Anyone else notice an absolute absence of chemtrails for roughly 3 days now?

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Hi, I am kinda new to this place. What are chemtrails and why are they, like, a thing?

These fuckers have been circling all day

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Do you want the real answer or what?

Are you near a base?

sup. Honestly, I don't know man. All I know is I've seen multiple chemtrails which are clearly some kind of spray, and I've watched others which slowly blanket most of the sky in a haze. There are tons of "documentaries" telling you supposedly what metals are being dumped on us but idk shit, except these aren't water vapor.

No flights

Saw 5 fighter jets being deployed just north of Las Vegas off the 15 freeway this afternoon. They were Westward bound

havent been outside in over 3 days


I've noticed planes but they have only been making contrails which are gone in ~20seconds. Definitely less air travel though

Are you fucking kidding me OP, we literally had over 10 chem trails over our valley today that spread out blanketing the sky.

Nice, get them every tues and thurs.

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what part of the states?

It became a meme to fuck with /x/ fags forever ago when /x/ was more popular and they would cross post here (though to be fair the crossover between the two boards was always fairly high). They were always very ready to believe that the government is doing daily aerosol sprays over the entire nation for population control.
Coming up with an Increasingly elaborate/ridiculous yet believable conspiracy theories to troll /x/ fags is where most of Yas Forums learned how to troll. Same with flat earth threads.

As for actual ‘chem trails’, they are just water vapor condensed by jet engines. The simplicity of it all is why it’s such a good troll.

They've adequately distributed the disease vector

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checked, but bullshit my good sir. Water vapor can't explain many chemtrails I see

>this guy gets a airforce check
The only prank being pulled is the government le ebically spraying aluminum nano-particles into the air to dab on your lungs and brain.

These Are not contrails

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Saw some today. They didn't stick for long though. Dissipated pretty quickly behind the plane.

I've seen them do some really fishy shit. No clue what they are but sure as fuck aren't made of water vapor

Its spring time you dumb fuck. Crops are coming back, flowers are coming back... holy shit.. are you functionally retarded?

There's no natural clouds in this pic was a clear blue sky before they started spraying

>they are just water vapor condensed by jet engines
Ya, that's why they last hours upon hours in the sky, and they spread and spread in all manner of ways depending on composition altitude and wind. That's why there are pictures and patents of spraying systems used in the aircraft. That's why fires burn the way they do these last 10 years. That's why the aerosols contain metals and other fucky shit used in geoengineering as well as messing with people's health both mental and physical.

It's all because the retards who believe hitler wasn't a leftist once trolled the retards who believe they can summon a tulpa sex slave.
We can tell which ones are mere water vapor, faggot. Protip: they don't spread across the horizon over every urban center.

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Equinox is on the 19th, my poor boy

Yeah I've seen some slowly spread out into a haze which blankets MOST of the sky.

Only retards think this is normal plane activity.

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Please tell this to a doctor

Scientists too. Movement is energy. Makes a cloud.

contrails should dissipate in seconds. Be objective unlike these monsanto scientists

Not at all. If anything there has been a doubling down here in the central US. A week ago they began at noon to 1pm. Now they are going hard at sunrise and are completely blocking any Sun in the morning. What is really perplexing is that we know that high temperatures and sunlight kill viruses. But the temperature and sunlight are purposely being keep down. If they didn't want COVID19 to spread they wouldn't be doing what they're doing. All I see is a program that's deliberately wearing our immune systems.

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That shit is called weather

>using fighter jets instead of bombers with bigger payloads to drop/spray a lot of stuff

And you're the type of faggot I hope dies first of COVID19. And it's just the flu too, Shit Eater

since the virus hit the news we've had way warmer weather here on west coast, also pretty much no rain in over a month which is extremely rare. We are expecting snow soon though

>t. 20+ $ for a fucking steak
C'mon leaf, make the (You)s worth our time!

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If they don't spray them you get Corona virus.

Has seemed really gray out to me, and unbelievably warm. 70 in march in NJ. If chemtrails are real (they are), they'd just turn pollution filters off on all planes so they release a shit ton of so2 and other waste products to heat up the atmosphere.

problem is this particulate pollution might causer more problems, it might even be why China was so hardly hit

>doesn't know we actually manipulate and seed rain and clouds to affect the weather.

It's almost like there are airports in different directions.

why wouldnt they just make the jet spray invisible?

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The budget must be astronomical

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you are a faggot and do not understand that the chemicals they spray for "cloud seeding" have many different uses, not pop. control, but they are harmful to humans.

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they don't need to, we're sheep

user contrails disappear over airports all the time because weather changes.

I'm not talking about contrails. I saw contrails a few hours ago. I haven't seen any chemtrails in days though which is extremely odd

>coronavirus happens
>people stop traveling overseas
>planes stop flying
>vapor is no longer produced
Herr derr chemtrails

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I have already seen a completely blue sky them the chemtrail planes come. The whole sky is turned to haze. Common people and normal niggers think its clouds. All these dumbasses that think they are smarter than us. Dont even pay attention to the sky.

that's a huge part of it. They're indoors or never look up. Or if they do look up they don't observe

I've been seeing contrails, but no chemtrails

Chemtrail mythologies are for low IQ faggots. It’s just condensation your fucking retards

It's the Coronavirus cure. Breathe deep!

bullshit. water vapor doesn't expand to fill most the sky with a haze.

Those are commuter jets user and those are normal flight patterns. I used to think chemtrails were real, but they're not.

I've noticed a few. Hope they're not spraying virus on my damn house.

Lutk more faggot.
The real answer is fucking lurk moar

It does because it's -50 degree's up there, and if the conditions are right...

There is giant shit in near earf orbit they must occult

Lots of military fly overs here too, last time i saw this much military air traffic was during the Iran crisis

If chemtrails arent real then why do i feel like shit and eveyone else is crazy ?

I watched the same plane circle around and spray this shit while I drove up and down the same highway for work. This definitely is not standard "airliner traffic". I even watched other planes at similar height pass leaving no trail that lasted longer than 8 seconds

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Wrong, dont live near any commuter flight paths

chemtrail deniers don't even understand what pollution is, like yes, all engines are just clean burning water vapor emitting marvels. no soot. nothing but clean water.

"Chemtrails" is just some glow in the dark conspiracy theory that room temperature IQs latched onto when they saw contrails and thought the government was poisoning them with mind control gas.

It's the brainlet's choice of conspiracy and isn't even the most credible one out there.

yes in florida was the most ive ever seen
i even took pics
i dont believe in teh chemtrail shit at all but they were all across the sky of florida in an even pattern across the whole state as far as i could see east (on west coast of FL)

This also happening durring the iran crisis

spray the flouride
spray the metals to hit with microwaves to heat the stratosphere and create weather systems or steer atmospheric river
hide activity in the sky they dont want to be seen

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I just saw a SHIT TON today. FUCK OFF

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