My brothers and my sisters would you open your arms for someone that was subverted?

My brothers and my sisters would you open your arms for someone that was subverted?

I was reduced to hating the accomplishments of my people. I was reduced to accepting the wickedness the LGBT fags impose on our kids in school. I was reduced into believing I was some gender queer shit. To this day fills me with utter shame.

I was reduced to literally having stood behind the israeli flag because they promised they could fix my country by working together, but in reality they were playing both sides all along

I was reduced to a beta fucking cuck and a puppet of the machine. I could go on and on about my transgressions on my people and my betrayal.

They tricked and deceived while I thought I was educated, but in reality I was "ed-jew-cated" but the elites that seek to keep us down...

I've grown to reject my past as I understood why it made me miserable and docile in life. I have embraced our people and our culture through literature, music, speakers, and by learning from our based community members.

The only thing left is to stand beside yall and say I'm one of us, but I am not sure you want me stood there.

So fucking ashamed of this shit that I can't even use flag for fear of the shame I might give it. For now it will remain Geographic.

Even if I could never take part in what I see is my race and my people, thank you for saving my life.

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>you: LGB
>me: pls tell me more
>you: T
>me: oh.... it's retarded

I guess that's their goal, huh? Turn potential troops into beta cucks who won't fight back and I feel for it.

OMG trannies are trash! Are we soulmates?

Don't get the implication here

the only way to go is up
Have pride with your people and make white children responsibly
Also remember that your flag means you can go out and buy guns and get CCW or OC permits, it's your goddamn right

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kek nigger calm the fuck down and welcome back

How ashamed are you?

This is extremely anti Semitic

Imagine if your family saw that you’re hanging out on this far right terrorist site, they would disown you

Uh. I would specify but I'd end up sounding like some fag on reddit posting on some board about how you have hurt fucking feelings

skip the libertarian to fascist pipeline and become a chad monarchist for our people.

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Welcome brother.

Call the cops like I give a fuck

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it's just.... WHY is this shit accepted? sometimes I wish I'm deaf but I accept that's a problem not a solution.

trans people need to accept their "problem", not accept their "solution". that's step one of escaping the depression well.

I'm bisexual.

You think I'm attracted to chickens and helicopters? NO! I am attracted to manly men and feminine females. I've slept with dozens of women and turned a few boys into men.

Trans people are my allergy. It's like being hit in the face with a brick. I want them dead.

There’s nothing wrong with being gay

>I'm bisexual.
Just say that you're gay Bruce

Based monarchybro.

Sounds ashamed enough to me. Welcome!

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Based and Bipilled

Don't answer this literal glownigger. He will trick you into a mass shooting.

Welcome to the club, nigger

Way to many fucking commies floating around here nowadays...being trivial fucks...

>muh "foot in the closet" fags

Any time you want a salty pair of balls in ya mouth I'll be here for you mate. and tell ya girlfriend there's enough scrote to share :)

You know that Europeans colonised, enslaved and used eugenics don’t you?
You think that that is good?
Your ancestors oppressed the whole world

>blog post
just fuckk off and die faggot

lets finish the job

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Anyone who hates the Jew menace is a friend of mine. You're going to be alright, guy. Word of advice though: stop taking everything so seriously. Your past is in the past. I wasted many unconscious years being a degenerate. But I'm here now. All that matters is you accept the truth and push onwards.

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Eat shit and fail at spreading our cause a 3rd time faggot

It is okay OP I forgive you. You can only go up from here. Become strong.

Stop being a faggot OP

Youre still a faggot doe, look at how you wrote this shit, too dramatic

>Calling eugenics a bad thing
>thinks it means killing off inferiors
No retard, it means breeding with partners who obviously have good genetics. Which means avoiding subhuman kikes.

Well Germans are known for theater soooo... :)

Don't be ashamed.
The important part is you made it out alive and well (I hope).
Focus on yourself, your loved ones, and the future and try not to dwell on the past.

How can you finish the job if your people are wiped off the face of the planet?

Glow harder

I like to eat and then take big shits. I like the feeling of a fat log reaching escape velocity. I like clogging the pipes. I liked it when I ate two pounds of ham and the protein made a plug inside my colon so I couldn't shit it out and had to dig it out with my thumb. The pork-plug was the cannonball and the stuff I ate after it was the gunpowder. It sounded like someone was playing the William Tell overture.

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You will never get it as long as you dont depoetize your thinking, will always chase images behind veils

>Completely ignoring slavery and colonialism
And also genocide and spreading their empire everywhere

stop being a faggot
>i didn't know that trannies werent actually women or that we were fighting for jews in the desert

go home with this dramatic reddit tier shit
come back when you find your balls

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quit lashing yourself bitch

Alright, I can take a idea like that into consideration, thanks

>implying that no gun owning whites are gonna fight back

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the only thing worse than a faggot is a commie faggot.

They won’t
That was the idea
We are winning


Come after them bitch

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It's all good bro, no need to be overly dramatic about it. Welcome back.

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>loves every race but white people
>hates genocide except for white people
>hate colonization except when non-whites do it

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Welcome brother, now the real struggle begins. This attachment is now your bible, read it everyday - EVERYDAY. We are outmanned and the majority of our own people (including family) are the enemy, but know we are out here user. When the time comes I hope I get to meet you IRL and if not here than in Elysium.

Hail OUR People! \0

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Are pretending to be a weak faggot on purpose?

Welcome, brother.


Yea thanks, I admit I was to dramatic, but finding our movement was a life changing thing for me. So I did some emotional fag shit

Welcome home buddy. Everyone has to start somewhere. Nobody is asking you to be perfect, all we want is for you to really fucking hate Jews.

post boipuccz

Europeans did it first, this is called revenge

Revenge for what?
Improving everyone else's lives?

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No, trans people are disgusting. Why can't they just go to church instead?

So know ones the better man? Seem like fair game then.

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How can you guys care about this so much? I just want someone to cuddle with who won’t try and pressure me to sleep with them. :/

I hope that’s not real...

yeah ok cringefag obvious b8

Hows that at all relevant?


This reads like a jewish tactic
you're just going to back stab again, no, fuck you

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That you shouldn’t care so much about politics and start caring about the little things more.

Nigga you gay?

It's assisted suicide, bro. She could no longer live in this cruel world.

We were all you at one point friend. There is no such thing as too late. Only how much you later regret

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No? How so? Though I do think it’s nice to cuddle with men and women desu.

your whole life should not be about this
just live your life and do as best you can.
no one needs a basement dwelling fag to fix things.
probably best advice i can give for someone getting into this

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fuck off!

you probably already had that but he fucked it up

When Trump wins again what are you gonna do? Send your life savings to Bernie? HAHAHAHA no refunds FAGGOT!

No but seriously tho, communism has never worked. And when it has worked, it put millions into slave labor and millions died. Mao, Stalin, etc. So I don't see your logic. Also the first Slave ships were owned by jewish families. Hmmmm.

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As long as you believe in the 1488, you will always be my brother.

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church would probably help us all a bit.

media loves to paint them as pedos, carefully avoiding mention of all the pedo schoolteachers, pedo cops, pedo rabbis, etc etc etc.
