I've got something juicy for you /pol.
Coincidence? Coronavirus was predicted 40 years ago
Other urls found in this thread:
Bumpidy Bump
How did he know pol?
How did Bane know?
creative people subconsciously tap into the future
or there was always a scheduled visit from the grim reaper
I mean, its a writer that did research into a subject he wanted to write a story about...
Tom Clancy wrote Rainbow 6 in the late 90s and it was about the global elite releasing a hard to detect airborne strain of a ebola or something around time for the Olympics. A lot of nerds think that is happening too...
Given the circumstances, can't really blame people for paranoia.
bump cuz cool
because he's in charge here
there be like 2 billion books. someone wrote about everything already.
Its possible that people who created the virus jsut read the book and stole the idea from him.
This picture is not from the book.
This picture is.
I downloaded the book and did a word search with the above texts. As I said the first picture is not from the book. Feel free to try yourself.
>Der Koontzer
>Believes Corona was predicted
>Spams and bumps happening threads all day
>/cvg/ #1678
>Muh old book guise
>711 was a part time job, it was also predictes guise
>dean koontz
All media stories are events that have already happened and some people remember them even after the simulation resets. There has already been a dystopian cyberpunk future, a zombie apocalypse, an asteroid crashing into earth and destroying humanity, an actual biblical apocalypse, even a future where humanity survives. The simulation resets every time, a game that never really ends.
Time to prep for Corona 2030, bros
The page has trips! 555!
Broken clock
I've had prophetic dreams come true, every last detail as if I was watching a 3D video tape of the future. I still can't wrap my mind around it. All I know is that the universe does not work the way we've been told to believe.
This is from End of Days by Sylvia Browne.
Is there year in the book? Or any other coincidence
This one is from a different book from 2008
This one is real, I can confirm with a real copy of the book.
My best guess is Dean hung out with communists, like most writers do and overheard something. And yes I do believe communists have 40 year plans. Maybe he overheard something and though it would be nice for the story. Dean is also a Catholic if that is relevant. The only reason I have his book is because I was going through a Catholic phase and was trying to only read from writers that were Catholic.
Baby can you dig your man?
If the images are from different books, I didn't know that. I received this in an email from someone at work, so I decided to post it when I got home. I wanted to see what you guys would think about it. Personally, I thought it was pretty crazy when I first saw it.
The only thing that happened back then was the aids pandemic.
What is the name of the other book from 2008?
>Captain Trips is a nickname for the constantly-shifting antigen virus that exterminates 99.4% of the human population in The Stand.
>Developed under the codename Project Blue by a biological weapon's laboratory located beneath California's Mojave Desert, it is also known as Blue virus (Blue Virus), A-prime, A6, the rales, superflu, choking sickness, and tube neck.
>Captain Trips is an extremely deadly virus, able to be transmitted as easily as the common flu it is based on, with far more lethal results. It has a communicability rate of 99.4%, meaning that all but a tiny few of humans can catch it. The virus starts out like a common cold, causing weariness, nasal congestion and sneezing, and most people who catch it think that a common cold is all they have.
>The superflu virus is highly adaptable, shifting and changing constantly, making medicines useless against it. At best, medicine only briefly holds off the inevitable. No vaccine was ever developed for it, before or after its escape from the lab where it was created, as its constantly-changing nature made a vaccine impossible to create. The fact that it was designed as a biological weapon is another reason for the lack of a cure; it was supposed to be unstoppable, as anything less would have limited its ability to kill swiftly and efficiently.
>End of Days by Sylvia Browne.
So is there something to this programming? Have we really lived out 1000 life times before, or is it our imaginations that are capable of conjuring every scenario?
It would be nice to round up every predictor of this event. This must have been like how in the bible many fortole of Jesus's birth. Perhaps they are prophets. So far
>Dean Koontz
>Sylvia Browne
>Jack London (possibly)
King is such a dumb hack.
this is useless not as compelling as the first 2.
>Book page
>Captain Trips
So how does this help us?
Me too. And then when I'm living it, I can't figure out if it is deja vu or something else. Ever read Edgar Casey?
Is there any doubt this was man made at this point?
This had to have been man made. That's how "meme magic" works. Nature does not imitate art, only people do.
Elaborate more pls
because nobody here is asking the question: how did he know? channeling or is there a deep state script?
That page is only in the physical book alone it's a Preamble page
either china commies planned it a long time ago OR
future reading psycho stuff
Seriously though, what are the odds someone writes about something in this great of detail and it happens almost to the "T" 40 years later?
reality is stranger than fiction. fiction is just fireball shooting forward. but reality is like complex timeline layers of strange developments.
Yeah. If I hadn't fallen out of bed shaken and told my friends the dream before it happened I would've started seriously doubting my mental health. I always seem to get deja vu before big events happen.
Happened to me a couple times too. Have dream then like a year later I find myself in the exact situation and remember the dream.
So are we just along for the ride? Do we have an ability to effect timelines? What's the purpose of it all?
i once had a very short dream. i woke up in a white bright room in some sort of capsule. then immediately doctors came and put me back to sleep and the dream was immediately over.
still not sure if it was a dream or real.
Lol that smug psychic bitch from Montell
reminder: nadine will suck cock and take it in the ass but is technically still a virgin.
this shit has been debunked, the virus in the actualy book is russian and there was no li-chen
someone modified that shit to post it online during this bs
70's BBC show Survivors - flu pandemic from Chinese lab -
Im gonna buy so much toilet paper in 2029
Dean Coofnts
You're two months late
china also spread other plagues
bump cause interesting