Brit/pol/ Scottish Edition

We will not be forgotten!!!

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who are you again?

oi thats a clever one walkin around like the big man.

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Ma'am this is a Wendy's.

ive been that ill once, almost hallucinating with fever, it was crazy.

Show the titties or GTFO

Just like in Pink Floyd that movie. Your a tough guy makin it out alive tho.

What's your favourite newspaper front page?

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I dont think i came close to dying at all.

>swollen hand blues

The reality that I'll never have some foul-mouthed brunette from Glasglow to spend the rest of my life being a mix of drunk and constantly existential with keeps the pain fresh daily.

None are stating the obvious
>The jew don't really care for us Brits, as long, as he is doing well in ratings and shit

boris johnson is a piece of shit. he has blood on his hands.

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bowlful of haggis would have ya right as rain m8

How do bong's view the Scotts? Found out recently through my grandma doing research that I am mostly Scottish. By mostly, I mean like 90%+

inb4 mutt, cuz you're probably abdul

>Ive just been told trinity pupils are roaming round the market hall and in the lanes spitting at people finding it all to funny yet they've been at school where the virus is and it's spreading just as fast we don't need your kids spreading the virus even more. Shame on all you parents you kept them off school and wanted the school closed to stop the spread of the virus but allowing them to go out and for them to behave like that

Kek but not really

Go out back, and cut down a tree, then flip it heads over tails like your blood is tellin ya.

A true Scot can never be stopped! Yarrrrrrrrrrrrr

Bunch of nonces mate.

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>The problem with using herd immunity to fight coronavirus
tl;dr - no immunity, ADE, cytokine storms, millions dead

American girls with Scottish descent are all hot as hell. Too bad they're all gigantic cunts for some reason.

it takes a strong man for a strong woman, take your game up, wear a cross, and maybe stripes, then those Scottish maidens wont be out of reach for long.

A few of them have been in reach. I just don't see how you could put up with all that shit without getting whipped or divorced.

There are no genders in Scotland they lie down in a pool of their own piss and pollinate each other through released spores

Dont go thumbin your nose at the spice a life.

Good advice.

I'll thumb me cock in yer maws arsehole

imma slap yer shit schoolboy

I have a spot on my cheek, why :(

a wet one from Coronachan?

No; just a spot.

I think I ate too much chocolate


Colleagues neice is being tested for corona

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you and her should be fine, the boomkun virus has only struck down boomers, everyone else gets lifetime immunity my friend.

there is no immunity. reinfections are common and incredibly deadly thanks to ADE. the virus has killed a lot of younger people so far too.

Do you think we could convince liberals to commit suicide for climate change and "equality" ?

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>reinfections are common and incredibly deadly thanks to ADE
no their not... That one guy from Harvard University from the land of hooknoses is the one arrested for releasing the corona virus in China and he isnt dead.

Should have closed the schools

That looks like a late night restock tbqh, many workers are doing that to get rise out of normies.
That pretty much gave us a Labour government next election.

sent by a friend from the same supermarket nearby too

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He only cares about his tribe, not us

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we 1920s now

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>Boris sets realistic expectations
Fuck boomers

boris deserves to be executed for not closing the border in january.

post the in store shelves of handsany and we can put an end to the horruh.

Honestly I'm just somewhere in the middle with it all, not believing the "it's the end of the world" /x/ types and not exactly on the "nothing burgers" either.

Panic buying has been around since the dawn of time even for silly things, so not really bothered by it all at the moment.

jesus Christ. capitalism has been a disaster

>so not really bothered by it all at the moment.
imagine if you die just 'cause you think that though
it's almost Darwinian at this point watching who will survive and who won't, statistically anyway

you do you lol i'm staying the hell inside. prepped now

there's only a 1 in 10 chance each of your parents and grandparents will die this year. keep calm and carry the bodybags.

What happens happens, no point freaking out over it. Anyway it's made in China, so it'll probably break apart within a month.

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want to fuck that cartoon girl

post some heavy jungle ambience

naw its gentle rain time now
had this on for ages


This is getting too close for comfort


rain over the rolling greens, pure minted

If I've got it then I will keep posting till the end

My fishing rod is coming finally coming into good use. A 10 minute bike rid and i've got access to a river full of fish.

i wonder the ethnicity

White scally 99% white area

You are sweet, like honey

Norf-kun you're highly creative with these images you're making.