Yas Forums, why do you hate transpeople so much...

Yas Forums, why do you hate transpeople so much? Aside from the ones who are creepy or fetishistic and who present as female in public without coming close to passing (and I assure you that these types are a minority), I see no reason to dislike transpeople.

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kys tranny faggot

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because they want children to be transgendered.

Trannies are made for BBC.

ok groomer

They usually come with the baggage of being far left extremists who love open borders. Also the notion of genders being fluid is chaotic and anti-traditionalist to the core, and flies in the face of Prussian ordnung.

You don't look like that

Mentally ill

>Aside from the ones who are creepy or fetishistic and who present as female in public without coming close to passing

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40 Percent

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nutted inside one the other day

Hay, bernstein, do you have trans "people" in promised land?

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Of course a jew is spreading info. I, a tranny, single handedly infiltrated and documented a "pill pushing"/pinkpilling discord server. None of you were willing to do it besides the fact that its one of the largest examples of gaslighting on the internet. thousands of confused, lonely and gender nonconforming teenagers being groomed and gaslit into thinking they are trans by other people who probably mistakenly think they are trans. The reason you know they are not actually trans is because they are batshit crazy insecure about their identity. These are the types of people who REEEE at any question or criticism of their labels. Actual trans people like me have no problems with questioning or criticism, i wouldnt be on Yas Forums if other peoples opinions on me actually mattered.

You're all a bunch of whiny faggots who just want to hate trannies without understanding any nuance at all

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you make a compelling point


HI maddie


Nahhhhhh Yas Forums loves them
it's just banter

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>tfw Chaim gets high on his own supply



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So are discord faggots attacking Yas Forums right now? Every board is filled with the most retarded shit.
More so than usual


You know this website has an LGBT board, right?
Thx fren
I'm waiting for the 1-5 red pill info graphs

My best friend was trans and wanted to be called "he" but then one day she slept with my boyfriend and they never looked back. That's why I don't validate trans, becasue it's not real. You people are empty and not real. That's why you hate yourselves like you hate everyone.


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SURPRISE the internet is full of whiny faggots who want to hate anyone. Welcome enjoy your stay.

Create a fucking campaign. Expose these people. You'll have people willing to expose grooming.

I had a similar experience. They got mad because I invalidated their non-binary bull and so I dismissed the friendship. Don't let your friends go to college. They'll come out as a walking talking caricature.

I’m not going to lie to myself and say that a man is a woman. They are fucked in the head if they weren’t they wouldn’t be trans

SOON Yas Forums will accept the one true path

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i've been dealing with a severe medical problem for the last year. once it clears up i plan to reinfiltrate the server and collect more info. i have about 70 screenshots. one of the head admins and founders of the server was caught being a pedo but given the nature of the server i believe the only came forward and amitted it because it wasnt the first time.

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I honestly don't see what's wrong with nonbinary people, though by their own rhetoric you can argue that literally every person on earth is nonbinary
>Don't let your friends go to college.
I think most people are smart enough to ignore the milquetoast liberal rantings of college professors

having gender dysphoria = being batshit crazy about your identity so idk what you're on about. why are all trannies so retarded, none of you pass lol.

>having gender dysphoria = being batshit crazy about your identity
gender dysphoria is an uncontrollable feeling that is a result of a neurological brain defect.
>none of you pass lol.
ok hon

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It's a fad that destroys children.

They're either a disgusting mockery of women or a waste of a perfectly fine woman
Either way it is an offense to God, nature, and me

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>The reason you know they are not actually trans is because they are batshit crazy insecure about their identity.
I'm sure that there are normal transgirls who are like this, especially if they're still in the questioning phase The hatching community is fucking scary though, I'm sure there are some people who were really repressed who benefit from it, but otherwise it seems indefensible

>this anime girl is totally me!

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I don’t hate trans people. I love them. I just don’t agree with their lifestyle and realize I’m a sinner also. God loves them and wants them to repent, just like he wants me to repent after I sin.

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That is exactly what I am talking about. There is something very, very dark about that. Long before the 2016 election and the flood of retards there were "Human trafficking generals" all the time. There is still an interest in that type of thing as shown with the current low-effort campaign of "ok, groomer".

Take care of yourself, but when you are ready start some anti-groomer campaign. Prepare for shills to slide your threads but there will be plenty willing to help

>liberal rantings of college professors
That's why I had to break it off. She (he/they/it, now) was a professor. Bought into it hard, completely ruined its personality. Started to deny it was ever a 'she' at all.

I don't think anyone had much of a problem with them before they tried to normalize it

Most trans people are like the guy you knew in high school who decided he was going to do graphic design or photography or some shit and is constantly posting his work and trying to get people to hire him, except he's absolute fucking dogshit at it. It's annoying enough to be around someone who's perpetually horny and thirsty and desperate. But trans people are also, overall, fucking exhausting to look at. So it's exponentially worse. But I don't hate trans people for being trans, if some dude is stupid enough to think chemically castrating himself is going to turn him into an anime girl it affects me not at all.

this; these freaks have a deathwish

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I’ve got a dying world where people are losing their fucking minds, being told they’re worthless, toiling away at meaningless jobs with no higher purpose, and being given no hope or consolation via truth. Any attempt to counter this is met with endless nagging and attempts at social ostracization by the people I’m trying to take care of, because you don’t want to be punished and grow up like you should; like you need, so you don’t end up as brain-stems attached to dopamine pumps.

You want to endlessly complain to me about how I don’t take your dress-up games seriously, how I think your relationships are inappropriate, and how you need to grow the fuck up? Fine. I expect it, but you fucking childish retards parading around as grown-ups is never going to be the real thing. It will always feel fake, it will always look fake, it will always be fake, and you KNOW this.

Come home when you’re ready, faggot.

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So why exactly did you leave them? Like couldn't you have just started referring to them in the way that they pleased and remained friends even if you didn't agree with it completely?

I literally don't give a single fuck about morons wanting to cut off their junks and pretend they're women just like I didn't care much about furries destroying their assholes with dragon dildoes back in 2010.

I'm just not going to pretend your pseudo-intellectual justification for doing it makes any sense.

>why do you hate transpeople so much?
I don't.
But I do object to being asked and forced to play along with some stranger's fantasy, through social pressure or legal obligation.

If I'm a friend of his and want to help him out, maybe I play along.

But if I'm a stranger, leave me out of your play world.


>Aside from the ones who are creepy or fetishistic and who present as female in public without coming close to passing
so all of them?

It was starting to alter its appearance to be more manly. Basically trans without saying so. A complete mental basketcase, did whatever its therapist said, and half the time, couldn't be bothered to talk anyway. Calling her 'they' would have been lying to myself, but who cares about me when she can shave her head, wear trashy clothes, and deny we were ever close in fear of appearing too feminine. It has new friends to impress, and I'm just a boring old white male.

it would be accepted more if people didn't associate it with lowering the birthrate which wouldn't be as much a concern if countries were monoethnic. but the elites did all this to intentionally cause divison, to spark tension, to set everyone into competing groups to dehumanize the world, so we'd be more accepting of depopulation.

I don't hate trans people. I disagree with how the media and society is handling the issue of transgender people and pushing it as normal. It is possibly the only case of people disagreeing with their own body and having people go along with it. I have spoken with WGS majors and trans people and nobody can tell me why it is not mental illness. You can't fault someone for being born with mental illness, but mutilating your own body and denying objective reality is letting the inmates run the prison. When it comes to the immutable fact of what is between your legs, society and science deems it appropriate to look the other way. Why? No amount of surgery or hormones or pills or make up changes how you're born. If you are one of the rare intersex people, I can understand the need for acceptance and awareness, but they are literally born that way.
>Most trans people were ugly before transitioning
Anecdotal and by no means a statistic. I have lived on the West Coast for some time now and know people who have transitioned as well as met people post transition. Without fail, every single trans person I have met would not have been deemed attractive by conventional standards pre or post transitioning. I have noticed many trans people have a craving for attention, which they did not receive as an ugly man/woman before their transition. Too often, the end result is someone who didn't fit in before transitioning using it as a talking point and a way to gain attention to themselves when they were otherwise unable to stimulate those around them.
>Forcing ideology on kids
Everybody is free to do to their own body what they wish. Encouraging minors to take hormones is a big no from me. It takes time for people to figure out who they are, and teenagers are impressionable and get hooked on fads, especially if its from authority. Starting teenagers down a path that they will suffer consequences from reversing is a deplorable position. Let them make that choice as adults.

All trans are creepy and fetishistic and don't look anything like what they pretend to be.

>Can’t you just play with me?
You’re mentally disabled, and you need to understand that most people don’t have an obligation or time to meet your needs. They don’t owe you that.

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I came out as trans to Yas Forums and they accepted me. they even wanted to see my girl willy.

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>Yas Forums, why do you hate transpeople so much?

We don't. I've come to Jesus and want to wife a sweet tradcon trap, adopt babbybois and breed the new traditional trap future.
CISthots will never love you like a trap because only traps appreciate traditional masculine values.

This seems to have a lot more to do with her being a shitty person than with being nonbinary. As a rule of thumb your personality shouldn't change much when you transition.

If you wouldn't smash a hot trap you're unironically gay

Stfu retard

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What a disappointment you’ve turned out to be. You never even tried, and you let us all down.

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>>Most trans people were ugly before transitioning
A lot of trans people just didn't care about their body very much before transitioning. Sure, they may stay in shape, but I think most transwomen never considered building muscle or anything like that when they were pre-transition
Stop schizo posting

god fucking dammit not you again


Because they're trying to push their insane bullshit on the rest of us.

OK groomer

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the logic is swiss cheese. take a basic philosophy of self lesson and stop sterilizing/mutilating the youth. i want intelligent kids not martyrs for the detrans movement