Ohio anons report in, we're on the frontlines now and it is our time to rise up and defeat the virus

Ohio anons report in, we're on the frontlines now and it is our time to rise up and defeat the virus

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Other urls found in this thread:



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They must already all be dead desu

Just got back from an intelligence mission. Walmart still has guns, ammo, tons of survival gear, padlocks, clothes. However, Walmart is running out of food and toilet paper. So in conclusion, my looting and raiding party will be a smashing success. It’s almost time.

the world didn't lose much, i assure you

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Get seeds and hunting supplies, brothers.

Such a gay react to match a faggot post.

why the fuck is this happening in ohio we don't have shit here

dewine shutting all the k-12 schools down damn

Best places to loot when the rioting starts
-jewelry stores
-hardware stores
-sports/outdoor stores
-banks (last because I’m assuming money will become worthless)

Fucking Dewine should be drug out into the streets and raped

Checking in from Lake County. Haven't left the house since Tuesday. I have plenty of food and water, but unfortunately no beer.

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I hate his beady eyes

614 here, quit acting like idiots. their number is an estimate they pulled out of their ass. We're gonna live. But Come to Christ anyways.

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You must have some chicks in your chain

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Lake county here too bro. Perry. Man is infected in trumble. Stay frosty

>Air Force Museum
>Lenny Strollo
>where Nine Inch Nails started
>Charles Manson was born in Cincinnati
I think I also read somewhere Cincinnati was the birthplace of the American anime fandom, or at least one of the biggest mailing lists of the time was hosted there. Either way, we got some shit.

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419/937 here fuck everybody

Case Western University, Cleveland clinic

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Ohio-user reporting in. Been bedridden with autistic strength fatigue/headaches/ sore throat all day. Needless to say I just woke up and this is the second Ohio thread I’ve seen. Are we in the MVP zone now or something?

Addendum, I haven't seen anything about a mailing list yet after doing research, but I did find this on an Yas Forums archive:
>The Venice anime FTP, originally at the long defunct venice.mps.ohio-state.edu, was started in the early 90s (1992 or before) as a repository of anime media online. These images came from varied sources, some scanned or captured years before venice on archaic digitization hardware (thus some are black and white from like 1988).
>SUNET in Sweden was a contemporary old academic ftp that mirrored a copy of Venice at some point ages ago, and they kept it online in some back room up into modern times until another group again mirrored all of SUNET ftp including the Venice mirror.
>It's the oldest survivor of anime fandom online, saved by fortunate circumstance.

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Dewine is cooperating with trump admin after revelations about upcoming arrests.
buckle up, faggots.
Dont let your kids outside, even if school is closed.
Now the mossad kikes cant pull any school shootings in retaliation for what is coming.

>tfw in ohio
>scratchy feeling throat

God I hope I dont have it.

dewine says shit's FUBAR, the statistic seems a bit out there like says but infection rates will probably continue to climb to that number or higher in the next week or so.

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More likely it's the case that whoever made the claim that 100k infected is retarded and we are no better or worse off that any other state in the area.

My wife is an RN its looking grim ohio bros. At least they set up coronavirus testing tents in front of the hospital so people don't just walk in with the general public. My wife doesn't like to talk about it she gets combative its like she doesn't want to face reality. What she said is they expect A LOT more cases very soon and all the patients that tested positive have not left the state and it was community spread. It looks like from the youngstown area to cleveland with akron about the epicenter there is a huge outbreak. You can draw a huge circle around these 3 cities and then stay the hell out of it. Its going to get bad before it gets better.

He is sick

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Ohio has been hiding infections since about 2 weeks before their "health" department did a statement about two cases at Miami U. They were lying out there asses. At the very moment that woman stood there and said "muh 2 possible--self monitoring-at home-no danger to students-come back to school-wash your hands don't touch your face" bullshit press conference--the two MEN were in ICU on respirators at hospital Fairfield, Butler County.

Ohio is a cesspool of infection. LYING never helps. They lied about initial infections, people were never told a word about asymptomatic spread, and it was NOT safe for the kids to go back to school. But they lied--because panic.

So who knows where those two people were before they got sick enough to go to hospital..and how long they were wandering around touching shit? Where had they been? The lady refused to answer ANY questions about them at all. Just kept saying "don't worry, it's not a problem" "I have kids too so trust me--"

It's all over Cleveland, and Youngstown.

Cleveland suburban user here. TP, hand sanitizer and wipes sold out at Walmart and Costco. Still can get stuff at Giant Eagle. People now stocking up on canned foods. Going tomorrow for some rations. Gun show this weekend at Medina Fairgrounds.

513 reporting in

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I'm hoping OU takes a massive hit. I saw that video of their students behaving like chimps attacking and mobbing that Conservative gal with the long hair that went there to do interviews. Holy shit I'd be ashamed--this virus could be good overall.

I'm in an area bordering the wealthiest...anyway-they have their own police force and I have zero doubt they will hire their own private mercenaries which will block the roads--and therefore block access to where I live by default. Thanks rich people--even though you are the ones that can afford to travel and bring wuflun back with you.

Ohio is such a toilet. Go grow some more toxic algae in the only lake you have. Faggots deserve what is coming.

Stores in the youngstown area are still looking pretty good. I prepped back in january for this shit but have been adding too it from time to time. I went to walmart today and it wasn't too bad. Sanitizer was gone, hand soap pretty low, toilet paper really low, batteries low, milk somewhat low but someone was filling it. The food all looked solid still. I didn't see any holes. TONS of water they must have planned ahead because they had pallets or it all throughout the store.

440 reporting in. Work at CLE and there's rumors of shutting it down for "just a week." I'm pretty sure they're lying because keeping this thing open 3 weeks ago was a bad idea. Now they only want to close for a week like things will get better? Yeah right, in a week we'll be under a state of emergency I guarantee it.

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i hope he doesn't make it

Lake here too. Gonna be putting the nursing home I work at under restrictions soon, nobody in or out except essential staff, daily temperature checks and bleaching everything in the building on a schedule.

> Ohio is such a toilet.
Spoken by someone who escaped the curse called Ohio and is living elsewhere.

There's a bunch of Chinese students at the University of Akron for the chemical engineering department. Same for others schools in the state like Miami U.

With all the early on reports of testing failures, I knew it was here and the no confirmed cases were bullshit. It's everywhere except maybe small rural towns.

Everyone at work is coughing. One woman came in with a fever and coughing up a lung. I was curious. Guess I'll have it now.

I hate everyone. That goes double for women and chink's.

440 here, I am ready for when shit hits the fan

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>My wife is an RN its looking grim ohio bros
Have your wife spend a little time reading the medical worker forum on deddit. They have a dedicated wuflu mega thread..this is an older day


and this translation "wuflu eyewitness testimony" from a surgeon in Italy.


if that stuff doesn't wake her up...

I got the most insanely stupid email from my healthplex about their efforts to combat wuflu...it was SO BAD I wrote a scathing reply complete with sauce and research (thanks Yas Forums) and told them I was going to have to suspend my membership because that place was a cesspool of disease. Especially the fact that the hot tubs and steam saunas were still open. I explained asymptomatic spread--all the shit you will notice that NONE of the health workers appear to be aware of. They are also completely ignorant of the false negative testing so they are begging for testing. The best and earliest way to detect wuflu is cscan! Not the fucking tests. The level of ignorance I saw on there among health workers was absolutely--terrifying. I am resolved to stay far far away from any medical services. I know more than they do. THANKS Yas Forums.

Dayton fag here, now I have to homeschool my kids for the next three weeks and the local walmart is out of toilet paper, ramen noodles, rice, and bottled water, wtf

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Literally this

Now that's showing out. Well done.

impossibru, ohio is a black hole, once you're here you can never escape

>daily temperature checks
FUCKINA--wtf is it with the temperature checks? DO they not know about asymptomatic transmission? And taking Tylenol completely makes that effort a BULLSHIT. It's just "mind games" making it look like they're doing something. The people that work there and cannot afford to take days off are fucking going to work and going to take antifever meds if they have a fever.

Stupid--this is why it's spreading.

Guys im spooked this is the target across from OSU campus on 17th and high 5min from my house i thought i could get away with one shopping trip but i guess not

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Tex has your sixer.

>the next three weeks

Somebody should tell him

*one more

i see toilet paper ahead.

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Deswine and that health department bitch were back tracking so hard today from a couple days ago it was hilarious

Da fuck you live in a mini city within a city. You thought the closest store was not gonna be raided u may as well accept you're a hopeless moron. Ohio is in the green.

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So we've still only got the 5 cases right? The reason everyone's panicking now is because some dumbass pulled the 100k figure out of their ass right?

if a tree falls in the forest and the government doesn't record the tree in the official "tally of fallen trees" did it fall?

School shut down for 3 weeks.

that's five confirmed cases, user. those 5 confirmed cases may have interacted with loved ones, co-workers, or random strangers before they were diagnosed. that's the danger of having an infectious disease with a latent period

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You're like 6 hours late user

I kind of doubt they wouldve just used a huge figure like that to scare people when literally two days ago they were blabbering on about Corona being a nothing burger and how it's not even in Ohio and we shouldn't prep a d instead just carry on life as usual. It's such a drastic 180 I doubt they are intentionally trying to drum up fear.

I got almost everything i need i just was spooked after seeing normies wake up i guess its a signifier of things being properly screwed now

Yep, we had the talk straight from corporate HQ. No visitors in or out except never cancel a tour or admission because the shareholders needa get paid

We all know it's bullshit. It's not like these single moms making $13/hr are going to say "yeah I don't feel well, let me voluntarily miss half a month of pay"

On the plus side at least we don't have to deal with asshole family members for a few weeks

614 here. Influenza is going around like crazy this past week. Going to stock up on gas tonight before the nationwide lockdown hits on Sunday.

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If there are 100k cases there should be 3k dead in ohio soon then

tf are you talking about

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When i went to the store today (in Cuyahoga Country) they had plenty of everything except toilet paper. I have no idea why everyone is so obsessed with stockpiling toilet paper.

user .....that's not influenza, they literally have Corona.

I'm the user with the rn wife. I can confirm its more than 5. They set up testing tents out front and it was busy all day. In the next few days that 5 will be 1000 at least. As of now I would say about 500 confirmed cases just in the cleveland/akron region if I had to guess.

513 checking in.

Just got back from Walmart. Toilet paper, paper towels and even napkins gone. All soap gone. Laundry detergent almost gone. Rice and beans raided hard and are gone. There’s still a lot of other things like nuts, pickles and random goods that last that are still worth getting.

Watching the shitskins and pan faces panic hard was funny though.

Columbus here. I traveled to Wuhan to see my family during xmas time. I'm really sick but I can't go to the hospital as I have no insurance. I can't take off from work because I can't afford it and I'm a student as well so I don't want to lose my visa. I'm not coughing and I wash my hands often. Hopefully I'll be ok.

There probably already are dozens dead that weren't tested.

Give it to me straight, we're not about to be the Italy of the US are we?

Streetsboro here. Going to Walmart after work to try and get more deenz. So far everyone is fucking oblivious and it seems business as usual atm.

100,000 infected

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i just read further into this article and WHAT THE FUCK

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Making someone die in prison for pot or parking shit--seems a bit overboard.

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We have really good doctors and nurses trust me on this. The problem is the hospitals in northeastern ohio run tight shifts. They get overwhelmed on a slow day. My wife works a lot of doubles as well as the other nurses. Now you factor is coronavirus with thousands of cases in the next few days its going to overwhelm the hospitals. I'm gong to give it too you straight we can't handle this many patients at once. Maybe the national guard can help, but its not looking good man.

330 reporting in.

Even out here in bumfuck shit is running out and the stores are all fucking madhouses.

County is mostly geriatrics too.

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You are going wipe out half of the High Street corridor, bro. God Speed!

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Streetsboro walmart out of toilet paper send help

Columbus reporting in

thank you for spreading your retarded chink bat flu so you dont lose your fucking visa

you goddamn filthy animal

You know most pot convictions are just the final plea deal right? Usually some assault, domestic abuse, guns or other things are thrown out when the (((lawyers))) get dindu his final deal.

based and virus bug pilled.

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Am i safe if I live in Hamilton

(you) see

----> go read that deddit wuflu megathread. It is absolutely fucking terrifying what the US medical care workers do NOT know about this virus. Make sure you tell your wife everything you know!

Are there beenz or deenz!?!

I'm on the spectrum so I don't have many friends and never shake hands with anyone. I think I'm going to be ok.

43040 here brothers

I'm ready and prepped, my smaller town isnt chaotic or anything but my Columbus friends are telling me that grocery stores are warzones

I dunno what they do except some kind of a fine for an ounce or less..I am just assuming anyone in for misdemeanor drug stuff weren't dealing heroin or meth.

I too live in hamilton
Think we’re fucked desu.

937 here, shits getting wild

Order a bidet. NOW.

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Yeah your pretty far away from the epicenter. Its spreading fast though. Pittsburgh is still not even testing I think they are having an outbreak there too. UPMC has been overwhelmed with "flu like cases", but they won't test anyone.

God damn it. God fucking damn it.
This fucking shit again?
What the fuck is up with the god damn Internet and bidets?

Seriously holy dogshit. I'm not falling for your god damn kike tricks, Big Bidet.

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lorain county reporting in

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Wasn’t there a case in sycamore?

Vets, gas stations, liquor stores, sporting good store

So I just got informed that there was an infected italian in my office building which I have probably been in contact with. Seriously fuck wage cucking.

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hello fellow 937 fren

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Centerville user here, are all of the Kroger/Walmarts worth going to at this point? I think I have a few weeks of food but I don't wanna risk it if I don't have to

A roll of toilet paper will last you a season if you have a bidet and no woman.

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Seth & Cody
If you're in here, go to bed you fucking mongs.

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