How do you cope with being mixed race and racist, Yas Forums? 50% nip...

How do you cope with being mixed race and racist, Yas Forums? 50% nip, 50% german hapa with no homeland or anything greater to assimilate into. Probably gonna end up roping. Doing well in school, getting a good job-it all means nothing if there is nothing greater to look up to or have a community you can fall back on.

Why do racemixers exist bros? Don't yellowfever posters see what they're creating? They're genetic lines will end and leave mutted children just because their brains have been fried from watching too much anime. Fuck mutts, fuck hapas, fuck expats, fuck racemixers. Racemixers literally just find one cherry picked photo of a hapa (that still doesn't look white, mind you) and then try to justify their degeneracy:

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No need to cope anymore. We all are going to die. White, black and mutts like you. We are dommed. Stop being racist.

Dude, you're covered!

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Just assimilate and become super german or super nip I guess or be an ally to European nationalists and get your place as honorary for helping us.

Mixed race people can be accepted by us nationalists if they are on our side and agree that we have the right to our homelands.

I guess this is the fate mutts deserve. No matter how much you self improve, lift, read, work-you'll never change this fundamental aspect about you. You'll always be a mutt.

Racemixing should be outlawed

Post pics.

Get a black woman, you'll raise the black iq and the kids will have a father.

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Also, you have altruism covered on both sides.

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just become a hedonist bro, derive your life meaning from pleasure. Or become the masked misceginator slayer and kill racemixers as a way to atone for the transgressions of your parents. you have the potential to be a great antagonist with a persuasive upbringing.

I am 85% Euro, 15% Jungle Asian and I am just as pissed off lol

Sadly I'm mixed too friend. British Isles mutt and German. I wish I were white :(.

hapas are the worst

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I care about european's homelands (also the japanese) and want them to be homogenous and rediscover their roots but it's kinda sucks that I'll never be one of them
This. If you keep accepting mutts and moving the definition of what it means to be german or something for example to a 50% mutt, everything is going to become muddied. At some point you just gotta just accept that you can't please everyone and that there will be mutts who will end up unhappy and with nowhere to go. It's not worth compromising your entire race and changing it's definition just to please some mutts.

Quit bitching and being a cuck to white supremacist incels first.
>nooo waaa I’m part Asian
No normal person genuinely gives a shit. I know many hapas irl who actually slay bitches like crazy and live healthy, fulfilling lives. Stop acting like race is the only thing is life, jfc.

>How do you cope with being mixed race and racist, Yas Forums?
By not buying into white supremacist nonsense.

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Checks out.

you both should use this fervor to prevent future generations from having to face the challenges that derive from a lack of racial identity. it would be so easy too.

Least you're a mix of the 2 best races and not some shitskin.

Dont kys user, you'll be burning forever

>How do you cope with being mixed race and racist,
I'm mixed French and Anglo, but if you're not thinking "at least I'm not a nigger" then you're looking at racism the wrong way

>Doing well in school, getting a good job-it all means nothing if there is nothing greater to look up to or have a community you can fall back on.
Guess what, the community you can fall back on doesn't have to be ethnically homogeneous. Your social circles can be quite racially diverse, if you only find people you get along with.

Oroku Saki's revenge.

Half german, half iberic, I don't need to cope, I belong to Evropa

Unironically this, no one outside of this board gives a shit.

>How do you cope with being mixed race and racist, Yas Forums? 50% nip, 50% german hapa

Just support the northern realm

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I feel bad for you Hapa bro. Yellow-fever fags are the most self-centered people alive. Honestly what you should do is if you don't already know Japanese, learn it and try to build some kind of potential future there. You will be more accepted over there than over here. Also since you're half-Japanese it should be way easier for you to live there than every other foreigner. Anyone can kill themselves whenever they want. Just put it off for a while, start heading in some direction, and keep pushing it off until you make it through the depression and find some purpose in your life.

>be based castizo
>look white as hell
>handsome due to good genetics
>no allergies
>so white other beaners don't like me
>so white I don't like beaners
feels good man

>More accepted in Nippon then the Canada
user pls. Nips hate mutts.

I’m not even white (indian) This place is a right wing reactionary breeding ground that hates anyone not white and isn’t representative of real life. Don’t let the nazis on here get to you lmao.

I'm half Joo I dont let it bother me my kids will be goys give it a couple generations then your white not even a problem really

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Half-Jew is a less dire predicament.

Everyone hates poos, don't kid yourself. Everyone jokes about you when you aren't around, I work in IT and we do it all the time. That's whites, asians, hispanics, we all make fun of poos cause you people are ridiculous.

Jesus saved me from the same hell you're in right now. From one mutt to another, if you keep on the path you're on right now you'll just end up dead by your own hand. Don't fall deeper into worship of the flesh my friend.

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Faggots, op is generally right, his garbage genes are gonna help destroy our race. Find a girl with shittier genes and bleach her.

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>half jap half german
Pretty sure the actual nazis woulda maybe been ok with you

>muh race is everything
Only white supremacists on Yas Forums think like this. I’ve only met one person who is anything like the hapa stereotypes on Yas Forums. I know plenty who live successful and happy lives irl.

I’m not even white and I hate fascists kek.

I'm in the same boat. I dont care I'm NatSoc because it's still right.

Live in commiefornia, Hawaii, Singapore, or Canada with your own kind. Hapa nationalism would offend pretty much everyone so go for it.

fuck off, I hope you die

You know nothing of their country.

>genetic lines will end
>have a Child
pick one and only one

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OP could live in Finland or Mongolia without major problems

>>be based castizo
>>look white as hell
>>handsome due to good genetics
>>no allergies
>>so white other beaners don't like me
>>so white I don't like beaners

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seriously if the only thing you can think of to connect to in this life is your ancestry or ethnic heritage, then yeah u should end it. life is literally limitless in its complexity and ur stuck on race. prolly just kill self yah

yeah you should probably rope
sorry buddy

aren't finns almost all blond?

I'm a mega mutt, got a little but if everything, African, Chinese, Italian, Portuguese, northern European, eastern European, Spanish, indigenous Caribbean/South/Central American. Wouldn't be surprised if there was some juden and Eskimo, desu.
I look white so I don't care lol Also, it's all pretty meaningless, genetics and cultural/ethnic origins. We're all One. We're all consciousness.

Mutts have generally better immune systems and intelligence.

They unfortunately have the downside of being perceived differently by other races without any of the in-group advantages, which leads to higher suicide rates. Stay smart, and stay based my fellow mutt. Pure breeds usually have a bunch of genetic defects anyways :^)

>How do you cope with being mixed race

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Ever consider the possibility that you're just an autistic loser and are looking for a way to blame someone else for your problems? I'm not defending race mixing, I'm just saying.

I can definitely understand the feeling of resentment towards miscegenating parents, but don't end up roping. It may be tempting to fixate on your own unfortunate parentage but race isn't everything. Most people, even many "racists" would be reasonable and sympathize with your situation I think, so you shouldn't be alienated from a community of right wingers, even with your ancestry. Just keep your performance up in school and your job and it will all work out fine.

You are definitely a testament against miscegenation. In my reading on the subject, I have found many, MANY different contexts for it throughout history, some more justifiable than others. Nowadays people are led by their own petty lusts and cultural programming, with no foresight of the consequences their actions will have for their progeny. Hang in there user, you'll make it.

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>I'm not white and I hate white people
So brave. What an outlier opinion to hold to.

Ayo I'm sorry my nigga, Bix nood, know'm sayin'?

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>nip, 50% german hapa

that doesn't seem so bad. can you grow a fu-manchu mustache?

>white people are literally oppressed because my favorite tv show or video game has a black person in it, we live in a society.

>strawman: the post

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Just don't get with a Jewess and your kids will be fine.

>Portugal not included

Extremely based

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What about a quarter jewess who’s not ethnically jew and dislikes zog? Maybe even christian if she’s a rebel..

hey bro. I'm 50% gook 50% irish with a white mom. Idk I'm pretty happy as is. I don't identify much with my gook side though

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>implying most of Yas Forums doesn’t rely on straw men of blacks and non whites in general and anecdotal experiences
White people literally have oppressed blacks and treated them less than dirt since they’ve come to the USA and have the gall to claim they are “subhuman”

>50% Nipponese, 50% Germanic

Goddamn that's actually not that bad bro. If I was going to breed a race of supermen to go to the stars that's probably where I'd start.

Take heart bro. No matter what, you know both parts of you are quality.

>its cuz im a hapa
Yes, racemixing is retarded and a bad idea, but you wouldn’t have much of better life if you were fully white or had a coherent ethnicity. Your problem is that you lack purpose. Go sit alone in your car for 2 hours away from everyone without your phone and talk to yourself.
How could anyone be low-IQ enough to think this image is profound enough to save? Even if I were a literal retarded, Jewish faggot with the most cringe views imaginable, I’d look at this and say to myself, “Yeah, no real, new information here, nothing very funny, and no BTFO. Why would someone screencap this?”

It’s like a MAGA boomer screencapping a post that just says something as bland as, “Why do whites support people that hate them?” and sharing it with with his political opponents as if it’s a BTFO. You’re unironically so retarded that a caricature of you by a tard like Ben Shapiro would be more sophisticated. How did you manage to type on a keyboard without falling out of your chair and snapping your brainstem? How do manage to be so bafflingly retarded? How does your carer let you post on a site like this when it’s this late?

You are less than dirt, you are a net drain on the country, you lazy, worthless retards have the highest rate of crime, don't work and generally fuck up the country. Asians are a net gain overall by comparison. It is simple, we don't actually give a shit about your skin color but it just indicates your niggerdom. Get better you lazy faggot, 3rd world retards come here and make a life while niggers just wallow.

you got lucky though, nips are honorary aryans

I'm not sure... go for it, I guess. Can't hurt to try.

You don't understand.

We just see it consciously and realize it's the norm. The normies experience it subconsciously, they can't understand and it just gives them cognitive dissonance.

It is a fundamental truth to nature, to reality. Delude yourself otherwise at your peril.


I’m not even black, I’m an indian
Also, it’s ironic you call blacks “lazy” when they were the ones that fueled the southern antebellum agricultural industry. America has constantly been built on the oppression and exploitation of people of colour. Yas Forumstards will ignore the insurmountable evidence of how discrimination against blacks keep them poor because of “boo hoo the black kids in school were mean to me”

Stfu poojeet nigger u have to go back to your shithole

I’m a DemSoc
They don’t though. I literally am pretty sociable irl and people don’t care about race as much as Yas Forums says they do.

Ayo nigga hol up hol up, fuck u mean nigga? Look at an iq map and shit. You stupid ass niggas lowerin our iq and shit.

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Why don’t you go back to where you came from? America is stolen land from its original inhabitants.

Genetics say you are subhuman. Nature does. We just recognize it.

>believing in the bell curve even though it’s been proven that socioeconomic factors affect IQ level greatly

If you're not part shitskin who cares.

Everything is gene frequencies. Race is literally all that matters in spans of 100s of years. White countries are good, brown countries are bad. Maybe take a genetics or anthropology class.

>genetics say you are subhuman. Nature does. We just recognize it

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Flag checks out

Might makes right pooboy. Go cry me a river. America is white clay and u don’t belong there.

Take even more money from whites? Nice. Race realism is the first redpill. Until you recognize this, fuck off.

Oh, grow up. We half Japs/northern Europeans are part of the Ubermensch described by Himmler. Our children breed flawlessly into near perfect hyper IQ super Aryans when we breed with good Aryan stock. When the breed program is done the other way, you get these Asiatic Supermen with strong Aryan traits and intense Japanese discipline.

Chill. We're part of the solution to creating the ultimate Aryans.

It’s genes you absolute retard.

Because of European imperialism, brown countries in the Middle East and India dominated the world economically centuries ago. How about you go take a history class instead?

Yeah, it’s true. Race is real and has implications on average behavior and intelligence, cry about it shitskin.