You fags keep making memes but don't understand just how fucking bad this is going to get

You fags keep making memes but don't understand just how fucking bad this is going to get.

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It is true, this crash will rival the Great Depression.

you mean "how good it will get"

Bet it pops back up even steeper within a week. Check em, cap it, suck it

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>It is true, this crash will rival the Great Depression.
Greater Depression

I actually do know how bad its gonna get (4u), that's why I'm memeing.

The media is manufacturing a crisis to defeat Trump and issue in a dystopia where criticism of them lands you in prison.

It’s going to be bad and Chinese immigrants will be brutalized in the streets. By people wearing nitrile gloves of course.

It’s a shame. But everyone should prepare for home break ins since people will become desperate and hungry - or just let their evil rabidity out with the crash as the excuse.

Secure your homes.

Best Depression.

im ok. happy to see it burn.

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But this is what we wanted user

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Unless you're a farmer.

we are fairly aware shit is hitting the fag at full speed

How will this impact my life? I'm a mechanic in a small shop and have appointments booked out for weeks. Will people cancel and I can finally go on a cheap vacation?

Not muh stock market!!!! What will I ever do if the mirage of value that the Western world has created collapses and I am released from wageslavery!!! NOOOOOOOOOO

I hope it gets as bad as it can possibly get

Will consequences ever be the same?

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Bad? I think it’s a great opportunity

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Op is fucking right this time. This isn't the usual happening fags with their 1% loss bullshit. If this whole thing is orchestrated, what do they have to gain from obliterating their own kingdom? Shit makes no fucking sense.

how bad we talking

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Trump is manufacturing a crisis to make Democrats look bad when the flu blows over and deflect blame for the economic crash that was going to happen anyway

Oh God look at the Nikkei. This is going to end bad.

for Hyuuuge Depression

Whatever severity you expect, I hope it will be 10x worse.
Take that OP.

the entire planet is manufacturing a crisis?

>Oh yea I love getting fucked in the ass by >economic collapse

consequence will never be the same

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Eighteen naked cowboys in the showers at Ram Ranch
Big hard throbbing cocks wanting to be sucked
Eighteen naked cowboys wanting to be fucked
Cowboys in the showers at Ram Ranch
On their knees wanting to suck cowboy cocks
Ram Ranch really rocks

[Verse 1]
Hot hard buff cowboys, their cocks throbbing hard
Eighteen more wild cowboys out in the yard
Big bulging cocks ever so hard

[Verse 2]
Orgy in the showers at Ram Ranch
Big hard throbbing cocks ramming cowboy butt
Like a breeding ram wanting to rut

[Verse 3]
Big hard throbbing cocks getting sucked real deep
Cowboys even getting fucked in their sleep
Ram Ranch, it rocks
Cowboys love big hard throbbing cocks

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I hope you're right, user. I need at least two more weeks of Bear market so I can earn a year's worth of payment. Got 400% today on Petrobras PUTs. Monday we have the next batch of PUTs and I'll be there, making some nice profits.

Kek, both are true. In a world without the fear of hell, fear porn will have to suffice. The flu. THE FUCKING FLU!

You think maybe I could get a chick to suck my dick for a cheeseburger?

It's already bad for me. I've lost my job. I didn't have it long enough to be eligible for unemployment benefits. I prepped but I'm not going to be able to afford rent to even have a place to store my stuff. I don't even know how to begin to get a new job with everything shutting down due to the outbreak.

The only thing I have going for me right now is that I don't have the coronavirus yet.

>Entire economy is shut down
>Stocks will rise


How long do you need to work at a job to collect unemployment insurance? Asking for a friend

Absolute art. A shame to see what Grant has become nowadays, very low effort stuff

>You fags keep making memes but don't understand just how fucking bad this is going to get.
Bad enough to elect me?

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>don't understand just how fucking bad this is going to get.

lol nigger you have no fucking idea how much we know.

2 scoops
2 genders
2 slices
2 strains
2 depressions
2 terms

so a month ago it was
>the media is not talking about corona chan, they know its too late to stop and were all doomed

>the media hyping corona chan too much! its clearly cuz orange man bad

You're either a tourist or a complete newfag or a troll

It's something called "gallows humor".

>shit is hitting the fag at full speed
sounds hot desu

you dont know how hard i am right now.

gallows? this is a fucking miracle you dumb boomer

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I'm pretty sure it depends on your state.

My belly is full, my balls are empty, I’m flush with cash and ready to buy some houses.

Were you the guy bragging about "possibly" getting severance pay?

This is fantastic. I own a business, I make things for a living, and my chink competition was just wiped out. I'm only 30, reasonably well off with no debt and plenty of cash. Will be taking full advantage of the great boomer panic selloff. Look at me, Yas Forums. I'm the jew now.

>don't understand just how fucking bad this is going to get.
We're making meme BECAUSE we know how bad it will get.

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you dont get it. this is the end. you think of it in terms of profit/loss. this is old world thinking.

All Things Are Nothing

I cannot comprehend how retarded a person must be to think stock market=depression/recession

Recessions are preceded by job losses, steady declines in demand coupled with spikes in the prices of basic commodities as hodlers try to stay afloat. In particular oil spikes in price during these times.

Literally none of these factors are at play here, it's literally just brainlets (You) selling off because "OH MY GOD IT'S THE CORONAVIRUS". Demand for basic goods continues to be normal. But then it's doubtful any of you have stocks anyway and are probably just NEETs wishing for a collapse because you think then people wouldn't notice how pathetic you are and you'd feel vindicated for being lazy.

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nigger, you think it's just economic? you don't understand just how fucking bad this is going to get

Guys I’m starting to feel like I have a sore throat. I can’t quit thinking I’m gonna die

>orange man bad
>calls others trolls

Just go back to discord already, leafnigger

Psychosomatic symptom. Stop panicking.

The market is reacting to future outlook.

Can't profit from boom and bust cycles without busts.
> the smart but lazy money went into bonds last year when the yield curve went negative
> the smart and young money bought puts
> the really smart money bought organizations of people

good, keep going down so the world can finally reset your flowing money bullshit

>it’s not a recession because it doesn’t follow the typical patterns!

Nigga patterns are always right until they aren’t. It’s happening, there will be blood in the streets.

Get him!!!

>Ram ranch is under siege, is under lockdown.

No, Jew. If I die then it doesn't matter. If i survive then great. Win/win.

checked and kek'd

All the way to zero


no it won't, it will be worse. people back then were ALOT more resourceful with less, way more farmers and people with survival knowledge, all capable of living semi off grid. you honestly think people today have any of those skills that our grand parents/ great grand parents did?

Yes, and that future outlook is the retarded idea that millions of people are getting ready to die. These investors will feel very foolish in the near future.


We'll be okay. Everything is all right
Dont worry.

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are you all familiar with the tower of babel story?
do you understand why it's pertinent?

there is a large shortage of mechanics user. tell your boss to fuck off and start your own shop

>You fags keep making memes but don't understa-
haha money printer go brrrrrr

You are so fucking wrong, the stock market crash is phase one of the largest downturn in a generation. You have no idea what is coming.

expect some losses....then recovery as per normal

Go on

paper money littering the streets like venezuela user. the fed threw 1.5 trillion at the kikes and they didn't even care.

you know chicks suck dick for free right?

If you're thinking about laying a hand on any of the women of my harem, you will be made an example of

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do you...?

However bad you think it’s going to get, I want it to get worse than that.

random aside....

that's a dope picture.

>you idiots don't know how bad it's gonna get
>doesn't expand on assertion
kys you fucking faggot or actually say something worth a damn you POS

this, own the means of production and money is simply a means of exchange. your wealth is your capacity to produce.

>Look what this chart did
>Now look what this chart's doing
Doesn't work that way