*sips tea*
*sips tea*
imagine being a jealous seething liberal arts major 200k dollars in debt
Do commies think that everything that isn't socialist/communist is capitalism? Go talk to libertarians, they've been talking about this shit for decades.
>pretends to not understand what a repurchase agreement is
LMFAO why would the federal reserve pay off student debt in the United States??
I don't think you know how the Fed works...
Imagine wanting to keep the fed around because one day you'll think it'll pay for niggers and shitskins.
I dont have any student debt.
Students deserve to be in debt fir going to shithole schools in shithole leftoid cities.
Wow, I wonder what is better. Save the whole country from a total economical collapse or give retards "free" money to spend on some Chinese junk
>paying the colleges to indoctrinate people
Nah they should cancel all the debt but also invalidate the degrees that had debt on them.
The Unis are scammers that don't deserve to get paid, but the people that actually bought into the scam share the blame.
>Actually thinking it was 1.5 trillion cash
I struggle to think of a reply stupid enough to parody this idiotic post
Students own government bonds now?
If they do, why are student loans a problem?
Cool it with the anti-Semitism bro
Why would they, though?
He's right. How can you lolbergs not see the obvious? You're no different from the commies, you live in some fantasy world where your 'true politics;' are somehow magically immune from the human condition. Neo-Liberals ism the inevitable conclusion of Classic Liberalism. Stalinism is the inevitable conclusion of Communism. Your system will always have a built-in entropy of its own principles as he compromises with reality.
The majority of people in colleges are our own people. They are products of systems and most should have their debts lifted. As Aryan peoples, we seek to liberate our people from the debt foisted upon them by our nemesis. For decades, we are told this isn't possible, and yet the Jewish power structure dumped 1.5 trillion back into their own pockets within the blink of an eye.
When it comes the needs of Whites, there is loong conversation, debate and denial. But when Jews put their hands out, it's give to them without question. That is the reality, and when you see this reality, you revert to your dumb grug-brained political tribalism built in to you by your Jewish masters. You're no different from the blue-haired radlibs. You put a fake politic before your people. You are not Nationalists, you are brainwashed frauds. You are... midwits.
You don’t drink tea lying nigger
What a bunch of whiny faggots
Nor do you. The FED is a personal bank for Jewish power fed from our labour. It can easily be reorganised and managed to serve the interests of the people.
*coof coof*
But it didn't. It just made your dollar worth less.
This $1.5 trillion was not money laying around that was available to spend. It was fudged into existence, handed out via what amounts to very short term loans, and will be taken out of circulation once repaid. If they did the same thing to wipe out student loans you would actually be dumping all that money into circulation and it would result in hyper inflation.
>what is the repo market?
The banks literally pay it back the next day you morons. What you're asking for is gender studies degree holders to NEVER have to pay back the money they owe.
I went because I wanted a job that literally required it. Most of us don't but into the indoctrination shit and fucking hated having to hear from libs. It was a constant point of secret discussion. I don't know why you hate us so much.
Typical lolberg individualist commentary. People are products of systems. They are taught the path to success was through academia. Prior to academia, none of these people held the progressive radlib views they have today. Most of them still don't. Academia and its prices are a con job and most continue to pa interest on the debt despite paying off the initial debt. Students are unable to be released from this debt through bankruptcy. It's a massive con.
Why should wall street Jews get a quick bail out but our own people shouldn't? How can you not see what is actually going on? You're on Yas Forums, and yet you shill conservative cucky talking points.
Don't pay students debt, but maybe don't give money to the banks either.
Your mistake is thinking they give one absolute fuck about you or I. Not when 8 digit numbers are in play.
You already don't have to pay most of it. Ever heard of IBR?
Good. The people who lent 200k to a teenager so they could get a gender degree deserves to eat shit on a bad loan.
Is this actual name or just californian le meme word
Fucking nonsense. They've been fudging money into existence for decades, based on the perception of value of the system. It could easily be managed into debt relief.
You're making excuses because of your Jewish built-in conservative feelings.
When the white goyim need money for infrastructure, opioids, obesity, housing, a wall, healthcare or a myriad of desires there are long ridiculous pilpul debates and denials. When Jewish power desires money for bailouts, security, Israel, wars for Israel and Jewish interests, it comes without question or debate and it is endless.
Fuck your bullshit excuses. We can relieve our people of debt an they will not let us.
...and imagine you sticking up for a jew bank bailout that did nothing for the people of this nation. I don't know who deserves a bullet first?
>I support this other form of socialism instead!
Isn't the Fed an illegal organization? Read somewhere that only Congress has authority to issue currency.
How would cancelling student loan debt create hyperinflation when its basically destroying 1.5 trillion dollars?
clean this shitty thread up janny
Universities should pay the money back, not the government. Maybe then they will start weeding out retards instead of giving degrees to everyone.
>literally dying from black death 2.0
Because of Jewish Divide and Conquer. These post-Trump refugees from god knows where are still spouting their 1960's William F Buckley bullshit cuckservatism which dictates austerity for the goyim and socialist splendour for Jewish interest. They act like utter boomers on this subject and its exactly where Jewish power wants them.
You are my brother, you are my kin, and your debt should be void. They can spend trillions for (((them))) but not a single dollar or pound for us! It is a travesty. The true Nationalist seeks to liberate His people, not keep them in chains with petty principles based on a false jingoism and austerity.
This whole site is too low iq for posts like this. Don't waste it on the retards that infected this board back in 2015.
We should be making threads with this message daily.
>huuuuurrrr all people that went to college are SJW's with degrees in gender studies
Holy fuck. Who believes this shit? What about the engineers out of work after fracking just went to shit? Are you going to tell them to eat cake too? Fuck this cucky goyish slave mentality. Fuck lolbergs, you're a shitstain on our race.
I only got $2,480ish left on my student loans. At this point I don't care cause paying it off is meaningless cause it's so low compared to other retards in debt and canceling all student debt means nothing as well cause it's pretty much an insignificant amount of money. I don't care beyond seeing Fags cry over their unpaid debts not being canceled.
Juan gets it.
>Gender studies
Most humanities majors study actual real stuff. Like the history of our people and their great works.
Meaningless but you have the price known within $10. Okay. If it was meaningless you would have just said $3k, poorfag.
I don't believe it, but even if it was true the burden should be on the institution that gave the loan rather than the child they scammed into accepting the loan. There is no reason for an entire generation to be in debt for the crime of trying to better their lives.
I think you misunderstood my post in the context of the reply chain.
How the fuck is a government intervention in a market capitalism.
God damn I fucking hate commies
>they did something they think will save them money in the long run why don't they do the thing that will definitely waste resources
big think.
Preach on brother, fuck this hypocrite boot licking niggers pretending they're better
Fuck this system, is not even worth playing
>I don't care beyond seeing Fags cry over their unpaid debts not being canceled.
That's over a quarter of the population you fucking moron, and they're all mostly White. Do you think Non-Whites and Jews have to worry about these debts? They have programs and communities. We don't. We get fucked.
The syste, just bailed out wall street for 1.5 TRILLION without a single debate. They jsut did it. No questions asked. Jews get big bails outs while we have to spend 50 FUCKING YEARS having pilpul arguments with institutional figures denying our mass public demands over petty shitty jingoist self-responsibility principles.
Self-responsibility, individualism and austerity are for fucking cattle. The people up top are ardent collectivists fucking us over. All of us.
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
None of that helps get a job, which is why they're in debt.
>americans sneering and jeering over their countrymen being in debt or dying of the virus
mutts deserve their shit country
>just don't learn about your history its not profitable just buy funkos and marvel bro :)
fuck off
>implying the money lent to students wasn't magic'd up in exactly the same way
Lmao wall street deserves all of your tax dollars, get fucked poor fags
Thank you based bailouts to the REAL americans
thats ok, I just won't pay my student loan debt back.
fuck this system.
Apologies. I'm just livid at the 2012esque cretinous talking points in threads like these. These disgusting little bluepilled parasites have swarmed our board for years. They're all clearly boomers or redcap dipshits riding that decrepit trump train.
It's so painfully obvious what is going on and rather get ENRAGED by 1.5 trillion being burnt in an instant for Jewish power, they attack our own people who were hoodwinked into a debt came.
These people need to accept our politics or gtfo of our board. This is NO r/the_donald or r/anarchism. It's a place for politically incorrect views. It's a place for Nationalists and politicla dissidents. Opposing debt relief is as politically correct as it fucking gets. It doesn't get more grug brained than that.
Goy just live in a culture-less husk of a world
Yes Goy let me take care of all the problems. What? you don't even know where Scandinavia is? Haha. gooood.
*garnishes your paycheck*
Heh, nothin personnel kid.
Based Nigel
By all means, learn your history. Just don't expect anyone else to pay for it.
*sips tea*
Pay for your own college.
It's sad how few people are able to see this. Why the FUCK would anyone go out of their way to fund this fucking bar mitzvah of a society? Let the kikes eat shit and help out the actual Americans who got duped into jumping into this debt slavery trap.
>pay off debt
>somehow student debt is more important
Do you understand that people use debt as a currency? If inflation cuts itself and the market hits a hard recession then get ready for people starving to death.
Why would they pay for that waste of an education?
Do you really think the FED and its masters give a single solitary fuck about 'saving money'? Do you really think they avoid 'wasting resources'? How the fuck is keeping Jews rich not a waste of money? How is debt relief for a quarter of the US population, which are entirely white, not better for the economy and people long term?
When the fuck did the Irish become cuckservatives?
oh no you don't, you dumb entitled manchild. you're not getting out of your debt this easily. you took someone else's money to waste on gender studies and to party with, and now you have to repay it, either with money, or after the stocks collapse with forced labor.
too many words. go back to plebbit.
>This is NO r/the_donald
It is at this point, Yas Forums isn't coming back. They enrage me as well but the board is fucked beyond redemption. There is more interesting and serious right wing thought on twitter these days but that comes with the pitfall of everyone having a name and ego.
Fuck off teddy spaghetti
My debt is nearly paid off and at this point I would just be glad if everyone was released from this financial slavery. If student loans werent a scheme then they would be forgivable like every other loan.
Taxing citizens to bail out banks is the opposite of Capitalism.
Something like $14tril of the national debt is from QE and bailing out the banks in 2008.
Fuck Commies, but any faggots defending this instead of executing the (((bankers))) and starting over with some sort of Marshal Plan and sound currency are even bigger faggots.
Where do you retards even come from?
>bailing out banks is a good thing
lmao it's like you've learned nothing pleb
Yeah they could have, but they didn't. Technically they can do the same thing tommorow and erase all student debt, they sure could, but they won't. There's no reason to
The state should pay for it as a means to maintain culture. Capitalists are evil because they stand against the human spirit through deterritorialization and internationalism.
It's a good topic because its very goddamn clear that people on this board have a lot to wake up to. I have no doubt that this thread was made for the purpose to shill. By presenting a coherent solid bulletproof argument from the perspective of someone we hate, we instinctively hate the argument.
It's a solid argument. People need to ignore their built-in tribal bullshit and see logic and truth wherever it can be found. They aren't wrong within that specific paragraph. Their context might be shit and they don't show the whole Jewish picture but the quote itself is not wrong.
1.5 trillion spent without debate, without a vote, without thought or care, all for Jewish interests.
Meanwhile, all the myriad of issues we whites demand are denied after years of debate.
This is the reality of the situation and everyone needs to see it.
If Trump was saying "bail out the students" (which honestly, I'm surprised he's not because economists have almost unanimously proven it would be the most effective stimulus) we would all be calling it based.
Get a life, jews.
Imagine thinking your worthless life goal is more important than the stock market.
One group produces wealth. The other is students.
Or you can pay what you owe.
You can pay off student debts when you also pay me for paying off my debt, i want a credit of 15k please. If not, fuck you, dysgenic faggot
How is that capitalism you dumb fucking pinko?
This, also it was a loan.
The banks will have to pay it back...
...just like your student loans must be
They're not students, they're wagies saddled with crippling debt who have to spend their life paying back the interest instead of buying homes/cares/etc. It doesn't make society any richer to trap these people in debt slavery foever.
And even if they get a job, will it pay for a house? No. Will it pay for a family? No. Will it keep your wife at home so she doesn't have to work? No. Will it pay for healthcare on top? No. Will it allow you to have savings? Fuck no.
It's a scam. Your post lacks passion because you know you're just making excuses. Let go of this cuckservative mindset. Think in systems, think in collectives. Who does this debt hurt and who benefits from it? Who loses out from debt relief and who gains? These answers are purely racial.
Liberate yourself from the faggotry and nihilism of individualism and start thinking as a racial collectivist. What benefits us all and what hurts our nemesis?
Literally R*ddit.
It's been very well documented how the board changed after the r/TheDonald refugees flooded the place.
>Something like $14tril of the national debt is from QE and bailing out the banks in 2008
>You're no different from the blue-haired radlibs
They are objectively worse than the blue hairs because the blue hairs at least understand collectivism even if they're naive enough to think it works with open borders. Misplaced and confused empathy is better than sociopath "individualists" who cheer for their own country being ground into slavery and misery.
Okay I agree but this is not what OP implies, I don't support paying off peoples student debts because that benefits a select percentage of the population that is largely shitlib, female, and probably nonwhite. Why should we, as Yas Forumsacks want to help those people? Now, if you are arguing why the feds couldn't give us money, I agree, thats a better usage, but not give it to indebted shitlib scum
Same. I've paid about 2/3 of the $72,000 I'll end up paying once you account for interest, but I am not emotionally invested in my slavery (apparently unlike most of this board) and can still see this for the audacious kikery that it is.
>It is at this point, Yas Forums isn't coming back.
That's wrong. Never retreat. Never give an inch, always go on the attack. Many of these boomer comments are shills. No board in human history has had this level of propaganda. It's a dissident board and as such it is highly manipulated. Retreating is the conservative approach. Attacking is the Nationalist approach.
They haven't take it over, they are merely a vocal minority and they can't argue for shit. Arguments are what swings this board in a direction and they will never be able to defend their shitty worldview. We always win.
14 trillion is more than the total national debt that's been added since 2008...
So, no that guy is retarded
You first.
Not an argument. If you aren't a fucking filthy DISGUSTING midwit, then provide a single proper counter argument. All you can do is rebut with snarky sentences like some disgusting blue check twitter personality.
This is Yas Forums you shitbag, and it deserves a better class of dissident. Make the case or gtfo of my face, MIDWIT.