Chink Flu

Daily reminder whose fucking fault this is.

Fuck China.

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Nobody cares pajeet, stop blaming China. We’ll never hate them, only you.

Fuck off chicom cunt

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I’m not a Chink. I’m as white as can be. I don’t like the way Asians are catching all this blame here though, when there’s much worse out there.

I fucking despise China and I fucking despise you. You filthy fucking nasty little sick man of asia. Dirty ass yellow devil.

As soon as the world gets through the wu flu we’re gonna fuck these chink baby-dicks into the ground

Fucking kill your self Chang. You’ll get strung up here if things get bad enough

I’m not a yellow, I’m white. My wife is Asian (not Chinese though.) Asians are based as fuck.

yep, China is a backwards society in many places but they are aware of the problem. and they did something to fix their population explosion. I'm much more worried about shitskins and niggers breeding like rats

Here's a vision of the future for you and your shit hole country.

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Swim back home you rat chink


>be liberal bro, don't be racist!
Kill yourself subhuman

Deport yourself slopefucker. We will never accept you

not a chang Pedro

Agreed. The Chinese are sentient and human at least.

God bless America, and no place else.

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Yes, fuck China and their shitty man-made virus.

Bugmen are soulless monsters. Niggers are savage and feral and retarded but you, your kind you are literally devoid of any essence of what makes one human

America isn’t a shithole.


>mfw mutts are decimated by a common flu while china wins the final showdown without even lifting a finger

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fuck off paki trash

What needs to be done again.

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Soon, it will be soon. China fucked up for the last time.

Paki/poo...same shit. There are only two categories in the world. High IQ humane hygienic civilized groups (Whites/Asians) and dirty uncivilized shitskins.

Not even us bongs? I thought we were frens ameribros

Commie chinks are barely human

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>no wall
>no economy

At least we have our based black unemployment rates



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i fucking hate chinks


More human than you spic.

Nope I hate them. Disgusting fucking rat people who start all the nasty viruses

ok poo

so many poo shills. It’s tiring. shoo shoo poo

show eyes

OK Mohammed

I’m not showing anything POO.

What needs to happen is not what will happen. Seethe in your rage.

if you niggers werent spreading rumors of cia bioweapons used on china to bolster white pride then this wouldnt even be a issue. its flu level. still not even a high enough kill count and its subsiding in china

not even 10k deaths globally and china has 1.4 billion people biut for 3 months tyrome laughed about this and hyped it. and rednecks and necons held their breath hoping this would do it

well it did. american companies are now fucked. hard no lube. yea you take it nigger you earned it. have fun with the next economic collapse in progress now. people like you shouldnt watch the news. your to stupid to process cause and effect

Fuck the Chinks and the white race traitors that kiss their asses.


Look at those datas.
Am I the only one noticing how ridiculos is the margin at which China is surely lying about its situation?
Also the mortality rate is about 7%, not 0.2
If you consider Dead/(Dead+Recovered) the mortality ratio is about 45%

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if it wasn't for the chinks, whether you believe in the bat soup theory or in the bioweapon theory, the virus would literally not exist, it always comes back to chinks
it's chinks fault, no-one just wants to admit it because muh raycism

Shut the fuck up.

fuck china

this. let’s not forget how we got here, and who let the commie chinks get where they are today.

Her name is Shi Zhengli.
Deputy director of the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
Here, she describes editing a bat coronavirus strain with an HIV pseudovirus to create a virus capable of binding to human pulmonary ACE2 receptors---like COVID-19 does:
>In this study, a human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-based pseudovirus system was employed to address these issues. Our results indicated that the SL-CoV S protein is unable to use ACE2 proteins of different species for cell entry and that SARS-CoV S protein also failed to bind the ACE2 molecule of the horseshoe bat, Rhinolophus pearsonii. However, when the RBD of SL-CoV S was replaced with that from the SARS-CoV S, the hybrid S protein was able to use the huACE2 for cell entry, implying that the SL-CoV S proteins are structurally and functionally very similar to the SARS-CoV S. These results suggest that although the SL-CoVs discovered in bats so far are unlikely to infect humans using ACE2 as a receptor, it remains to be seen whether they are able to use other surface molecules of certain human cell types to gain entry. It is also conceivable that these viruses may become infectious to humans if they undergo N-terminal sequence variation, for example, through recombination with other CoVs, which in turn might lead to a productive interaction with ACE2 or other surface proteins on human cells.

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>conspiracy theory about mutt armies infecting wuhan shown
>"lol that's just stup-"
>immeduately after another wave of "it's chynya's fault" threads spike up
ok, I am worried now

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okay poojeet

there’s much worse going on out there at the hands of shitskins and nigs. Attributing any of this to Asians is a form of D&C.

how does this affect the child trafficking market???!!!???

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cease to exist

poo in the loo

Do you think you seem organic ffs?
>The evidence points to SARS-CoV-2 research being carried out at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. The virus may have been carried out of the lab by an infected worker or crossed over into humans when they unknowingly dined on a lab animal. Whatever the vector, Beijing authorities are now clearly scrambling to correct the serious problems with the way their labs handle deadly pathogens.
>China has unleashed a plague on its own people. It’s too early to say how many in China and other countries will ultimately die for the failures of their country’s state-run microbiology labs, but the human cost will be high.
>But not to worry. Xi has assured us that he is controlling biosecurity risks “to protect the people’s health.” PLA bioweapons experts are in charge.
>I doubt the Chinese people will find that very reassuring. Neither should we.

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inb4 this chink calls me a poo for some reason again, stfu and gtfo of the USA

Praise her. Prophet of Coronachan. Herald of the New World.

can you seethe any more insect lover?

>When you take a country ruined by communism,famine,plagues,authoritarianism and send them all your jobs so you can save money and 40years later they destroy you


those fuckers are trying to blame it on us

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CHINA NUMBA WAN! CHINA NUMBA WAN! Fuck those slant-eyed commie roaches

I’m not a chink. I’m calling you a poo because poos and “minorities” are the only ones who hate Asians. No white person hates Asians of any kind.


Reply to this post if you think Australia and Canada should be rangebanned

You're delusional.