Only 100,000 infected

>only 100,000 infected
>world population is literally fucking 7 billion

Literally 0.0014% of this world is infected with the flu and everyone is freaking out. My god humans just aren't rational are we

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Other urls found in this thread:

if you believe there are only 100k infected you are actually a retard

not sure if youre shitposting ur just not aware that those are not the actual numbers

Who owns the press blowin it up hello?

Also the same country that had the only arrest for corona virus that claims to have a vaccine already, hmmmm....

>My god humans just aren't rational
Are you just now figuring that out

>using royal we as a pejorative

you're not worthy of my presence. I am here to tell you that humans are perfectly rational and this is a typical example of the prisoner's dilemma.

ohio alone has 100k cases

the real number is zero

The (((SoS))) whipping the ignorant masses into a frenzy.

Trust the plan

Is that my boy Terry?


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the official numbers are bullshit

God i miss him
Godspeed Terry

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Its just beginning you stupid nigger.

It's literally almost over.

RIP Terry

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Exponential growth can turn a really small proportion into a really big one quicker than makes sense to most humans.

Here's a thought experiment / puzzle: imagine a lake. In that lake is a patch of algae. That patch doubles in size every day. On day 100, the algae covers half the lake. How much of the lake was covered on day 1? On which day was a quarter of the lake covered? Most people really struggle to answer those questions.

At the moment, the number of infected seems to be doubling roughly once a week.

Informed estimates put the number of actual infected at least an order of magnitude greater than the official numbers. But that doesn't even matter that much. Even if the official numbers are right, that is only a few weeks difference.

Finally, you may not have a good grasp on how many sick people it takes to overwhelm hospitals. It seems like 3-10% of infected people need a ventilator to survive. Most hospitals have a couple of ventilators. There are maybe a few thousand in a large, wealthy country. Italian doctors are already having to pick which patients to save and which to leave to die. A couple of weeks ago, they had barely any cases. Now basically everywhere is at the stage Italy was 2-3 weeks ago.


>but but but its totally different to anything we've dealt with before

The coronavirus group was actually discovered over 50yrs ago, and since then we have had SARS and MERS outbreaks.

>but but but it could kill MILLIONS

Yup, it could do, but is the best reaction hysteria? In 1968-69 the Hong Kong flu killed 1-4 million people world wide, including 30,000 in the UK, and few people alive then even remember it. Can you imagine what the reaction would be if coronavirus killed 30,000 in the UK? The country would be utterly fucked.

> but but but the effect on the economy!!!

The effect on the economy is entirely based on how people are reacting to it, which in turn is fed by the news. The 1968-69 Hong Kong had absolutely no effect on the economy, because people were too busy getting on with their lives to care. It's only in todays hyper-connected, ultra-sensitive world that a (so far) minor pandemic from a relatively innocuous virus could cause such disruption

> bu-bu-but it could become so much worse!

Could it? The number of cases is already starting to level off in China, where its effect has still been incredibly minor in comparison to pretty much any other disease.

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what is an exponent
don't post terry's face, nigger cattle. you obviously never learned a single lesson from his teachings. you're a disgrace and an imitator.

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Your the kind of guy who needs to get physically hit by the train before your realize you need to get off the fucking tracks.
these numbers double every few days and it will infect 1b + before it stops


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Is there a chance that this virus will cause a nice comfy societal collapse? My greatest fear is that this is going to suck for a while and hurt us but ultimately it will burn itself out and we'll be back to business as usual.

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>The coronavirus group was actually discovered over 50yrs ago, and since then we have had SARS and MERS outbreaks.

and what was the r0 of SARS/MERS? idiot boomer.

Yup, it could do, but is the best reaction hysteria? In 1968-69 the Hong Kong flu killed 1-4 million people world wide, including 30,000 in the UK, and few people alive then even remember it. Can you imagine what the reaction would be if coronavirus killed 30,000 in the UK? The country would be utterly fucked.

mass panic is bad. that doesn't make your nothingburger posting correct.

>The effect on the economy is entirely based on how people are reacting to it, which in turn is fed by the news. The 1968-69 Hong Kong had absolutely no effect on the economy, because people were too busy getting on with their lives to care. It's only in todays hyper-connected, ultra-sensitive world that a (so far) minor pandemic from a relatively innocuous virus could cause such disruption

The news in both China and The United States are under-reporting deaths right now.

>Could it? The number of cases is already starting to level off in China, where its effect has still been incredibly minor in comparison to pretty much any other disease.

>trusting chinese numbers
>the streets in wuhan a city 3x the size of NYC are empty, it's streamed every night on youtube for you to watch
>welding people inside their homes
>door to door temperature checks
>militarized city borders
>trusting chinese numbers

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OP is a grade A niggercattle. WOOO WOO WE GOT A HERD A NIGGERCATTLE

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This is happening bc niggercattle like you

>confirmed != acctually infected
>E X P O N E N T I A L

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Did some number crunching...
>0.000226772% of the chink population have died since the out break.
Think about that Yas Forumsbros.

If the numbers are bigger but people aren't dropping dead that only makes the virus that much more laughable.

>appeal to rationale

>Its just beginning
Yeah I guess that's why cases in China, Indonesia, Korea, and Japan have already plateaued and are decreasing. Retard.

if you aren't making midnight runs to snake toilet paper off of the back of the Walmart delivery trucks you don't have much of a chance.

Ok let's keep this simple. When the 1968 Hong Kong Flu had killed 33,800 in the US, were people freaking out as much people currently are about 40 dying from coronavirus, and were they better or worse off for it? Did they or did they not mainly just get on with their lives and feel OK?

most of Italy is dead. You know why?
those poor bastards didn't die from the virus. they get ass infections from not being able to wipe properly.

I'm not asking because I want to survive. I want to die. I'm asking if there is an actual chance this virus and stonks plunge will spiral into a collapse. What I'm saying is that I'm worried that this will eventually blow over and besides the white middle class getting hurt as usual, everything will eventually go back to normal. Do you get that? My fear isn't about dying, my fear is about the virus not ending everything.

why's it smell like armpits in this thread?


don't shoot me because I haven't been on Yas Forums in a few days but the number of new cases in China has come dramatically down in the last few days

ayo lil nigger remember the spanish flu or black plague and how people like yours' stupidity led to europe getting wiped?

flu comparisons are brainlet. your body creates natural immunity after surviving a flu infection, humans have genetic herd immunity to flu viruses etc. the same is not the case for the coronavirus.

if you think modern medicine is going to save you, look no further than swine flu, a relatively benign virus in recent times where improper medical treatment and the medical industry's fuck-ups killed more than the virus itself.

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It won't end everything because my sperm is so powerful even if I die it will crawl across the land until it finds an egg and then my offspring will come for your weak, no toilet paper having ass and fuck you up worse than a Wuhang Bat Soup Market.

have you ever seen an exponential curve you fucking nigger

I'm a Janitor at a massive state college. I have a key to every supply storage location on campus and therefore access to an unlimited amount of TP. I'm going to go dive in a giant pile of it like pic related.

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everything you said about Wuhan correlates with the numbers in China leveling off

I'm going to be raider so go ahead bro, I'll see you out on the streets

Hope you get infected and pass it on your boomer mom. Kiss her goodbye, she's dead meat, you've killed her.

I was thinking this the other day. That being said, you should have a stock of food and supplies because people's fear might get shit shut down.

Literally nobody in America had it a month ago now there's 5000 and vaccines will come next year.

Wash your hands, avoid any unneeded crowded places, cover your mouth when coughing, and stock 2 weeks of food.

you will I'm going to roam across the land and kill raiders and place them on pikes by the roadside.

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Theres already a vaccine too.
Thank the jews on that one.

They are estimating that over 100k people in Ohio alone have contracted the virus.

>only 2 weeks
Not gonna make it

so you had plans this week and because you canceled it you came here to are already 2 months back of what is currently happening.
I hope some masturbation will make your brain working again.either way you might deserve to die due masturbation process,i hope this is your end

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the right thing to do at this point to avoid more deaths is to cancel the 2020 elections and have them in 2021 after we know what the hell is going on. and we'll just hope that Ginsburg can hang on that long...

We are all already infected.

WTF Terry had his moon in rahu (conjunct north node). Poor guy never stood a chance.

Those numbers are incorrect, keep in mind shitskin countries dont keep track at all, and chinks lie

New cases will peak in late May early June then slowly fall over June-July and people will settle down as they realize it's blowing over. 6 months from now it will be all but over with about 300,000 infected and 12,000 dead. Screencap this.

>only 100,000

Lol. Ohio is reporting 100k alone, and they are one of the least affected states.

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chinks use little beads on a wire to count and it doesn't translate into the white man's numbers.

100k infected world wide? If it was only 100k, what do you think the odds would be that it would include half the world leaders, Tom Hanks, and the entire Utah Jazz? We're all gonna die

>what is the spread of a virus
Holy fuck mutts are so retarded they can't even grasp the concept that numbers change and get bigger.

Holy shit the grief killed his mother

You are mistaken. Millions are infected already. There is no way to tell the mild cases apart from Flu. There is no way to tell the difference without genetic testing of oropharyngeal swabs. China only detected 5% of all cases. Then, they stopped counting. The R0 peaked at 7 in Wuhan. It is as infectious as smallpox. This is the happening of a century, and the course of history has been irrevocably changed.

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Numbers don't change.

So you're at the point where you know you're wrong, but you just post retarded shit because you don't want to admit it.


I dont know what the fuck this means
Yes, hate to see it. The whole thing is tragic as fuck. He's programming for god now


I was going to share my TP, but now you can fuck right off. Enjoy your fecal rash.

Checked. Leaf is correct. Exponential infections incoming.

>It seems like 3-10% of infected people need a ventilator to survive.
5%, based on the Chinese population that lived in the most polluted cities on the planet and where 50% of the population are smokers. And that 5% are already at-risk groups.

It’s all right here:

Right, so you admit that you were wrong and that this is a happening. Got it.

You're glowing

Ride the tiger

The value of 1 is 1.
The value of 2 is 2.
Numbers don't change.



based and Mr. Whipple pilled.

100k infected in Ohio

>6 months
>300,000 infected and 12,000 dead
that will be numbers in 10 days from now...

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That's very good news! If there's a fuckton of people already infected and they aren't dropping dead by the millions, then it'll blow over even sooner than already anticipated, since the virus is magnitudes less deadly than what was feared.

>4 dead

do you think those 1994 moustaches will ever come back? not a fan of mullets but i can dig the stashes

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Advanced glownigger

>What is a bell curve
Cya in two weeks user.

>When you don't understand that it doesn't stay at 100K because its a virus and it spreads
and doubles the infection number every 6 days.

Math is hard for some people apparently.

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the only ones that died ran out of toilet paper.

It's 100,000 CONFIRMED cases, retard. This thing stays in you for weeks and infects other people while you're symptom free.

You are one dumb mother fucker