Finance brahs, trader brahs, economist brahs, any Yas Forums brother with anecdotal evidence of the current economic effects get the FUCK in here

How bad is it?

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It's over

It's finally over

It's bad.
I just hope to feed my family somehow.

/vp/ reporting in, trading card market is doing fine, why is everyone yelling

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I thought everything was over after 2008, so I am not gonna call this one over yet until I see the helicopter money fail ;)

Also - China hasn't had the big hit from the congo and tanzania getting the virus, it's just starting there now - in the stats.

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economist checking in
in my professional opinion, fpbp

Fed is pumping large companies with liquidity so they don't have to default on the obscene amount of debt that they have, instead of actually using this to stay afloat they're using it to keep the stock prices relatively high as management exits their own individual positions. Government will take on the toxic debt, and everything be honky dory.
That's without even getting into the absurdity going in the repo market as of these past three weeks.
Somehow in an effort to prevent another 2008 we've ended up with more government intervention, fed meddling, large banks that have even less accountability, and even more debt, this time corporate rather than housing(along with other things like car, credit card, personal loans, mortgages, etc).
Coronavirus is just a BBQ that is taking everyone's attention away from the forest fire happening nearby.

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crypto wizards, what will the btc bottom be? I just bought $500.

Basically anything dependent on the supply chain will be greatly affected. Virtually all sectors public and private will take a hit. With the younger generations indoctrination of socialism and communism, the virus may very well put capitalism in death throes. Kung-flu is going to change this country in the same manner as September 11th. Also, someone give me a (You). Haven't had one in days.



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Thanks man. Began to wonder if I was on the fake internet again.

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no man, theres still real ppl who lurk here.I post like once a year

Canadian markets are finished.

We are going to make it through this brother

It's over

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It depends really. At this point im still not worried, but if the virus continues to cause shut downs in important areas it could get hairy. North america will always be good for investing so even if the market crashes huge there will be some people there looking to buy low.

I'm not even worried about the virus anymore it looks like it merely triggered the inevitable financial meltdown 2008 v.2.0 like pointed out

It's pretty fucking bad... Banks got a 1.5 trillion dollars bailout today and it didn't work, guarantee US banks will need another bailout in under a week. Let me put it to you this way, in 2008 there were around $683 trillion in CDS's or "derivatives" which people blamed the economic implosion on. Today, there are $547 trillion in worldwide derivatives BUT, global debt is exponentially higher making that $547 trillion exponentially more dangerous than the $683 tril in 2008... Wait for a major bank to fail, I'm guessing Deutsche goes first, then you know shit is going down and nothing can stop it, you'll start hearing about counter party risk and the Domino chain will be set off

Helicopter $ has already failed

I'm surprised there isn't a crash yet. The market's filled with "I owe you's", so collapse sooner then later is best for everyone, with walstreet banking jewbergs being effected as well

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really bad.

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to be frank, with you anne,
half the time you post, no one sees it.

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The real helicopter money hasn't been tried yet ;)

>gibs me (you)s
I hate people like you



It will be, but only after the bigger players figure out a vehicle on which to retain their wealth through a recession/depression, there doesn't seem to be one at the moment.
Remember that banks don't have any accountability, they know the government will assume any clusterfuck they generate like they've done in the past.
Even Ford that has previously been a canary company got caught with it's pants down, it's dick rock hard from growing foreign markets, it's domestic products unmoved, and it's JIT manufacture dependent on overseas commodities.

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I unironically feel 100% glee for the crypto crash, wish every single crypto degenerate goes broke, kys himself or something, I love this.

Regular market crash yeah that sucks and we should work together to persevere, but crypto faggots deserve death, I hope this shit goes to 3 digits today. Can't wait for the pathetic jew crypto shill faggots saying "this is the best discount BTC you'll ever see, all in now, 300K by 2021 halving institutional investors buying OTC".

Hope it crashes to oblivion and destroys peoples lives.

Forgive me if I am retarded but is it possible that the crypto market is dropping cuz people are selling crypto to make up for their losses in other markets?

If the recession kicks into high-gear, both war with Iran and WW3 get pushed back (hopefully forever).

It might sound crazy but, originally the Financial class were delaying the recession as long as possible so they lose nothing, while introducing a One World Digital Currency as the sollution.
Hopefully Corona shakes everything up, otherwise war comes next.

Very, I'm watching aussie banks get sold to cover other losses way these banks are going bust.

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>i-it's not over yet
this will drag on for at the very least 1 more month, no quarantines yet enforced but italy and the Us travel bas starts tomorrow. Shit hasnt even started yet and we will all witness why money is a fake (((good))) we worknour ass to get just to make a living while (((they))) will be printing it non stop to save their banks and asses. By the time we get out of this nothing will be the same

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Boomer detected
Crypto will be the future, you just won't be alive to see it
Bitcoin is a meme, but crypto is not.

Don't care. I've tested the waters in 2017 and made some chump change but felt like a fucking jew playing a 100% jewish whack-a-mole gamble "crypto trading" game, "muh digital gold" bullshit fell for it and I'm ashamed of it, almost as ashamed of falling for jew Trump hype for a couple of months in 2015.

It's a scam gambit, and it's jewish cashless panopticon money. And to think all those charts, all those tweets and posts and TA graphs showing "a new top" and scamming people in for years, pathetic memes of link and other alt coins, just this pathetic zoomer-tier "i hate myself but it's funny doe" nihilistic shit "im a need comfy mommy bring me tendies while I trade jewish SuperMoney"

hope it crashes to zero and wipes people assets and asses out.

let them feast on your flesh after you get corona'd

what happened to this spring's spag harvest?

I thought it was a Kek worthy post
Thanks mate

>there isn't a crash yet
What do you mean there isn't a crash, the entire world lost 30% of their economy this month. What the fuck would you call a crash then

When 1st world currency becomes heavily devalued / worthless.
Corona went Super Saiyan, but it's a long way from the Broly of Global Recessions (when currency's worthless and markets collapses, it's going to be nuts)

found the retard that bought btc at 20k two years ago

i think we are witnessing the death of the petrodollar. russia is committing sudoko and in doing so has shattered OPEC, will bankrupt the house of saud, and all the might of the US military can do nothing about it. the USD is finished. really wonder if cv19 and russian oil is a one-two punch orchestrated by xi and putin to finally end western hegemony.

crying for the lost 1st world status

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Just remember how bad the weimar was. We can fix it when it breaks fren

of course, this has been a long time coming and I think the US will be better off than many other countries - we can produce our own food. it will just take some time to reconstruct our domestic manufacturing.


Currently invested around 10,000 dollars.
Trump is rolling out economic stimulus packages out the ass. Until the fed can no longer subsidize these rates (aka jews want their money back), everything will be fine.

This is a moderate hit to market, but not an actual recession. I personally think we see 30,000 by November with Powell as acting chair, but that's just me.

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People are guessing, because you can't do proper analysis outside of TA on crypto. It's not a business or asset that can be analyzed.
$500 isn't shit and you're a bitch. What else is new with crypto investors?

Econ brah here. It's bad. The response moves from the Fed ain't gonna do jack to help the scenario. The stock market is based off of investors' expectations. Until the virus gets cured or until international supply chains get less disrupted, investors are not gonna stop selling

The stock market is not the economy. When people can't buy food for their children you will find out what a crash looks like.

If Trudeau also has it - highly likely - then it's going to crash baaaaad

We have productive farms, but we don't have the supply chains we need to keep those farms producing food and transporting it to where people live. Prices will go up a lot and no amount of money printing by the Fed can stop it.

Someone tied to large businesses

Its really really bad supply chain is fucked right now

"Currency devaluation", that's what it's called.
What's supposed to happen (organically), is (in 5 - 10yrs or so) when 1/3 of the 1st world governments GDP is used to pay the debt, then a massive currency restructuring / devaluing takes place.

I don't know the details, (I'm no financial-stein) but right now the entire markets filled with derivatives ("I owe you's"), and all someone has to do is flick the switch and the markets collapse, BUT that would effect the financial elite's, so before that happens they're trying to avoid loss by delaying it so they can move stuff around (they'll lose nothing if things go as planned, while we lose it all).

Corona's unironically a cure to this global jewry


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>This is a moderate hit to market, but not an actual recession. I personally think we see 30,000 by November with Powell as acting chair, but that's just me.

>Companies pump their own stock instead of paying their denbts with government cheap money

That's bullshit, but I believe it.

You think we will see rates increase?

This doesn't mean I like the system. But, yeah honestly, (I don't sit and look at markets, too busy with college) I sold most at the start of 2020 since markets are too high and have around 2,000 dollars of SDOW 3x.
I expect the markets to stabilize and we could see high 20's again this year. It will be one month down and we will see another roll back in 2021.