Pork delivery in Wuhan China tipped from back of rubbish truck

Government staff in the city of Wuhan used a rubbish truck to ship a consignment of pork for human consumption, local authorities said.
The meat, packed in plastic bags containing 1,000 portions, was tipped onto the ground and then handed out to customers, according to residents who complained about tainted food on Weibo, China’s microblogging service.
In one widely shared photo, the bags were shown being dumped from a battered and dirty truck onto a large plastic sheet on the ground.
In another, several workers stepped onto the sheet to count the bags.


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Bugs do eat out of garbage.....

Literal insects.

Jesus Christ China! couldn't even get a clean truck? Those faggots deserve every plague they get.

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I can't think of anything witty cuz that shit is just straight distilled facepalm in a shot glass. The 151 of facepalms, like when you breathe alcoholic flameless fire after taking a shot.

Chill out, they're bagged.

>b-b-but its wrapped
These chinks are such brainlets

*söylent green

shut the fuck up you disgusting gook

So what it’s in bags. And u wash the food before cooking it. Stop being an overdramatic pussy

Exactly man, look at all these fags here thinking they're hard enough to survive a pandemic but too squeamish to eat that.


Get fucked you memeflaggot soiboi “oh no my bagged packet meat was dumped on plastic sheet on the ground it’s so horrific!” Fucking pussy

I'm surprised this made the news.

Everybody knows about gutter oil, right? They use literal sewage scooped up from the literal fucking sewer as cooking oil and they don't bat an eye.

Name a fucking plague or pandemic in Human History that DIDN'T originate in China.

They're all barbarian peasants from Medieval times that have had modern technology grafted onto their society and civilization, but beneath the veneer, they're still dumb peasants.

They probably think the pork is clean because it's in white bags and white symbolizes purity, that's how they think. They don't have science, they have superstition. Their medicine is all powdered rhino horn and eye of newt.

The whole country is fucking peasants who time-traveled to the future.

Yeah bunch of pussies looking for something to be outraged. I’d take 5 of those bagged porks and all these limp wristed faggots can starve. They probably hosed down the truck before hand anyway . It’s a nothingburger

Stay mad Maori

>Goy feed

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Long pig

We should bomb their cities with bars of soap and rolls of toilet paper.

Not because they need it, but just as an insult. "This is what we think of you, dirty barbarians."

Humiliation is 10,000x more painful to them than actual pain. They eat pain for breakfast, they don't care. But they can't fucking stand to be seen as inferior.

We need to humiliate them into submission. So they submit to fucking modern standards of hygiene and sanitation.

>Embrace Tradition
>Wait no not that tradition

Fuck yeah, imagine just opening the contents right above a slow cooker so it all slops in, maybe a little bit of salt and pepper too, and chucking that bitch on for 12 hours on slow. Fucking primo.

faggot disease ridden gook nigger, fuck you bitch. sewage oil drinking slope headed zipperhead nigger.

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>In China everything is big bidnit.
>You jealous witheu boi?

0.75 Yuan has been deposited into your account, agent Jing Chi.

Bold of you to assume that it is pork.

i can imagine a dump truck dumping hamburgers in the coronavirus hit city in america.

Uh, my people don't traditionally eat sewage, motherfucker. Maybe yours do.

They eat bats, dogs, cats, rats and all sorts of insects.
Do you really think they give a fuck?

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Remember the clusterfuck of Hurricane Katrina?

That's what you're looking at + a little LA Riots.

No food deliveries.

>comparing traditional dress and family units to cooking with sewage
I mean if you want to go there

WTF did I just watch here

>implying it isn't falun gong


someone needs to feed her alive to a lion or shark

Plot twist. It isn't pork or animal meat

what is she dipping them in? Chardonnay???

I'd eat her

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the epicenter of another superbug because bug people eat bugs

Shits deep bro.

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There is a reason human is also called Long Pig

>Hasn't seen videos of chinks eating weird shit before.

>moments later

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Hell yeurgh. We kiwisust be more laid back cause I would eat the shit out of that pork slow cooked my man

I've seen them all but nothing like this wtf is going on with that bug? What did she dip them in and why is it spraying like crazy.

>someone needs to feed her alive to a lion or shark

Why would you feed bugs to a beautiful lion? That's nasty.

I'd call you stupid but the flag speaks for itself. Hot oil

I'm probably going to Countdown to get some tomorrow and do exactly that, for Sun night, gonna be awesome.
Don't buy it from Pak n Save because they use cruelty pork.

This is why all these fucking virus always come from China.

Fucking red pill as fuck

tenderized pork

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Fucked if I know.

Strangely hypnotic.
I feel like if I put it to some hard-bass and synced the piglets hitting the floor to the beat I'd have something special.

She's drowning it in champagne before eating. They spraying is it trying to spit out the champagne so it can breathe.

Swine flu, anyone?

>apologize! This plague wasn't OUR fault ;(
Also China:
>Lo Pan, rook! Dumpster polk! Mmm ah so, velly velly gooood! Ok me feel sick me get on prane now, byeeee!

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You're retarded that's not hot oil

Based chinks

Well, it's better than the moldy bread, lmao.

You have to go back chang

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