Why is everything shutting over Covid-19? Never before with any other pandemic have they taken such extreme measures...

Why is everything shutting over Covid-19? Never before with any other pandemic have they taken such extreme measures. There has to be something going on behind the scenes

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turns out it's not just a flu

Mostly pic related. Medical system has little excess capacity.

It is a flu-like illness, just more virulent.

>in february the catalog is full of people saying corona-chan is unlike any virus before
>trumpenstein says it's nothing
>now faggots are saying it's overblown

The plan is to force people into cashless society, increase total surveillance and introduced forced vaccinations

>flu-like illness
Stop being a retard.

11-Mar: Dengue-like fever and rash

7-Mar: Young cases end up hospitalized too, it just takes longer

6-Mar: Virus affects blood circulation

5-Mar: Neuroinvasive potential of nCoV

4-Mar: Virus invades nervous systems

1-Mar: 10% of Italian cases require intensive care

24-Feb: nCoV manifests as lung abnormalities

23-Feb: Death rate revised up to 4.8%

20-Feb: Survivors will be immunocompromised

Forced vaccinations that contain 5G controlled smartdust.

You have to be retarded to think that 'smart dust' even exists and that it's caused by 5g
t. electrical engineer

back on the meds schizo

And none of this happens with regular flu strains?

was H1N1 "just a flu"?
>61 million Americans contracted swine flu (H1N1) in 2009, and 12,000 died from it. Obama waited until October of that year to address it, months after it had been circulating throughout the populace. 61 million estimated cases. 12,000 deaths (that's approximately 11,000 more actual recorded deaths from H1N1 than we have confirmed US cases of covid-19). H1N1 had a worldwide estimated 3.4% death rate at the beginning of the pandemic.
>Yet there were no quarantines. No industry shutdowns. No panic prepping. No states declaring emergency.
>No 24/7 media fear mongering.

Everything has gone to shit since then. The zoom zooms in here probably don't even remember it.

>china starts with bug
>tells world it no biggie
>does to figures what pic related does to food
>west gets it
>realises how bad thing really are
>pol get what it wished for
>ride never ends
>pol was right
>pol is always right

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It’s not, peoples lungs have never collapsed from the flu.

lol do you think "smart dust" means random dust that 5G magically brings to life? The actual concept seems realistic to me

>24/7 media fear mongering
Was the media downplaying the severity of the virus 24/7 before its infection rate started accelerating? Because that's what's been happening throughout the entirety of January and most of February for Corona-chan.

They better shut down and shoot all the deep staters and traitors with apaches in the night. This is obsurd. We will all contract it eventually.

People get the flu when they're young and healthy and have antibodies by the time they enter boomerhood.


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They would hVe died anyway

The problem is it spreads really fast and hospitalizes 10% of the people that get infected. If we slow the spreading down to a more manageable speed we won't completely bone every country's healthcare system. When the hospital beds get physically filled up we are fucked and the death toll will get out of control not just for those with beer virus but for those that have actual medical emergencies like strokes, heart attacks, or car crashes.

>20-Feb: Survivors will be immunocompromised
That's the scariest part. It's like an oxymoron. Unless you live in a bubble afterwards, you're done.

Legal liability. No one wants a lawsuit over this shit.

I wouldn't know, my source of news is cuckchan and it's been panic shilling non-stop here exactly during that time. it's almost as if it was coordinated.

Hey, what's the percentage of death for people in Italy who are over 80yrs old? Do you know by any chance?

All of these are either unconfirmed or from schizo sites, keep shilling the old people flu doomfaggot, I'll be outside taking a walk.

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If everyone stays home, the number of car crash injuries will go down, too.

>12 thou over 61 mil
>0.0001% mortality rate
Apt of you to choose another nothingburger to compare this to, but it didn't help your point.

You literally posted the explanation with your image. This is the current meta being encouraged by the medical field. It is the cumulation of past experiences. In the past, it had not been commonly accepted procedure.

Neck yourself shill we know it's a bioweapon we are in this purge together the best we can do is accept our inevitable deaths that way the elites cannot use our fear for their weird satanic sacrifice rituals

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No, the scariest part for me is that the virus can potentially:

>negatively impact male fertility

But also
>permanently damage your kidneys
>permanently damage your lungs

The kidney thing is a personal thing because i potentially have polycystic kidneys anyway. So damage on top of that could be fucking shit.

Because this type of disease needs people to be hospitalised in one out of five cases and if you don't slow it down you run out of beds?

Yas Forums's been a battle between the hapooners and nothingburgers, I've been on the hapooner side because it all made sense and I actually understand how exponential functions work and that combined with an asymptomatic incubation period will result in a shitshow.
The MSM has been downplaying it like crazy during that time, saying the flu is much worse and that Corona-chan is just a cold, also muh Doctors like Eugene Gu, retarded boomers like Bill Mitchell.

I'm pretty sure the MSM was fear mongering since day 1 when it came to H1N1 but I wouldn't know.

It would be surprised if burgers with corona are not 61 million ALREADY.


Death rates will spiral once it affects as many as it is going to purely due to the strain on health services

What’s going on is that the media is pushing a nothingburger flu virus as the Black Death. Why I don’t know — to kill Trump’s re-election? To get views?

These are incomparable. There are numerous things society does to lower car accidents. The problem is, quarantine is often the only effective method of prevention whereas car accidents have a miriad of potential solutions.

this is so dumb
"dengue-like fever and rash"
"neuroinvasive potential" kek, neuron to neuron propagation you uneducated dumb fuck
"manifests as lung ABNORMALITIES" what kind of shit tier use of language is this
what else are they supposed to be?
"death rate revised up to 4.8%"
yeah but you won't a single fucking country where the death rate for age 45 and below is above 0.2%

China just closed 14 of 14 hospitals, yesterday it was 11/14
the rest of the world will experience the spread of the disease at the same rate
if everyone used masks to prevent infection of others, we'd be a lot better of but overall this will just be a same burger as OC43, HK1-5, NL63, MERS, SARS and so on, there are dozens more that all made it global, just that the majority never got any media recognition because it wasn't the right Zeitgeist, they still all went global.

It’s a biological weapon and the elites are shitting themselves. I don’t think we’ve even seen the tip of the iceberg.

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>61 million estimated cases

This is pure bullshit. 1 in 5 people did not get swine flu, not even close to that number got it. It's shocking that such an obvious exaggerated lie is published by the CDC. It just underscores how they have zero credibility.

I was in college at the time (perfect breeding ground for illnesses) and I heard of one or two people got it on campus. All my friends in other schools had heard of 1 or 2 people getting it but not large numbers by any means.

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I literally cannot believe the UK's response to this. Literally saying old people shouldn't isolate themselves yet, no restrictions on mass gatherings and general advice is to wash your hands and keep it business as usual. I don't know why the government are being so arrogant about this, we're going to be Italy 2.0 in a few weeks which can be completely avoided if we kill the problem early.

>because it wasn't the right Zeitgeist
orange man bad must be the perfect Zeitgeist

user knows

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Don't remember H1N1 desu, abolute nothingburger.
The last time I was actually afraid of a pandemic was "the mad cow" at a time when I was addicted to McDonald's - like 2 decades ago.

>not deliberately letting the country be infected so you can show off your big boy data-driven action plan
Sure they could just have inconvenienced a few tourists and businessmen, but now some wonks get to play their spreadsheet games in real life

Why don’t you shilling filth ever state the number of deaths from coronavirus in the US: 36. Lowlifes preying on low-IQ people and those with anxiety problems I hope justice finds you.

Wait, so without protective measures there will be about the same total deaths just in a shorter span?

by giving more time for the virus to evolve, we are even more fucked

The elites fear Trump. They’re trying to tile up the masses, encourage hysteria, and make things worse - then blame Trump

Phone posters must hang


Flus evolve, that’s why they put out new flu vaccines every year. You’ve been taking your vaccines, right?

hanlon's law

it's a bad cold

we have to slow the spread of the virus otherwise the hospitals will get overrun and millions will die.

More like
>In February the catalog is full of people saying Corona-Chan is just the flu
>Orange Retard says it's a nothing burger
>By March, people begin to realize that it's serious, ignoring Orange Retard.

i work in healthcare. last week one of my coworkers fell ill with covd19 symptoms. this week myself and two other are ill. ive chosen to self quarantine and ride it out. picked up a bunch of food and medicine for treating flu like symptoms on the way home. its not the number of deaths that are dangerous. its the healthcare system getting rapidly overrun. with the rate this is spreading at it will be about 2 weeks until we now whether were fucked or not.

Cases, not deaths. Cases beyond medical capacity are more likely to be deaths.

>Wait, so without protective measures there will be about the same total deaths just in a shorter span?
On a long enough timescale everyone's going to die. Medical intervention has always about pushing back the date, not abolishing it.

kek you forgot testicle damage