How deadly is the coronavirus really?

Italy: 15 thousand coronavirus cases, 1019 deaths. Morality rate of 7%

South Korea: 8 thousand coronavirus cases, 67 deaths. Mortality rate under 1%

Is it possible that the coronavirus isn't actually as deadly as hyped, but it's just that Italy's health care system is awful?

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>How deadly is the coronavirus really?
depends on how totalitarian your government is.

Using your logic: Italy 15 thousand cases, 1300 cured, cure rate about 8%

more like everywhere: 1,000,000 cases and 0.01 death rate.

If you can survive the flu you are fine

faggots tend to look more at the death rate, what really matters is how many patient go into critical condition from those infected because ICU patients will definetly depend on the health care sistem of the country they are in. I may be Wim Hof from an immunity perspective but if i live in Liberia there's a big chance i might get fucked.

Durr relax guys I’m so smart it’s just hysteria. What don’t you retards understand? Not that it matters anyway

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You'd need to test a random sample of the population to get reliable data. Only taking in to account the people that get tested after showing symptoms skews your data terribly, making it nearly useless.

The data that we have is "of the people presenting with symptoms, that get tested, this percent dies", which is far different than "this percent of infected people die".

Italy has been ground zero for Rapefugees entering Europe for the last 8 years. Italy is cucked. South Korea tested over 200,000 people in the first month of their outbreak, and Koreans are smart enough to avoid public events and wear masks. Its also generally a pretty clean society by default as well.

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It's anotha holocough.

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They have a hard time distinguishing marinara sauce from blood, I can't blame them for mistaking corona as flu.

Its literally the FUCKING FLU

>Italy: 15 thousand coronavirus cases, 1019 deaths. Morality rate of 7%

Guess the SpaghettiNiggers shouldn't have held a "Hug the Panda Flu Bringer Day"

You are watching the effects of the enforcement of SJW virtual signaling in real time in Italy.

Don't be like Italy.

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Germany, 2,500 corona cases, 5 dead, death rate 0.2%

Koreans and Germans eat a lot of pork which is an antidote against corona

It’s a 7 percent death rate in Washington state too

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>Less contagious than the flu
Yeah, fewer people currently have this than get the flu every year, that means it's less contagious right?

Dunno man, the numbers would indicate Italy's healthcare is one of the best. The problem is that there are too many infected people at the same time and too few ICUs for both them and regular cases.
The US will have it a lot worse.

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Shitalians are brown mudshits and filthy as fuck.

It will kill more people than both world wars combined in a tiny fraction of the time

Your complacency is a result of your feeble brain's inability to grasp the true meaning of exponential growth.

In the US alone, 50,000,00 people will need intensive car. We have 70,000 ICU beds. Obviously that's not going to work, shoving 643 people into each bed.

Italy started testing people outside the quarantined people from Asia and people coming in contact with them and that’s how the cases went up dramatically

>clean society
Bro, how about you actually go to Seoul instead of going to kpop? The whole place smells like piss and you literally can't flush toilets with toilet paper inside them so people throw their shitpapers in the bin next to the toilet. Sure, some parts are nice, but once you get out of the touristy zones it starts looking like vietnam or thailand real quick.

That's the right answer -- but it takes a year to gather that much data. When you don't go hungry, when there is plenty of water and electricity, then you'll know it was all a jewish hoax to crash the economy and blame it on a virus instead of on the banker class.

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This shit is fraudulent and homosexual

Ohio likely has over 100k cases

>50 million people for the flu

It's just super low IQ thinking. It's like going to the beach in Florida and saying "See, it's a perfectly beautiful day out here" as a Cat 5 storm brews in the Caribbean. It's so stupid as to be almost criminal. A death rate of 7% is massive, especially when combined with the high rate of ICU visits needed to keep people alive who don't die instantly. We already know the disease has an r0 or between 6 and 8, so what this guy is spewing is pure bullshit. But if anything, more toiler paper for me.

trust me I got the 411

there's no chance in hell they have less than 1000 cases.

these mortality rates aren't accurate. there was already 1000s of cases in the US when they were reporting just a handful "officially".

Italians do that stupid kiss in the cheek greeting. This is probably the major reason for their exposure rates. They seriously rub their faces together as a greeting.

Guys, i have to go to the store to buy some food, I'm almost out. Would something like this work to keep me from getting corona virus? I'm scared.

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Why is Clay Travis opining on the Wuhan China virus? He doesn’t even do his current job well (sports talk and analysis)

do south koreans smoke a bunch?
italians smoke like fucking chimneys from the womb, which may be a factor in the mortality rates

Why do you guys care? I have heard it all for many years. Why now is this a big deal? Remember Jade Helm and Fema camps?

It doesnt sound scary when you compare the death rates with practical estimations.

I saw an interesting data graphic that showed # beds and respirators per person in the country against the death rate and it fit pretty nicely.

Italians are always overdramatic

Yes, lets test more with a 80% failure rate

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this. looks at the princess diamond. absolute worst case scenario of tightly packed elderly population and a unknown virus. a little over 3k on board and 7 deaths.

Not very. It's not a matter to take lightly, but it's very unlikely to kill you or even infect most of the population. Think back to y2k, SARS, the swine flu, the bird flu ww3, comet is gonna hit us global warming, global Cooling and every leaving president is gonna declare martial law to keep power ect....
Look it's not a nothing burger, but it's not half the big deal the fuckers are making it out to be either. (((They))) do this fucking shit every few fucking years after all...get news stories, ratings, clicks and sweet sweet ad revenue...same old fucking 'sky is falling bullshit as always.

Wash your hands use sanitizer and limit your unnecessary trips. You'll likely be just fine. If you get sick expect the shit to lay your ass out like the flu but a bit worse and for a longer period. If it's gets bad go to the doctor but don't take a hospital bed you don't need. And most importantly STOP FREAKING THE FUCK're just making shit worse numbnuts

>knows all about the parts of the Gookland Archipelago that smell like piss and have little police presence
Imagine my surprise.

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Add 'yellowstone is gonna blow seriously this time guise' to the list of disaster shit we always have to fucking hear.

nearly all of your dead were well past the age of most countries life expectancy

One google for the damn thing says coronaviruses are a thing, have been a thing and will continue to be a thing and the difference between this flu and normal flu is its not influenza but this years strain of bullshit we already live with.

Here's a per-country breakdown using John Hopkins stats from today.
>Closed Case Morality Rate = Deaths / (Deaths + Recovered)

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Who the fuck said it was flu dumbass? I said it will lay you out like a flu but a bit worse and longer. People aren't calling it The flu, they're using it as an easy frame of reference

Its a virus that causes flu. Flu is a chest infection. Its LITERALLY AND COMPLETELY A FORM OF COMMON FLU

Based. What was that movie fart apartment or whatever that showed what it's like to live in a Korean basement.

I've got it. Never felt so shit in my life. Think I'm finished. Good thing I have a gun to make it quick.



The french do it too like the homos they are

Israel doesn't quarantine all incoming travelers for two weeks over media created hysteria.

why is South Korea have such a low death rate it's really simple, literally everybody is being tested. the South Korean sample has even mild cases which would totally go unnoticed in most places.

the South Koreans have a good heath care system and since everybody is being tested, they can combat the community spread of the virus quickly, protecting the people most vulnerable to it.
when you pick up the mild cases and isolate them, you don't give the virus a chance to spread.

the US is going to be a great cluster fucked because nobody is being tested so the community spread of the virus is going to be huge.

You are a fucking moron. Those are literally two different things. Two separate viral families.
The flu virus attacks the nose, throat and airways, it's not a generic name for chest infection you mouth breathing retard.

I genuinely think I'm going to die. Fucking co-worker bogan came back from a trip to bali. I'm over it.

Italy has one of the oldest populations in Europe

Yes it is.

Are you serious here? What are the symptoms you feel?

Furthermore you absolute dipshit if you want to get technical the flu is caused by a rhinovirus a distinct thing from a Corona virus

Rhinovirus and Corona virus... different things you fucktard.

Typical flu symptoms but worse than ever. And I've had some of the worst shit in the past when I used to work with kids. I'm seriously considering just using my gun.


Maybe we should ask china?
>60.8 million Americans contracted swine flu (H1N1) in 2009, and 12,469 died from it. Obama waited until October of that year to address it, months after it had been circulating throughout the populace. 61 million estimated cases. 12,000 deaths (that's approximately 11,000 more actual recorded deaths from H1N1 than we have confirmed US cases of covid-19). H1N1 had a worldwide estimated 3.4% death rate at the beginning of the pandemic.
>Yet there were no quarantines. No industry shutdowns. No panic prepping. No states declaring emergency.
>No 24/7 media fear mongering. I don't doubt this is a bad virus, but there's something much deeper going on this time as well.
>Ask yourself who stands to benefit from all this. Then shift some of your worry from the virus to who's been manipulating you, and more importantly, why.

Dont, have someone get doses of 1000mg vitamin C and take those every 2 hours with a lot of water.

Dont leave us my dude.


9mm is more affordable

Don't be a pussy ausbro. Live to talk shit and spread bants another day.

Dont correct him. 70iq mouth-breathers must perish.

I mean, our's isn't. Unless you write something people don't like about comfort women.

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South Korea tests much more for the virus. The situation might be that the mortality rate of both countries is actually the same but in Italy there are many undetected cases. In the end this is speculation tho.

Coronavirus causes flu. Flu is a response to fighting an infection. Do you think having a cold raises your bodies temperature or makes your nose run? Do you think the mucus in your lungs is the virus?

No pleb. Thats your body doing its job: the flu.

Retard, it's all about the average age of the population. In Italy it's 45.5, in South Korea it's 41.8. Only boomers with a foot already in the grave are kung flu dying.

Not at all. Life expectancy is primarily do to things like healthy eating, and healthy life choices.

>H1N1 had a worldwide estimated 3.4% death rate at the beginning of the pandemic

Not true. Pretty much every adult has had the flu before. So if you catch the flu your immune system is sort of prepared for it. Corona is new and your immune system doesn't know how to handle it yet.

Real life petrea dish. How old were these deaths anyway?

that is absolutely stupid.
you are 6 weeks behind the news, kid.

r e a d

Who died in Italy? Name please.

Mortality rate is calculated based on medically proven cases. Since there is probably tens or hundreds times more people infected than tested positive (but with minor symptoms) the mortality rate is probably tens or hundreds times less.


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Apparently the actual infected number in UK could be as high as 100,000. We've had 10 deaths, nearly all elderly.

Big fuckin nothing sarnie, m8

South Korea may need to usurp the title of Best Korea. They've been super efficient at getting out thousands of tests per DAY. So they have a way better idea of how many people in their country actually have COVID-19 to begin with.

I'm guessing that, at least on the west coast and a couple of other potential hot spots like NYC, that minimum 10% or more of the populace has the coronavirus or has had it within the last couple of months.

>The whole place smells like piss and you literally can't flush toilets with toilet paper inside them so people throw their shitpapers in the bin next to the toilet.
You absolutely can. But too many of the old people here remember a time when Korea's water pressure was not up to the task. And so they throw shitpaper into bins. There are signs everywhere trying to get them to stop. They refuse to change their ways believing this will always clog the toilet.
>Sure, some parts are nice, but once you get out of the touristy zones it starts looking like vietnam or thailand real quick.
I live out in the country. And I've been to Vietnam. Korea is nothing like Vietnam anywhere out here.

Is that why Indian women love to be fucked by Italian men?

God I really hope America's retards get completely exterminated by corona chan

how good your healthcare system is*

>Life expectancy is primarily do to things like healthy eating, and healthy life choices.

I agree, plus mediterranean diet is very good for health

Even if the death rate is just 7%, it spreads so fast that 7% will still be a shitload of people dieing.

>use sanitizer
if you can fucking find any. I only have one bottle I have to subsist on for months probably.




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If you have recently developed a sudden cough and think you may have Coronavirus then I say take some cold/flu capsules and then ....

1 - cough and phlegm-spit onto a tissue and rub that tissue over haIaI meat products inside supermarkets.

2 - And cough and phlegm-spit on a tissue and use tissue to open door-handles to Pakistani musIim shops and pretend to look in and walk out of the shop, so youve infected the door-handles so musIim shoppers wiII touch the shop/door-handle throughout the day & will be infected and pass onto their family members and hopefully pass onto the brown MusIim community.

3 - Also wear one glove on one hand, spit & cough all over the fingers and rub the fingers over the cashpoint/ATM's/over the screen in Pakistani musIim nethbourhoods.

4 - And again, cough & phlegm spit on a tissue and rub that tissue over the gates and handle of the gates to a musIim school. Infect the Pakistani musIim school kids/rats
Then after continuously take cold/flu capsules to protect and heal yourselves guys.

Hopefully some brown musIims wiII die. inshallah . Peace out brothers!

The majority of infected in italy are chinese, there is a massive colony of expats living in lombardy, ACE 2 receptors are still relevant. Think about it.

Korea seems a very developed place, I would like to visit Seoul when all this corona boogaloo ends if I'm still alive.