Corona Toilet Paper Meme

Ok guys, let it be known you have pulled of another one. People on Facebook told me meijer was sold out of toilet paper and I didn’t believe them. So I went and look myself. This honestly may be the greatest meme you guys have ever pulled off. I tip my hat to you

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Same here. The hysteria is real even though 95% of the people I talk to recognize the bullshit.

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why of all things
I don't understand

Michigan fag?

woah calm down satan

Yea, Grand Rapids

normies are hoarding toilet paper here in finland too where we have multiple toilet paper factories.

TP takes up a lot of space. The store isn't over stocked because it wouldn't be cost effective.
Cans and bags of rice take up less space so the store can keep a lot in storage.

Jackson here. Meijers is stocked.

Same thing here. I don't get it.

Daytonfag here, our TP is gone as well, governor cancelled school for 3 weeks and no assemblies larger than 100 people

The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.

You honestly may want to stock up if you’re low. They were fully stocked at 1am last night. People are flipping out here

Toilet paper can last a long time if you don't use it like a retard. Each square can be used at least twice.

>1 roll per day
what the fuck are you people eating

I feel like the 937 is very highly represented here. And btw if sonic temple is canceled this year I’ll be so pissed. I want to see tool again.

Stupid westerners think toilet paper is an item to stockpile since Chinese people were buying it to make homemade masks.

The world is full of retards. Just look at all of the anons trying to justify why people need to stockpile on toilet paper.

Yeah same here, I try to explain that the only nation with an actual shortage is Australia because they were importing from Taiwan

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Cottonelle fo a nigga

>homemade masks
That is a terrible idea, US toilet paper has so many disintegrating particulates, your lungs would fill with that shit

No shit holy fuck.

>The average person uses 1 roll per day.

user I think you have a problem.

More like 1-2 rolls per week, eat some goddamn fiber my dude.

>1 roll per day

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>bumfuckistan, usa
>shelves seem to have everything
>not a single goddamn roll of tp in the place
literally why is this soooo important?

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>The average person uses 1 roll per day.

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>1 roll per day

You eat a lot of beans or drink a lot of vodka. Mirin’

I saw a shelf of toilet paper at trader joes we are good.

No one ever said the chinks were smart with their weird ass solutions to potential problems
>we don’t know if this virus is the one in a million that can transmit from dog/cat to human?
>let’s beat them all to death just in case

because people are retards and most americans are too fat and stupid to know you can just wet your hand if need be, or wash off in the tub

There's plenty of shit. That's the point.

What the fuck do you do with your toilet paper, eat it?

Ladies and gentlement,

The Pooper

>1 roll per day
You know it actually unrolls into sheets right?

>The hysteria is real even though 95% of the people I talk to recognize the bullshit.

Of course. You have to buy toilet paper now because everyone else is buying it and no one wants to run out of toilet paper, even though most people are aware that toilet paper isn’t usually at risk of running out during a pandemic. I’m pretty sure this is some kind of negative Nash equilibrium or something.

TP has always been on the list of stockpile items for preppers.
You wouldn't know this because you are dumb and uninformed.

>1 roll per day
lol more like one every week or so

Why waste space on toilet paper when you can just use a wash rag?

>The average person uses 1 roll per day.
You mean a family of four or more uses 1< roll a day right?

People are stockpiling tp because most people know they are supposed to stockpile something but young people don’t cook anymore. So they are just stockpiling paper products.

I live near Tokyo and all supermarkets are out of toilet paper. Fucking hell

>homemade masks
>The world is full of retards
>homemade masks
>The world is full of retards
>homemade masks
>The world is full of retards
>homemade masks
>The world is full of retards
i had enough of this stupidity coronachan take me to the heaven of 2D women

I wipe and i wipe and i wipe still poop. Its like wiping a brown marker.

>1 roll per day

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i need 3 per day for myself, i have a bowel disease so i have corona-tier diarhea all the time

I graduated in paper engineering my prof was from Finland kek. Yeah supply in northern Europe is not going to run out anytime soon.

This’s honestly a good point. Worst comes to worst you can use the shower. I just find it hilarious that tp is sold out but bottled water is fully stocked

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youre fucking fat

I dont get it. Toilet paper is the last thing id stock. Just take a shit and clean your ass with water. Fucking tards

Who has the pasta of the soldier in like Bosnia or something saying that toilet paper was the most valuable thing?

Memory is fuzzy of the details, please someone post it.

1 roll per week (7 days). anything more, you're a fat fuck eating too much or have a large family.

you think that's good.....just wait

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we got a POOOOPER
>uses 1 roll a day
>flushes to no avail

Lapeer Meijer was packed this afternoon. I wanted to start a clap clap fuck China chant while waiting for the cashier.
I'm loaded with goods and growing my own food in my grow tents also.

Police are done responding to calls also. Be careful brothers

>thinks the triple rolls he buys count as one roll

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When i wipe it's like spreading peanut butter on a fur coat and I still use nowhere near a roll a day.

you gotta shit 6 times a day bro, its just science

I just bought toilet paper. Idk what you guys are talking about.

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I've had a bidet for months and happened to go to Costco around the same time. I still have 30+ rolls of tp and 15 boxes of tissues. All fucking stocked before any of shit so I'm proudof myself.

Clean your fucking kitchen degenerate

The line for costco wrapped around the back of the store

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Well satan, maybe because people don't want to suffer from swamp ass and mud butt in their final days.