Does anybody else love that something is finally HAPPENING?

Does anybody else love that something is finally HAPPENING?

I hope we see a massive cull of the human population by corona, we need about 4 billion people to die to even begin solving the big problems of the modern world.

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It's good to see something happening, but you know it won't last. Because nothing. ever. happens.

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It's not happening fast enough. Also, I'd say getting rid of 5 billion would be ideal.

this desu, it's so slow it doesn't feel like a real happening

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Don't get ahead of yourself, nothing has happened yet. Just a bunch of spergery, it'll be another month at least before SHTF.

i dont care
wish i could say i had a good life, but i cant
i truly dont give a fuck
embrace the happening

I say a month from now the shit will hit the fan. Need to go into hiding. Also, buy a gun.

unironically and as least edgy as possible, I hope it wipes out everyone over the age of at least 50. 30+ would be cool, i'm in that range - don't care if I go, super comfy with life, I've made my peace and have had my fun in life.
Let's start this shit over without boomers
At the precipice of a major pandemic, here's to hoping it's gonna wipe out billions
The Earth needs a culling to save it from itself
I hope people die quick and painlessly and with little suffering
But ya'all need to just go

>we need about 4 billion people to die
>I'd say getting rid of 5 billion

t. mind of leftist commie scum.

China being wiped off the map would be a great start. I'd be satisfied with just that alone.

I'm more sad than happy but I'm a little happy. I have people I care about but also my life has no meaning or purpose.

500M is the ideal number
more jobs, more land, more food etc

>massive cull of the human population by corona
>massive cull
>of the elderly
>who are the ONLY THING keeping us a white majority

OF COURSE a shit skin loving leaf like yourself thinks this is a good thing...
I on the other hand, think leftist immigrants make SHIT decisions, and would be a NIGHTMARE to have them out voting native americans/europeans.

If this shit can infect 70% of the total population, and it has an overal 2% death rate it's simple math , after that vaccines will be made. And it will go back to being a season asshole bug like the flu but worse. Whole bunch of old people and children will probably die.

>we need about 4 billion people to die to even begin solving the big problems of the modern world.
wouldn't accomplish as much good as 4 billionaires dying

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It's the truth and you know it. Too many people who consume far too much.

but its not even happening
no one around here gives a shit

Sweet summer child:
German parliament furloughed
European travel between US and Europe (ex Britain) stopped
Global stock markets in free-fall
Every major sporting event cancelled
Democratic party front-runner for President threatens to punch a constituent for asking a question.
Fire depts and police accross the US state that they will no longer respond to calls.

What if this whole coronavirus thing is a massive distraction from the "real happening" that "they" don't want us to see?

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think i need to become a cvg regular to get hyped

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Where is that from?

Built for BLC

You know how I know this time its actually happening?
Because *unlike all the other previous fake non-happenings* this time I'm worried in my gut that this is it and no matter how much prep I did it will never be enough.

One billion would be the ideal i think

..... no.

That's pretty sick user, even for here.

Millions of vulnerable people dying of a horrible virus, oh whoop. That's going to solve the world's problems.

im kinda sad this is true i feel. sounds exciting, fun headlines.. but end the world? really have quarentine to every single city for months while everyone starves and dies? Awesome. but hyea probably no.

Any event that results in a lot of boomer deaths wasn't a complete waste


If the world becomes too overpopulated it will lead to war. Then the world will die. (Watch this movie. It's depressing.)

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Like younger people are any better.

Got to say I am very excited to see how instagram influencers and ethots deal with the coming hardship but I am genuinely not stoked for inevitably losing a loved one.

Georgia Guidestones. Probably put up by the masons, nobody knows for sure who erected them

Is she white? Serious question


As long as we wipe out the populations of Pakistan, Bangladesh and the entire continent of Africa, I'm down with it.

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>5 billion
there's not enough white people for that to be ideal. You mean like Indians and Asians too, right?

We are, at least we have time to do better than you joomer fucks.

OP, why you post picture of a man?


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I'm perfectly set up for this by being a hoarding neet.

Fuck all you wagefucks, coof and die slow motherfuckers.

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you're not already? What's wrong with you?

Every adult with an IQ below 95.

Goodbye Tyrone! The US crime rate will drop by 87% at least

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That'd be... such a tragedy.

It won't be a true habbening until at least a million people are infected in America. Then we'll see the SHTF.

Mmmm. Brown pussy. I met a cute Latina today. But I don’t have any stable income right now. So I’m too stressed to make any moves. Trump keeps fucking with the markets. It’s gunna take me months to get back what I lost today.

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>It will happen when the weather cools. The plans laid long ago will come to fruition. Watch for the signs.
>Three branches will become one.
>An island will drift away.
>A killing bolt will shine in the night but will not kill.
>The star will gorge itself on clay.
>Idols will speak and move about.
>The black flag will fly above the dome.
>The belly of the dragon will drip water.
>Two voices will call out in a silence that all will hear.
>A rock will stand on seven hills.
>The ravens will starve.
>The bear will leave its cave forever.
>The rod and ring will strike.

The rod and ring will strike.

This is the rod and ring. This is the fucking ROD AND RING.

You watched the sign. You watched the bear leave his cave (Putin and his war). You watched the island drift away from the EU with the Brexit. You saw the signs.

This is the rod and ring.

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It's going to speed up real quick soon. Remember how this thing spreads. Sick people are spreading this around for weeks before they even get a hint that they have it.

I mean we need to get rid of a large amount of people if we want to survive as a species. doesn't help that china and india fuck like rabbits

Sounds like a load of gibberish meant to sound cryptic and meaningful that could be interpreted to fit whatever the reader wishes it to. Where's it from?

the woman pictured is an arab i think

all these mutts look the same though so i understand

still kys tho

God Death Stranding is the memest game ever

What’s this threatening to punch a constituent stuff? I didn’t see anything in the news

Play the market and make that dosh so you can give that brown pussy the horn

Are you ok with you and your family being part of thr billions that die?

Genuine question

Why did they leave the bunker?

Why can't you see it's a man pretending to be a woman?

Shut up faggot. Why would you possibly want to leave the world for zoomer fags and blacks to control.

"The Road" would never happen. White people would band together and eventually rule the scarred earth as the lesser races die off, fighting for scraps.

Record number of African american babies are being named "Corona' and 'Korona'

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Haha! Yes!!!!

>implying any of that is what I said
shut up leaf maple syrup projecting faggot
You're one of the ones I hope goes, fuckin moron

I feel the same way. I don't care. If it kills me, at least worrying about bills and shit like taxes and cancer will be over.

I hope no one suffers