Listen up /pol.
I can explain in a nutshell why only white's are being attacked right now for racism.
You must read the book Einstein on Race and Racism.
Also, you need to know a few facts. Newton was born exactly on Christmas Day, and he became the most brilliant scientist of his time. This meant that people considered him sent from God, and believed him to be an inerrant prophet. Today we know Newton was wrong about a few things, and we no longer treat him as a cult leader.
Fast forward to the time of Einstein. He was born March 14, also known as pi day, and became the most brilliant scientist of his age, like Newton.
Einstein, as you can read in this book, claimed that racism is exclusively a "disease of white people." Einstein also has a cult following, and powerful, rich, and influential people refuse to acknowledge that he also was just human.
If we are honest with ourselves, we should know the moral truth that racism is awful.
Also note, that Einstein, at least in his early years, expressed racist views about Asians. No need to hate him for it, but be assured that Einstein was correct in saying racism is a disease, but it is not just by white people.
So, you may ask, what to do to weather the storm against whites? Know that humanity is one extended family (fact of evolution), so treat others like family, and try to build an all inclusive human civilization together. The alternative is to perish together.
Einstein is the key
Other urls found in this thread:
>Jew referred to whites as a disease
Shocking op
I'll be sure to reconsider my life and values
>only white's are being attacked right now for racism
this isn't 2014, dumbass.
nobody thinks that way any longer.
yes they do, just read the news pls
Do reconsider your values pls
I'm not going to listen to whatever literally Dr. Wily is selling.
Study secular ethics or join a religion, and behold, you will realize the truth of my plea.
Ok, burden of proof is in you, how and why?
>Einstein is the key
No. Darwinism led to biological determinism, which led to eugenics, "race" etc. It's another social construct - Jewsish poisoning of the cultural well, pretending to be "Evolutionary Science"
How? Examine the views of others and read, and find what tugs at your hearth. Why? Because our salvation depends on it
The fact of evolution (Darwinism) did not lead to eugenics, moral failure did. Guns do not kill people, people do. And Jews are not eugenicists, they were victims of eugenics.
What makes you believe I haven't? A neighboring tribe condems those who hold contempt against hose who hold them accountable to their actions?
>The fact of evolution
Evolution is more or less bunk, and science is idolatry. The “theory” of evolution – "the survival of the fittest (because the fit survive)" - doesn’t really theorize anything. But it is the only fully state funded American religion, because it takes a religious position that is anti-theist, anti-morals, and anti-traditional Western values. It is also the basis for lots of other bad ideas, like Eugenics, Hitler’s Nazism; Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot’s Communism; as well as ruthless Social-Darwinist style Capitalism.
accountable, sure. Scape-goating and stereo typing you, no. We are all interconnected, and what benefits one, also the next tribe. If you agree with me on this, I have no reason to argue against you.
My point was that treating human beings as family is the ethical position to arrive at after considering the facts of evolution. There is nothing in evolution taught by scientist that has a moral consequence, logically speaking. Just like a gun can be used to protect the innocent.
I don't agree on the proportionality most who hold tribalism as a necessary aspect to their character in distribution of benefits
Your whole worldview has been informed by Darwinism because we're all brainwashed. Evolution ignores all but material evidence as a METHODOLOGY that ignores non-material evidence - like values and morals - not because it was arrived at by some empirical evidence somewhere.
The more people come in contact, the more they work together. In today's global interconnected world, there are countless ways to find common ground. If we, humanity screw this up, we can only blame ourselves.
Race = subspecies
Subspecies = biological competition
If we're all the same subspecies = race-ism is a Commie lie and thought crime.
Findings by biologist can pin point what kind of behaviors lead to survival, symbiosis and harmony. Altruism in animals, for example, is widely reported. We can apply biology to social planning and politics to form human organizations that promote mutual benefit.
>There is nothing in evolution taught by scientist that has a moral consequence, logically speaking.
>Eugenics, Hitler’s Nazism; Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot’s Communism; as well as ruthless Social-Darwinist style Capitalism
All based on the moral position of "might = right" derived from Darwin
There is competition in between the same "sub species" also. But organism that survive learn to cooperate. A sub specie that is hostile to other sub species is also hostile within their own group, and collapse the community and fails to survive.
That's why every junk science is based on Evolution
That is a very true and now sentiment, if only the world were perfect or not full of subversive kikes or subhuman tier third worlders
*And Noble sentiment
It is not Darwin and his personal values, but his theory of natural and sexual selection that scientist found overwhelming evidence for. Might = right is a moral, and not a scientific position, so it is not derived from the facts of evolution. "Deriving" it is a category mistake
>There is competition in between the same "sub species" also. But organism that survive learn to cooperate. A sub specie that is hostile to other sub species is also hostile within their own group, and collapse the community and fails to survive.
You are trying to fit reality to the "theory", instead of fitting the "theory" to reality
Racist claims different race as the only racists. Another liberal fallacy.
There are subversives in every group of people. Attacking the jews and the "third worlders" only is scape goating. go to youtube and search for Zulu tribals singing together in love and peace, and you will see that race or "low iq" is not what causes the suffering in the world.
>so treat others like family, and try to build an all inclusive human civilization together
fuck off hippie faggot
Treat others like family? Nope. Never relax.....
Just search for some positive news on google, and you will find that there is more examples for those.
>but his theory of natural and sexual selection that scientist found overwhelming evidence for.
It was primarily popular with aristocrats, who were under siege by democratic "Revolution" who were scared of losing their "right" to the "might" of their "hereditary" loot.
You are attempting to argue from authority of like-minded, and circular reasoning. Theory based on theory, based on theories...etc.
not an argument, just an insult. My advice to you is, carry a big stick, but smile and speak kindly.
>But organism that survive learn to cooperate. A sub specie that is hostile to other sub species is also hostile within their own group, and collapse the community and fails to survive.
so basically we must forcefully remove all conflict that breeds change and become docile cows, while Jews are allowed to remain predatory because white peoples is race-ism.
>It is not Darwin and his personal values,
He didn't have any. He was a plagiarist who enjoyed killing rare species of animals - or anything else that moved.
The NSDAP literally referenced Darwin's works as the reasoning for their eugenics programs. You are moron.
like I said, jumping from empirical science to prescriptive morality is a category mistake. Not my concern right now to debate the history of aristocracy.
>muh kumbaya
shut the fuck up
But it natural, Therfor its good ;^))
>Just search for some positive news on google
Corona virus, another gift of evolutionary science?
Sorry fella, not about to turn my sword into a plowshare when Abdul is putting an edge on his.
Kill or be killed is the name of the game.
And the other fellas look like they're gonna pick "kill", so by my metric, I better kill them first.
Kill kill kill kill kill.
The strong shall drink the blood of the weak; glory to the warrior who's cairn is heaped with the skulls of his enemies.
Each shall be his slave in Annwn.
Einstein was embarrassed to be seen with his first wife in public because she was swarthy. Then he abandoned her and their kid when he moved to America.
He was a deadbeat and an intellectual thief.
>prescriptive morality is a category mistake. Not my concern right now to debate the history of aristocracy.
because you can't.
Einstein was a plagiarist
Jews are not predatory, just as Whites are not predatory either. What people need, regardless of what race they belong to, is moral education and socializing.
>search for Zulu tribals singing together in love and peace, and you will see that race or "low iq" is not what causes the suffering in the world.
Shake that booty fellow white man!
shut the fuck up kike
You're absolutely correct. Jews are parasitic, not predatory. There is a very big difference. A predator can do things for themselves... a parasite cannot.
>I can explain in a nutshell why only white's are being attacked right now for racism.
well I can explain that too you fucking tard, UHHH could it be because you're the only racist motherfuckers out here?
I think you are biased into thinking bloody conflict is around the corner. Look on the bright side, and extend an olive branch while you can, hope for the best, while prepare for the worst. That is your only moral imperative.
>What people need, regardless of what race they belong to, is moral education and socializing.
but you just said:
>prescriptive morality is a category mistake
Everyone in the fucking world is racist.
Chinese. Racists.
Korean. Racists.
Whites. Racists.
Jews. Racists.
Russians. Racists.
Europeans. Racists.
Latin Americans. Racists.
Blacks. Racists.
Australians. Racists.
English. Racists.
Cats. Tremendous racists.
Dogs. Racists.
Grandmas. Racists.
Mexicans. Racists.
Indians. Racists.
Iranians. Racists.
Ok here's an evolutionary argument for you, fuckface.
>The reason why we are still tribal today is because tribalism appears to have been evolutionarily adaptive—at least for our ancestors.
>Researchers at McGill University have described it thusly: “ethnocentrism eventually overcomes its closest competitor, humanitarianism, by exploiting humanitarian cooperation across group boundaries”
Humans are are a tribal and competitive species. We whites have spent the decades since 1945 allowing every other group to play the game for their own interest, while we have been discouraged from considering our own self-interest. Well those days are coming to an end. The gravy-train is being discontinued. Deal with it, cunt.
thanks for sharing
no. Have you read the Old Testament? Jews are the most racist people on the planet.
This is why we'll lose the next big one
If you are correct, humanity will not survive. We must use our cortex to fight against destructive impulses. Besides, throughout history we became more interconnected and cooperative, so the "hippies" will have the final say. The meek will inherit the Earth, to quote one famous ethical philosopher :)
You are very welcome.
This. My fuckin oath it's time
our salvation does not depend on niggers and jews,
it is destroyed by them
only if you are thinking of a short materialistic human life span.
Hm, perhaps I'll study Christianity while also studying science. If only we could combine the two.
>(fact of evolution),
atheist scum
"1 post by this ID" Agreeing with a bizarre statement.
>And Jews are not eugenicists, they were victims of eugenics.
The most racist group of people in the world are Jews. Go ask any jew if they think jews are better than non jews. They all do, every jew has nazi tier views on race that the tribe is genetically and spiritually superior, religious jews and atheist jews both will go on about "nobel prizes" proving jewish superiority, despite jews being totally absent from the englightenment/renaissance and every other scientific revolution that occurred before they had a complete lock on the academic system and meida/publishing able to manufacture celebrity geniuses like einstein that didnt actually accomplish anything.
I ain't agreeing with shit nigger, I'm referencing Christian Science
This is true to varying degrees
>I'm referencing Christian Science
References, fellow white man?
Listen faggot, if you can point to ONE SINGLE upside that Finland gets from the migration of Arabs and Africans into their country that makes up for the downsides in pic-related, then I continue to listen to you.
You can't though, because there are none. Your moral vanity carries a price-tag for Europeans. Clearly Finland can function perfectly well without the presence of men from Africa & the Middle-East, as it has for centuries. So the onus is on you "one big human family" retards to make a strictly cost/benefit case for the migration of people from those regions of the world into a Northern European country:
- What upsides (if any) do Finns get from the migration of Africans & Arabs into their country that make up for more Finnish women and children being victims of sexual assault than otherwise would be without that migration?
^Answer that or fuck off.
best answer
the rope