Inb4 datamining thread, because I know a 1/3 of people are going to lie anyway.
State your age, and feeling about the Coronavirus
scared for my parents
trying to sell my house right now and the virus hits
22 btw
6/10 on the panic scale
Here we go another schizo threads lol
Go take your meds really.
concern due to my community being mostly elderly people who i would rather see around than the dumb ass rest of the population.
23, gonna steal as much shit as i can before i die
>have chronic asthma
i can't wait to watch this world crumble and i'm glad it will finish me off
Indifferent for me worried for my family
Fake and gay
The fact that it has killed so few people yet has prompted such a huge response from governments makes me wonder what is really going on
>Grandma has it, 99 yo, full of preconditions
Can't wait to buy the dip and steal all of the boomer money.
Feel a lot of the info on it is fearmongering, but regardless, people panicking is a real thing that we should be prepared for.
really scared that I'll end up with lung damage, that my parents die or that the economy gets fubar
Greased up balls
21, mad I’ll enter the job market when the economy’s fucked.
waiting for the process to complete
(cough cough)
23 I am not leaving my apartment I probably don't have enough food to survive 2 weeks. After that I will probably just starve to death.
DemocRAT hoax
Slightly worried for my grandmother and diabetic father because I have a lot of retards on facebook thinking it is just a flu.
I'm not worried about the virus itself (yet), but rather how this will effect healthcare and economic infrastructure. The moment the virus mutates though for a higher mortality rate then I start to completely normie panic.
This is the end of the globalist shitshow.
Happy because uni closed
Worried about my family
Found the walking dead Boomer.
38, fixing to be 39, very shortly.
I am worried more than usual.
41. The living will envy the dead
don't touch me jews
Likely already infected but since I'm depressed I've no feeling for it
Worried for my parents, excited for societal collapse
Hit me baby I’m ready.
I welcome coronadeath
It's a bummer
21 hope it killes most boomers
>what is really going on
massive thievery at a global scale, 1.5 trillion here, 50 billion there
>pretty worried and careful[careful=dont leave basement]
I hope it wipes out as many shitskins as possible. Maybe if we're lucky the social panic will result in some variation of the boogaloo
Tired of watching this kiked world turn to shit all around us and nothing ever happens.
Han Solo at Tether’s End
How's it looking in poo coding land? I'm getting indications it's getting noticed lately.. Rabies kills more than 30,000 in India every year.. I can only imagine the utter disaster Corona Chan will be there.
Parents in denial, secretly prepping
meh economy is gonna get fucked hard 6/10 panic scale
who will wipe your ass for you then?
> cause you don't have that much ability
> to wipe, your own ass
> unless an older folk do it for you
33 and I only fear for my dad, he has a store and serves many customers, I hope nothing happens to him, but if I get infected with corona and die that shit would do me a favor
Let the motherfucker burn
36....History repeats itself always...groups of people do the same. This is a fat, lazy fucking country...hope for the best, prepare for the worst.
I love Corona-chan, and I want her to free my country. She is a beautiful black swan, and she brings liberation from tyranny.
I already live in seclusion, so this just enables me to live my normal lifestyle without guilt.
Fuck off, glownigger.
12, scared shitless
because the world is turning to shit because of non whites LMFAO
whites wanted this degeneracy and now you blame others?
fuck off
Pretty much only worried for my parents/grandparents. Convincing my grandmother to stay the fuck inside when the highlight of her week is the trip to church and Wal-Mart is going to be difficult.
don't really care. hope they don't quarantine, that would be a bit annoying. have a cold atm so got a few side stares for sneezing in public.
This post deserves better digits.
It’ll be okay sweetie
I will be out a job in 3-6 months.
I’m 34. I have 3 kids and a wife pregnant with our 4th. I’m not afraid to die, I’m afraid for my family. Shit hasn’t gotten “really real” yet, when it does all you can do is be strong.
Old. You wouldn't believe me.
Bored. I can't fap to this inferior level of suffering.
I've already been saved by God's merciful grace. My time will come when it comes. I'm just grateful I have another day to work on myself and try to improve the lives of those around me to the best of my capacity through His saving grace
Kek, I don't get it.
Worshipfully apocalyptic, as any true scion of Grandfather Nurgle should be.
31 and unsure; Wondering how far (((theyre))) gonna let society crumble if this is a farce.
Been sick for 2 weeks now. I hope it's not corona, but if so, then atleast it's not likely for me to die from it.
A bit scared by it. My mom visited me shortly some days ago while i was sick, so i hope she hasn't caught it.
>whites wanted this degeneracy
try harder nigger
Neeting at home
Try within a month.
Excited. Winter ended with no fucking snow days in DC. I'm hoping we get a few weeks off, could use the vacation.
33, I'm mildly concerned, but not that worried.
Liberal media is using it as a cudgel to bash Trump because they know Biden is a weak candidate and might fold in the general election.
Extremely worried about my parents, friends, and the wider implications of social and economic fallout. There is a lot to lose and I sense it all falling apart. That said, I’m pretty prepped myself and ready to ride out the next 3-4 months. If it goes longer than that well.... I’d rather kill myself quietly than participate in some violent postapocalyptic raider larp scenario for survival.
Try to get her involved with some activities with her. Go on an hour cruise in the country with her. Go to a park (but stay away from others). Older people lose their independence, and they cling to opportunities that let them feel like an adult again.
Fucking checked.. Hardcore old timer.
Not really afraid.
DEMORATS try to get trump to lose in 2020. Chinese and dems want trump gone
Truly we are blessed!!!!
It's either fake or real. Either way I ignored the warnings and didn't do shit except get some extra water. If SHTF then I guess I'm /raider/gang.
Im 39
I work in a call center who take orders for mostly old people for OTC (over the counter) benefits
In the last week we have completely out of stocked hand sanitizer because they’d order like 20 bottles each on like 90% of orders
So if this pretty much just kills old people I hope it spreads even more
I now hate all old people
30. not too worried about self. I just wished people took it more seriously in the states. South Korea and Taiwan handled it appropriately.
I think it's bad, I think it's a lot worse than they're letting on. After Trumps address last night I feel even worse about it.
do you know how exponential growth works user?
24, enthusiastic all those boomers and chinks stealing my job will die
32, not worried, enjoying the ride, walked around my local box stores with a corona beer. Prepped back in January, I have enough training/gear if SHTF, I'll be set. Look in their eyes anons, you can see their fear.
An actual based thread, that up until now has no Meme flags.
>It's really fucking happening!
26. Scared about my parents and grandma. Anxious about incoming depression and crime wave. I used to like Chinese, now I hate them.
late 30's
not worried about myself, i've made peace with life and will be fine with dying
worried about the pandemic because well no one is escaping it... hope they go quick and at least painlessly as possible
I'm fine with watching it all burn down
Good luck and Godspeed to everyone
media bullshit
Good advice. Point taken.
58. top 3 stock market happening, top pandemic happening, top USA happening of my lifetime.
Safely ensconced in my bunker going to cook up a roast beast tomorrow. Feeling comfy
31 or 32 not sure
I don't give a fuck, I've lost a lot of money because of the BVC's crash this week and I'm not even mad or annoyed, I wouldn't care if I get the virus and die.
Hard nips
Feber, tør hoste og stakåndethed er sikre tegn
>datamining thread
KYS nigger
KYS nigger
>feeling about the Coronavirus
The more dead the better
Nonplussed by the failure of government and media.
First world problems. Tropical diseases kill way more people, cripple more people and usually have no cure.
If you hit 2 full weeks, get your ass to a hospital. Everyone who starts their third week sometime in that third week ALWAYS hits acute respiratory failure..
I'm not fucking with you. Don't play with that shit.
Take meds schizo
Unsure if I'm retarded for prepping since everyone around me thinks it'll be nothing.
Don't fuck me Yas Forums
I prefer Modelo