Has anyone had a worse 2020 than Nick Fuentes?

Has anyone had a worse 2020 than Nick Fuentes?
>livestream your meet up with pic related
>people find out he moved from Australia to your town and start asking questions
>Get deplatformed off YouTube
>you start saying weird shit like how you and your wife are going to sleep in separate beds
>Your AFPAC ends up being massive cringe
>Other figures on the right who you've been attacking unprovoked for years finally have enough and start calling you out
>All this combines to cause a massive disentigration of your audience
Will Nick Fuentes ever recover?

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I think he'll have a dedicated audience for a few more years at most, then they'll grow out of the bullshit. Trying to reset the US to the 1950's isn't a viable plan anyway.

>59772 [Reply]▶
>Has anyone had a worse 2020 than Nick Fuentes?
>Will Nick Fuentes ever recover?
no and no

What's up with fit, handsome, intelligent young men ending up as anime watching faggots? What causes this?

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Nick has redpilled more people than any of you faggots ever will. Just shitposting on Yas Forums isn’t helping the right in any way

Nick is a redpill dropper the same way that vodka is non-alcoholic

Incorrect, Yas Forums Yas Forums has had magnitudes more impact than spic fag.

Are you one of those retards who unironically think that a good way to redpill people is to scream HH and shit?

He's not intelligent.

It hasn’t. Yas Forums just redpills some autistic guys who won’t really have any influence over the word

Literally who?

Literally have no idea who this fag outside of that cringe cartoon that cringe r/pol cartoon that's always shilled here

I don’t like his views on women.

anyone who cares about e-celebs are braindead

>Implying Fuentes isn't trying to be as edgy as possible all the time on his show

>then they'll grow out of the bullshit

this, in less than a year the "trad cath" shit is going to be seen in the same vein as Fashwave shit is now. Not a single one of them will admit it but the whole twitter Catholic thing is largely a fad and most of them aren't actually religious. It was a mistake to brand as explicitly Christian but I understand the thought process.

If you ever followed this manlet then you're already a fagg. Plus his main audience was 12 and 13y olds

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What are you talking about? the gay ops have done nothing but boost Nick, he gets more viewers on DLive than he did on youtube.

He's not fit
Do you see this cocksucker squatting 40kg? I don't

That is because you're not a homosexual and Nick is
Many gays hate women and are jealous of them for getting much more attention from non homo males

Imagine being his dad and seeing these pictures.
Must feel horrible. Deep down his dad k owns someone molested his son during his childhood. Molestation is how 50% of gays procreate

I get it. Women should strive to be trad and Christian, but his willingness to accept degenerate gay men over women makes it clear he's gay.

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Idk if I think that that’s true, maybe it is. But if Yas Forums has taught me one thing is that men who have mommy issues tend to be the ones that genuinely hate women and just want to see them suffer.

guy in the op pic isnt gay

>It hasn’t.
Objectively false.


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Yeah, he's just being ironically gay


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Is this true? Or are you just slandering him?

Then why is he sucking a black dildo?
Are you one of those postmodernist who argue you can get fucked by a man and not be gay?

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He's right and wrong. I'd say he's 50/50, he definitely goes to hard in one direction. But he's still more redpilled on women then 90% of the population.

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why the fuck does anybody give a shit about these milquetoast alt-lite youtube personalities
i don't fucking get it, what do people see in someone who finally works up the courage to say something as mild as "maybe white people aren't the scum of the earth" while everyone else feigns disgust? why not follow someone who says what you actually believe, instead of just whoever says whatever's at the edge of the socially acceptable?

step one: be republican party
step 42: destroy it by supporting it with memers

step one: be rapist non-Godman Christian head of world
step 42: destroy it by supporting it with racist trad caths

it all finalises when Pewdiepie can dismantle the subject in a video, He's bad at hiding His Meme superpowers

irony isn't real. if he's only "pretending" to be a cross dressing dildo sucker he'll just manifest as that for real

This is literally ALL lies lmao. The people who dont like him now never did, his live viewer numbers are as big as they ever where.

He's smart and funny tho, I like him.

Groypers are so pathetic.

If it weren't for Yas Forumsacks prattling on about this guy, I'd have never heard of him. Who is he, the current version of Molyneux?

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the clip of him doing the joker dance was kino

A based zoomer. The fact that he's a heretical Catholic is regrettable, but I'll take it over some atheist/larpagan faglord.

You are what you do
And the people you associate with have an influence on you
Hanging out with guys who like sucking Black dildo makes you really gay

but nick has influence over the world? lol


Idk who that is and why should one fuck about some random faggot?

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Pol is dead and unironic nazism is autistic and gay

nick was funny, but honestly still just a religious fruitcake, that was his biggest problem, he will never be taken seriously when he uses his kike religion as something people will need to follow.

doomed from the start.

It’s always funny how the men here that claim that they know sooo much about women and their “nature” are also the exact same men who actually have the least amount of experience with actually interacting with women.

Wow the shills are scared of little nick, this is amusing and gives me ideas, thanks leftists.

Yes silly, he influences people through his banned Youtube account and his Twitter account where he's blocked 97% of the world's population.

A broken clock is correct 2x a day so you are correct and incorrect.

If Nick Fuentes created an ethno-state it would be a total sausage fest

More so than literal homosexual Richard Spencer

Mostly children. No adult is gonna listen to nick Fuentes.

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If anyone here created a state it would be a total sausage fest since what you guys want isn’t really appealing to women.

I won't really argue that. Most of Yas Forums takes things to the autistic extreme. This inability to see the truth somewhere in-between blinds them on things like women. Pic unrelated

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He's redpilling normies, man. Very important guy.

having a dildo isnt too weird. i got a prostate massager and it gives me better orgasms than sex with a woman.

Dude what is that pic bro? Holy shit man it's too early for that shit

It's even worse cause he's just pretending to be religious for his image.

>Most of Yas Forums takes things to the autistic extreme. This inability to see the truth somewhere in-between blinds them on things like women.
I’ve noticed that lol

I never had respect for that pussy. The only people who did are redditors. I use the terms "people" and "redditors" rarely together nowadays. Pic related is a redditor.

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At least it wasn't a destructive fad like the trans fad is now. It's easier to move on from being "Catholic" then cutting your dick or tits off.

>Many gays hate women and are jealous of them for getting much more attention from non homo males

But ironically women are their biggest cheerleaders.