Why is the media making the Corona virus about Trump?
Why is the media making the Corona virus about Trump?
a fucking jew has seen her naked
Because this is Trump's world and he's kind enough to let you live in it.
they make everything about trump. that's their job
you can see her fake tit scar
Don't know but this has redpilled a lot of boomers I know. Initially they were like
>oh it's because he drives eyeballs and clicks that's all, user, don't be paranoid, it's not a conspiracy, this isn't personal, they're not against him
But now, that the virus itself is the number one story, these same booms have noticed media is still using even it to attack him personally. Opening a lot of eyes even here in southern California, liberal land.
Because Biden has 0.00000001% chance of winning.
like how everyone is pretending his little speech today was "presidental" because everyone knows Biden is a hair sniffing pedo war monger
HAWT! No wonder Trump wants to fuck her!
mmmmmmmmmmmm Trump titties.
because it's communist china's fault
the left is pushing communism on americans
don't want them making connection
>tfw you will never titfuck her
why even live, Yas Forums
Because it's the Media. To them, everything is about Trump.
dear fuggin god
The Left:
>Everything bad in the world is because of [current thing or person I don't like]
>Everything good in the world is because of [current thing or person I like]
>Every problem in the world will be solved by [current thing I want]
>Anyone who disagrees is evil
I never saw this one before
He has to be a corona candidate, no? Sniffing filthy toddlers, they get into all the new pathogens.
>Blame others for the crimes you commit yourself.
t. ((()))
The media is responsible for all the chaos taking place by scaring the fuck out of people over what amounts to nothing(unless you're a degenerate, defect, or elderly).
I shouldn't have used a pic of Ivanka. Good GOD
Someone post that image of Ivanka admiring our glorious leader Trudeau when he visited the white house. Bet that made Trump seethe
I would literally kill to have Ivanka’s mouth on my asshole and balls
He’s the President and the buck stops with him. He wanted the job, now he has to do it and he’s not doing it well. His handling of the coronavirus has been erratic and contradictory.
If you're not retarded you can see why he's doing the things that he's been doing.
Donald has had that. You will never.
The British really are just a bunch of low IQ niggers aren't they?
They did it well before today, however his address last night was 1/10 bredy terrible.
The media makes everything about Trump.
Oh I cannot wait for this planet to be cleansed of you pale needle nosed monkeys with piss colored hair
No need to prep if your waifu has milkers like those.
Trump is why we can't get laid. If only Hillary had won, then we'd be drowning in pussy.
this is what i dont get. dont give him credit for the things that do happen, praise "science", decry his leadership at every turn, and *now*, when the scientific solution is easy as fucking isolation, you cry that he isnt doing enough. jk i get it, you're fuckin hopelessly demented. hope you have a 4 year plan to cope
Kill yourselves
It was the goal all along.
stay mad
The nipples are strong in this one...
>His handling of the coronavirus has been erratic and contradictory.
That's funny given the erratic and contradictory thing has been the liberal's expectations of him. The exact same people will say in one sentence that he's taking things too far while in the very next sentence claim he isn't doing enough. You're all retards that will never hold power again.
>Oh I cannot wait for this planet to be cleansed of you pale needle nosed monkeys with piss colored hair
Stay nigger
Nobody who votes for Trump cares what the media thinks. The fact is, an economic downturn was due, and like this people will blame it on the VIRUS and not on Trump.
Forgot pic
Care to explain? I always assumed FEMA and the CDC were handling this quietly to avoid panic but I'd like to know what you think he's doing?
Jesus what a perfect human being
Yes he has
Because they've got nothing else, every attempt to bring him down has failed miserably, and because incumbent Presidents pretty much never fail to secure their second term unless the economy is fucked due to their policies.
So associate and blame Trump for economic woes during Corona pandemic = Trump could lose.
because he's the figurehead of the government currently completely fucking up the response, you invalid
I'm not even a fan of blondes but fuck she's gorgeous.
that lucky fucking bastard...
Everything is about Trump, he is the Sun King
Based and the only answer you need
That's the cope-iest fkn COPE I've ever heard in my life
Because it's the ONLY card they have left heading into November that they can hope to trip him up with, but I don't see it working out the way they hoped.
If Trump had shut everything down ASAP a month ago, the lefty media would have painted him as an alarmist, and used it against him that way.
Now that he's doing more, they're just playing the HE DIDN'T ACT FAST ENOUGH line.
Either way, it is what it is, and the attempts to blame Trump for this are going to fall flat over time because they only ones falling for it are the same people who gave their last shekels to Bernie.
>>>If only Hilary had won we'd be drowning in pussy
Yeah and probably half a million #metoo charges pending
They want you to forget that they called you racist and said it was a nothingburger for 2 months
Also they're insane, probably bought by China as well...it's irrelevant and their narrative will perish with this virus
It's just natural to blame the sovereign for the country's ills
Isn't burger media all about trump?
Fuck you, faggots. It is a FACT that Trump prevented all our future waifus from immigrating here. Now the world will feel our wrath. If you think the coronavirus is bad, wait until you see us marching in the streets with enormous blueballs and nothing to lose.
Who is that ravishing creature on the left?
That's a good question. They're retarded is my analysis.
What the fuck are you talking about nigger?
Trump has had nothing to do with the virus other than try to protect the people of this nation from disease. THIS ... is why we created Ellis Island. No country was prepared for a bio weapon of mass destruction. So did Australia cause Tom hanks to catch the virus?
>that envious stair from the chestlet gook in the background
How can they even compete?
And it’s good times.
>election year
Crazy how Ivanka has inherited khazar milkers since converting to Judaism.