Is this shit getting blown out of proportion? It seems highly infectious but the mortality rate doesnt seem high, unless youre old, but anything will kill you when youre old. Is this another ebola, mers, sars, etc?

Also give predictions when things will go back to normal, a month? 6 months? 1 year?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Where do you think we'll be in 28 days?

Yes, it's being blown waaaay out of proportion. Things will resume as normal no later than 4/30.

>Is this shit getting blown out of proportion?


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The prognosis is that we will be over with the worst by june

I think it's just too much all at once so to speak.

28 days later?

*slow clap*

The Jews are master race

Spanish flu happened in your great-grandfathers time. Wars happen, diseases happen.

Wars/diseases usually leave the world significantly better for those that are left, since real prosperity only ever happens when there's a population gap to fill.

The only people dying are net negatives on our economy. Think about that.

You have little to fear from the illness itself unless you are particularly in an at risk category, (compromised immune system, pregnant, cardiovasvular disease or any lung disease such as asthma, emphysema etc.) However, the numbers themselves are astounding when put into context. If even as little as 5% of people who contract the virus require medical care, it will put enormous strain on our medical system and will cause many more deaths due to unrelated causes because many people who are in desperate need of medical care will simply not have adequate access to it. Imagine being in a terrible car accident and bleeding out in the waiting room because the ICU is full of 50 boomers coughing up a lung. It could potentially be very bad but the disease itself should be the least of your worries.

Things will never be normal again, as soon as you accept that, you should start to pray that you don´t catch this virus.
Nothing else matters now, just don´t get it.

>Is this shit getting blown out of proportion?
Yes. Only people suffering from schizophrenia and TDS want to pretend otherwise.

It’s being blown wildly out of proportion this is just a flu virus the media is hyping as the Black Death. It’s fucking nuts.

The oil war is the terrifying thing. Coronavirus should only scare boomers, but the media needs to push something to make adbucks.

>cold season for majority northern hemisphere shows cold like virus spread.

Whoa who would have predicted this!?

Opie thoughts on the Jewish master race?

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No one will come to your funeral, Q boomer.

I'm not worried about dying from the virus, i'm worried about the entire economy and healthcare system being jammed up. But make no mistake, have you noticed the type of people pushing to make it look really scary? Do you think its a coincidence this happened during a major election year when the dems have nobody to beat trump?

Nothing burger. If you say otherwise you're a NPC faggot

It will be terrible for the market but great for us. I really can't describe how many of our problems are caused by mere population pressure. The generation that survived WW2 literally lived in abundance for the rest of their lives because there were more good jobs and decent apartments than people.
>Mortality rate doesn't seem high
China is a thin country. I know this hurts to hear but they are literally healthier than us, significantly so.

The thing is a bigger happening will occur 2-5 years after this. Screenshot this. Mark my words.

takes your meds memeflag

The black plague saw a huge cull of wealthy people and put massive amounts of wealth into the average person ... the result was the renaissance. So your logic is flawed.

Mortality wise I would guess this has a chance to approach but not be worse as the 1918 flu, though it will likely fall far short of that.
The problem is that our society has completely changed, and is completely interconnected, whereas in 1918 it was still largely localized. So the impact to our systems will be exponentially worse as it is multiplied rather than summed across populations.

The mortality rate isn't something to be worried about if you're young and healthy, HOWEVER, it's just high enough to cause society to collapse as waves of sick people jam into the hospitals, and people panic, buying shit off the shelves in your grocery store. It's a threat to law and order. If the health services collapse however, you'll see a spike in deaths for that afflicted region.

I'm so fucked. My ass hole roommate has 2 kids and today their school just got closed because of a confirmed case. And i just went around the world. That fucking faggot won.

Trump could literally have stopped this in its tracked and been a national hero. He didn't. No matter what Q conspiracy you have, he is inept.

How do you know?

We have zero data on long-term complications.

Nice bait idf but gtfo of this board

Good. We have way too many useless feeders

Oh sure, if you got it you have the chance of getting whittled down by repeated infection of Covid-19 and the potential permanent organ damage that may cause. World wide, it will still likely kill a fuck ton of people, but modern medicine is going to prevent it from reaching Spanish Flu deaths IMO. The disruption to society will likely be the more pressing matter for the vast majority of people.

>Is this shit getting blown out of proportion?
A little, especially on pol, but I think it's gonna get pretty bad.

Personally I'm not scared of the virus itself but rather the indirect effets of it. Schools and public places like gyms are already shutdown almost all around the country. Many people are not allowed to go to work either and what happens when the people who work at power stations can't go to work? What about truck drivers, construction workers and police officers? Who's gonna deliver the food, fix the roads and protect the weak?
My brother owns a business that creates electrical parts for ships and everything there is on hold which means ships can't get the repairs or parts they need.
I read the news earlier and they adviced people not to stockpile food becuase it would cause panic and "the stores will continue to work as normal". Like fuck no, if they're not allowing office workers to go to work why would they allow people who work in retail to work?

Our modern world is so fragile and we don't even realize it, it's a snowball rolling down a hill and now it's really starting to pick up speed

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>ebola, mers, sars, etc?
It's literally SARS.
>Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2).[7]

Even the term "Corona Virus" is an old one.

so global warming is actually a good thing now

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not blown out, its too fucking highly contagious, yes mainly old people is dying but not only them, lots of ppl under 40 are having interstitial pneumonias and a 22% of perfectly fine people has died.

source on the 22%

Do wim hof breathing, then get back to sucking dicks as you usually do OP

>Our modern world is so fragile and we don't even realize it, it's a snowball rolling down a hill and now it's really starting to pick up speed

Dude the bronze age collapsed because of natural disasters. It's no different, we as humans, as in a collective refuse for some reason to learn from history. We would rather start petty race, class, etc arguments the tackle the big picture.

nothing is ever going to turn back on, hope you enjoyed civilization

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Trump could have done everything perfectly and he would still be raked over the coals. Epidemics are messy. Given that other countries are getting nailed harder (and all global markets are tanking), you can't put it all on Trump.

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oh fuck you

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The clear and present threat is the entire global economy collapsing, not the virus. Get your money out of the banking system NOW, do not hold any money in national or even super regional banks. You've been warned. If you only knew how bad things actually are.

We are 10 days behind Italy. We're absolutely fucked.

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>Give it to me straight
we're all infected and pic related

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The world order has collapsed numerous times, and in every case people dusted themselves off and got on with life. People figure out a way to make it work. Frankly, getting socked back to a world where we have to grow our own food, treat basic medical conditions on our own, and hang out with our neighbors instead of being isolated with Netflix sounds pretty good. The path to get there will suck, of course, but you might as well embrace it with a spirit of adventure and welcome whatever fate sends your way.


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It's almost like we're all just dumb apes without a comprehension of the larger picture.


You live, maybe with permanent lung or heart damage. Live for a few years, at least.

Yes I can. He had the opportunity to act in a way that would have protected us. He failed to. If this was Obama, you Q boomers would be saying the same.

Does it matter? If the virus itself is overblown, the follow-on effects of disruption are not. "Prepping" should more appropriately be called "impact mitigation". This shit will have an impact so, bitch, you best get started mitigating.

>getting socked back to a world where we have to grow our own food, treat basic medical conditions on our own, and hang out with our neighbors instead of being isolated with Netflix sounds pretty good. The path to get there will suck, of course, but you might as well embrace it with a spirit of adventure and welcome whatever fate sends your way.
based and truepilled

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Your money won't be worth anything no matter if it is stored in a bank or under your bed. Hyperinflation is the best case, the fall of states backing it is probable.

4/30 is Walpurgisnacht, an Occult holiday of ritual human sacrifice in Saturn-worship. Unfortunately for this poster, he doesn't seem to know or care that we are astrologically-speaking in a Saturn-Pluto conjunction, which means that Death Reigns. Bill Clinton and Donald Trump will both be assassinated under the guise of "natural causes" before August. And that's just the beginning.

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yeah what a fucking asshole

I'm sure you think it is petty when we complain they're trying to exterminate us.

>give predictions when things will go back to normal
how about never?
this is a planned mass extinction event. wake up

I have something, it might be coronavirus. If it is then don't believe the hype. Many more people have probably had it than is known and they probably didn't even suspect it because the symptoms were so mild they probably thought it was a weak flu or cold. The nothingburgerers were probably right in a way, but it certainly had an economic and societal impact.

I think it is an unplanned one. That is what worries me.

It's not to hurt you, it's to hurt (THEM)

These People are sick!

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Any event that makes the American people think about their mortality and security is a win for us. Leftist rhetoric doesn't work when your life is in danger. Who cares about being racist when survival is on your mind?

you guys always wish for a happening well you got it now don't come crying

I think its a real thing that could get bad, especially for older people if not dealt with NOW. But its looking like it is getting dealt with now. I suspect within a month itll all die down honestly.

There's nothing about either of these statements that makes them contradictory. Old people dying good because they release tied up resources. Wealthy people dying good because they release tied up resources.

Try employing reading comprehension next time, dumbdumb.

THEY closed their border. They're safe.


Time for your pills

Idk man... Look into guys like Eric Pianka
Mad Scientists are probably the biggest danger in today's world

Kill yourself

fake and gay

Yes, it is being blown out of proportion. That's not to say it's nothing, but people are being retarded about it.

China only had 15 new cases in one day. IT'S OVER.

Dumpkin fan? Sorry, PRAISE ISRAEL!

all this prep is to prevent a major disaster. all this prep and closures are to ensure things get back to normal by the summer. italy was smart to just fucking shut it all down now instead of letting it slowly get out of hand even worse than it already is.
also why the fuck haven't we closed our markets? we let these bat-eating chinks infect the world and then let them just buy up our entire market so they own everything? how the fuck is the economy supposed to rebound when nothing is being done to protect small businesses? fix this trump wtf

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you think the police protect the weak?

Funny how the Kikes are always afraid to post their real flag. It's almost as though they are hard wired for lies, deception and fakery. And you wonder why we hate you...

This. Plus, all the old people that have died already used up a ton of the hospitals supplies.

Sure buddy. Like Mossad couldn't afford a VPN.

The economy is a net negative on our people, you faggot.

After reading boomers' shitty hot takes in kikebook comment sections your comment was a breath of fresh air and realism

No idea what to make of it. With so much of the population in Western countries being old people nowadays, it could actually result in a large amount of deaths.

Woke up this morning and think I have it. Started with a sore throat, but progressed throughout the day to chest pain and heavy breathing as well. No runny nose or itchy eyes so I doubt it's a cold or allergies.

You need to know this.

You are living through an unprecedented event of historical significance. Don't let the normalcy bias of the public blind you user/

This virus does not only kill the old.There are many cases of young healthy people being killed by the virus. For example the Doctor who was arrested for blowing the lid on it died and he was only 34, a fit, young adult.

This is only in the beginning stage!

The elderly certainly are the most vulnerable, thats why we're seeing them die first. But that does not mean that the virus isnt deadly for younger people.

But the REAL DANGER is the social fallout

>Merkel says that 70% of German population are likely to get it
5600000 cases in Germany
>80% are mild cases
4480000 mild cases
>20% need hospitalization
1120000 beds needed in (make shift military style containment centers) hospitals
>12% of cases require ICU treatment
672000 ICU patients which is miles beyond what the hospitals are capable of even with military backup
>3.5% fatality
196000 deaths in Germany
Doctors face war time conditions wherein they must decide who gets to live and who must die like whats happening in Italy

And that's just in ONE country

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>the world was better after ww2 and ww2, or vietnam, or Afghanistan or Iraq

>Merkel says that 70% of German population are likely to get it
*Merkel quoting a virologist says

Im sort of hoping it will clear out some of the hobos.

But if your take reasonable precautions your probably have nothing to worry about if your under 40.

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The Jews have no emotions. Just vag jokes and pedos and wanting to watch goys die slowly and painfully. I feel bad to be born a jew even if I was rich, they're all ugly as fuck and weirdos who no one likes at all.

>people dusted themselves off and got on with life
Incorrect, people dusted themselves off and THRIVED. Mass death creates prosperity like nothing else.

Yeah, maybe the first wave. Second wave in fall will be worse if travel restrictions are lifted before next spring.

No biggie if it’s spread out over a few years. And by then there’ll be a vaccine


>Is this another ebola, mers, sars, etc?
It is already worse than those

This virus has an r0 of AT LEAST 4,
meaning that if there are 100 confirmed cases in your country then you cna safely assume that there are 400 in total, they just havent been discovered yet
by the time the 400 are discovered then you can safely assume there are 1600

and so on

The fatality rate seems low in relation to the TOTAL number of cases, but in relation to the total number of OUTCOMES then the fatality rate is something closer to 30%

Show your flag then buddy. What's the matter? Afraid to show your true face? You don't sound like a fascist to me.

The hobos will get the same medical care. We'll just pay for it.

Lol June. We are fucked. Wait to see what happens in nov-dec. We are fucked. Global spread, immune defence down due to prolonged cases. Just guess, maybe 1 billion dead.

She obviously is hoping that many Germans get sick.
More apartments for the new Germans currently in turkey and Greece.

>a vaccine
thats true, however if the virus mutates then we may be double royale fucked

We could rent out the space in your head. Apparently it's free.

The virus will have to find the Germans left in Germany first.

by then we'll have many more respirators and so on

the lamps are going out all over Europe
we shall not see them lit again in our lifetime

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look at the stock market. the damage has been done and this is a strongly significant historical event ALREADY.

The hole in this logic is that it's assuming all infections are concurrent

Common cold.

Give it to me straight: Is this the biggest happening since WWII?

Tell me more please

why not 6 gorrilion you chicken little kike fuck?

might be bigger, western civilization could just collapse

The hope is they die in their hovels and wallows

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It's bad, but it's not end of humanity bad.

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probably vietnam, korea, and sh*t like that are more important as it stands today, thursday 3/12. it's probably bigger than 9/11 already though, even though the violence then was scary, this is a lot more omnipresent