Annnnnnnnd it's over. 80% of known COVID-19 cases in the US are very mild.
Annnnnnnnd it's over. 80% of known COVID-19 cases in the US are very mild.
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Thats a dude.
She’s a man, baby. Oh, behave! Grr, baby!
Let's see what happens the second time she gets it!
had it yesterday, I slept it off
Im not sure you can get the same flu twice but yea why not
user i...
Nah she just needs to lose 20 pounds or eat healthier.
Ignorant masses being whipped into a frenzy by the (((media))).
Of course - the dirty little secret they aren't sharing with anyone is that the overwhelming majority of people dying from it in Europe are fugees.
Oh boy. Retard alert.
>flu vaccines are weak flu
>to make you immune
>chinese man dies of flu 2nd time
Who is wrong here?
China ... very trust ... much honest.
if a fat roastie can make it, anyone can make it
NYC will be quarantined by monday
interesting how she had it for a few days and nothing happened, she even had to wait several days for a lab to diagnose her swab.
Fun with numbers
> 80% very mild
> means 20% not mild
> 1 in 5 not mild
> US population is roughly 372mil
> 20% of 372 mil is 74,400,000
> 74mil are worse than mild.
Fuck off.
Fun fact, the virus actually peaked a few weeks back and the majority of people assumed it was flu.
try explaining that to anybody
You have a better chance of surviving a round of russian roulette than not having to get intubated in the hospital
Florida's massive elderly population are about to take a massive hit.
You're not going to get a straight answer out of anyone. Medias playing fucking games.
Fun with logic. Not mild does not equal deadly. The flu is considered not mild
Corona virus isn't the only deadly disease running around NYC
That's not a woman, that's a man.
Logic is indeed fun, especially with the math. No one mentioned deadly, but at a median cost of 10k a day in the ICU, there are lots of things that can be inconvenient from this besides death.
I'm not worried. Boomers probably should be though
Iv been hoping I have it and am spreading asymptomatic.
That's kind of true
You gave numbers based on 100% infection rate, so you're already fucking retarded.
>80% of known COVID-19 cases in the US are very mild.
just a 20% death rate bros!
fake and gay. stay in your /x/ thread faggot
It doesn't matter if it's not too bad. People are buying shit left and right and leaving us without food. And idiots who dont care are spreading it to old people and killing them
So just go steal all their shit once the boomer doomer kills them.
>her symptoms were exactly the same thing I had 3 weeks ago
Fake she never had the virus obvious crisis actor
I haven't seen a single non-jewish picture of a person who had COVID-19 in the united states yet.
So it's literally the common cold?
>A few weeks back
More likely a few MONTHS back
i unironically believe i had it and recovered from it in january. nbd, bros.
reported for mis-gendering
no that's shrek
I made it through the rain
and found myself infected
by the others who
got coofed on too
and made it throuuuuugh
(barry manilow)
> I thought it was a little bit cool
we can use the world pop if you like. keep in mind, we are what, 2 months into spread? ast article projections I read said about 60% of pop should expect to get it.
> assuming 7bil total on earth
> 60% of 7bil is 4,200,000,000
> 20% of that is 840,000,000
> if only half that go bad, still 420mil
So what was your point again?
>nearly 10% of active cases are serious or critical
It's an ogre Jew like Ron Pearlman. Yo Lil Donnie, I dun got corona virus. I bet you wanna grab my pussy huh?
>Merkel says that 70% of German population are likely to get it
5600000 cases in Germany
>80% are mild cases
4480000 mild cases
>20% need hospitalization
1120000 beds needed in (make shift military style containment centers) hospitals
>12% of cases require ICU treatment
672000 ICU patients which is miles beyond what the hospitals are capable of even with military backup
>3.5% fatality
196000 deaths in Germany
Doctors face war time conditions wherein they must decide who gets to live and who must die like whats happening in Italy
And thats just in ONE country
At this point its absolutely redundant trying to convince the retarded public of anything any more. This stark denial of the fact that we are living through an unprecedented even of historical significance will be lost on them even if they lay dying in an ICU struggling to breathe
>20% get bilateral pneumonia and require hospitalisation
>25-50% of those hospitalised require ICU treatment regarding ventilation and possibly ECMO
>expected to infect at least 70% of each country
>unlike flu, a large amount of under 60, and without comorbidity, also get severe symptoms
Enjoy your hospitals being flooded while people will be left to die outside. Just a flu bro.
Honestly is it posdible these test kits are faulty
this guy gets it
More likely that the patient simply didn’t recover and relapsed than some massive conspiracy
Go back to /x/
>Idiots who don't care are spreading it to old people and killing them
What razor was that again? "Don't attribute malice to that which could be explained by stupidity." or something. Don't also assume that people are always just idiots. If I got the virus I'd be tempted to spread it. I'm also a lazy person, so I might just sit at home under quarantine and play bideo and get actually decent sleep for once.
>All the people says she's dude
She's just German.
>corona is the FEV
you fucking prepper retards never learn. NOTHING EVER HAPPENS
He's a man.
Good. Itll be the perfect opportunity to scoop a mint low mileage Buick lesabre.
>source is the guardian
do you faggots purposely choose sensationalist websites to source your stupid opinions from? From February 11th, no less.
She's just really fat
Why has china already have it under control I think south korea does too.
Lmao this. I was mad sick for 5 days and got others sick too in January. Horrendous cough, fever and nausea. I was so dizzy I couldn't watch tv it would make me sick.
Isn't it hilarious how pol distrusts the MSM until it starts reinforcing their phobias and hopes?
Yep, also what the fuck is wrong with its face? It's like some kind of caveman alligator hybrid.
What's new? It was the same thing in China, and it's the same thing in Italy.
>those mutt features
Fucking kek, is that an octaroon?
>b-but the media over sensationalizes this stuff to cause panic!
fucking normies man
if you were in my present i'd slap your face, retard
Almost as hilarious as the plebbitor habits that the majority of Yas Forums suddenly has.
>emotion based post instead of fact/inflammatory post
>’but for real guys...’
>regurgitate media headlines in your post
>and then source it like it is a fact
The evidence is clear: summer is here early. I guess with all of the schools closing it practically is summer break already.
Now the fucking idiot is spreading it again
OP is likely the same guy that posted this message in late January.
you havent been paying attention faggot. dont come here again
There's two primary types of SARS-CoV-2. "S" type and "L" type. "S" type is less aggressive and most likely what anyone with mild symptoms has. "L" type is incredibly aggressive and much more likely to kill you. You can catch both types at the same time, in which case you're fucked. You can also get reinfected with the other type after overcoming one of them.
What if it's like Spanish flu and the second wave fucks us
wtf is Diarrhoea
He has been paying attention perfectly well. Everyone that frequents this place can tell that a bunch of newfags are experiencing their first ‘happening’, and are blowing it out of proportion like usual.
Reminds me of the reddit Boston bomber investigation threads. How many innocent people identified again?
Damn Claire Danes really hit the wall.
As long as it fucks Africa. I don't care.
I read that too. People are retarded. Onyk good thing to come of this is that government is being forced to think of future pandemics and how to preemptively react for the next real scare.
This is nothing compared to ebola.
I'm sick of everyone freaking out lol.
This is why America is fucked, the retards among us so vast
He would have died being a dude. It kills males
China locked up their entire population for months with the sheer brute force of the party. Even if you dont trust the Chinese numbers (which you shouldnt), that really is the best way to stop the spread.
South Korea have also employed very intense measures to contain it, but they are a very hygienic people anyway and are not clinically retarded like the Chinese, so they didnt require a commie dictatorship to slap them into quarantine
No! He is a man! I look at people and if they are ugly, that means they're possibly trannies! We need to save western civilization from the gross subverters.
Yay! So many people will gain an unexpected inheritance!