It's weird how holocaust deniers think the official story is that all the deaths were either in furnaces or gas chambers.
It's weird how holocaust deniers think the official story is that all the deaths were either in furnaces or gas...
it. never. happened.
Only some think Thst. The truly ignorant ones. Some (the knowing liars) are more sophisticated. There are even some who I think are sincere in their disbelief and have spiralled so far down the echo chamber tunnel that they just cannot allow themselves to flip back to reality - they know a lot of facts, but compartmentalise and dismiss each one in turn, refusing to see the big picture. . It is a sort of mental defence - they would suffer a terrible blow to the ego if they had to admit they were wrong.
Kot id get
i like how holocaust deniers pretend it never happened when there is actual testimony from survivors talking about death roller coasters and other whacky shit
What didn’t? The Einsatzgruppen shootings? 1.4 million shot on the eastern front and reported to Himmler and Hitler?
That happened didn’t it?
Quarter million killed by Romanians and 80,000 by Yugoslavians? That happened. Hundreds of thousands dying in Polish Ghettos? That happened
So you have to admit at least two million just to start with....
Ok schizo
makes total sense to waste ammo on 1.4 million useless kikes in the middle of a world war
sure it did juden.
No there isn’t. There is one book in 1945 of rumours and weird stories, not fact checked, whic is obviously full of Chinese whispers and crap. Which you quote without knowing the provenance. Which no historian, or legal investigation has ever taken seriously and which is not part of the Holocaust narrative.
So basically someone heard how they loaded the bodies into the ovens (using a sort of cart on a small track - this is true and you can see them in any picture of the crematoria at Auschwitz and Buchenwald) and exaggerated the idea a bit. It deal.
Ow try making ridicule of the rest of the narrative that is well documented and which the Nazis agreed happened.
The holocaust is fake news. Because there is nothing immoral About a bunch of Europeans shooting a bunch of Asians in the back of the head in Europe. Full stop. Nothing follows
> begin thread with false premise
fuck you, shill
Because no, they don't necessarily.
The fact that people were taught for years that millions of deaths occoured in gas chambers disguised as shower rooms proves its all bullshit. If it actually happend they would just be honest about how the millions were killed instead of making up elaborate and dramatic campfire stories about mastrabation machines, lampshades, death cages with and eagle and bear, holocoaster, electrified floor, mobile gas chamber car and so on and so on.
Yeah, last year in some polish village during some diggins a mass grave was discovered, theory was that there are bodies of kikes from of two massacres that supposedly occured in that village.
But before anyone got to work, head rabbi of Poland reminded everyone that you can't just move dead kikes, so nothing was done.
For all we know, it could be dead poles. Or germans. Or ayyys.
the most reasonable position is to say that, sure, something happened, its just not relevant to the current year. holocaust propaganda is used as a moral chokehold, if it is joked and memed about people will stop giving a fuck and start taking care of relevant issues instead of living in the past.
Lol you're the french jew who does nothing but post in holocaust threads.
The reason why people dont believe it is because of "masturbation machines" and the "holocoaster"
>and which the Nazis agreed happened
genital mutilation and torture
Of the war was as Hitler said, on Jews. Jews caused it, and it is a major war aim to destroy the Jews - a promise he made in 1939. Also if all Jews are seen as potential saboteurs and enemies within, and the aim was to gain lebensraum for Germans to move into, so depopulation is an aim as well. Plus they had no shortage of ammunition at that time - this was early in the war.
Interesting ou should mention wasting ammunition - so many deniers deny the Holocaust by saying why not just shoot them, why build gas chambers - glad to see someone understands why they stopped shooting them and turned to more efficient and cheaper methods.
They reported it. No one has ever been able to show those reports are not genuine. They were confirmed by multiple sources. Also thousands of mass graves. It really makes. I sense to deny them.
Thr Nazis also did lots of poorly thought out things. They were not always super efficient.
Yeah no, kike, there were "survivors" during the Nuremberg trials talking about nazis making furniture and hand bags made out of human skin, and other stupid bullshit
What number do you mean by “mostly” in homicidal gas chambers?
What number do you think is claimed?
Millions were killed in gas chambers. And they were told they were going for a shower - that is why they undressed and left their valuables for Thr Nazis to plunder.
the holohaox never happened but it should have
kill yourself and embrace serval
What evidence is there to suggest that they are poles or Germans or Ayys?
None. But it is known there were Jewish mass murders. So why pretend it is unlikely they are Jews, and equally likely they are Germans or aliens? That makes no sense
Nope, not French, ot Jewish, and I do lots of other things. Haven’t been here for a couple of weeks I think.
Masturbation machines were made up by an Australian Catholic in 2004 ina very bad novel - fiction. lol,, you know?
And the coaster was à Chinese whisper that was instantly debunked and no one has taken seriously.
If people don’t believe because of those things then those people are fucking stupid. Lowest tier morons.
>all the deaths were either in furnaces or gas chambers.
Didn’t happen.
Want to try another stupid Yas Forums lie meme?
mad as fuck jew lol
Thr Nuremberg trials had lots of rumours suggested - and often debunked. No one was convicted of any of those things. I am not sure that those accusations even came up at Nuremberg - you may be thinking of the trial of Elsa Koch, in which some things were alleged but dismissed.
The point is that those sorts of tiny atrocity accusations (one person was skinned, one lampshade made, one lamp stand made from a skull, one person tortured ina peculiar way, etc...) are really not relevant to the Holocaust or its denial. You can dismiss all those claims and so dismiss a few dozen deaths. So what? The other five and half million are well proven. That is the Holocaust.
Great argument.
6 billion people died u asshole
Typhus accounted for a few hundred thousand tops. Those who arrived at Treblinka Belzec, Sobibor, chelmno, Auschwitz and were sent straight to the gas chambers didn’t have time to get sick. They died the day that they arrived
Isn't it weird that there is National Holocaust Museum in Washington DC? After all it was a European even and no American citizens were involved.
Sorry, are you as mad as fuck? And do you mean crazy, or angry? And can you prove you are Jewish?
im my sock
you are the jew
Why should I give shit? It happened nearly a century ago.. Why does every American school child have to be lectured about something that isn't even part of America history?
So you are the same French kike.
Some Americans were actually.
And of course many who were involved and survived later became Americans. Millions of Americans have relatives who were murdered.
You guys get misty eyed about a couple lof thousand killed on 9/11 - that is one afternoon at one camp during the Holocaust
>noooo it wasn't in gas chambers and ovens, that's ridiculous Yas Forums propaganda
>Well actually everybody who went in got immediately stuck in the gas chamber
pointless thread
Oh. No . Not actually.
Nope. Not French Not Jewish
Nobody is denying persecution. People are questioning the scope as well as a rather large collection of tall tales being told as fact.
Nope that isn’t what I said.
Are you being deliberately thick, or are you just fucking stupid?
Got to go walk the dog, maybe back later.
Well, most aren't denying persecution.
No human being with a soul is even alleged to have died in the holocaust, but Americans died on 9/11. 9/11 was objectively worse.
oh joy, the wetbrain bullshit filled retard in france is here to call everyone a liar.
Anyways, I don't deny that a holocaust happened in WW2 so you can't call me a denier
Get mugged by the niggers you import kike
In this context that's like saying anyone in prison is being persecuted but never asking why they're in prison to begin with.
Sorry, I missed a word, meant to say "not all died in gas chambers" was the threads beginning statement, then you say "haha yeah you sure are dumb, Yas Forums, btw, muh 6 million fake showers isn't that sad?"
Kill yourself.
More Americans have relatives and connections to the Irish Potato Famine yet we don't have monument to that in the capital.
Sure it/s real event,, but I so very tired of being pimped out to silence criticism of Israel and whored for gibs to Israel.
Israel fucking sucks.
get a load of this kike
zero died in gas chambers because they were used to delouse clothing
People who deny Holocaust are the real brainlets here.
Obviously masturbator machines and shit were false, the Holocaust was all a part of the Nazi ideology .
Still, dead Jew is good Jew
You know what else happened?
A jew went around the ukraine accusing farmers of being bourgeoisie and had them sent to gulags, causing a massive famine that killed at least 9 million, more than your little sob story that you made up.
how do you, as a jew, feel when goys admit that something happened to your people but just dont care. is that worse than denying the lolocaust or better?
>America history
your country has no history, half of the stuff in Europe is older than your country
Obviously it happened, reasonable people simply dispute the insane 6 million figure and the premise that Jews were exterminated on purpose.
Even Raul Hillberg, a pro-hoax """"historian"""" couldn't find one autopsy report claiming one person died in the camps due to gas poisoning.
Nor could he find one German document with the word "killing" with regards to solving the jewish question
sure buddy lol
the Red Cross knew the camps weren't used to exterminate anyone
Let it be known:
Not one person was poisoned to death by Zyklon B
Ikr at least a million were masturbated to death.
which are the most compelling evidence? how did the even find out that people were gassed?
i have listened to himmlers posen speech and i dont really doubt that it happened and people were gassed, just having a hard time finding real evidence
Where are the mass graves? They have banned independent investigators from using ground penetrating radar on the sites because every single time someone does the ground is undisturbed with no bodies underground. They have resorted to putting rocks over the "mass graves" to preven ground penetrating radar tests from being carried out ever again.
then show me the bodies
hey Aaron
you here to get btfo'd again huh?