Washington Department of Health just tweeted their update. 457 confirmed cases. 31 deaths...

Washington Department of Health just tweeted their update. 457 confirmed cases. 31 deaths. Do the math on the mortality rate Anons.


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oy vey who runs the WA dept of Health and is it only another hour until its anudda shoa?

There are probably 50k cases in wa untested

457 x 31 = 14,167
holy shit!!

I get 6.8% ish
Check my maths

All of them in the same nursing home. Nobody cares, Chang

Confirmed != total
many more unconfirmed mean lower mortality rate. it's not just simple division you moron

WA is literally 80% of the US fatalities.

All at a fucking lifecare center. Kill yourself

There’s way more cases. Tons of people that aren’t tested

RIP Martin Crane

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Good. Washington is full of far left Antifa fags

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checked, and true

~6.7%, but don't forget a third of those deaths were from the first couple dozen people who got infected, mostly from that one nursing home in Seattle. So since then it's probably

There are likely thousands of untested cases, leading the numbers to be very misleading

>it's not just simple division you moron
WRONG. You do the MATH with the numbers you HAVE. Not the numbers you THINK are there, or SHOULD be. You fucking STUPID NIGGER!!!

lol, nice

they tested corpses for the shit and found positives. we dont know the true dead either

wtf is wrong with the state of washington?

this guy is exactly right, but good luck telling the "scientists" that

457 cases
31 above the age of 80
31 deaths

do the math user's

every little waafting wave of even the slightest little feeling of anything unusual has my mind spiraling off into doom fear. I am orbiting between southern NH and Mass but without any extensive contacts just a supermarket a laundromat and a dentist I live in a condo and the next unit over works in .... a rehab/nursing home.

This. Also, how many of the deaths are half dead 90yr olds?

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>s-stop questioning my fear porn!

You forgot to add in all the people with mild to no symptoms that will never get tested

>Do the math on the mortality rate Anons.
And here come the 10% mortality rate schizos...

Day of the Pillow



Cool so the r0 level is closer to 10 or 15?

Nothing. They're actually testing instead of burying their heads in the sand

>Do the math on the mortality rate Anons
It's an impossibility because most people are either asymptomatic or have mild symptoms and they don't get tested.

South Korea has been testing aggressively and has a .84 % death rate (66 dead out of 7869 confirmed cases).

The actual death rate is likely even much lower than that.

How screwed am I? Beyond living in this dump to begin with?

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3 1/2?

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Two weeks contagious before symptoms appear, and then up to six weeks contagious after symptoms appear, even after the patient "recovers".

People are spreading it everywhere without even knowing it.

South korea has been changing cause of deaths as well. All asians lie. Dont believe a word they are saying.

>don't expose my false narrative, stupid mcstupid face!

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The same people that say the cfr is actually low because thousands upon thousands actually have it. Also say, the flu is more contagious, this isnt that bad.

Which is it faggots.


You fuckers are retarded

>all old and existing illness cunts

get rekt.

So yea, mortality rate is even lower. Sorted.

Human beings are the most disgusting animal there is. This is probably nothing but i can hop it;s something. You're nothing but products of your own hubris, wicked imaginations, you're lower than the animals you eat. insects eating dogs is the best analogy. God Bless Coronavirus

What's the MORTALITY RATE, Fag? I gave you the DATA.

Go back to *eddit.
As much as I hate people, especially you.
I realize that you are better than an animal.

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Latest estimates are that it's from 3 to 8.

mirror mirror..

Yes this shit is contagious as fuck
No denying that

Go read the CDC memos, they don't test for Corona unless you've got fluid in your lungs and need intensive care. They won't even test the doctors and nurses that are sick.

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>same people that say the cfr is actually low because thousands upon thousands actually have it. Also say, the flu is more contagious

how many people will die from the coronavirus?

Lipsitch: I don't want to speculate at this time. We think that around 1 or 2 percent of the symptomatic people died, but we don’t know how many people are really infected. It’s like an iceberg with the severe cases at the top level and the asymptomatic ones underneath the surface. We won't know how big the latter part of the iceberg is - and thus the true fatality rate – until the outbreak is over.


You won’t die if you are in good health.

You will die if you have a shit immune system because you eat tendies and drink Gatorade for dinner

It seems as the most of the population already has Carona so now they will be attributing every single death to the virus.

Damnit we are so fucked

fucked up but most of those were those old motherfuckers tho

how are there even confimed cases if they aren't testing anyone? i'm 95% sure i have it and i can't get a test. they keep turning people away, you can read news articles on it.

in seattle btw, it's already everywhere, pretty sure everyone in the city has it. i caught it from either a grocery store or public transit, and i'm young and healthy. even for one single bus route, there can be 10,000 daily riders. then there are the coworkers of all those people, everyone they passed on the street, the gym, the coffee shop, the store... everyone in the city has this already. they refuse to count us in their damned official statistics. *taps head* can't have 500,000 cases if you refuse to test anyone.

oh, right, they can't test even if they want to, because all manufacture of the test chemicals was outsourced to china, and they are not shipping any here.

>it's just old people
Enjoy your recurring Flu AIDS Chinkoid.

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This is simply a “bad flu” that we don’t have a shot for yet

Thats only counting critical cases user. Not the mild ones where the person isnt even aware they are infected with is over 50% of those who get it.

The nursing homes are being absolutely decimated according to this month-long sample

They may be asymptomatic. What does it really mean to be infected?

you fuckin idiot, the majority of WA state deaths were from a retire home.

Post paycheck skill faggot

on the other hand, because there are absolutely 1,000,000 cases in seattle alone by now or who are infected but not yet symptomatic, and yes there are, there are not bodies in the streets. the deathrate is pretty low. but people are going to be sick and need meds and time off.
it's viral pneumonia.

Only 31 deaths. More people every year die from car accidents

Simple math won't help when you get reinfected, and successive lung damage.
Low mortality rate because you can live with the first round of damage, fucking retard, "oh, it's nothing". Let's at least wait to see of people all start getting reinforced before we consider letting our guards down. Again, fucking retard faggot low IQ nigger.

Very, but not because of spooky beer flu

It’s roughy 2.6 according to my state officials

All jews lie, and guess who makes the stats?

>try to order some medicine on amazon
>all of the locker locations come up as being "full"
>had to order it to my apartment, no package reception, have to hope it arrives safely without being destroyed or stolen by niggers
i've never had this happen before. wtf is going on with amazon lockers? i live in the damned city amazon is headquartered in and i cant get locker delivery. they're also running out of vitamin c.

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>Only 31 deaths. More people every year die from car accidents

You are a retard. That's like saying in the early stages of airborne EBOLA....."Well it's only killed 100 so far. You're telling me apples aren't bad because people slip on bananas.


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You really think everyone in the nation is just suddenly infected.

here is how to interpret the numbers

2250 cases; 80% are mild to asymptomatic
20% are severe and go to hospital and are tested; that's the 450 number.
a smaller percentage get sick and die; that's the 30 number.
so actually the death rate is 30 out of 2250

The State of Ohio suspects 1% of their population may already have it. That would be 120,000 cases, more than 'confirmed' in the entire world. But with this limited testing there is less than 10 there. So, it is certainly not very deadly at all. We just don't know that right now. Well, some of us do. The masses likely have no idea yet. Why have the people been told this 'confirmed' number for months with little to no mention of the real number of cases?
So...does the government/media think people will freak out if they start reporting that there are probably millions of cases? Or will the people start panicking because they realize their government really has no control over the situation, and they don't even have proper testing capabilities for it yet? I'm really not sure what their line of thinking is on this.

You cant live your life if you insist that everything counter to your deranged fantasies are false. Take your meds asshole

but daddy trump said you have the most advanced healthcare in the world.

No, theyre just paid to say that stuff


user, my thread is LITERALLY about the STATE of WASHINGTON. It is LITERALLY in my OP.

Well it doesn’t matter now cause the states are testing and reporting rather than waiting for cdc

They only just barely started testing people you dumb cuck.

Learn to exponential growth.

>Do the math on the mortality rate Anons.

Impossible to do accurate math unless you know precisely how many are infected which is impossible because only 10,000 tests have been done nationwide total so far. South Korea does that many in a day. All you can do is say it’s this number based on those bad off enough to be hospitalized with it. You can further break it down by age for those admitted but you cannot calculate it as a real number for the population as a whole.The denominator is the big ? user...the numerator (dead) is known for sure.

>do the math on a tiny population size
retard alert

Lethality is at 6,7%


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>250 cases yesterday
>400 today
>1500 by Sunday
>10,000 by next sunday
>200,000 by April
>1 Million by May

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Or, alternatively, the capabilities for testing are there, but access to it is intentionally obtuse. Etc. even more obscure conspiracy theories...

Quick, what percentage of 457, is 31? Take all the time you need. That is the mortality rate in Washington BASED ON THE DATA WE FUCKING HAVE SO FAR