michigan bros, please pile in here.
we have to stick together. we're the only state with the elixir after all.

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Other urls found in this thread:,13958

Out of nowhere too. Yesterday - didn't they have zero cases?

it was 2 last night. 3 a few hours ago and now 12 as of ten minutes ago or so.

School won't close in Shelby township even though its only 5 miles away from the latest corona sighting, what fags

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In Texas, the cases are starting pick up down here. Most of it is in san antone and houston. Couple in DFW - a couple days ago it was 0 and then boom, like 5 of them.

>An adult female from Ingham County with history of travel on a cruise.

>Two adult females from Kent County and one adult male, all with history of international travel.

>An adult female from Montcalm with history of international travel.

>Two adult males from Oakland County; one with no travel history and one with domestic travel.

>An adult male from St. Clair County with history of domestic travel.

>One adult female and one adult male from Washtenaw County; one with history of domestic travel and one with history of international travel.

my birth was in the toethumb state
this news concerns me, as the elders of my tribe still reside within her borders

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There are fucking morons in this state hoarding toilet paper. Lansing police stopped doing property calls. Willing to bet travelers are not quarantined

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They shut down Western Michigan University over a fucking cold, probably destroying Kalamazoo's economy. Fuck you happooners and panickers for wrecking my city

BROS, Detroit here. My cousin is in Texas, works for high tech there. In January they had a foreign doctor come there, he and others got sick, now in retrospect they tested and it's corona
They have smart doctors in the corporation there, they have my cousin self quarantined at home, not to leave until END OF JUNE

Lansing Community college is extending spring break to Tuesday, but they are literally sending people to meet in person still while switching some classes over to online only. Pretty sketchy. Why would they do this, when MSU has said, nobody will be meeting in person, all classes will be online.

there's two other colleges in kzoo, not to mention all the breweries. it will be fine, you faggot

I'm honestly surprised it took this long for it to reach washtenaw. So many chinese in ann arbor and so many junkies in ypsi.

I'm sorry I type like an idiot

bros pls filter to highlight michigan threads in the catalog and lets try to have a general going ;_; we're in this together

Any emu anons here?


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just drink faygo and relax, who cares

aged in oak barrels is the cures secret. rip sparky a.

>destroying Kalamazoo's economy
Kzoo is shit

What ages are these people?

no idea about any others, but the original 2 (one in oakland, one in wayne) were 50+

What the fuck do you mean? I live in Lansing and nothing is fucking different.

I made a post a few weeks back. I may or may not work at a big hospital near Ann arbor. A student from EMU returned from study abroad in northern Italy. A test was run based upon travel history. Not sure which strain came back positive. Yes multiple strains. The amount of tents and government oversight is unreal. When she was ordered to self quarantine she decided to go to a Kroger for supplies. (Logical considering you just got back to the mainland USA) and then a party on/off campus. Returned to the hospital, why God only knows, complaint over severe flu symptoms. ICU shortly after. Our hospital in the ER alone runs through 300+ people per shift. I can only imagine the spread. I strongly urge you to lock up your 60+ family members and have no physical contact with them. The spread is far reaching. Just because they say a few positive tests this week doesn't make it true. God speed anons. Remember the 4 of clubs. I've heard it 4 times today. Anons stay strong.

one of the first two was from dearborn and this fucked up state is too cucked to say so.

Go to Horrocks and get me 4 of those cookies in the jar by the deli, thx

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wtf it was 3 four hours ago

holy shit I'm in the metro wtf

Bay county here, oldest county in MI

Everyone has symptoms but there is literally no way to get tested right now

A decent ginger ale. My favorite for just relaxing and sipping. It's not a mixer like Canada Dry, Schweppes, or Fever Tree. It's not hot like a ginger beer.

Pure perfection. Vernors. Have a (You) for that.

There’s probably 100s. Nobody is getting tested or probably even going to the doctor.

Mathematician here: Based on the law of expernential growth everyone will be dead in 2 hours. Run for your lives.

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Lmao stop larping

I work at a CVS, how fucked am I?

>Lansing police stopped doing property calls.
Shit do you have a source on that?

go to ch4 and let them have it.

pick out my post.

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I wish I was. I seriously wish I was. You wanna drive over to a big hospital right off of 23 and count the tents now setup? Or how people no longer can enter the ER because capacity is max for the next 12 hours? Or how the police now guide new people directly to the triage tent outside?

Why are they hiding their identities? Isn't that the opposite of what they should be doing?

city of Lansing announcing to criminals they won't respond to larceny and burglary, yeah nothing is fucking different.

Holy shit it's happening

And how many of those are people who actually have it and how many are news-addicted hypochondriacs with normal colds/flus (if even that)?

burglary of abandoned buildings, They are saying unless its a persons in danger they aint doing shit.

Michigang over here, allegedly two cases at Western Michigan University. Wonder if those were in the reports?

fuck fuck FUCK FUCK I'm from oakland county but trapped in milwaukee. mom is still there and went to meijer today, was with friends yesterday. She doesn't downplay it but keeps leaving the house and won't prep even though I've been warning her since january. Then again, I'm a retard and keep leaving for random shit like food safe buckets today. ahhh this just makes it more real somehow.

Flint here, things are awful as usual. Will keep you all updated if things get better.

how wild is the boogaloo gonna get?

i have a place far up north but will wait till things get hairy.

Wats the best resturaunts in Baycity/Midland

>248 here
>big 3
I know of one guy in the hospital with pneumonia severe upper respiratory issues, one with confirmed pneumonia a few weeks before this got hyped up and a high lvl supervisor roaming the shop that returned from china and we suspect he skipped the quarantine guideline. All at the same shop. Lots of sneezy coofers around the shop. I fully suspect operations will be shut down soon.

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They keep the schools open here even if there's power out, water out, and air conditioning out. Test scores are so low here, even for the whites, school administrators need every penny of federal funding they can get.

Sure. Have to go to the store anyway.


you guys think the washtenaw case is some chink at umich?

Kalamazoo is full of niggers. Good. Let it burn.

What if I told you our hospital or state for that matter hasn't had the supply promised to us by the CDC/FEMA task force on this? We haven't seen a viable test since the EMU student 3 weeks back.

italy china or iran traveler most likely.

I have senpai in Macomb, both over 60. Too bad I live out of state hahaha you're on your own boomers!

Fuck that I'm going to buy a shotgun tomorrow.

traverse city here, just went out tonight and got a bunch of food with my girl friend. was hard as fuck to find toilet paper.

For non-Michigan or quick glance readers, the main cities in those counties are Lansing, Ann Arbor, and Grand Rapids (plus suburbs of GR). The other biggest cities in MI.
Bernie was just in GR this past Sunday, coincidence?

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Schools have started closing around us. shit is starting to happen.

also if you're looking for a good supply place try GFS, works like everywhere else but gets shopped at far less often.

bro which hospital are you at? post some kinda small proof. cmon this is a small thread nobody will notice.
also my boomer dad works at umich in a research lab should I be worried


yeah saline and dexter folded

cherry nigger here as well. don't come knocking on my door or i'll blast your ass.

He was at DTW as well, our largest airport.

fuck bernie might be infected.

>try GFS
fuck good idea, the place doesn't even have a proper name, aces marketing.

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