They're talking about you again Yas Forums

The CBS interview JF agreed to do came out today. As expected it's a hit piece on the dissident right and Yas Forums.

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You think they saw the Coronachan porn?

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lol those comments, how long until jewtube disables them

What the Americans who post on this forum claiming to be white actually look like?
Fucking clowns

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9 hours ago
If you care about crime or hate so much then why not use FBI statistics instead of ALD?
Let's see who is actually doing mass shootings.

fuckin based as fuck

FUCK the pigs are here put on your normie face!

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>he got triggered by the coomer meme


>Yas Forums
>the people who've been telling you how serious Corona is from the start
I'm not sure what's worse, the gross ignorance or the misuse of definitions.


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dissidents go against mainstream views so I'm not sure what you're kvetching about there kid

>uses an image of pink wojak trearing its eyes out to represent gore

top kek

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Haha what a fag

JF is a literal fed and anyone who isn’t aware of that by now is a literal retard

kys faggot

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>tfw when your posts are never shown on tv
I try, I really do.

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>I don't hate the blacks, I don't hate the jews

They couldn't find a real Yas Forums user so they settled for the Yas Forums edgelord.

his point still stands

based hungarian
i didnt watched the video, hope some of my country man appeared saying ''bad words''

thats a based hungarian brother

Too bad trannies and Bernie fags aren't a part of this kekekekek

>fucks literal retards
>brags about getting Nick banned
Sure doesn’t sound like a kike to me

Jesus man. I just come here for entertainment. If you guys are all like this hunchback here , you deserve to be bullied.

Nick is a catboy fucking civnat faggot. Nobody but cucked swedes miss him.

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Kys Shylock

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As this fluff piece goes to air the Turks are trying to start a war with Greece.

he says he is half spic in the vidya

come on guys, stop slacking and get back to recruiting disaffected young men

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based hungrybro

Look guys! We’re on TV!
We made it big time :)

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Anyone with even the slightest right wing tendency is aware of the crime statistics at this point.


>You think they saw the Coronachan porn?

they are all infected

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Yas Forums is a multiracial white supremacist board of peace and tolerance.

I'll try to post some captured posts/threads.

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> 9k views and only 1k downvoats.

I am disappoint.

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this is how a "white" looks like lmao master race

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I fucking lost it at the fucking time traveller meme lmao

THat guy loooks like he is from your country

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White nationalism is a hispanic movement

tfw this guy (you)s you with "whiter than you mohammed"

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The asian guy is starting to agree after talking to the jew

I found it lmao Yas Forums is still based

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These are always the same.
>they target the socially isolated, muh losers, muh incels, never normal guys who just looked up information and ended up here
>interview with a guy who is "cured" and says why we're bad, not why we're WRONG
Big yawn. This is going to have zero arguments. Just ad homs.

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>no comment

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Wot did they mean by that?

>Mutts vs. Asian Chad

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Lol thats my post

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Jesus christ are all you fucking idiots this easily swayed one way or the other?

You're wrong because the shit you post is deranged bullshit.
Seriously, what is anyone supposed to explain to you? You thoughtlessly accept any piece of reactionary propaganda thrown your way.
Some pics with Stars of David randomly slapped on everyone. Some crude racial caricatures.
It's nonsense.


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>what is anyone supposed to explain to you?
Someone has to make the case that racial differences in IQ are caused by the environment and that evolution somehow stopped at the neck.

Don't forget about the $25k fucking Epstein gave him

only the disaffected, unmonitored children. why won't you think of the children?

Fuck the retards who agreed to be interviewed. The J-Media will not be fair to you.

Oh yeah, I forgot about that

>interview with a guy who is "cured"
The guy kept throwing slurs around. I would hardly call him cured.
I would be perfect for an interview like that myself, I know the mechanisms at play here inside and out, but I wouldn't really enjoy the publicity.

Kek, they captured of the more autistic posts on here that would terrify and baffle a normie seeing it.

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I meant to reply to this. The one I posted is mild autism.

How do you even know what the user you're replying to believes in? Yas Forums is not ne person. If you paid attention here, you'd realize that there is actually a wide diversity of opinion represented on this board. If some opinions form consensus, it's because those opinions are not as easily dispatched as you like to pretend they are. In other words, you're coping.

That's true though.

I made that post before watching the video. I'm halfway through. Now they bring up that other guy who made a video about being "formerly alt-right". That video lacked any arguments as well. Just "listen to Contrapoints instead" (he's been thoroughly debunked) and "this is dangerous" (but not: this is factually wrong).

This hypocrite asian.How much nigger around Asia?Almost none.And after that he's playing the "omg i'm so hurted" by your vocabulary.Asians are the worst racists on nogs.

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I am willing to bet money he's the guy on Yas Forums who boasts about being "Criollo master race"

This is “White” in amerimuttland

>that evolution somehow stopped at the neck
Ah, there's that bullshit line.
It's not that it "stopped" it's that the genetic differences between humans are marginal.
>racial differences in IQ are caused by the environment
We can make that case by challenging the systemic inequalities that black people experience. IQ can increase with education. That alone means it's not hardwired.