/rg/ - Raider General - preppcel cope edition

ITT discuss ways to smoke out preppers.

>The prepper is a scared rat in hiding, hoarding trash and desperately clinging to every minute of their miserable life, as if it ever had meaning.

>precious metals
Probably one of the biggest red flags in identifying a prepper. Keep an eye out for what people are bartering at local markets. If you see someone trying to barter gold or silver, follow them. They are most likely a prepper.

Identifying a prepper's compound is easy. Just look for houses with plywood on the windows or "looters will be shot!" signs. Also look for solar panels, or listen for the sound of a generator.

>smoking out a prepper
Another method to remove the prepper without contaminating canned goods and other supplies is tear gas. It is very easy and inexpensive to produce. You can easily sap the prepper's supply of gas mask filters dry with very little effort. The prepper will have no choice but to vacate or choke to death.

>destroying a compound
The prepper's compound is a stationary target--use this to your advantage. Get creative. DIY potato guns and catapults can lob fire or explosives. The biggest advantage of these types of weapons is you don't need to be in direct line of sight to attack a target--he won't know what hit him.
Lobbing contagens should only be used as a last resort, as you'll risk contaminating the goods. Although this method is the most heavy-handed and dangerous, it is the quickest way to remove the prepper. All the sardines and gas mask filters in the world won't save him.

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preppcel free first post

Bump borther

/pirate/ chads get in here

>tons of boats just sitting to be taken
>coastal area will be ruled by pirate raiders
>iran has 1500 navy division with small boats and jets equipped with guns and bazookas
>so powerful that the US had to make a new type of destroyer to counter them

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Who should I join up with guys, the Smegma Crazies or the Gayboy Berzerkers?


I'll raid your asshole. Prep your anus.

>ak and rpg
Based pirate and somanigger-pilled

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OP will end up with an arrow in his rectum.

ITT, /leftypol/ LARPers pretend they have balls and are retarded enough to believe that preppers make it clear that they're prepping

Literally, the new garbage of Yas Forums that we'll be seeing daily for the next month as soigois dream of what it'd be like to actually take something by force.


We will raid the countryside capturing all the boipussy and girl dick for ourselves

Y’all literally post your compounds on Yas Forums. Geolocation is easy. We’ve already found peter theils bunkers,

Who else /introvert pacifist raider/?
>don't hate or want to hurt anyone
>don't get along well in large prepper communities
>just sometimes want food and medicine
>the asymmetrical nature of raiding puts you at a disadvantage but preppers always have weak points and lapses in their security
>nothing but time on your hands to observe
>at the right moment strike and steal enough supplies for the next 1-2 weeks
>can murder and rape but never will

>mock doomsday prepper trying to flex on everyone for having canned fish
>tell him i'll burn his house down
>he's stupid enough to think i'd walk up to it in broad daylight
I was kinda hoping to carve a helm of awe into my chest and die in combat, but these guys aren't going to be a fight, are they?

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No, the muh tripwires and muh traps is just a larp

>be raider
>get shot

God, do I miss the look of analog film.

>he thinks the refrigeraiders aren't even worse larp fags

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>be preppcel
>have nothing to live for but insist on living as long as possible anyway
>get killed in the most embarrassing way possible
Have the cans stacked nice and neat for me and I promise to at least bury you with dignity.

>be prepper
>get tied to post
>forced to watch as your women are raped and your rice is burned

What the fuck is wrong with you.


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You've been visited by the War Rig of peace.
Prepper stockpiles and good fortune will come your way, but only if you post "Witnessed" in this thread.

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Just have the goods stacked neatly when I arrive, that is all I am asking.


>Not hoarding sugar, the ultimate prep food
>will practically never spoil if kept dry
>great calorie to volume ratio
>the first thing that will be rationed when shit hits the fan

I've got 3000 kilograms of sugar here in my sauna. They cost around 1€ a kilo, and I can flip them for 10-20€ a kilo easily when the apocalypse comes.

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Can’t wait to steal me some supplies with my glicko

>Yas Forums raiders
>already infected
>have to stop to use inhaler mid raid due to asthma
>noisy and stupid
>attempts night breach and hurts self
>makes noise and is shot
>didn't look for cameras
>thinks preppers live in same structure as supplies
>instantly the " " hunter " " becomes the prey
>no help since other raiders would have already killed him for being useless
>is a nigger
>gets dead


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Kek. Am I experiencing deja vu, or have you posted before? I swear there was a huge cap about the Fin sugar hoarder.

>his mom folds his laundry but he thinks he will survive against preppers with guns and training

>Can't run 15 feet without passing out from exhaustion but he thinks he can just magdump raiders from his 'compound' (read: mother's house)

All I do is roll a doob man.

>loses sugar to bees

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I see nothingburgers have moved from denial and anger

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You ever seen a bee in a sauna? Yeah, thought so.

One lobbed beehive is all it takes

Jokes on you,
I’ve followed 5 preppier family’s back to their homes so far and have them favorited on the maps app.

Noguns detected

People with food
Always underestimate
The will of the hungry
But I’ve read The Grapes of Wrath
We’ll see how fortified you entitled little preppers are soon...

Who can honestly call himself alive when all he does is miserably process rice into shit from the safety of a dark hole, failing to convince himself it will get better soon™?

Prepper fags need to read this.

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>Bernie lost again
>Revolution cancelled
>Kung Flu happens
>I know, we'll steal!
>Raid during a pandemic
>Lungs get BTFO'd
>Never get to steal
>Screaming in agony
Lefties should just give up and go start their own damn communes already. You can't win an election and you can't raid for shit.

>ITT discuss ways to smoke out preppers.
Sounds like total glowniggery.

I think you can imagine that we should rather focus on helping the bunkers filled with politicians.

That was a war, not a killer virus. It has nothing to do with this situation now does it?
You are going to try and raid,
You are going to get sick,
And you are going to die.

what part of "prep" do you not understand?

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nothing burger Stage of grief: stage 2 Anger

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The raid party is going to have one guy who gets Wu Flu. The whole raid party is now infected. Go ahead and try and steal, your 102 degree fever is going to make you slow. Your hacking lungs will give away your location.

Are you trying to get people killed user?

And? You're acting like conditions would be any different.
If you are in a situation that warrants your prep, it is a situation that will be like the story I shared. You think gangs wont be outfitted in masks and goggles? They will do it, don't be so naive dude. You think they'll give two shits about cross contaminating your home when they barge in to get your shit?

>Singing sea shanties with the boys as we speed towards some rich fag on his yacht who thought the sea would be safe


>might have beer virus while raiding
>coof on preppers then let them go with some of their gold or silver
>they might have the beer virus
>but they definitely won't say that when they buy refuge with other preppers

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lol, no shit people like you are going to die first... I have 8 NVcams on my propety- Triplights in the trees-- and 4 PVS14's mounted headgear w/ IR lasers on 556/.308 platforms....

For shits a giggles I've also hooked up a system to drop pipebombs from my DJI

I OWN A FUCKING RPG.... WITH DD license so i can posses and fire ammo that isnt trash tier homemade. -Pic related-

>Come at me bro.

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1 raid member is sick
The WHOLE raid is sick

Do you not understand this? You are getting together with other people who are probably going to be sick. You would be better off living in a containment zone rather than trying to steal. You can try if you want. Its your life.

virgin prepper vs chad raider pls

good luck... your in the land of more guns than people.

There were morons who thought this would work out in the Russian civil war, and for some it worked for a little while, but they were all put down like dogs in the end. All you will accomplish is your own deaths, and making it that much more difficult to recover afterward. If you're really up on the violence at least join a militia and direct your nogging at a deserving target.

You are so scared. You are probably gonna accidentally injure yourself and die of infection and someone will just get to take over your s

>being a bottom tier raider
Id much rather ally myself with the neo-government powered death sqauds that try and re-establish order

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Except I have tear gas filtering full face gas masks, a fire proof steel roof and wide open fire lanes. You wont catch me trying to barter gold or silver I dont need goods. If you follow me ill double back and put your head on my fence. Iv been hunting my whole life. Getting ready for the fall for 30 years. Catch your breath fat boy the fema trailers are that way.

We're going to smoke you out prepper virgin

Lay a finger on a gang member and you die, LARPer. They will beat you into a bloody pulp just like when there is no virus.


There will be people who cannot isolate themselves, who do not have masks, who cannot store food, medicine or water, because they prepped too late.

Those people will die like flies by the virus, and that will make them very desperate. They will be like feral dogs, trying to capture isolated shelter, food, water and medicine for themselves. Pandemics create shortages which cause violence.


>Raider lives in big city
>Martial law in effect. Out past curfew or looting you are shot dead
>Raider lives in rural area
>May raid one or two homes, word gets out. Huge mob lynches raider

yeah good luck guys

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raiders are a good source of protein.
cannibal master race. eat all of that canned food little piggies.
I'm going to live on long pork.

Military will be guarding infrastructure, raider strolls up to a power plant or water facility, they die
Law enforcement will be on the roads, raider tries to take the road, they die
Many municipalities have town militias in their charters, militias will see raider, raiders die
Americans in general are gun loving law and order wanting people, posse forms, raider die
then we get to preppers, already prepared for people like Paco and Tyrone, Failed Antifa turned raider is no different, raider dies


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You're even more cringe than the wannabe desperadoes. If that's even true, hoarding hardly ever works out well either. Your shit is going to be repossessed one way or another, and you're not nearly as hard as you're pretending you are.

>They will be bartering with gold and silver before the happening even happens

>Become Raiders

Fantasies of Poorfags that can't buy their own supplies with their neetbux or minimum wage mcdonalds money. Too busy blowing it on needless nerdshit or e-thots. Most don't have firearms or even know how to use them. A majority of them are autistic leftists with grandiose ideas of their capabilities that think they are entitled to your stuff.

With few friends and no social skills, I'm sure you'll be the best little cocksucker in your raid party. polishing all of the gang members' members.

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You can't get within 200 yards. Your bodys will pile and bring wild dogs to further protect my land.

Based and TNFpilled

>worrying about contaminaring goods
You fail to understand. I fully intend to be infected when I begin raiding. Retirement communities are on my list. The deathly weak and infirm will be bent to the will of my mild cold

Go right back onto the plantation and into the government approved safezone, wagie. Surely it won't be Superdome 2.0. Meanwhile catch me on these skreets pushing weight of Charmin

/k/ Africa Core

This. Post apocalyptic raiders of tomorrow are the blue hairs and college campus commies of today that will survive by eating their comrades. Not to be underestimated but not very smart or capable.

Tick tock preppcels

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I can't wait to kill stupid autistic weeb niggers who watch too much anime and who think they are going to go out and take shit by force.

"Preppers" includes a wide variety of people of various capabilities and intelligence. Pray you aren't in my AO because you'll never even make it to my extremely rural and secluded house. You'll die pissing and shitting yourself when my fireteam of former military/swat officers with level 4 body armor, night vision, and thermal massacres you at night at 300 meters completely impervious to your impotent autistic rage.

If you come at me in the day you'll need a Bradley or a Stryker to make it past the fighting positions and armor piercing incendiary rounds. My group was prepping to fight the government in case of gun confiscation, and our capabilities are equivalent to any front line infantry unit. We prepared for the worst case scenario and an enemy that is a hell of a lot tougher than autistic weebs larping as raiders.

Pol raiders are the ultra virgins of the raider world. You'll probably be enslaved by some criminal or biker gang immediately and your buttholes will be used as flashlights.

Dont worry we will


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Today's lefties are unbelievably delusional. Jaml and his homeboys are more of a threat than some white college aged male, running down a road where every other house either has a gun owner or a Corona victim in it, thinking he is in a Fallout game.
They are going to be in the middle of the street catching rounds from all the neighbors on the block.
If they think they can raid, let them try. We need to thin the gene pool anyways.


If you see a bunch of dead raiders hanging from trees you'll know you've found my compound. You better hope you faggots have a fucking tank.

Oh yeahhh?
We’ll. Just. See...
Don’t let all that food make you too comfy...

I guess you military fags learned nothing in the middle east? Heavily fortified positions are literal liabilities. All it would take is 2 guys and a grenade to flush your ass out. You are not more competant than Taliban who have 15+ years of ground combat experience, with actual reifornced concrete compounds and cave networks. You will get your ass handed to you just as easy as those with 2x your experience and resources.