ITT: People who have been following Cornochan since the beginning

Here before the first /cvg/ thread appeared. How does it feel to be absolutely right, gentleanons?

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27 days left until meltdown.
e ||| USA # infected (1) = 1,327 = 3.12.2020 am
f ||| Daily Growth Factor = 1.38 = Italian 300-10,000 11 days
g ||| # of Days from now = 27
h ||| Growth Factor = 5,980 = f^g
i ||| USA # infected (2) = 7,936,084 = e*h
j ||| ICU bed need rate (Italy) = 12.5% = Italian authorities
k ||| USA ICU beds Needed = 992,010 = i*j
l ||| ICU beds available = 100,000 = US authorities
m ||| USA ICU bed shortfall = 892,010 = k-l

absolutely none of us predicted the mass media induced panic would be worse than the virus. shit is totally fucking fucked for real. it wasnt supposed to be like this

ALL my co-workers who said I was out of my.mindnin January have all apologised alongside my family

It's just to fucking late for them they are scrambling to find supplies I already had in advance thanks to actually listening to this unfold and how other people were reacting on this Chinese rice field forum

For once the stories were not utter fabrication and anons SHOULD have listened

Has there been any information o this thing origin yet ? Is the narrative bad meat or are they going to hint at bio weapon ?

remember when the first thread was pinned, I've been here since the start. And I've been in happening threads since 2015. Gotta say, last night was the most cathartic night of my life. I was RIGHT. But today I'm realizing that being right dosn't mean a mad max future where i drive around with skulls on my car and instead just means more of being a lonely fuck in the basement shitposting with you guys. Gonna try to spend more time with my cats so it's alright I guess.

Speak for yourself, it's going exactly how i predicted give or take a few days, I've been saying from day one the economic impact of this virus will send us into a recession or depression and that will cause mass panic.

I'd wager it's about 8 ish days until we're on Italy level, not sure what will hapeen after that though.

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It feels fucking great

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You won't believe the smug levels I've hit at work.

tfw thread dies

When I saw the scientists warning about the exponential growth and the shills carpet bombing the threads nobody cared about yet I knew something was up. I'm comfy in my cabin but /cvg/ has descended into shitposting now and doesn't even know how bad things really are.

AJ predicted the panic being worse because the media was covering up what was really happening and telling Trump bullshit so when the truth finally got out there'd be mass chaos, mistrust and confusion.

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When people started posting muh "nothing burger" and "this little faggot virus ain't gonna do shit"

My life was actually going well so it doesn’t feel as good as I hoped. I’m prepped enough to last a while but I really don’t want it to happen.

just once i wish i would get paid for predicting shit correctly.

I even fucking predicted the earthquake that caused the tsunami in japan

>I'd wager it's about 8 ish days until we're on Italy level, not sure what will hapeen after that though.

I think we all know what's going to happen, user.

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Blood pressure down 20pt since then. Thanks frens.

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Why is there not a single video from Italy or literally anywhere of all these cases?

When it was in china there were countless vids and webms by the hour, and you'd think spreading such footage from China is far more risky than any western country

Great desu, my family called me crazy at first but now begrudgingly praise me. I didn't let their words get in my way of prepping, and that's all that matters, people forgive an forget. Some of my friends now resent me because I was right, but I bought extra stuff for them anyways. Shit like this only goes down once in a lifetime so enjoy the happening user, maybe you'll be a better man at the end of it.

did you miss the march 5th announcement from twitter and youtube?

I hate this shit.

Kek. I've been warning about economic meltdown since the end of January and actually alerted some friends not to invest in stocks or to sell everything they had.
All of those who were brushing me off as a tinfoil schizo by mid-February is now treating everything I say as absolute prophecy.
Economic meltdown was inevitable ever since the absolute lockdown of China, and this might be the stepping stone for actually fixing the entire west.
> Governments and companies find out how retarded the idea of outsourcing everything to China and depending on commie dictatorships for even being able to fabricate anything is. Factories return to the west and diversify their supply chains on many countries, helping the economies.
>Europe gets some kind of wake up call on their SJW retarded open borders philosophy and become more eurocentric, even if only a bit.
>Fractional banking gets BTFO'd and semi-resets the banking kikery
>Boomers get culled to a certain extent, relieving some pressure from pension programs and unfucking the Ponzi scheme they sold out their grandsons for, even if only by a little
>Economic meltdown also bursts the housing bubble, meaning houses get more affordable to the young
All shall praise Corona-chan.

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I never wanted to be right about this frens

I've said it's all bullshit since the beginning and I stand by it. The bat soup memes were hilarious though.

It seemed so obvious this was different. I hope you got plenty of snacks

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I've been ready to die for a while now, so I'm just wondering what's taking so damn long.

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Utterly shitty.
Being bright among zombies is torture.

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This is bullshit. Media is still downplaying it with just a flu bro bullshit while 44% are dying in Italy they say shit like "3.6% fatality rate!"

I really wish I wasn't.

>tfw mass death isn't actually going to happen but we still pretend it will

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>because the media was covering up what was really happening and telling Trump bullshit so when the truth finally got out there'd be mass chaos, mistrust and confusion
You have no idea how bad it really is.
Vaping related illness was coronavirus the whole time. Look at the lung ct scans same ground glass opacity white lung patterning, same symptoms, it was just initially delivered by vape pods as bioterror.

We are all infected for months and each reinfection fucks your lungs more.
You have dry cough shortness of breath fever since summer go get a lung ct scan don’t even mention corona. You have white lungs and corona no matter what a test says

Got a feeling in my gut that something wasn't right from the beginning. Best of luck and Godspeed you glorious bastards.

It is bullshit, but just wait and see when it's over soon, the MSM will take credit for getting people to stay home, which they will say is the cause of the virus fizzling out. But this would have happened anyway if people just went about their daily routine.

I was happy at first, knowing i could scream I told you so at all the roasties that thought I was over reacting/fear mongering, but part of me is also a lil scared about how I end up. That is of course before I remember I have enough food for 3 months and enough bullets for 6 months of desperate fuckers without food.

Because China was obviously lying which gave moral incentive for people to post what was happening. Italy dosn't seem to be lying (that much). And FYI I HAVE seen pictures from at least Italy and Brazil on here. Also, we're not seeing anymore videos out of China because, well, you can guess what the CCP did to people taking them, considering they literally banned the word "virus" on Chinese social media.

Baste and friendpilled

Yea, I'm stocked up. Gonna be permabulking with my preps and lifting in my homegym til this thing blows over

Anyway, if you guys thought summer or the reddit influx was bad, just wait until everyone with a job has nothing to do all day and comes on here. I actually think I might stop using 4ch for a while until they all fuck off.

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And they created a panic, tanking the economy in the process.
>media pats own back

>almost all election cycle news is about the virus
>but the media is covering it up
Nah, they are making bank off of this. Would be interested in seeing their viewership over the last few weeks.

Have you actually looked retard? There's a bunch from other places. Watch "last message" on YouTube. He's been making a ton of compilation videos since the start.

baased and GoodFriendpilled

Lots of anons predicted that.

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Pretty good
I had a chink try to break into my online banking. I don't feel bad about what's really happening to them anymore.

This. MSM is having record traffic. They win and we lose, as usual

I believe the vape pods of terror, any link

When will the normies start to wake up? Bout 1 week left?

Feels good
I was convinced once the welding of Chinese started.
I bought my AR the next day, with plenty of ammo, and shores up my pistol ammo.
Convinced my parents to stock up as well, including on meds.

I have enough food and fat to make it 6 months easily.

I have been screaming since I first saw the reports coming out of China in early January. I saw what was coming and told people.

Now, my friends and family are singing a different tune. This bitch is stocked up and ready to ride it out with weapons.


This is the first happening I've been following daily, I've having such a fun time with this ride, I'm glad this looks to be the big one but I don't share the same though as schizo implies to be the doomsday weapon, the one that will send us to the day of rake, so as the time goes by and more is happening the more confused it makes me:

>No videos about Madrid or Lombardi getting hit by corona, like wuhan, despite these places being less restricted than china or iran
>Quick detection in some asian places like S.Korea can gives and actual speed of the spread, which seems to be on par with the common flu or kinda less, but the mortality doesn't seem to be as different as the flu
>Kenedy user larp about italy being a test place for the WHO if the meassures in china were right
>They waited until the economy started to shit so they could announce the pandemic yesterday, on top of the new oil price war by Arabia Saudi
>Tons of papers not peer reviewed talking about like it was the worst thing ever concieved, making people even more alarmed without knowing how fucking faulty the science "meritocracy" is

The virus exists but is not crazy to think they are feeding the panic in order to cause a bigger downfall, this is the biggest trick of the clown world, the biggest psyop since the 911 and this time everyone is going to suffer, not exactly by the virus but mostly because of the social-economic chaos it's producing. It's crazy how at first china seemed in a big trouble in their bubble but now that the bubble has burst, everything is so even more freaking hideous.

We can still win. Just get all your old tablets and laptops open and make youtube repeating playlists on several accounts and just loop whatever you like

a 3.6% fatality rate is still fucking horrific.

Nice post leaf.
Whites must stick together

Absolutely ecstatic fren. Started prepping and panicking late January.
Warned all my close friends, 1 of em prepped actually adequately and thanked me for warning him 2 weeks ago. Boomer parents happy they listened to me.
Normie from uni who didn't believe me messaged me with "You were right this shit is fucked rn". I'm waiting for all the other normies to start panicking

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Truly based.

Picture related. I’ve been hyping this up to my friends for around 2 months now and yesterday they finally were like “damn how’d you know so early”

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Same, user. Same. As the saying goes, no man is a prophet in his own village. The village saw the man grow from a child to a man and will always never see the man as how he is, but only how he was. This is part of the ways of the world, and oh, how I hate it with every fiber of my being. Because that same village would suddenly be on our nuts if we had some kind of important piece of paper(certificate or diploma for example) according to the world that "proves" the ability to them. I hate this system.

Who is thinking about round two in the fall after it's mutated into dozens of strains?

I mean user you literally could've made a shit ton of money by just shorting the market and then later buying the actual (not Bill Mitchell) dip.

Feels good man. Unfortunately I was unable to convince my elderly mother to prep. I'm fairly certain that I'm infected from doing last minute prep on her behalf. Fever for the last two days and other flu symptoms, but also feel like I'm sucking air harder than usual. Pray for me bros.

Glad I prepped before all this shit went down, nice having a two month lead time on information that the normalfaggots are just now getting.

Awful, same as every other time we are right.

We'll see
If it comes to where we live, we'll know
And I know exactly what you mean
But what makes me think this is actually happening is the lack of cohesion between countries and how they're reacting to events a few days behind each time

But yeah, we'll see and as I said we'll know
Though I feel like a dog sensing thunder atm
Every nerve is screamin

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based and viralpilled
I was calling the COOFENING from the beginning. prepped early, am now working from home all comfy like.

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I've been at it ever since Wuhan got quarantined, I remember /cvg/ freaking out about it. After that I knew shit was real, because of course if China is deliberately halting its Economy, there must be something big going on. I then took my sweet time to prep on everything, got my family somewhat on board, now waiting for the world to crash and burn

> How does it feel to be absolutely right, gentleanons?

Not too bad. I got called out on being "obsessed" and "too paranoid" near the start when I was telling my co-workers about it and how it's going to be a big deal. 3 weeks ago they thought I was being silly by prepping just in case and telling them to do the same. Now? They ask me about it for updates and how bad it's going to get.

The shitty part though is that NONE of them, OR family members, have admitted I was right and they were wrong. They would rather just forget that they were shitting on me for weeks. Although if it does indeed turn out to be nothing through some act of God, I have zero doubt they'll rub it in my face and proclaim how they were right all along, whereas I have no interest in going on about how wrong they were.

>browse Yas Forums less cause of exams
>cvg threads were mostly nothingburgers with few preppers panicking
>clear 6 exams by the end of february
>turn tv on to watch futbol
>literally /cvg/ general on mainstream news

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Another reason I hope you're right and they get infected as well, my co-workers are just as insufferable.
>.t ACE hardware user
I want to fucking die.

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