This is the Dow Jones index, graphed since 1980.
Notice anything? ;)
This is the Dow Jones index, graphed since 1980.
Notice anything? ;)
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OP is a faggot
it went up a lot
No you are faggot. Youre gonna get fired
The relatively recent era of explosive, exponential growth has been punctuated by equally wild shocks that are eventually surmounted for long-term gains and wealth creation
Yup. We're just about a month or two away from one of the greatest buying opportunities that we will have in our lifetimes.
Ya, that's a steep ass technical trendlie at the end there
you need to use the log chart on large timeframes, you scrub.
Yeah, huge inflation, right?
I may suck dicks regularly but I am no faggot.
Feminine penises don't count.
Include INFLATION rate in the graph. formula!!!
Very telling that particular time frame. Most of the growth after the 2008 dip is actually from stock buybacks and intense Mergers&Acquisitions activities with little correlation to actual products and services (the "real" economy). This is part of the reason why the growth seems to have accelerated so much harder than the 90's.
Since finances are no longer necessarily correlated (they might be in reality, but very weakly) to growth in actual productivity and rise in social investments, it could also be somewhat extrapolated to partially explain the seeming stagnation of our aging infrastructure and consequent drop in our quality of life improvements. Things do get "better", but very slowly and for the sake of less and less people.
TL;DR the introduction of fully digital financing completely disjointed from the actual end service of companies is dooming us all
It's Polish.
Old joke, "Why did Webster's dictionary spell shoe shine (polish) and Poland-related (Polish) the same?
Wait for it.
Webster didn't know shit from shinola.
Yas Forums finds a way
The issue is derivatives. And their pricing as derivatives una feedback loop which affects the price of commodities and such. Notional markets now swamp actual markets. That, and the insane equity for debt swaps which have taken place with stock buybacks.
That is where the problems are, and we are about to clearly see this. Gold is getting moneyhammered because fags are liking mountains of paper gold to cover their margin calls. I think same with cryptos. People are liquidating quality because they got on the wrong side of a bet and have to cover.
The support is at... 15,000? Maybe slightly lower?
Looks last touched in 2008.
Do I win?
This. I missed out in 2008 because I was a fresh college grad making all of 35k a year and barely able to eat.
Obama’s economy collapses
Also fuck the fed
We are returning to the mean which is about 12,000?
what happened in 1995 to initiate that rapid and erratic growth?
wait till it bottoms out hard then invest when its low af.
you're using it to read this, genius. It was called the dot com era for a reason.
i dint realize Yas Forums was so profitable
The meme market is big.
ya but Big Meme is making it hard for the little guys tho
at this rate you have 8 days to 0
the companies you would be buying then will be bankrupt
All those downslopes were panic inducing stages of someones life that are long forgotten and meaningless to the eternal bull.
The Jews' imaginary wealth is disappearing?
Poland what the fuck is your economy doing? -37% on the year and lost all progress made since 2005. You can't talk economics with real countries.
This chart literally proves that they do, fuckwad.
I mean, they sometimes do, but history is also punctuated with violent upheavals, famines and the like.
Too big to fail is a bad argument
the Warsaw Stock Exchange is a zombie-stock-market. We dont discuss it here. Mostly state energy companies and state banks. A couple of private tech companies (like CD Projekt) and a couple of private banks. Low market cap. overall.
Also, Dow has recorded -30% in a month. So shut the fuck up, you retard
oh emm gee af
A conspiracy for ya Yas Forums. So the quarantine in New Rochell,NY...
Just so happens to be in the Jewish "power" center of the United States. There is no other higher concentration of Jewish power and influence in the US. Theyre afraid, they know we're walking up and pissed, they know what's coming. I mean come on we're supposed to worried about all of us getting "Corona'd" and here the establishment is worried about one ol little square mile!?!? This doesn't serve any larger objective other then to protect themselves... Think about it!?!?
TIL: It's afraid.
That fiat currency is a meme and inflation will usher in Weimer 2.0 soon?
>wealth creation
>usury and fraud
I think I see it
where we are going, 2008 will look like a Golden Age
Wait until this mindset is prevalent before buying.
I dont notice anything.
>wealth creation
You must be insane, since 2007 people have only lost purchasing power on actual necessary goods. The average worker is nearly a serf now, buried in useless trinkets he needs to constantly replace.
Dow is -18 on the year you are not smart enough to be talking about this. The S&P hasnt even hit 13 yet. We're at the level we were in 2017, which was praised by global economists as a fucking peak
This is the all-time Dow in inflation adjusted dollars? Notice anything?
That's right. OP is a faggot.
yeah the fucking end of an empire
Yeah. I was just finishing college when the housing market imploded. I saw the opportunity but I didn't have the resources. I've been biding my time and waiting for this to happen again.
Yes they do, faggot.
steepness of the decline is steeper than ever.
we're gonna retire 25 years early bros
It's pretty interesting. Since the 90s, when Republicans have both Houses of Congress, it goes up. Then a year or so after Democrats take either house you get a crash, like clockwork. You see it slightly when the Dems briefly held the Senate from 2001 to 2003 and then much more significantly when they took the House in 2007 (the crash that was blamed on Bush II) and we're seeing it now too.
It's interesting how little Presidents have to do with it compared to how much blame/credit they get. 1993-1995 were totally unremarkable, the "Clinton Economy" didn't begin until the Republicans took both houses in 1996.
>comparing absolute values from entirely different baselines
Use log scale faggot
It's only gone up 198%, the previous bull went up 724%, and the one before 342%. We have a long way to go in this secular bull market, this coronavirus thing is just a correction, will look like a blip in the future.
It doesn't include today's data
>We're at the level we were in 2017
>as a good thing
You're the one who is not smart enough to be talking about this.
as a jew.
What am I supposed to notice?
It does. I included it myself in paint.
Anyone know what caused the spike in 1995?