Why should I listen to you nobodies over Elon Musk?

>Founded space company
>Founded electric car company
>Understands crypto, economics, engineering, aerodynamics, energy, and more

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Other urls found in this thread:



Because he's a redditor

Because that man has things to protect, and a public who he sees like ants.

If you want to be a sheep, let him lead you anywhere, that's fine.

He doesn't know dick about epidemiology.

He's is not even a doctor.

The mortality rate is objectively the same as every other flu (minus deadly ones from over a century ago) BUT if they can shut down the economy over it then they can crash it.

Take the longview.

He literally deleted this tweet.

Elon musks success is partly based on appealing to Reddit plebs and edgy teens so who the fuck cares about this wannabe memer/gamer lmao. Gtfo fag

lmao he deleted the tweet


He prepped 2 months ago, he doesn’t need to panic

stocks cocked
tough shit muskrat

Why the fuck did he delete the tweet? This will only make people panic even more.

>Italy enters panic mode as 7% of the infected have died due to Corona
>the entire government and public health officials that have researched and studied the behaviour of this disease must be wrong
>but this billionaire that has no expertise in the subject must be right because he made tons of money in the Ponzi scheme that is Sillicon Valley
>doesn't want his company stock to go even lower so he has to use his social media leverage to help people go back to normal

I mean, most countries except the western ones must have lied through their teeth to lower the number of actual infected and deaths, there's always a black number that might not even get reflected, so I think panic is more than reasonable due to current circumstances

my school just shut down, and so is every public school
I used to be a nothing ever happens type but I’m slightly concerned


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he's right
it's dumb
you have very little to worry about from the virus itself (unless you're a geezer) and much more to worry about from lockdowns and mass hysteria

Elon posted that because he lost literally billions of dollars. Imagine comparing a shitpost to someone who is literally seething at the loss of his company. His stock is worth HALF of what it was.

It is dumb to worry about it as rich and famous person.
>Get corona
>pay a million for the best doctors in the field
Also he's a narcissistic workaholic. Dude will probably burn himself out before he's 50.

>A billionaire with a collection of mansions and the best medical services a billionaire can afford thinks being concerned that a quickly spreading disease from a 3rd world country is dumb
Imagine my shock

Because he has money to lose, returd

The virus isnt dangerous, people panicking is.

You say that because the virus is not yet near you.

Are you a fellow Toledo fag?

Everything he does is paid for by tax payer money

He called the Thai Cave rescuer a pedo just because he enjoys frequent travel to Thailand, a tropical paradise with low-crime where $20 can get you a modern 3-star hotel on the beach.

Elon Musk is a ugly kike-frog retard like his deranged mother.

He's a little masonic hatchling whose with the Masonic NASA niggers with fake space programs to get investor money for a clandestine space program.

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Just like have your dad use his diamond mine money to buy you into PayPal bro

>shyster kike born into a rich family
>bought out space company from owner
>bought out car company from owner
>mismanaging both into the ground, would have failed long ago if not for the pr he's a rich successful man
>pretends to understand buttcoin, engineering, aerodynamics, energy, and more

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He's saying that precisely because he's a billionaire and he's more bothered about his stocks than human life.

> panic by definition is dumb
> calm reserved action is smart

Elon is a grifter but he's right on this one. If you're not a paid shill or just posting for the luls then you're being manipulated by the (((media))).

its all lefty/pozzed institutions that are fanning the flames of this hysteria
>omg public schools shut down
>omg no niggerball madness
>omg every leftist mayor of shitsburg declaring emergency

its all coordinated

It doesn't kill healthy white people. Too bad Italy has neither except Swedish tourists looking to get blacked.

he's right
the stock market was overvalued, no question
but this will still be the best buying opportunity of your lifetime

because no one will buy his 2nd shitcoin ICO in a couple months for 1.5x his current shitcoin price.

he posted that from his elite bunker in switzerland


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why would he, it's the truth.
You mutties are a bunch of pussies that are affraid of some flu level disease.
You're all just puppets of your corporations yet you feel the moral superiority to say shit about chinks

Dude this guy made one right choice and everyone thinks he is a god or something
Be some teen and work together with some guys on a project which blows up
>have unlimited money
>travel around and make connections because you got rich in the finance sector
>meet smart people
>let them work for you
>Muh im a car producing solar tunnel astronaut
Dont you idiots understand, that the real smart people are the ones who are working for him?
This guy is the one who has the money, the others have the brain
If i had billions of dollars, id also run around and tell my "slaves" about my daydreams
Make me a device which can analyze my farts and tell me due the gas composition when ill get diarrhea
>omg wow you are so smart
Then the poor fuckers have to figgure out ways to do it

Also he posted that simply because he is scared that the corona virus panic wont let him sell cars, or get muh free gibs

nobody is trying to convince you, there is no need. you're too well domesticated. just move along like the NPC nigger cattle you are and go back to your fantasy world.

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one of the few times i agree with elon musk

Happening faggots BTFO.

I just got laid off from Tesla inthe Solar and Energy Storage Department today.

200+ people in the Las Vegas office.

poop nigga

He literally dropped out of college
He needs to stay in his lane
He doesn’t know shit about the biomedical sciences
It’s easy to talk when you got billions to live off

Maybe because he has many shekels in the market

Well beacuse Experts decided it's wise to panic now, WHO calls it a pandemic and Elon Musk doesn't no jack shit about viruses or covid 19.


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Get a blog. Nobody cares if you listen to your neighbor’s talking dog.
A real thread died so some faggot feltcher could post his opinion.

have you ever seen anyone infected with coronavirus?

So brave and socially responsible of him. Wholesome 100

>my school

You must be 18 to post on Yas Forums

ye, I infected ur mum.

Corona-chan only kills the weak and the elderly. even infants are highly resistant to her.

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Because the bigger fish Bill Gates fears that corona will be worse than the spanish flu.

Dude went out with a woman who called herself "Grimes," does that sound like great judgement to you?

He's could come to regret that tweet.

>Why should I listen to you nobodies over Elon Musk?
>it's another "pretend that Yas Forums said X when they were really agreeing with Y all along" episode

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It's a fucking cold, why would he regret pointing out the mad hysteria that is spun by a DNC paid media?

do americans worship millionaires for real?

Imagine watching one of those ww2 propaganda films in a theater and you say to your buddy "man, this is fake as shit" and your buddy responds "wow, y do u hate america?!?"

Musk is a fool to trust authorities.

He just wants less people to be prepared for their technocratic future

He's a con artist, but he's still right about this hysteria.

>he wants less capital (i.e. less workers) in the system and his businesses

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Tesla had massive layoffs today. Might be more tomorrow as well.

>Rich guy who takes too much acid is afraid that his shekels will dry up so he wants you to keep being good goys and buying his products so you can huff your own farts while driving ugly overpriced vehicles to impress your neighbors

Wouldn't be surprised.
Where are getting this info, because Google news a shit.

It can be higher than 20% for old people, and people with illness.

>con artist says right thing for once
>just ignore him because he's con artist
Even con artists can hit the nail on the head every now and then.

Elon did NOT 'found" aka start, Tesla, the electric car company, he and a business consortium bought it from the guy who did...

I work there(for now)

Because he's a conman connected to Epstein


That guy def fucks kids though.

Fuck Tesla, but he's still right about the hysteria.

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What the fuck is actually happening there?
You've produced nothing so far except crappy prototypes.

He's right tho

if pneumonia wouldn't kill you ..You're not at risk. Look at the real numbers coming out of Italy. 2% mortality rate for people under 60 years old. Its an invisible meat sandwich.

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Elon Musk is a fucking retard. I do agree with him on this one, though. Not that it's not obvious, that the whole corony virus hysteria is a hoax.

You mean like most of the corporate execs around the world?

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You are so le random le tandum
that is le clonkers bonkers xDDD
wowie zowie my brain just went powie trying to le comprehend this le post
heckin epic cus literally: YOU the first post LOL
Liked subscribed upboated

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that's an old article. i don't know the percentage for layoffs this time, i'll find out tomorrow though

2%, but it's probably actually less than .5% because people are flat out lying about their symptoms to not be quarantined or simply ignore the fact they have them. It's a cold.

>it's another americlap spouting the same meds=nigger bullshit
I hope that virus fucking decimates you retarded mutts. Most of you probably can't even handle a flu, let alone some spicy variant.
>m-muh italy death rates
Check the average age, faggot