China buried their dead in massive, underground pits (as shown online via leaked footage)...

China buried their dead in massive, underground pits (as shown online via leaked footage). Iran is just digging graves out in the open for the US Spy Satellites to see.

Meanwhile, New York is issuing directions to get convicts to dig pits for 51,000 bodies. But it's just the "Flu", right?

Attached: IRAN -graves 2020-03-13 at 4.21.27 pm.jpg (1359x1781, 420.08K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Sad to see many people die.


According to science, like 5 million people die every day. Is having an extra 1000 dead bodies from coronavirus really going to disrupt the usual way of getting rid of dead bodies?

ThisFuck China and fuck chinks

just because they are misdirected and have lost the true meaning of their origins in daoism into a warped machine-like sense of it through decades of government cultural and social manipulation does not mean hey are not just the same as you

And none have reported any sick children and toddlers, or am I missing something.

You would think that they would suffer the most next to the elderly. It's weird.

>New York is issuing directions to get convicts to dig pits for 51,000 bodies
Interdasted where source?

Attached: 1581917932134.jpg (781x500, 133.34K)

Yes. 5 million people may die a day but that's spread out across the world. When 1000 people start dying in one town or city local facilities will get overwhelmed (If they process bodies at all due to possible transmission).

Childrens immune systems are equipped for novel viruses and bacteria since they are so young and don't have time to build up an immune system, their white blood cells just stand on guard for everything.

It says its the length of a football field. That picture is clearly way bigger than a football field. This is some total bullshit. Also, my tree in my yard is visible from space, have you ever used google maps? Clickbait bullshit article.

fuck yellow niggers.

It’s been said that the virus attaches itself to white blood cells and uses that to infect the body. You saying children white blood cells just fuck everything up and don’t give it a chance to hijack?

>mass graves
I wouldn't worry about it goy, just wash your hands and this'll all blow over in a couple weeks.

Attached: 1580770455770.jpg (750x1044, 1.06M)

Google maps uses aerial photos for detail you moron, it only uses satellite imagery for wider areas

>"visible from satellite" now means "visible from space"

thats why niggers fuck kids in Africa to "take their AIDS from them".
True story.

>New York is issuing directions to get convicts to dig pits for 51,000 bodies.
Citation required.

notice how it's impossible to burn this many bodies

That’s Iran you fucking brainlet. Do you nu/pol/ autists even read this shit before you come whore for (You)s?


Attached: propaganda cnn.jpg (730x642, 118.82K)

>visible from space
I'm tired of this meme, even individual cars are visible from space at this point.

>1 post by this ID
>clickbait msm articles
The absolute state of Yas Forums.

my house is visible from space tho, and it's not very big

How nice of them to pave roads and plant trees in their rush to dig mass graves.

>That’s Iran you fucking brainlet. Do you nu/pol/ autists even read this shit before you come whore for (You)s?
Then it's Defiantly FAKE NEWS........... OP is Chinese

Attached: fake news jews hollywood media.jpg (471x650, 94.6K)

>football field
>visible from space
yeah so is my house with enough zoom
washington compost

Fuck chinks, and fuck you.

I haven’t seen a reputable source that claims coronavirus has antibody dependent enhancement like dengue fever does yet. The only place I’ve seen it suggested was here on Yas Forums.

looks a page of an ancient codex lmao

Attached: pits.png (329x180, 158.13K)

>massive, underground pits
they actually underground hospitals, China have very good technology for build undergound structure. Very advanced engineering. Did you know Xi has engineering degree? Yes, it is true

based and sensible pilled

Hart island NYC's potters field

Attached: hart-island-cover.jpg (1080x773, 210.86K)


You put that dick up your ass a little too far

Children have surprisingly high Macrophage and Lymphocyte populations even a few years after birth. NK cells are abundant too, and would normally handle some of the heavy lifting in a viral response, but children generally don't have fully developed MHC Class 1 molecule expression, meaning the NK cells can't properly target infected cells. Apparently there's some mechanism that compensates for this, but I don't fucking know, I've forgotten virtually everything I've learned about pediatrics. I do know that it's a double-edged sword, though. the immune system is strange.

China would just burn the bodies because it's cheaper, safer, and they have no dumb fuck religion telling them they'll go to hell if they're not buried, you schizo fuck.

Take your fucking meds.

Every decade or so one race has to get in the barrel insect friend, sometimes it's the A rabs sometimes are the spics, last year it was all about hating whitey but whites are a bunch of pussies and can't hold the banter they take it too personal.

This year is the year of the rat and the decade of the fucking chinks, there is going to be hate towards chinksects until we clean this shit up and some towel head goes back to his rightful throne of being hated again

Attached: hep-c-iStock_000069243975_Large-350x350.jpg (350x350, 19.68K)

The reported death rates for children was zero the last I looked a week ago.


Chinese people are just months ahead of what will happen the rest of the world. There is no "saving" ourselves form Corona virus. Eat well and work out regularly, stop smoking and drinking immediately.

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>1 dead person is a tragedy. A million dead people is a statistic.

>Yes. 5 million people may die a day
based retard

Based and checked

>According to science, like 5 million people die every day.
lol.. no. more like 150k

Yes it does mean that.
All the decent people in China died in wars purges plagues and famines over the last 2000 years. All thats left are degenerate sneaky superstitious dirty retards who worship authority and are only good for being worked in factories

And your not better than us in any way for pretending to have empathy for these monsters. Its people like you who open the back door and let them in to steal and rape and kill because it feels so good to be a pathological altruist

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>seeing mass graves from space

Oy vey that's holocaust denial

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Who are those Jews w/ Mao?

>The reported death rates for children was zero the last I looked a week ago.

The three children being put into a single body bag filmed in Wuhan Hospital is proof that this isn't the case.

There's evidence that the virus mutation for the new L-Strain (which is deadlier) may now allow the virus to move on to younger children than the S-Strain.

Oh hi Stalin

Attached: 1502147495504.png (1056x2880, 1.93M)

Still not worse than the holocaust, nice try though

The pictures they used are 5 months apart and they don't really know how much of the modified section was meant for CV related graves. The top part of the section appears to have already been worked on. They might actually be shadows and not trenches.

Пpивeт, тoвapищ

Attached: 99beffdd-8449-4359-b234-4a71a949a991.jpg (183x275, 10.24K)

>5 million people die every day
>Entire world dead in four years

>mfw this is an ok groomer elite pedo bioweapon to remove everyone else but children

(((Washington Post)))

Imagine still believing that crap

those are parking lots, user.
from wikipedia:
>A parking lot (American English) or car park (British English), also known as a car lot, is a cleared area that is intended for parking vehicles.
>Usually, the term refers to a dedicated area that has been provided with a durable or semi-durable surface.
>In most countries where cars are the dominant mode of transportation, parking lots are a feature of every city and suburban area.

glad i could help you out, user. have a nice day.

Attached: thumbs up.png (512x512, 179.78K)

>visible from space
which one is it?

A couple children have died, most of them are super carriers though. So all children are vectors, generally speaking they may in fact just end up dieing once they get old enough.

>China buried their dead in massive, underground pits (as shown online via leaked footage).
Fake news, I don't know what they're digging but it's not burial pits. China cremates the dead which is absolutely what to do with infected remains anyway.
The first-hand accounts of people having family die in Wuhan all said they were taken immediately for cremation too, which is the most efficient thing to do.

You're making shit up and you're doing it when the truth would advance your cause just as well.
