What torture techniques should be brought back during the collapse?

With the incoming collapse I vote for blood eagle. A traditional pagan technique where the back skin is slowly flayed and ribs snapped back and then the corpse hung like dirty laundry on a rope. What do you think? Preferably reserved for traitors

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looks like something only niggers do
are you a nigger, dumbfuck?

Torture is not effective. Except for scaphism

We did it, Nordic Kangs

you should get some help.
what a fucking nigger post

He looks so calm in that picture.

Its called a blood eagle, its a nordic execution, you inbred memeflaggot fuck

Alright heretic you are now sentenced to blood eagle

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As far as I know there is no actual proof that the blood eagle meme was even used

No shit


How about tying nose hairs to public hairs?

Its called Blutaar. Yes its ultrabased.
But I think you would need some sort of gloves to not cut yourself on the ribs.

only niggers do gory shit like the spic niggers and arab niggers.
whites however respect the dead and try to make deaths as bloodless as possible
you are a fucking nigger arent ya you porch monkey uncivilized nigger brain fuck. everyday you think about degenerate nigger shit like the dumbfuck nigger you are.

Its in heimskringla, by snorri

>What torture techniques should be brought back
none of them. fucking savages do that shit. you're a nigger OP.

Humans are primitive trash. This shit is gonna suck, just show no mercy to beaners because they'll be the most ruthless

Pagans are niggers.

Iron bull.


ok memeflag

Niggers will hang
Spics and mutts will get firing squads
Jews will be gassed
Feminists will get burned at the stake
Homosexuals, pedophiles, footfags, and other sexual deviants will be castrated and stabbed to death
Traitors will be scourged and crucified

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jesus christ retard, this wasnt about enjoyment, it was about honor, similar to japanese seppuku, they would do it to restore their honor, this was done and if they let out one scream they wouldnt reach valhalla

The Cleveland Steamer. There is no better way to get someone to confess than having someone taking a steaming shit on their chest. Think of it like water boarding but with poop.

Based violent savages.

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You should only torture people if they tortured people themselves. Or if they killed innocent people


>Jacobs Cradle
Sat with anus impaled on a pyramid with no support, usually die of infection. They wouldn't clean it between victims either so the more "seasoned" it got with ass blood and anal puss, the more effective it became.

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and what of imbeciles like you?

a couple of years ago, apparantly, swedish police once found some dude hanging from the trees who was blood eagled. Spoopy stuff.

pic related

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I’m a psychopath

After we destroy the Jews will I be allowed to torture non-whites to death while we cleanse the lands for an ethnocontinent?

That's an easy one :


I will volunteer to nail traitors to crosses. I'd be happy with that.

That's from a tv show stupid toothpaste

Sounds like nigger shit. Civilized whites don't get off to hurting things like a fucking animal. If someone has to die you put a bullet in their head quick and clean and be done with it.

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easy. introduce them to Yas Forums.

acting like cartels

Imagine the smell

Forced lectures on accounting and finance.

That drawing reminds me of what the typewriter turns into during the sex scene in Naked Lunch


Torture is effective as a deterrant for everyone else. Not for gathering information.

based and Aryan pilled

im not a stupid toothpaste

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Torture is fukken gay. Just shoot the bastards.

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>Sounds like nigger shit.
So why did kings hang, draw and quarter their criminals in the past?

i like the chinese version where they tie your arms and legs spread up against two trees and then grow a bamboo tree underneath you, into your anus, and through your body. all the while applying disinfectant healing herbs to the wounds to keep you alive as long as possible.

we wouldn't have to in a perfect world without shekelmancers

For all the executives at Dupont that knew they were poisoning the world and kept quiet about it, absolutely.


Chinese water torture

Alright heretic now it's your turn

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Torture is to make an example, not to extract information. Spies and whores extract information.

snow niggers

Eat shit, cuck

War is hell

War is furious

War is cruel

War leaves nothing but devastation for the vanquished

If you’re not willing to become a true killer then we have no place for you in the Aryan army

To be a warrior is to give in to manhood

You cannot LOVE your race with all your heart if you do not HATE the niggers, kikes, and other subhumans with sadistic passion

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>t. animeposter

1/10, burger

>Humans are primitive trash. This shit is gonna suck, just show no mercy to beaners because they'll be the most ruthless

sounds like spic and nigger tactics - afaik its been proven torture is a poor method of information extraction.
Watch out for spics, after all those cartel vids they're probably going to be blood eagling people left right and centre, the savages

impalement, the vlad way

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Yes! Sign here.

Stfu Abdul

>nigger scared of white men regaining their culture

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don't fear us, you fatpussy

Fuck up nigger.

>The world is ending. Instead of making something worth a shit and ending the reign of the Jew, I'm going to ask a bunch of anime-loving Nazis how to best emulate the Jew.

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>OP wants to regress to an African-like state.
The board is dead.

>torture techniques
how about just killing all niggers and sandniggers, and americans

also, blood eagle wasnt torture it was an execution ritual about regaining ones honor

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Awesome a Pagan Larper we all know christians had the best torture methods.

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An interpretive dance ensemble doing a stage version of The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, followed by a re-enactment of Solhenitsyn's 200 Years With The Jews.

Do you think pedophiles and rapists don't deserve torture?

1. Tie a rope around the neck
2. Drop from a moderate height so that the weight of the body snaps the neck
anything else is nigger tier

bullet to the back of the head is also acceptable

It is good for extracting confessions that can then be used to justify executing people.

>wasting time playing
>not chopping off a few heads by guillotine/dead and hanging them on posts
>more efficient, less stress, same effectiveness of getting the message across
I would expect nothing less from a burgerland shockfag

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Being broken on the wheel

We used to do similar shit in the early modern era, faggot.

Shoot all torturers on sight and bring back proper mannered civilization as fast as possible.

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what about bronies?

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Rape is back to the menu. Watch your asses, white boys.

We arent savages. We do firing squads and hangings only, and often.

you sound like a kike quaking in his crocks at the notion of the Aryan waking up again

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Scaphism for every prominent and avowed communist.

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I kind of want to be tortured by a pagan hottie ngl

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>believing in valhalla

lol europeans

most BASED post I've EVER seen from a golem flag on this shithole website, EVER

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We should just mimic the Aztecs, ie. extract the heart with a knife while alive. None of this complex "brazen bull" nonsense.

I concur.

its only $0.32 for a 5.56 bullet,
why wasting time to flayed the skin slowly snapping bone if the person eventually gonna died anyway?

if u wanted to intimidate your enemy, just chop of its head and genital and hang aka vlad impaler

time is everything, should not waste time on subhuman or any trash u gonna take out anyway.

>hHUHURR drrr not saVAGES
behaving "like a white person" in the modern white race's entire problem to begin with
you weak, emasculated sack of fucking shit. domesticated fucking cretin subhuman
just sit back and do nothing, you domesticated sack of shit. docile nigger cattle slave to the system.
have you ever thought about picking up a gun? Einherjar, you would never be.
grow old and die in a nursing home hand fed curry rice from the shit-smeared fingers of a smelly indian, that is your destiny, post-modern cuckold. you will never brandish a weapon and seek the ultimate prize of the Valkyries kiss because your soul is not Aryan enough for Valhalla; if anything the chances of me talking to a jew worshiper is higher. which explains a lot about your weak mentality and disposition in life.
eternally consume. go watch television, movies, fund hollywood pedophiles, marvel superheroes, game of thrones, play video game, watch sports. fucking worthless faggot. not only are you a joke to the white race, but a joke to what it is to be a man
It's why you will never do anything, ever, except be a faggot and play video games until the day you die. Like I said, it's your destiny to die like a bitch ass faggot

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Oh come off it now OP. You are thinking medieval! Where is your innovative spirit?! We can make NEW tortures.

The Flying Spaghetti Monster:
Tie the victims to a string of gliders and balloons and toss them into a field in the wind. The strings will lopsidedly lift the aberration into the sky at odd angles and drop the bodies, slamming them into the ground as they proceed down their merry way. Bonus points for setting up a few of these at the same time while they roam the wastelands. Their screams echoing out into oblivion, as their arms become noodle like appendages from the breakage.

The Wizard: What else? Fireball!

Meme Roulette: The victim is forced to continuously check them or else.