Just want some fuckin toilet paper Yas Forums

A Vons in a suburb 40
mins from LA, Trader Joe’s was empty yesterday but their selection is tiny. Walmart’s parking lot was supposedly a zoo with a line but people were “civil”.

Had to resize this pic 6+mbs, what the fuck Yas Forums

Report your areas anons

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Why are amerisharts so pressed for toilet paper? Like why is that your number one item to stock up on? You guys really shit every 3 hours don't you

>richest country in the world
>no toilet paper

you're a fucking joke

Many obese people, they have to wipe after every fart (all their farts are wet)

Obese people are worse than niggers in my book.

Nigger, you're born with... not your fault.
But obesity...

How pathetic.

As a vegan I shit more than usual but I’m pretty good at conserving it. It’s a stupid system, I think bidets are superior but sort of weird too.

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Stores just weren’t prepared. They literally teach equations in business school (systems operation management) on how to have the right amount of stock for your forecasted demand. Mega corps are all over that shit, though not as efficient as they could be, and especially not during any kind of crisis. It’s all about profit, that’s what our world cares about more than anything else

This was earlier today at a Kroger in a suburb about 40 min outside of Dallas

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fuck you this is what you get

A lot of Americans go shopping multiple times per week and don't really keep anything in stock at home.

There are tons of people who maybe only had one or two rolls of toilet paper in their whole house, and are freaked out over the possibility that they won't be able to make their regular grocery store trips.

I’d agree with this too, eating animal products has ruined our country. That’s another thread though :)

live in some suburbs on the west side of houston.
Ran out of hand sanitizer, still had toilet paper and decent amount of water. It's a small Randalls. I may go deeper in the suburbs and check another one or just drive out in the boonies and see what they have. I do need SOME toilet paper and a little bit of hand sanitizer would be nice but if not I have hand soap, whatever.

Why is the economy supposedly tanking when people are buying shit left and right?

fuck your data mining bullshit...we all know the shelves are getting empty...msm been telling us this bullshit for 20 days

Costco had two pallets of water near me in NJ

I laughed out loud when I came across the tp isle earlier today. North Phoenix.

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Yep, I shoulda got a pic of the pasta aisle, most was gone. Mind you this is a pretty upscale area that’s not to dense in population. I also never shop at vons really, this is just near my house and figured I’d swing by after getting a bunch of pet food, which was surprisingly really stocked, along with piss pads for the pup

No water, TP, lysol, or any sanitizing wipes/spray. Small town central texas.

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What data mining? Please explain what you're talking about and why that would even be of value.

My friends and family all mocked me for telling them to prepare for this. Who's laughing now, faggots?

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Don't want to be rude, fellow leaf, but there is no TP in most of Ontario's supermarkets as well

TP sold out completely at the Meijer store south side of Ann Arbor, MI

bread and pasta nearly gone too

go to dollar tree, family dollar, or even staples for tp. don't think like the sheep, think like an innovative poor

different areas of the economy. airlines, shipping,etc. all feeling the crunch right now. stores will do well this month because of the panic buying but once their stock is unable to reach the stores... shit will hit the fan

Toilet paper hoarding also happening in Canada, still don't understand why people think toilet paper is so important.

My family took my advice when i told them to stock up many weeks ago. Feels good having a family who arent all retards.


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the napkins are on sale brah. grab like 10 of those packs.

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Amerishart meme is completely true it seems

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Just wait two weeks

Probably cause they’re shutting down all major events with 100+ people. A lot of other business effected too.

I’m just another Yas Forumstard but I get you. It doesn’t really matter though every device has a backdoor. You really think you’re hiding from them?

>muh toilet paper and stuffs
Yeah but how we looking on deenz tho?
We still gud?

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>no toilet paper
All those napkins that can be used to clean your ass with.

Faggot learn to utilize!

Typically I have one poo per day, usually before I shower, in many cases my poos are quite solid leaving little residue, in theory I could just shower the shit away indefinitely. Alternatively you can just buy McDonalds everyday and the meal comes with shit wiping napkins for after you finish eating and need to shit.

She’s purty

Buy online

>where goes the toilet paper?
women's pissing wastes miles of toilet paper

Must be Quebec lmao

>had to cancel honeymoon to japan for obvious reasons
>now I'm worried about catching this shit from retards I invited to my wedding in 20 ~ 25 days

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Was about to hit smart and final and then these places. I’m sure it’d be the same though, the words out. America hearts are out of tp

I have 4 years of toilet paper. I only use one roll a month.


This picture kills me user

>Wisconsin grocery store
>Hordes attacking the toilet paper
>Canned/Dry goods aisles fully stocked
I moved out of California to get AWAY from the fucking retards. Jesus Christ, Midwest.

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3 rolls left bros. Thought I had more. Wish me luck, live with my gf too

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I want to move those panties to the side and bury my face right in there. my god, I need to coom

This. Fuck my gf uses a lot

lol EMPTY in Danbury, CT.

there has got to be a few people that genuinely just need 1 roll of TP and can't get it! lol.

there's always paper towel, though. plenty of that.

failing that? napkins. i saw plenty of those.

No tp or rubbing alcohol at HEB. LMAO dumb niggers should've been ready before movieguy and sportsguy got sick.

>mfw I have 40 rolls left

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those are the cushy rolls. those don't last.

Now there’s an idea, thanks user


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You are somewhere by ft hood. Killeen or cove user?

Imagine having both, and many at the same time

Fuck this country but fuck it I'm here I'm going down with the ship

Just wash your fucking ass jesus christ
first worlders are inhumanly retarded.

OfficeMax/Depot carries toilet paper.

You’re welcome.

Single ply takes double length to not get shit on your hand

that is true, but i do find it is still a more efficient buy.

People are being paid to do this, don’t expect to be able to buy much toilet paper until the psyop is over user

we do it too bro, not me im not braindead but its def happening here too

>trying to get away from retards
>move to by far the most retarded state in the midwest
Ya u fucked up dude, literally pic any other state in the region

Thought has crossed my mind. Jump into the shower real quick. Wouldn’t work at work but there were stocked, at least for now. Bet people are stealing from their work now. Could also steal from public bathrooms

You won't make another thread due to chronic anemia.

Least we can have bear arms

Good point, I’ll take anything I can get at this point

She will use 3rolls in a day.
>10 rolls a month Male Master Race.

Idk user maybe somewhat, but I saw the lines, I guess they could still be paid lol but everywhere in America? I think people have just caught on from social media and the news

I still don't understand this. People think they won't be able to wipe their ass because of the flu?

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Like I said, another thread. You’re wrong though.

I agree with what the dude on tucker said tonight
>people buy up TP in bulk
>store up orders
>no one buys it because they've got a closet full
>just sits on shelves and in back rooms collecting dust
Crazy. Just Crazy.

No they think they will be locked down or worse so they panic buy prepper supplies. Have you seen the stock market? Boomers are probably losing their minds with those losses

Who the fuck doesn't buys a couple of 24 roll pack and have years of toilet paper?

People are scared of possible quarantines and not being able to leave their homes and stores being forced to closed.

wise move


Go to a farm supply and ask for their brown bottle lysol and a pump sprayer.
Tell them you have to clean and disinfect stalls.

1 bottle = 10 house hold stuff.

Buy teat wipes as well.

Killen is 45 min from me

i don't buy it that often. my guess is i need less than 2 a month.