Pork deliveries in Wuhan China are tipped into street from back of rubbish truck

The insectoids are at it again.

Two officials in the Chinese city of Wuhan were sacked and another was under investigation after government staff used a rubbish truck to ship a consignment of pork for human consumption, local authorities said.
Residents in the Yuanlin community of Qingshan district were outraged when the pork they bought from government stores arrived in the vehicle on Wednesday.
The meat, packed in plastic bags containing 1,000 portions, was tipped onto the ground and then handed out to customers, according to residents who complained about tainted food on Weibo, China’s Twitter-like microblogging service.
In one widely shared photo, the bags were shown being dumped from a battered and dirty truck onto a large plastic sheet on the ground.
In another, several workers stepped onto the sheet to count the bags.


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itt youve never seen how your food is handled.

Eating tainted meat is a national pastime.

Sup Chang

these niggers deserve what they get

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This was them back in February kek

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soulless bug people

It's a sanitation truck.

You dont have to be a chang to work at a food plant. Most are though and they dont give a shit at all about food safety.

Yeah "pork". Try "long pig", it's probably all the other chinks they killed from the whole coronavirus shit

Thank God I was born in America. Its far from perfect but, its a lot better than that.

Yet your ilk import thai and chinese wives

FDA doesn't allow shit like that to happen.
Try again.

Plastic wrapped pork onto a a plastic tarp, chinks are still wearing winter clothes. I don't see the problem. Are people not aware that all their food is transported by truck?

working in the food industry is the one reason i never eat out, and try as hard as possible not to think about what happens to raw meat before its packed.
if you think bagged meat in the back of a dump truck is bad you should really never eat anything.

You should see their meat markets in Summer. Out in the open, covered in flies, fucking disgusting unsanitary bug people.


please tell me more

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what magics is this?

This is wrong. Yas Forums told me China is recovering and everyone's going back to work.

honestly don't know grabbed the pic of MSNBC

This. I was a GM for a decade. I've fired countless Puerto Ricans over the years for leaving the restroom without washing their hands after taking a shit while I happened to be in there as well. 99% of your contamination risk comes from the preparation side. If these were just loose porkbellies flopping around in the back of a dump truck it's be different, but they're plastic wrapped. Bad optics, sure, but nothing wrong with it.

Jesus Christ just nuke that insectoid ridden excuse of a country already...

they actually appreciate the west enough to pretend to like us long enough to stay. meanwhile western women burn everything they touch to the ground.


You're a spic too arent you?

OP that's not pork... that's Long Pork.

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Why do chinks have 0 (zero) empathy

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Guess who beat the plague destroying Europe? These guys.

America doesn’t have back street meat markets, so no it really isn’t delusional.

if you guys are interested, read about the mcdonaldization of china

when american fast food arrived they set new unheard of safety and hygiene standards for food and workers in china. they mishandled everything before then, barely had any concept of washing hands, and often placed food prep areas in/next to "toilet" areas. They were so behind they couldnt even figure out how to use a drive thru.

its a huge problem


>actually believing this

exactly. why are they pre-gutted? obviously not fresh..

Well, we used to be like that, and than a man named Upton Sinclair wrote a book called "The Jungle" that grossed everyone out so much that President Teddy created the Food and Drug Administration to check and verify food and drug production and cleanliness throughout every step of the process from farm to the buyer's mouth.
For example: Here's the FDA regulation on the transport of food: regulations.gov/document?D=FDA-2013-N-0013-0001
If what happened in OP's pic happened in America, the driver of the truck would be arrested, the owner of the facility that loaded the pork into such an unsanitary vehicle would be arrested and fined, and the owner of the receiving facility would be arrested and fined if they did not immediately report what had happened to the FDA upon receiving this biohazardous pork.

what happened to ausi bros you used to have such good bants, now you are just retarded, has Australia started giving free internet to abos?

Honestly if washed and roasted it would probably work just fine. It’s basically how humans did it for millenia.

He's not actually Australian, he's Chinese. Like the "Canadian" further up the thread.

Who let the chinks take control of USA pharmaceutical mfg ?

Humans used to live to the ripe old age of "died in childbirth" too.

>they made a regulation and so its obviously enforced.
must be 18 years old to post.

That’s not pork, you fools!

no meat is fit for human consumption

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You get it

When two image posts are uploaded to the 4chinz at the exact same time this happens

Topkek, god no. Ask anyone in the industry what happens when you give a spic the safe codes, company checkbook, and authority over payroll and you'll quickly learn why there are so few of them in charge.

You do know that the FDA puts out press releases whenever they arrest someone in violation of their regulations, right?

If the chinkoids don't stop
A) not allowed to travel anymore
B) nuked
Fuck these chinkoids infecting the globe

no the whole image is replaced, this is just a diffrent thumb nail
something to do with EXIF data

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This guy gets it. Anyone who has handled raw meat in those quantities can tell you if those bags were punctured there would be blood absolutely everywhere in that picture.

never mind

You've got a lack of ridges on your brain.


1 case of importing fish with out a permit
2 cases of importing crab without a permit
everything else is drug related.


I'm just visiting.

I would go home...but ya know... it's comfy here.

The state of Victoria "can't afford to deport without federal support." how's that for a wrap, lol. I'm here until I can afford to leave.

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Wow! That's amazing! You went through 406 entries in less than 5 minutes!.

If it has a fine, it is enforced.

yah, Ctrl f fish/meat/poultry/contaminated


This, Shaun Rein in End of Cheap China talks about how Chinese see McDonald's and KFC as "health food," not because they think grease and sugar are good for you, but because of the uniform standardized franchise restaurant concept and Western safety standards.

>implying the USDA wouldnt fine you to death for transporting unrefrigerated meat in a dump truck

Terrible! They didnt even handed them the bowls.

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No whites did chinks just finished it

Then you missed the very first entry with the word "cream."