What's your excuse for not having a pagan waifu?

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all of the above

She’s pagan and will burn in hell

Yeah let me grab one from the pagan waifu tree, the fuck?

Because she doesn't want to fuck my wife.

she'll complain when i study the bible


kinda loaded. are you a fagboy, fagboy? fucking weak, frivolous cunt

Hel is a pagan word.

Funny you should ask. A Wiccan woman recently contacted my on a dating site. She's cute. Petite. No tats. Seemed pretty good. Then I found her Facebook page and it was full of all kinds of leftist causes including really dumb shit that has nothing to do with our area like the pipeline protests in the Dakotas. Her page was full of leftist retardation. Her photos were pretty nice but there's only so much stupidity one can accept in return for the chance at yogurt spewing.

is is a pagan word

a is a pagan word

pagan is a pagan word

word is a pagan word

are you done with your deflection, yet ?

I just want a smart atheist or at least agnostic women who isn't brainwashed by religion.


How ironic..

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big booty latina has the most insane ass I'm going to kill myself if I don't spread her legs


don't do it in america, spic-enabler. take that s*** south of the border. this places needs fewer, not more, darkies

They tend to just be wiccan whales

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I don't know any pagans

Kys spammer

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Imagine worshipping a jew.

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I'm poor.

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Jesus is king.

Corona virus

Not into trannies

What does a pagan even do?

They are all smelly hippies

They're usually massive meme edgelords, and wiccan is basically taking Live Laugh Love to a spiritual level

Head through the Baltics, the oldest and most historically pagan nations. They started the christmas tree, beautiful women as well ;)

im hoping that out of frame there's a black male inside her

they're unwashed hippies and usually leftists

paganism isn't real you're just larping

Cant find one :(

White nationalist here, in 2020 white women are the stinkiest, most vapid useless pieces of garbage ever. Took the Latinapill and am not a conquistador breeding native princesas

> traitor religion

I do
She’s great
Skilled at astral travel, we’ve discovered as much about the nature of reality and our universe as probably any human ever has.

Maybe most are... but the Libertarian ones are absolute fucking gold

I am incel Atheist but i would fuck the shit outta a hot redheaded pagan until she renounces her retarded gods.

holy toledo, that fart zone. to sniff and whiff. oh, my boner is the size of dave thomas (the wendy's founder).

This applies to all religions.

>astral travel
So she’s schizophrenic and I bet she’s overweight to

Gay, talk to me when you breed Aryan and fuck cute mongrels to humiliate foreign men.
White women are based anyways, at least where I live at they are.

I'm catholic and I love it, Yas Forums has actually helped me become more religious

built for bbc

no, it doesn't apply to the one true religion

Slide thread alert
>Slide thread alert
Slide thread alert
>Slide thread alert

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Which is?

Women who are attracted to paganism are probably going to be bigger whores than those who are Godless. I, for one, find paganism distasteful for the same reason I find Christianity distasteful. People are led to these things for the same irrational purposes. These are both exoteric outer-layers meant to satiate the masses. Philosophy is the true religion common to and informative of both. Philosophy is the only things people should convert to or from something.


Paganism is a philosophical worldview including racialism, eugenics, and ancestor veneration. There is nothing irrational about it inherently.

Power of christ compels you she witch

Jesus fucking christ lmao

Pagans are hedonistic fags who love multiculturalism and homosexuality. I'd rather get a girl with strong Roman roots than some filthy pagan. There's a reason why those barbarians were conquered, thank God the Romans gave them civilization and Christianity gave them ethnocentric values.

That being said, fuck modern Christianity, the old ways were far better and the modern one's are bastardized to be too peaceful and spineless. I want another crusade.

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I don't know where to find her. Female lurkers, even if you don't normally post, reply if you are pagan and would like to date a handsome nazi pagan boy, for statistical purposes. I lift, read, and keep a garden and rabbits.

Yeah, let's fight to retake Israel goyi- I mean guys. The desert is the holy land, not Europe!

Brohamidism, my Bro.

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people dislike me upon meeting me.

>I'd rather get a girl with strong Roman roots than some filthy pagan. There's a reason why those barbarians were conquered, thank God the Romans gave them civilization and Christianity gave them ethnocentric values.
You're such a fucking brainlet lmao

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Why user? Power level too high?

People tend to like me because I am social, but really I like to keep to myself. It is tiresome interacting with extremely bluepilled pseudo-Christian normies. I wish I knew less wignats and less (((conservatives))) and more Hitlerite pagans.

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Shut up leaf

Israel is Roman land, not for the Jews. Jesus died by the Jews therefore are the synagogue of Satan.

My thoughts exactly. Where does one find this magical tree?


They're all leftists. If you're ok with that, they're out there.

Nice argument, mutt.

The Romans were racemixing mongrels. I have no interest in them.

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You have to grow it yourself .-)

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Tfw no groups to meet like minded pagans in pozzed Sydney eastern suburbs

This is someone's daughter.

Bet her mom is hot too.

Halos are a pagan invention
Easter is a pagan holiday adapted to christian to convert pagans
Same with christmas
The story of the prodigal son is stolen from eastern philosphy
Christianity served to make all peoples a bunch of nigger cattle for the elites to control with the power of the church
It was the old NWO, it is dying and in its place they erect the new NWO

Most pagan girls are Fat bitches...

How is it that I can tell that you're beaners?
Cuckstianity killed the greatest civilization or earth;Rome, and cast the earth into 1000 years of darkness. You're slaves to the jews and fathers of the muslims.

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Imagine thinking Jesus was a Jew..
There were no "Jews" as we know them today until the Temple was burnt. Before that their were Pharisees and Saddueces. But Jew is literally just a rejector of the Christ who is the eternal Logos. You're the brainwashed one Leaf.