I literally voted for this Faggot, and will be forced to vote for him again, because the Dems are MORE batshit...

I literally voted for this Faggot, and will be forced to vote for him again, because the Dems are MORE batshit. But at what point do we admit he's become a raving fucking lunatic in constant obsessive cope mode? He's fucking retarded, isn't he?

Attached: MuhBama.png (702x433, 50.41K)

Other urls found in this thread:


inb4 link request

OP is NOT a Faggot


i disagree.

Attached: 02AD3467-CE5E-4AD9-BA0B-2A5EA05A907F.jpg (680x709, 122.11K)

OP's fucking retarded, isn't he?


>he's a lunatic, bureaucracy is simple and streamlined

It's just a tweet, there's not need to be to buttmad bro.

Yes. America's got off the rails. It's years of "positive psychology" and we are superhumans combined.

My shithole is exactly the same.

Arrogance is the downfall of human race.

The country is fucking going insane and the fucking FAGGOT is tweeting about Obama.


Fuuck you I'm on my mobile shitting it's hard life

Meanwhile, the US is 1,762

God save America.

Attached: potato-trump.jpg (640x499, 21.98K)

The future's looking bright, OP

Attached: Sunglasses help brain injury patients.png (921x1216, 560.65K)

>muh posting

phonefag can you stop phonecucking?

You're going tucking insane you lunatic. Trump is doing great, calm down.

Did he literally just blame Obama for corona virus?

Attached: 30seconds2die.jpg (727x456, 40.84K)

This! The buck stops with President Obama

Dude, wanna know a secret? Voting and democracy is a meme in an oligarchy like ours, especially with internet, mass media and those that can buy off politicians. The richest people get to program the minds through the media and play both sides. Notice how the “center” between the parties only moves left? The democrats and the inner party and the republicans are the controlled opposition outer party. These boomers on the board will still be falling for red/blue team politics in 10 years where the blue team is pushing for pedophilia to be legal and red team will cuck out and agree with child trannys. Do you get sick of it yet or what?

>expressing panic as rage, the blog.
When swimmers panic they teach you to drown them first because they can’t be saved while conscious.

I love trump but he is literally incapable of admitting fault

imagine my surprise when the egyptian chaos frog god candidate you guys used quantum cern magic to put into this position does ridiculous shit. be careful what you wish for maybe

You're really bored

Cry harder lefty.

At least you get that not voting for him invites a much worse alternative.


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>phoneniggering phonecumskin BTFO

I voted for him to keep Democrats out of office and a fucking WALL. And I have to that again. But he's FUCKING RETARDED. There's no question. He's literally a fucking RETARD

The insanity is all the BRUMPFHSSSSSS posters like you and the msm having faux outrage over everything he does n

Bullshit, most of what he does is fine. He just can't SHUT THE FUCK UP on Twitter. He's FUCKING. RETARDED.

looks like you shoulda went with jeb or cruz then, dirty rat! they were options too not just hillary. at least theyre somewhat sane. but its all fun and games under your comfy blankie with tendies



Ted Cruz would have lost. But Ted Cruz 2020 is nowhere near the Faggot that ran in 2016.

here how bernie can still win

What’s wrong OP?

he’s correct. obama’s admin destabilized the country. the last 4 years have been a game of finding and fixing everything he fucked up. Trump’s forst day in office was a stack of EOs focused on unfucking Obama era problems.

yeah op why dont you post the second part of this tweet you literal dnc shill?

Attached: 1BFF4298-2790-4259-90AB-2274065EB899.jpg (750x451, 222.88K)

Anyone think that chicken is mammal but actually it is bird. The more ya know, Trumptards.
>muh red meat.
Carnivores BTFO! Hippy bitches love Big Vegan Cock

Did the mainstream press try and blame trump for corona ?

Weren't Obama and Hillary supposed to be ARRESTED at this point? Muh "Q"?

Your post is just a bunch of meme words with no actual content. Obviously a zoomer retard

he's a troll that can't handle any real life situation, this virus is the only such situation that has emerged in this clown world since 2014

>we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

Attached: former trump supporter 3.png (1000x764, 209.51K)

Walk away from the computer you lunatic.

seems like (you) are the retard

OP is always a faggot until proven otherwise and you have done nothing to prove that you aren't a faggot you faggot

The MSM absolutely BLASTED Obama for Ebola, which had 4 cases in the US and then was contained.


There was a time when he could rightly blame for things being shit - it's not in the last few months of his term.

*blame Obama

hopefully mom has the heat turned up in the basement

it's good that while your family members are dying of corona you still have time to shill

Trump was supposed to hang the Deep State and BTFO of the Democrats...instead he Tweets about "muh Media" and rants like a fucking FAGGOT multiple times a day.

Attached: Obi-Wan-Crying-Mad.jpg (618x412, 30.15K)

He’s a fucking retard.

Like you said the Dems are just worse. Just look at those shitbags replying to that tweet. They are so awful they make me side with him.

Redditspacing isn’t real your overcompensating retard

>mainstream media
>blasting Obama for anything
Toothpastetard strikes again

cov-Id 19

I'm surprised he's not blaming Pence yet. I mean that's the whole reason he assigned Pence to this virus task force, so that when things get worse, he can separate himself from any responsibility and shift all blame to someone else.
It's his m.o.

Yet, nearly three and a half years into his presidency, he's still trying to blame Obama or Hillary for present issues.
These are not values of an effective leader.

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You're a retarded faggot if you ever expected anything else from him. He's an idiot. He speaks in generalizations to hide the fact that he never knows what the fuck he's talking about. If you've never realized this before you are literally a fucking dumb cunt.

>and globalism and mass urbanity have nothing to do with the increasing presence of pandemics, either

Poor 'progressives', no wonder they all have crippling anxiety, depression, and addiction, the subconscious guilt they must feel for running the world into the ground must be immense.

>a raving fucking lunatic in constant obsessive cope mode
You certainly are

You faggot. 11,000+ Americans died from H1N1 and 56 million were infected. This is more of a nothing bigger than the shit I took earlier.

Wtf? Where did this come from? No one thinks chicken is a mammal.

>Dems are MORE batshit
I hope everyone remembers this

>dude a pandemic will never happen we got things covered
>global market
How can you hold both of these ideas? Endless interaction between differing groups from differing locations can and will result in precisely this


It's a good thing he defunded all those disease prevention programs or else we could have stopped the disease

Wrong. This will give Pence a 'win.' Haven't you heard all the Dem state officials praising Pence? The campaign battle will be at the VP level for November.

What the Fuck?