Is Reality supernatural?

Does Yas Forums into supernatural?

I didn't think so, a couple years back. But things have changed. Last year, my mother died. Her mother was Slovakian, and her father was Basque. Now, two days after the death I meet my now-fiancee, whose mother is Slovenian, and whose father is Basque. (how fucking rare!)

Think about how incredibly strange that is.

This girl and I have matching lives, deeply similar worldviews and right from the start we felt a familiarity, like we'd known each other for years. It's fate, brothers.

2 months ago, I meet a guy whose mother died on the same date as my mother, stranger still, he found her corpse at the same time as I found my mother's.

I've seen the veil lifted.

I can't explain it. I don't really know what it means.

But something beyond this physical plain exists. Another dimension. I've seen shit.

There is a 'supernatural.'

Make your peace with the supernatural and look beyond this illusory existence, before it's too late.

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Other urls found in this thread:'s_occult_studies

yeah it's cool and all but honestly the astral plane is overrated


That’s why you have to keep going there during your lifespan and craft yourself a paradise-like afterlife for you to go to after physical death

It can be.
Everyone is at different stages. Each voltage over each synapse is unique.

But there is more. There are forces and dimensions beyond our understanding.

>Is Reality supernatural?

by definition, no.

reality is absurd. listen to terrence mckenna
>pic related

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prove it, infidel

LOL McKenna was all about reality being supernatural. Pleb.

Hopefully our hyper-materialistic paradigm will shift soon.


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Read this and go back to fucking reddit until you do.

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On the internet i met this woman i had an instant connection with. She was living on the other side of germany, was married and had a child. I have felt she would get divorced and that she belongs in my life, despite having a child and she never mentioned anything about a divorce. A few weeks later she actually told me that she got divorced, some time passed and she came to visit me. When i met her the first time in real life i instantly had this intuitiv knowledge, that this will be my wife and we got into a relationship.

A few years forward: She ignored me, betrayed me. Its a few years that we have no contact with. I really loved her and still do, but something went off ...

I believed in some „divine intervention“ since many unpredictable circumstances led to our unity, but well ... things got fucked and i am confused now.
my hope in a higher power is at its low


Gay story.

Neck yourself, cuck.

whats that?

-.- cmon

So much dick, Hans.

They literally make in labs elements that do not occur naturally. Dunno why you wouldn’t call that sorcery supernatural.
Couldn’t even make those elements until we found uranium and for some mysterious reason we couldn’t see uranium in all that black pitch shit miners been digging up forever and not getting radiation sickness from until after we found Uranus in the sky. Neptune evidently taught us the ways of making supernatural elements by rubbing Uranus’ castrated genitals together to spawn furies and atom bombs.
As above so below
Water ain’t always h2o

ppl became 2 lazy 2 write whole words.

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I've never had any experiences. Aside from multiple cases where people in my family were at the "you should start preparing for a funeral" stage and then made a miraculous recovery. But I cannot call that anything more than willpower and the meds working. Anyhow, the closest thing to something "more" is when my mother was in surgery. She says Saint Barbara came to her and told her to "not be afraid". I'd write it off as her mind playing tricks on her. Bringing back a comforting figure from her past, as she's rather religious, to "calm her" in her dreams. The thing is, Saint Barbara has nothing to do with surgeries or health; she's the Patron of miners and the like. And also, my mother never knew her by name. Even in that "dream", she never told her her name. My mum went through several icons until she found the Saint that matched what she saw. As the cherry on top, my great grandmother once had asbestos fall on her eye. As you know that can blind you (I knew a guy who was blinded like that), especially back then, but she made a full recovery. According to her, Saint Barbara also came to help her back then.

Look, there is a logical answer. Some repressed memory of her grandma's incident stayed with my mother, so years later when she was afraid, the mind constructed something to help her through the fear. But this is the closest I've had to something "more" happening around me. I'm sure there is more than this "physical" reality that we observe. But whatever's true of religon, myths, folklore and the like, I don't know.

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lier. i google it and it says
„shaking my damn head“
deciever btfo by satanic technology

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>oh wow, life becomes good! There is a God!
>oh no, life becomes bad! There is no God!

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The brainlet tier rationalism and materialism we find ourselves in for at least the last 100 years is entirely abberant compared to the rest of western though throughout history all the way to the pre-socratics.

For example, everybody who FUCKING LOVES SCIENCE knows about Newton. But none of these retards know that to the man himself, his most important studies were on subjects such as alchemy, biblical interpretation, and chronological placement of mythological kingdoms such as Atlantis.'s_occult_studies

I eat you weren't taught this in school user. None of us were.

Maybe you were taught the pythagorean theorem. But they didn't tell you that there are no reported texts authored by Pythagoras himself. In fact Pythagoras' whole cult revolved around a kind of esoteric silence. And they were concerned with many things that would be inadmissible in any modern "academic" (the modern use of this term being a terrible insult to Plato) environment. Reincarnation? Pseudoscience! Heretical! How dare you defy Sacred Materialism!

These are all wikepedia-tier facts and yet this truth is hidden from us.

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not true.
the point was, that i saw patterns. i saw something being pushed forward in my life. but then it broke apart. so i asked myself why would you try to build something to then break it? didnt make sense. i am not saying god doesnt exist. i am saying maybe my interpretation and believe was wrong.


no, thats nature. nature is god. conforming to societal standards is satanic. satan is bad.

great post.

Have a wash, a haircut and a shave you disgusting gimp.

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Women like unwashed barbarians?

Supernatural is a misnomer. It's just natural.


I’ve experienced so many dejavus and glitches that I believe there is something more behind this physical realm.

Sorry for your loss user, I too have distant relatives in USA who emigrated before WW2.

shut up, normie.
just because you cut something given by god doesnt make any better, doesnt prove your superiority.
jews and muslims cut their foreskin off.

I think that actual reality is. But reality is an ongoing living orginism linked with global consciousness so current reality is unfortunately tied to time which means everything has a material component. We are light and if you follow the light the light will follow you.

>cutting a dick because muh god
>cutting hair and washing to look presentable
totally the same, I can smell you from here

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dont doubt.
natural is good, because thats the way evolution intended it to be. your hair are like antennas to receive the word of god. smell is important to attract the opposite sex. we have bacterias on our skin which keep us clean, but washing to much removes your natural shield from parasites.
women love „barbarians“. only hoes want a clean shaven beta fag

they cut dicks for god.
you cut yourself for satan.
what you are presenting is of this worldly plain, its materialistic, its your physical appearance. only shallow people fall for this, like they fall for satans lies.
i am not of this world, i am not a child of satan, as i present my spirit to god, not my body

I have a spoopy CIA link how some agents were taking LSD and somehow could see and map the entire universe.

>Universe is shaped like the human brain.

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Yep this.
Hegel was a sorcerer. Marx took from Hegel his approach to hemetics and synthesized current materiality.
Time is a spell it's time to wake the fuck up and smell the roses. The beginning has begun.

Go back to Pakistan and smell from there. You're not welcome in the civilised Jew controlled countries.

lsd creates lies in your had. illusion. like media. like the jews. the cake.

Yes. Stop being a non-christian degenerate, faggot.

I warned you, open at your own risk:

thanks user

thanks, will read into it.

One thing that's definitely crazy is that many people on r/paranormal and other sites reported having dreams where their relatives visited them (very vivid dream, have never dreamt of relative before) and told them goodbye. Next morning they got a call the relative died that night. Have read literally hundreds of stories like this.

same happened to me too once

Could you expand on that? It's so fascinating to me.

I'm pretty aure LSD is a fucking hack/jail break/glitch for reality.

Everytime I microdosed very very unlikely things happened. As if the LSD broke the fabeic of reality...

LSD isn't real.

The German Connection

i had a weird dream, which i cant recall completely, but there was this moment when i have lost a tooth. i told the dream to my mom. she said, usually losing teeth in dreams means that someone will die. if there was no blood, then its a close person. if there was blood when you lost your tooth, then its someone blood related. 7 days after that dream my grandad passed away.

>pythagoras and newton were into science and magic
>so if i start to study magic and bullshit i will be just like newton and pythagoras
Nice nice

>prove it, infidel

supernatural literally means "Outside the natural"

Our universe is the only metric we have for "Natural"

Ghosts are real
Aliens are real
God is more likely than not real
I think the only law to our universe is that everything is real


No. If people like them studied and believed in it, they are more likely right than some liberast atheist redditards

a few days after he passed away i saw him in a dream. he was dressed in white linen and glowing. he didnt say anything, but just smiled and nodded once ( like a farewell)
2/3 will continue at hone
