How do you fuck up managing a global pandemic?

How do you fuck up managing a global pandemic?

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Where did he fuck up again?

By not starting with Madagascar

You can't fuck up if you wanted it to kill people.

At least he banned travel from China and the majority of Europe, saving thousands of lives.

Democrats are STILL calling that raciss

You're not King of the world?

By the being the stable savant idiot he professes to be.

>"the tests are beautiful"
kill us now

How the fuck was he supposed to know it was going to get this bad?

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Lying in a vain attempt to boost the stock market and probably getting himself infected.

Do you want tests that look like your mom? Stop judging tests by how they look.

So whitetoids, my third world country has a line call to check if you are available to get tested and then send someone to your place to get the sample. A whitey friend in the states that comes from the upper class is in full panic because he doesn't have any idea what to do and he's recently feeling sick, what kind is backwards shithole is the U S of A that doesn't have a public health line? Jesus, you faggots have the jew dick all the way to your stomach.

He waited way too long to stop movment.

How do you fuck up beating Trump?

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Who else stopped movement faster again I am not seeing what Trump did or did not do any other nation has done....

Should he have waited for a few more months like kang nigger?

Wow your bar is the rest of world leadership? Just because everyone else is ruled by fuckwads does not mean ours isn't one too. He could have set the precedent and acted quickly and saved America from the worst of it. He decided to hope nothing would happen and it blew up.

It’s too little too late with travel bans. There are already so many people in the US with the virus. The focus needed to be on testing and managing its spread so hospitals aren’t overwhelmed. On that front he is failing miserably. We aren’t testing fucking anyone. We don’t know where it’s spreading or how fast, we’re literally just waiting for people to stumble into hospitals and going from there.

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Every city and town has their own oublic health department with a hotline. Your retarded friend also has an insurance card with a phone number on the back to call with questions. Im assuming your shitty country doubles as a memeflag.

Sounds like you're setting your standards a little too high.

Thanks mate. I'll tell him that.

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Imagine thinking Trump is responsible for the rest of the planet.

He is when it is convenient for whatever narrative is being pushed.

Everywhere user. Simply everywhere.

He should have shut down all China travel by the end of January, also to set an example for the rest of the western world.

He did shut down travel

Please, most anons on Yas Forums knew that China couldn't contain this shit by the end of January.

Feels good being a deplorable

He DID, retard

>Just because everyone else is ruled by fuckwads does not mean ours isn't one too
Well, that's basically Trump in a nutshell. You hate him for being imperfect while everyone else has to make due with literal retards in charge.

Yes, but too late. Like anyone everywhere besides New Zealand, Russia, Singapore and North Korea.

Step 1: Be a boomer

You literally answered your own question you fucking retarded shitskin.

Because at the end of the day he's not qualified for the job.
Just let Based Pence take over.

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becuz he's an orange cheeto poopie head clown hahah

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>He should have shut down all China travel by the end of January, also to set an example for the rest of the western world.
I don't doubt that's what he should have done, but you know damn well that he'd cuck under screeches of racism by Democrats and "muh economy" by Republicans. It takes true authoritarianism to control an outbreak and America has not an iota of that. It doesn't fucking matter who's in office, chances are we'd be getting the same result just due to the way American government works, and it's embarrassing to see faggots like Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden pretend they'd handle it any better.

Trump and the CDC are one of the many retards in this entire affair, user. Not me. And no, he didn't. All these chinese expats and asian american new year's travellers came "home" to the US.

Guess he thought that preventing a mass panic & protecting the stock markets/economy would save more lives, but they'll be down soon anyway. And mass panic is right about to set in. For example, it has, yesterday in my country. So I wonder what this was good for, rather than being just than a delay.

>population of 327 millions
>let's just test everyone

We're being sabotaged.

By waiting until the last possible second to do anything about it because you want to check some digits when the dow passes 30k

>Taiwan has only 47 coronavirus cases. Its response to the crisis shows that swift action and widespread healthcare can prevent an outbreak.

Because exactly this isn't happening in every other country in the world.

Because any demofuck would do better. (You think Biden could do this? He doesn't even know what state he's in. He probably thinks he's in Wuhan right now).

Go back to ShareBlue. Also, please die.


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The better question is - how do fucking deal with one?
>quarantine the virus, but economy crash starves millions
>keep the economy afloat, but no quarantine kills millions

It's unfucking treatable.
No wait... there is one solution. A final one I might add.

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I don't think that the other candidates would have handled it any better. But this doesn't make him look better either.

BTW our government fucked up bad too.

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We can ask all world leaders that. Maybe they just want to kill off all the old people.

>tries to do what the jews want
>accidentally does what the jews dont want

once again trump ends up being a wash, unlike my hands.

>any demofuck would do better
How would a party that wants to open borders do better than this? Think about it.
Nationalism has proven effectiveness at stopping this problem before it happens.
In fact I consider nationalism just a part of globalism. It's fucking nuts that we distinguish the two when they should work fine together.

By having open borders and cooperation with China and other third world shitholes.

Or in other words - mass migration.

There is something very weird about the CDC's lack of testing. Both Pence and Trump say there are millions of kits available, and that anyone can be tested, yet as you get to lower echelons, things start getting more muddled, and they do everything they can to prevent testing.

Remember how Trump said that it was a woman who died and it was actually a man, but he was simply misinformed? Remember how the first community spread case and first death were timed to be announced during Trump's speeches. Now NPR is reporting Trump is asking for them to stop testing.

The CDC has "deep state" operatives intent on killing americans so that the blame can be pinned on Trump. They may even be giving him bad advice. Trump can't say anything about it because it could cause more panic.

Public health line is useless. All countries need mass rapid testing like Korea and Vietnam. This allows you to sort the merely regular sick from the corona'd and keep society functioning.

>How do you fuck up managing a global pandemic?

get caught trying to con people in to believing it is just a hoax in a desperate bid to save the stawk market

Testing is reserved for the ones showing symptoms. Travel Ban is to prevent Foreign people that have a possibility of carrying the virus from spreading it even more. Lockdown for two weeks is the best bet to preventing further spread and containing it you absolute fuckwit. As a citizen you should be responsible not only for your own safety but for the rest of your countrymen.

What a dumbfuck thing to say. Obviously you don’t test everyone. You test at airports, places of entry, and in population centers. And at the very least you offer tests to people who want them. It’s pretty simple. Then you can monitor its spread, enforce quarantines, and hopefully slow it down.

Yeah, by having dumb fucking globalist policies that make no sense. Now all fucking countries are fucked.

We just let 30000 more Chinese students in today. They had "self quarantined" in a non-Chinese country. Should be a total border ban on non citizens and returning citizens should be put into quarantine camps for two weeks.

He hasn’t, in fact, he’s done a tremendous job, despite the fake news tanking the economy.

The problem now is - would you go to a clinic if it meant quarantine impacting your life for weeks?
The answer is a maybe at best unless you're really fucking crook with it.

Many aren't though, because it's just a flu and it's being exaggerated for political purposes (though I think it has potential blowback).

When the virus can spread without showing symptoms for up to 2 weeks there needs to be more testing in pop centers, honestly any testing at all. If it’s not showing symptoms then a test is the only way to know. Otherwise those people are out there spreading it without knowing it. When those symptoms start to show it becomes much much worse than it would’ve been if there was proactive testing. The point is to be proactive not reactive

>How do you fuck up managing a global pandemic?
Obstruct and try to impeach the president while the pandemic is forming.







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Like all retardlicans he's inflicted with more than trace amounts of lolbertarianism:

>BIG GUBMINT and STATISM can do no gud, just be inefficient, so that makes it ok for me to be incompetent, and why shouldnt I spend my time enriching myself and my buddies any way?

It sounds great in paper but even a country like America can not possibly provide testing for anyone who wants one. Like I said the best bet is for the people themselves to self quarantine to prevent them from acquiring or infecting other people.


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He didn't, you giant faggots.
>If ORANGE MAN closed borders weeks ago and stopped international travel, he'd have been a mean old bigoted racist spreading fear and causing panic for no reason!
>ORANGE MAN does something now, well, HE WAITED TOO LONG OMG IT'S ALL HIS FAULT!!!!

So, /leftypol/, just fuck right off back to your basements already.

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