Seriously how the fuck do so little people see this? Fuck your flu, MERS, SARS and whatever comparisons.

>Did they ever shut down areas because of an illness?
>Did they ever shut down schools, universities, stores?
>Did they ever lock down millions of people / whole countries?
>Did the governments ever hold lots of public announcements over a virus?
>Did countries with economic problems ever risk those to get worse because of prevention?
>Did the stock ever react as harsh as that to a virus?
and so on and so on ...

The answer to all of those and many more questions like them is a loud and clear NO. If that isn't enough for you to realize things are going fucking south right now I don't know if you'll ever be able to understand what's happening.

This is it. The happening of our lifetimes.

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This is what I've been saying since January. Actions speak louder than words. But I still keep getting the "it's just the flu bro" response.

What if I told you the virus was a nothingburger but the response was real? The problem is not the virus.

go on...

The share of old fucks increases
Not only are hospitals at more of a risk for getting overrun, but politicians are playing this for boomer votes

Yes, tell us more. What is the problem then?

cya boomers. we won't miss you
the world needed a culling of the ageing population (+ boomers). corona-chan is here to save us.


You will all see perfectly clear.

Some will listen
Few will hear
Fewer will understand
ALL will feel it

We are all going to feel it soon. The pain and suffering forgot by the generations is going to be felt. It will be a necessary and painful awakening.

While everyone was too busy looking down, very few ever bothered to look up.

An alert will be sent to everyone. It will be All then nothing all at once.

Corona is a Global Social Engineering Event

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Predictions? I too feel something is fishy about the whole thing.

it's just the flu bro

>>Did they ever shut down areas because of an illness?
>>Did they ever shut down schools, universities, stores?
>>Did they ever lock down millions of people / whole countries?
Partially, its on the way.
>>Did the governments ever hold lots of public announcements over a virus?
>>Did countries with economic problems ever risk those to get worse because of prevention?
>>Did the stock ever react as harsh as that to a virus?

What fucking planet are you on?

politicians are panicking because they are most likely to get sick and die due them being old

shes the janitor in a doomsday bunker

The virus is a scapegoat, something to blame when the global economy shits itself. It’s a good excuse to whittle away freedoms, close off borders, and make people beg for government to control their lives, for their own good. The response to it is completely real, that’s the scary part.

Based and shitter-pilled

Yes user, enlighten us.

Any examples?

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Thats my birthday

nothing burger, everyone going crazy about a virus that kills less people than the flu

>The virus is a scapegoat, something to blame when the global economy shits itself. It’s a good excuse to whittle away freedoms, close off borders, and make people beg for government to control their lives, for their own good. The response to it is completely real, that’s the scary part.
The deck was stacked, waiting for something to be the catalyst. Corona is it.

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So you’re saying it’s martial law and new world order?

Its all fake. Something just doesnt feel right about all this drama.

Thank you!

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Exactly. But things are still happening, so that is what is concerning.

“Nothingburger” is a reverse psyop to make people think the flu is a conspiracy to kill us by pretending it isn’t serious. The goal is to make you believe it is serious. Even if they have to use reverse psychology and real life panic buying (people are probably being paid to buy up all the toilet paper).

That cognitive dissonance brah

I think it is reherseal for globalist to see how population is behaving under these circumstances. The goal is to profound the knowledge on mass psychology and behaviour under fear and panic. Fuck them, I hope God crushes all these perverts into dust.

Can I ask something?

When the fuck did we start using "nothingburger" here? Like what the fuck? It reeks of infiltration. This shit is a stale 2008 liberal meme. Why the FUCK is it suddenly being repeated here so much?

The funny thing is that there was no catalyst.
It's all being done without any virus.

I agree. Just what I wrote.



this ^

Im a dumbass redneck 52 yo from Georgia, and I knew that when Wuhan went from zero to locked slap the fuck down, in a month, in a city of 22 million, and the size of two NYC's, I knew it was bad, and manmade.

At that point, all the rest of the world had to do was shut down all international air travel for a month or two.

Here we are, a month after it broke contain from China, and all the leaders of Europe and the demcorats are still calling on Trump to lift his ban on incoming flights from Europe.

This, if it were 20-30 year olds who were at risk no one would give a shit.

What you're not realizing is that this is just the start of the pandemic. Sure, the seasonal flu has killed more people so far (about 0.01% of the US population in a bad season), but what we do know about Corona so far indicates that there is much more reason for concern than the seasonal flu.

While panicking is still not justified, having more concern for the situation than "just the flu" sure is.

Something doesn't feel right about the drama because it's a legitimate happening and not the fake shit you were used to having result in nothing.

Uh well we still have the 7 yrs of tribulation lol

This isn’t that crazy. You should hear the responses of some people I speak to. A Chinese girl I know was so incensed about the lack of quarantine measures that she was demanding more control and harsher measures to catch people and detain them. The needs of the many outweighs individual freedoms. The Chinese will welcome even more ruthless surveillance state.

People at my workplace (airline) are absolutely clueless and complacent about this. They are allowing a crew who had direct contact with a confirmed coronavirus case to continue working "as long as they don't show symptoms"

Management are acting on the conflicting information being put out by the CDC. One minute you can be contagious without showing symptoms, the next it's "don't worry about it, we don't need to test or quarantine people with no symptoms"

Employers are going to be very sorry when they end up getting all their customers and employees sick just so they could keep making money. Remember that, (((they))) do not give a fuck about us

Just curious does anyone in here know a person irl like family or a neighbor with legit Corona?

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SPBP, I see you are a man of culture as well.

most powerful people are boomers or older, this virus is a boomer reaper so of course they're panicking

How is it happening when some infected people say they didnt feel shit having corona, and yet the world is behaving like 9/10 are dying? What kind of threat to lives is virus that some people didnt even knew they had it? This is what feels weird about all this drama

It would not surprise me if it comes out that this was manmade. China reacted suspiciously quickly to very few cases. If their trigger for emergency protocols and quarantines was really that feather-sensitive, we should have seen them reacting harshly to a number of false positives over the years. But we haven't. Almost like once they saw the virus, they knew exactly what they were dealign with and how much damage it could cause. Not to mention the weird, cryptic statements from some Chinese scientific officials about how the virus is punishment for antisocial behavior.

You are first person on this board other than myself to understand this

look for laws passed/enacted to "help" the "problem" that permanently remove freedoms.

>1 post
>Q user tier

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Also can you guys imagine what a real emergency would look like. Like a real weaponized high mortality virus. This thing is spreading slow af and barley kills anyone. The reaction is so overblown. Just goes to show you when something legit hits things are gonna fall apart so fast.

Exactly this. This is end game.

I belive it. I've had this weird feeling that something big and bad is coming and it's not a virus.

being 100% honest I dont think they work in this way (closing everthing and make people panicking way before, for me its like 9/11 it just happens out of nowhere), I really think this is a small thing that got out of hand because social media
the swine flu crisis in my country closed everthing too

When people start starving they will be begging for their new chip to enter the new system.

Some people not even knowing they had it is what makes it so incredibly infectious. That's the point.

The lethality of a virus is a combination of a few factors: How long it can be spread while the victim is showing no symptoms, how contagious it is, and how lethal it is.

If people show symptoms right away, lockdown and quarantine is fairly easy.

If people die too quickly and too frequently, the virus will be limited in scope - carriers will die too quickly to infect many others.

And obviously, how contagious it is has an impact on how many people are infected.

The most deadly viruses - the real killers - aren't the ones with a high mortality rate. They're the ones that incubate without showing symptoms for a long time, and then erupt with lethality once the carriers have already infected a lot of people, and which are incredibly contagious. Those are the ones that kill millions.

Coronavirus is right in that sweet spot.

Thank God I thought i was the only one who was picking up on this global psy op

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I don't know what kind of insane psyop bullshit you've been reading or that you are trying to spread, but this virus is NOT spreading slowly.

Yes, but it can have the oposite efect.

It is a bioweapon

The only L4 Virology Lab in China just HAPPENS to be in the city of WUHAN and the lab just HAPPENED to be studying bat coronavirus and CCP officials just HAPPENED to have previously expressed an interest in weaponizing coronaviruses.

2 possibilities here lads

1. The virus was let out intentionally so that China would have the upper hand over the USA when the virus inevitably reached their shores (the USA depends on China for its medicine)

2. The legendary levels of Chinese ineptitude led to the virus escaping the lab.

I lean toward option two because SARS escaped from a Beijing lab TWICE in 2004 and 2006

First time, zoomer?

I highly doubt it people have become to fucking docile and obedient, add in fear and hysteria and they glad suck a dick if it means some idea of a cure.

>9/11 happens out of nowhere
this guy

it is a psy op
chip fag

Bear in mind that they had historical shaming campaings for everyone outside the party scope, so to then is easyer.

I've been taking screenshots of all my friends on facebook who keep posting stuff saying it's just the flu. When it gets insanely bad and they get on the worry band wagon, im going to post the screenshot and tell them it was people like them that caused the spread because they thought it was no big deal

same as 9/11
people used to be able to fly anywhere with minimal bother
now they are willing to put up with being ass raped just to catch an in country flight

>It is a bioweapon
china made it to put a halt on the protests.

I ment to say that some people got healthy without knowing they were infected. I saw a couple of interviews, the dudes literally said they were coughing and sneezing a little bit. What kind of deadly virus is that? Was there anyone with Aids in the 80's who said-well i felt a little scratching arround my balls?

you'll be in a fema camp for shitposting by then

Because it is SARS. They already went through this with SARS. Came from same place. Covid is SARS. But for some reason this SARS is spreading all over faster than last time.

not if im behind my nord vpn, bro

This, the panic is not eternal, and this time there is not a enemy to blame like 9/11. of course if the virus is true, this will not matter because this effort is to little to late.

Thank god...Someone else that is looking at the bigger picture, this is just a test that shows how much "freedom" we are willing to give them. For "protection".

If this virus was an actual weapon designed to kill and disable people than it is doing an incredibly shitty job, it’s been in the US since at least January (first reported cases in Wuhan were October, therefore first infections were probably in September, and it’s honestly probably been global since late October or November) and there hasn’t been any serious issues that weren’t man made. Think about it, all the problems we are facing now are because people are panicking. There aren’t tons of people dying, there aren’t overwhelmed emergency systems (more than normal at least), and people are not even getting all that sick really. This shit is being pushed so hard by the media in the west now that there are political implications to it. I think it fucks up certain ethnic groups but over all it doesn’t really effect most people, they are hesitant to say that though due to “muh racism”.