by several hundred.

It wasn't an ethno-religious war. It was a conflict born from Loyalists using violence to impede the civil rights movement.
>The "violence began a lot longer ago"
This is a common and retarded argument. Examining violence beforehand, the last IRA campaign was the border campaign-which failed completely. The last death of that campaign was in the mid 1950s, and it was an RUC officer. How exactly does his death then link to the killing of 3 civilians in Belfast by Loyalists in 1966? Are you really calling that a continuation? Obviously Physical Force republicanism is older than the Troubles but its completely retarded to claim that the Troubles was just another chapter in the big bad book of Irish Rebellions. It was completely and utterly caused by Loyalist Terrorism and a mistake in British policy.

this post best post

>A lot of the time uniforms were only used in "official" capacity,
It's a shame, uniforms make things looks more official and organized, i always like Collins IRA for it.
With all the modern gear on the civilian market today, you could make a menacing looking militia.

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That looks like a national army uniform. The uniform of the IRA during the War of Independence was a similar situation; while they did have "uniforms" they weren't always worn. Peak aesthetics in my opinion was the Irish Citizen Army.

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Its not a matter of choice here.

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They do look pretty cool, i like the hats.

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Nope, they are all a bunch of liberal faggots. My home is a trapped castle. Fuck allies.

race yes, country no


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>I'd defend my family and my brothers in Christ.
>Jew lovers reap what they sow

>"IRA" (grouping together all republican groups)
>(grouping together all republican groups)
Ah-ha I see where you fucked up now.
Considering all the wiki reading you've done (and regurgitated itt like some authorityfag) its a shame your comprehension remains so low.

>Physical Force republicanism is older than the Troubles
Thanks for conceding and its not even about Republicanism. The issue is nationalism, its longstanding and of course similar acts are continuation. Its unfinished business. A 'mistake' in British policy is right though and the mistake is still being in Ireland.

That's not what happened at all dumbass

>those feels
neighbor, what can we do to reclaim our heritage ?

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Almost everyone i love is dead. Father, Brother, Mother.

the only things i have is my fiancee and dog (pictured.)

My community consists of an old woman next door with a cunt of a daughter who needs to tow her shitty ka she never used, a couple with 3 kids that are ok i suppose but use my drive too much for my liking and a based 50 year old couple who helped pull my car out the mud once.

thats it.

I guess, if it really went mad, id blockade our little close and defend it to the last (id have to kill one of the neighbors that i know of though as their muslims).

Id like to get to know people though, maybe make some true allies before it all ends.

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No, I'm genuinely curious where you get your stats. From the sources I use I can see the IRA responsible for about 400 or so Catholic deaths, maybe slightly more. The PIRA themselves responsible for the largest chunk. The PIRA killed more Catholics than the likes of the UVF/UDA individually, but that seems like a retarded line of thought to arrive at "and thus, the IRA killed more catholics!"

What do you base your claim on?

>It was essentially a nationalist uprising in western Europe that lasted several years,
look at us now

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>conceding that it wasn't about republicanism
>"its unfinished business"
The Troubles wasn't started over either, though. It started due to Loyalist violence. The IRA still hadn't shown up by the time the British Army arrived.
Of course these groups had their own aims; for some splinters of the IRA it was about a socialist republic, for others it was about "defending communities" and for others it was about making NI ungovernable. But the difference is that the Troubles was a conflict which started completely without the input of republicans/nationalists. After the border campaign failed so hilariously the IRA had fat fuck all idea what to do. But the whole "unfinished business" thing was put aside following the leadership of Lemass in the Republic.


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Just myself. Most humans are parasites.

buy a pinfire gun user, 10-12mm is best. they work and you can get the ammo from french merchants if you look around. cost around £500 if you shop around, ammo box £100 maybe, plus shipping.

That or buy a flintlock, if only to make a nigger coming at you stop and think twice maybe.

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Based britbong.

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Ireland could be doing worse.
>never had a left wing government
>two largest parties are still more conservative than typical "conservative" parties in much of europe
>immigraton far from out of control

You're essentially where the UK was many years ago. Albeit you're preparing to make all the same mistakes.


they don't think once let alone twice

>Greater Israel
Is this the end goal?

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on the other hand, gibs me one of these badboys and we'll soon be discussing what exactly may be construed as defensive and if it could permit preemptively executing potential belligerents

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