>Live in africa
>0 dead
>0 infected
I'll inherit the planet while you're all choking to death. Feels good.
Live in africa
t. guy waiting to get food aid from UN
Lol even if africans do inherit the planet without first world people they'll be fucked
Op, have you yet fucked a bebe to get rid of AIDS?
>can't make a boat or navigate
ok, nigger
You're not Madagascar.
Also, tell the Democratic Republic of the Congo to stop jutting into your borders.
corona-chan arrived in Africa and died the moment her host got off the plane.
I rather die after 25 years in europe than living 100 in africa
What if you end up being some African Dictator? It's every Yas Forumstard's dream to become a dictator of some third-world shithole.
I live on one of the highest elevation points on the planet, won't be affected by flood
Good luck. You will eventually evolve into white people.
You will inherit most of it anyway because of the birthrates and because our governments love you
Fucked yo bitch
I'm investing in fried chicken and watermelon futures.
>Boats are for when it floods
What happens when the food and medicine stop fleeing to your worthless people?
>Eat jungle rat
>Entire village dies of ebola
>White man pls help us
If you not die from fucking ebola earlier /thread
based and redpilled
Many will die in about 3 months when the foreign aid dries up.
That's right white boy
Polar shift, lurk more.
>rest of world dies
>90% of nigger population starves to death because they can't farm
Take that flag off, cumskined ape
Not even a horrible virus wants to go near blacks..disgusting creatures
>africa avoids the pandemic entirely
>everyone dies once the UN food supply is disrupted and the doctors are called home to treat real humans.
>live in Africa
>0 dead
>0 infected
>0 tested
Blind people cannot see the gun that kills them. Pretty dope flag though for a nigger. What's your internet cost?
>everyone but the Africans die
>Africans spread to obtain unprotected gibs
>don't know how anything works, and they essentially turn into cave men living in fancy houses and office buildings and hunting deer with pointed sticks
>eventually all die off because they over hunt the deer and can't figure out how to farm
Man, that would truly be the worst ending.
maybe in nigeria, we've got a low population and lots of fertile land.
t.country that dosen't test
OP you do understand that you will probably starve if this happens.
I have a question.
What are your people's honest opinion about the blacks living here in America? I can only assume that they are absolutely embarrassed by them.
Its a cruel joke, expecting literal witch doctors and voodoo priests to keep modern medical records.
I'm sure they've had thousands of cases, but they're all diagnosed as curses and hexes that can be cured with cannibalism.
>What's your internet cost
around 20$/month
The same as Europeans opinions of whites living in America I should imagine.
Don't brag, faggot
basically 1/5th of your monthly salary ?
Based faggot
>inherit the planet
No, you'll just inherit Africa.
Some listen to american black music but there's low crime/violence here because low population grants enough resources for everyone and the population is racially homogenous so there's no racial conflict. south africa on the other hand is completely different, even local blacks are afraid of south african blacks. They're very violent and criminal, maybe it has to do with the white south africans...
africans are the infection in africa
0 infected? Where have you been faggot? Your a week behind the news.
But you'll just ruin the planet and die either way.
Even if 99% of us die you retards will still fuck it up somehow and wont inherit shit.
Tell you what. Post in Yas Forums often, and we can recognize you simply based off of that flag alone, just like that Bhutanese guy (who I haven't seen in days).
If you can get more people to be as educated as you are, then at least your area would be in pretty good shape, at least by African standards. Maybe drop heavy redpills on your people.
hey OP have you bashed in a bald man's skull yet to get your gold? dumb nigger. you'll all starve to death when the gibs stop flowing
who's gonna feed you though?
It'll take them 10,000 years to take over the world and by that time they're white again.
The guy might be middle or upper class. Even though there's a lot of poverty in Africa there are rich or middle class people like any other country.
>>Live in africa
>I'll inherit the planet while you're all choking to death. Feels good.
you are so stupid that you can't even test your own people, more than likely virus is already in your country but because people are dying daily from random niggerings noone cares
true. He can also be a VPN larp.
Based we are Made to serve BWC
Yet still somehow more than your EU welfare check salary
>someone had to download all those images and take their time just to make this
Pathetic lmao
I like corona threads for the amount of rare flags
Weak banter. We're too poor to have welfare.
>Africa is a country