/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #1973

► Detected: 134,520 ► Died: 4,970

Trump bans travel and cargo transfer between US and Europe

WHO declares _PANDEMIC_

France closes schools and universities

Fed injects $1.5 trillion, fails to stop historic crash

Duterte places Manila under lockdown, 13 million affected

Reinfection possible and even deadlier

r0 between 6.11 and 8.18, higher than expected

Virus might spread through banknotes

Two major strains, newer is more aggressive

"Recovered" drops dead, surge of reinfections

China province outbreak 52 times worse than admitted

Indian man tests negative, dies of pneumonia next day

Engineered bat coronavirus related to SARS caused polemic over risks

Fed injects $1.5 trillion, fails to stop historic crash

Nurses refused testing by CDC

22:38: 171 new cases in Norway.
18:55: 595 new cases and 13 new deaths in France.
18:06: 53 new cases and 3 new deaths in Japan.
17:40: 91 new cases and 2 new deaths in Spain.
17:09: 2,651 new cases and 189 new deaths in Italy.
17:00: 546 new cases and 2 new deaths in Germany.
12:16: 691 new cases and 29 new deaths in Spain.


Attached: Ebola & Corona.jpg (1280x1080, 132.5K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I literally don't care bros

► China 80,796 (3,169) ► International 53,675 (1,801): Italy 15,113 (1,016) Iran 10,075 (429) S. Korea 7,869 (66) Spain 3,146 (86) France 2,876 (61) Germany 2,745 (6) US 1,636 (40) Switzerland 868 (7) Norway 965 (1) D. Princess 696 (7) Japan 691 (19) Sweden 687 (1) Netherlands 614 (5) UK 590 (10) Belgium 399 (3) Austria 361 (1) Australia 156 (3) Canada 142 (1) H. Kong 130 (3) Greece 117 (1) Iraq 83 (8) Egypt 80 (2) India 74 (1) S. Marino 72 (5) Ireland 70 (1) Thailand 70 (1) Lebanon 68 (3) Philippines 52 (2) Poland 51 (1) Taiwan 49 (1) Indonesia 34 (1) Argentina 30 (1) Algeria 26 (2) Albania 23 (1) Bulgaria 23 (1) Azerbaijan 15 (1) Panama 14 (1) Morocco 6 (1) Guyana 1 (1) Denmark 674 Qatar 262 Bahrain 197 Singapore 187 Malaysia 158 Czech Rep. 113 Finland 109 Iceland 109 Israel 109 Slovenia 96 UAE 85 Kuwait 80 Portugal 78 Brazil 77 Romania 59 S. Arabia 45 Vietnam 39 Russia 34 Chile 33 Palestine 31 Croatia 27 Estonia 27 Luxembourg 26 Georgia 25 Brunei 25 Serbia 24 C. Rica 23 Peru 22 Belarus 21 Pakistan 21 Slovakia 21 Oman 18 Ecuador 17 S. Africa 17 Latvia 16 Hungary 16 Tunisia 13 Mexico 12 Bosnia 11 Macao 10 Senegal 10 Cyprus 10 Macedonia 9 Colombia 9 Malta 9 Maldives 8 Afghanistan 7 Armenia 6 Fr. Guiana 6 Moldova 6 Cambodia 5 Dom. Rep. 5 N. Zealand 5 Paraguay 5 Liechtenstein 4 Réunion 4 Lithuania 3 S. Lanka 3 Ukraine 3 Bangladesh 3 Bolivia 3 Chan. Isl. 3 Cuba 3 Martinique 3 Nigeria 2 B. Faso 2 Cameroon 2 Faeroes 2 Honduras 2 Jamaica 2 Saint Martin 2 Andorra 1 Jordan 1 Monaco 1 Nepal 1 Bhutan 1 Ivory C. 1 Congo 1 Fr. Polynesia 1 Gibraltar 1 Vatican 1 Mongolia 1 St. Barth 1 St. Vincent 1 Togo 1 Trinidad and Tobago 1 Turkey 1

Attached: new cases.png (712x942, 92.48K)

Trump will die in 10 days.

23 in Bulgaria, also Macedonia doesn't exist, it's called Northern Macedonia.

Death to Isreal

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Reminder that the only company with a SARS vaccine beyond phase I human trials took a POISON PILL last year to avert a hostile takeover

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coof, nothingburger, coof


Oh my Gawd! How much toilet paper do you have? Why would you be prepared? Do you doubt the stability of society or something?

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were at 154 now :(


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> g1.globo.com/sp/sao-paulo/noticia/2020/03/12/hospital-albert-einstein-em-sp-confirma-98-casos-de-coronavirus-ate-esta-quinta-feira.ghtml

2 confirmed cases in our ICU, a handful suspected and being tested. Concerns of staff infections becoming critical as we've already lost 6% of staff in the past week.
Please help.

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All countries report in and say “Fuck China”.


Fuck China

Give corona-chan a found of applause for canceling the nba and mlb seasons this year

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How long until apocalypse?

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Panic time.

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Illyantsi people import stuff from China/Italy, but they also stick to their own neighborhoods. This is Bulgaria, everything is segregated as fuck, considering we quarantined ourselves and did it early, it might spread in Nadejda and similar shit neighborhoods, but we can contain it.

Fuck Bernie Sanders' brain dead white supporters.
Fuck The Green New Deal.
Fuck socialism.
Fuck environmentalists.
Fuck communists.
Fuck niggers.
Fuck whites who race mix.
Fuck whites who don't want all nonwhites dead.
Fuck jews.
Fuck whites who convict whites for killing blacks.
Fuck rap.
Fuck jazz
Fuck the blues.
Fuck r&b.
Fuck hiphop.
Fuck wiggers.
Fuck ms13.
Fuck the triads.
Fuck los zetas.
Fuck the yakuza.
Fuck coal burners.
Fuck oil drillers.
Fuck the EU.
Fuck NATO.
Fuck all white traitors.
Fuck muslims.
Fuck zionists.
Fuck chinks.
Fuck weebs.
Fuck autists.
Fuck the LGBT community.
Fuck criminals.
Fuck women's rights.
Fuck AOC.
Fuck border hoppers.
Fuck diversity.
Fuck cuckolds.
Fuck multiculturalism.
Fuck globalism.
Fuck vegans.
Fuck fedora tippers.
Fuck gun grabbers.
Fuck faggots.
Fuck trannies.
Fuck janitors.
Fuck janitor applicants.

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CNN just interviewed a pink haired pussy lover with COVID19. she said she never even had a cough. LMAO happening cancelled.

My hand sanitizer lid unscrewed in the car and it all leaked out. I didn't have any way to clean my hands after leaving the bank.

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[this post removed by CCP authority]

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Can't do that, they are investing heavily in our infrastructure.

>Sent from my iPhone

>Fed injects 500 billion burger bucks into jew market
>evaporates in the length of a spongebob episode

lol glad we have money to throw away on bullshit but not on healthcare

Fuck China, fuck Isreal, fuck Africa in whole, fuck Canada

and FUCK city slickers!!!!


North Korea Best Korea

me too!

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>Ireland death toll still at 1
Friends grandmother passed away earlier this afternoon but not announced. Makes you wonder how many more

Stay mad

Anons,what are the risk since no countries are burning the corpses like china did?

Anyone know the situation in Finland? How are the snow autists dealing with this?

this board would implode if this happens

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Fuck China

Trips of truth

>Online Danish supermarket is bringing your food to your door
>Queue up immediately and get in as one of the first while 1 million other danes are in queue online
>Put 20x of each luxury item in my shopping cart
>Start wondering if I should limit myself because I'm just a single fit young healthy NEET with an already 3 month prep supply and mask + filters
>Think there might be families or old people who aren't so fast who might have nothing left

I'm gonna get myself killed with this beta way of thinking aren't I?

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Whats next, FEMA camps?

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stop hogging gets Kim you fucking nigger

Brazilian Update: 85 cases

One more trip for weed supply, then I'm in isolation, boys.
Wish me luck.

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Is the permanent lung damage thing real or a hoax?

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>planet is overpopulated
>"man, we need a virus to wipe out these shitskins"
>deadly virus destroys Europe and America

Well, fuck.

I suppose Africa wouldn't even notice another deadly virus doing the rounds anyway.

a month and a half

>money will immediately evaporate
>everything will keep collapsing
>America will need to enter a war with China, Iran or something similar to make it not air
>won't have funds
>the 1.5 trillion will suddenly become air
Goodbye american imperialism, hello physical violence for jews and gypsies

Fuck China

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Oh gee look at this, a list of all the mods.

One of thems a mole! LOL

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the strongest survive

We should've locked down borders weeks ago. And also nuke China bc fuck them

you guys have actually been proactive at least
do you think lockdown is kicking in monday? I feel like it will affect the timeline at which UK decides to do it.

Any other Colorado anons in here? How are supermarkets looking? I tried telling people but nobody listened!






If you invest Any amount in BTC right now, you’ll have a 50% return on investment before years end. As soon as the world ratchets back up, BTC will follow. It’s done this again and again.

Based Greece

ah shit bro

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what a strange happening...obviously the virus is weak shit but the retards really made it happen...funny how it worked out

USA is still seeing rookie numbers

I'm fucking China every other day. Theys women mai bitches.

yep, its every man for himself now m8

Can’t wait

hold the phone dayton shooter was a chapo trap house redditor

It's legit, same as re-infections

scriptfaggots will be quarantined with the deadly ill

I live in San Antonio. How likely for it to spread

FUCK china

Why such salt?

why haven't you closed schools? you want to become ITALIA 2.0?

100 cases in brazil
cruise ship in quarantine
Bolsonaro probably infected
Brazil economy is dead
yep I think we are fucked here


Effective on SARS, readily available innawoods

Is anyone finding this immensely cozy? Yas Forums finally got its Happening and we get to stay here in our Cobra Command and watch normie society disintegrate.

Who makes the images of corona-chan?
Was the cia prepping us?

My wallet went from $100 to $65.


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i'll buy in when i'm sure there will still be computers at the end of this...

Pneumonia gives you permanent damage yes
We don't know if every bout of Covid-19 gives you pneumonia tho

It's the official name of your country my dude.

Fuck JewSA and China

>tfw work at a pharmacy
>the one public store that won't close
>owned by Loblaw's, the most soulless kike corp in Canada

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It's probably spreading in Africa, just not being tested/reported


It is basically impossible for America to get this one right. China is a top-down authoritarian ethnonationalist state. They can impose anything they need to with absolute obedience by the population and public services.

Meanwhile, in ethno sludge pile (((diverse))) America where half the public officials are in open rebellion against the sitting government, the CDC refused to even start testing people until two weeks ago. And even when they did they immediately threw up their hands and said "OH WELL ITS TOO FAR SPREAD NOW NOTHIN WE CAN DO". These travel restrictions now mean fuck all because the infected have already gotten here weeks ago. Nationwide quarantine means fuck all because half the population is willingly prying open the national borders for a foreign invasion and colonization. Long story short, a lot more people are going to die in America than died in China and it's going to make this laughingstock of a nation look like the thirdworld shithole it truly is

Play both teams

Where you at?

use of script
there's no fun like that


>JUST IN: Ohio health official estimates 100,000 people in state have coronavirus

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Fuck China
Please fuck me

Public schools shut down in my province. Now the normies are going out in droves and buying up all the food and supplies from the grocery stores. People are lining up all the way to the back of the stores. I'm fucking panicking

Fuck China

Their all discord faggots?

Jair Bolsonaro will be the first president dead by coronavirus. This timeline is epic.

Greece is finally getting its shit together

Threadly Reminder...

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I'm getting cozy, user. The survival feels have started to set in.

Fuck scriptfags fuck commies and fuck chinks

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Fuck China



Fuck China

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>Cargo transfer ban
Its fake news

roll your dice anons!

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Fuck China

The school/uni lockdown is effective as of now, Shops etc will be open another 2 or 3 weeks atleast. Every boomer says it's not big deal so it'll be normal till SHTF

Well, I guess it means we’re fucked

because it was scripted you fucking boomer. Hurry up and die already fucking hell.

What about "RACE WAR 2020"?
Was that just script?

Thanks. Do you know any numbers?

It says in the janitor app that you need discord.

What did we do? We are just closing shit like most of Europe. Not really testing all that much.


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Yea, it’s all over. Market fundamentals are strong. It can even go lower but it can’t stay that low. BTC always comes back:

Cargo transfer wtf

my university has closed and pushed all classes online... 3+ cases from international students & faculty. i'm ready to be comfy, play vidya and do compsci projects from my home

Fuck China

How is your border war going? Just announce the entire country is infected and the faggots will go away.

Fuck china

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>Keep telling family to get some supplies even if it's nothing just in case of panic
>Don't fucking do it
>Keep stopping me from getting anything extra
>They go to market like it's no big deal
>They are shocked everything in sold out

I fucking hate my family. They won't even admit to it even fucking now.

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Sounds like loser talk to me. :-D

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paying migrants to fuck off

Fuck China

Anons, i thank all of you for views.

there's some fake army document going around with a vocaroo that says it's Monday


fuck china

Fuck China

Just think of yourself and people closest to you. Thats all we can do at this point.



And everyone will end up blaming trump "slow clap" soo. You finally figured it out eh user?


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Useful prep list anons put together

How the fuck did it spread to St. Vincent and Grenadines? Who the fuck goes there?

No motivation to prep too depressed even before all the shit went down. Want to blow my saving and travel somewhere on the cheap. Any suggestions? Dont care about the virus.

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majority of infections aren't too bad, and US is DRASTICALLY undertesting/reporting

>Turkey 1 case
I don't know about you guys but i think the roaches are fucking lying.


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Is it just me or is it starting to get hot in here.

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1%-5% by offical numbers, keep in mind we've been lied to ALOT


When the fuck did that happen

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I'm gonna chimp out

Seriously, I thought healthcare and infrastructure and free college and paying off student loan debt was too expensive. Where’d this $500 billion come from?

>we're not even at the bottom yet

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Fuck China.

Buy your own shit big boy

Fuck china

To brazilians: What the hell was the announcement from Bolsonaro just now?

Basically "no changes, taking it slow?"

I thought we'd be closing borders now that the US (sorta) did it.

boomers on vacation
fuck boomers

Go lick some public transportation vehicles and coof on the passengers.

I live in San Antonio Texas. How likely for it to spread


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I can’t wait to screenshot the threads on this board when trump dies of coronavirus

Fuck murica die in pain pigs

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Italy is kill

nigger, mushrooms are one of the most dangerous things to be randomly chowing down on innawoods

Fuck China.

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Anyone else here eerily calm? Like, it could (possibly) be the end of days very soon but I just can’t be bothered to dwell on it right now. I’m drinking a beer and watching garbage tv, can’t tell if I’m oblivious or stupidly optimistic. Maybe my brain has been infected.

>the regional government of Catalonia has ordered around 70,000 people in four municipalities in the Barcelona region to remain in their homes for a fortnight from 9pm tonight after a steep increase in Coronavirus cases in the area.


>Meanwhile, Santiago Abascal, the leader of Spain’s far-right Vox party, has confirmed he has tested positive for coronavirus days after the party’s general secretary, Javier Ortega Smith, was diagnosed with the virus. Earlier this week, the party apologised for holding a 9,000-person rally in Madrid on Sunday.


100,000 in Ohio? Where is the basis?

Are we demoting the Chinese African nigger-tier level as a race now?

It would be wise to institute authoritarian policies right now. Forced quarantines, national guard delivering rationed food to everyone, suspend rent payments, mortgage payments, bill payments, shoot all looters (read: black males) on sight. Allow people to join the national guard if they're healthy to foster a sense of community and teamwork. Mandatory testings should be carried out, elderly people with the virus should be destroyed to save time, money, and effort. Ramp up surveillance to make sure no infected leave their quarantine, no looting is taking place, nobody is stealing rationed food. Democracy, freedom, all those fancy ideals are useless in moments like this.


Not spreading as bad in Australia. Looks like it will die down when the weather warms up.

Fuck China

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so why drumpf is still president?

if triads you two die

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Oh Ty missed that

If it wasn't for China, we wouldn't have such a wild happening so idk what you guys are complaining about

everywhere is fucked my dude
prep then chill inside for a month or two

Haven't heard of anything like that.

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It's proposed by Jew reserve and government buys the debt

I work in a grocery store and am so far uninfected. What are my chances of getting infected and if so, getting infected multiple times and it becoming fatal?

Fuck China

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

Not since post 9/11 do I remember this much panic. Last time sporting events were stopped(only a week) was then in 2001. The NBA, MLB and NHL are all practically done for this sports year, This is a very weird timeline.

stop making screencaps of scripts.
its just like any other faggot saying this without gets.

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>during a respiratory illness outbreak

You're gonna pay your dues shekelberg

Those infected can be asymptomatic for several weeks while still being able to infect others. That makes it much, much harder to stop spreading.

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fuck you faggot, this is the most based thing any country has ever done!

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who agrees:

groids > chinks as of now

Easy choice
Gonna take the infested one

>This was Kim's Christmas gift

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Protip: Anywhere you see ''confirmed cases'' multiply that by about 100



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NIGGER WEED CURES THE VIRUS. Stoners are immune.

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True Yas Forums is NatSoc and hates Trump. The boomers who invaded this board after 2016 will all die of Wuflu too. Good riddance to them all.

You're not familiar with these.
I have a tub in my pantry. They're bracket mushrooms, they grow on birch trees primarily or other downed trees (pine, etc). Very hard to misidentify.

I legit saw 4-5 Blackhawks in NE Florida flying away from the area of our airport.

High. Ask your boss if you can mask up with gloves

Stop adding cargo transfer to it, representative to the white house stated it only restricts people, its hurting the economy to spread that shit

Fuck China

BC's provincial health officer is pretty cute

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Some cases weren't reported today in Brasil, so the total is now 98



Our infantry rule: rifle must be in body contact at all times.

Pay your own way, niggerfaggot.

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Just fuck off back to t_d dude. This isn’t about DRUMPF you old fucker.

>arrested for diving under the influence of corona chan

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Cuck China! Taiwan numba wan!

Posting in "volunteer" organ donor thread!

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Anything's possible when you need to bail out jews and billionaires. But making sure America remains a first world country and its citizens are taken care of, well we can't have that. Not even a socialist, btw, just someone genuinely sympathetic to those who struggle in this country. We have the money and the means to make sure every honest citizen can get by even during tough times, we just don't give a shit

Scripts is beginning to sound like shills.
You do know most of Yas Forums is a linguistic AI used to manipulate the collective conscious right?

why the fuck are stoner "people" like this?